Ranger of the north (Complete)
Ranger of the north (Complete)
Sex Story Author: | Kenneth Hammond |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I knocked another arrow away and killed another goblin as two more bands attacked. The first dark brother to reach |
Sex Story Category: | Non-Erotic |
Sex Story Tags: | Fantasy, Non-Erotic |
Chapter one
Earning my weapons
My father had been a ranger and his and his. I had trained all my life to follow them and as soon as my twentieth year came I left the large fortress in Blue Pass. Many went north through the pass to earn their place, I went west along the mountains. I traveled with only my pack and slept high in trees each night.
It was a month before I reached the area known as the Haunting. The forest was thick and had a hunting parties of orcs that came through. I slept in a huge tree in the very crown. I dozed and woke twice for patrols and then my eyes snapped open to the shaking of the tree. There was not much of a moon but I saw the two trolls.
They stomped as they returned carrying the bodies of dead orcs. I climbed down when the sun came up and started to follow the tracks. The stench told me I was close to the troll lair long before I found it. The lair was carved into the stone cliff far below the ruins of the ancient elven fortress Glimmer. I looked around before beginning to set my traps.
The trolls would not come out until the sun had set so I took my time. When I was ready I climbed into a huge tree and waited. They would smell me but I had made a lot of tracks before using a cover scent and climbing the tree. The sun was barely down before the huge trolls emerged.
There were four of them and they sniffed the air and grunted and growled to each other. One strode out as it continued to sniff and stepped into the first trap. The hole was not really that deep but it was only meant to hold the monster briefly. The bottom dropped and the sides snapped up and into its ankle.
It roared and struggled but the foot was caught. A moment later a thick branch swung around with force and slammed into its chest. The others were moving towards it as it tried to stagger back but fell since the one foot was stuck. I pulled a cord that released another trigger and a tree groaned.
It whipped up and over and a sharp iron spear point was slammed through the troll’s guts. It was yanked out as the tree came up and back but the barbs ripped guts out. The troll screamed and roared as it continued to struggle. The others shifted around as they watched the other one dying.
Somehow it did not surprise me when one bent and started pulling its guts out. They squatted as it jerked and began reaching into it and tearing it open and pulling out organs and eating. I shuddered as I watched them begin to eat the other troll before it was even dead. It was a long night as they tore it apart and gorged themselves.
They went into their lair early but I waited until the sun was well up before climbing down. I went to remove the ropes and set up another trap before checking bird snares. I cooked the two chuckers I caught and went back to work on the next trap. I had to drag a dead tree trunk a few hundred paces using a block and tackle.
I moved the remains of the troll after using a saw to cut off the head. I made a few checks before climbing into the tree I was using and resting. I woke to the sunset and shifted before laying still to watch. The trolls were sluggish and came out late. They were looking for the remains from last night and hesitated when they reached the spot.
A moment later they started for where I had moved the remains and one tripped the trap. The huge tree trunk I had lifted and prepared snapped forward and began its arc. Four thick fire sharpen stakes were on the end. It caught the one on the right in the lower chest and stomach. Without the force of the tree, the stakes would never have penetrated.
They did and the end of the tree slammed into it and threw it back. The other two were knocked aside and stared at the troll struggling on the end of the tree trunk as it continued to swing. One walked to it and yanked it back and it screamed and roared as it came off the stakes. I had cut barbs into the stakes so guts were torn out.
This time the two left unhurt waited a long time before they began tearing and ripping the wounded one apart. They were very sluggish when they returned to the lair. The next morning I began climbing the cliff above the lair entrance. I used ropes and started setting up the next trap. I went out foraging and ate before going back to work.
The hard part was using the block and tackle to lift the dead tree up the cliff. I was very tired when it began to get dark and climbed to my nest in the tree. The trolls did not come out although I did glimpse one in the lair opening as it looked out. I slept once the sun was up and woke in the early afternoon.
I went out foraging and used the saw to remove the second dead troll’s head. I was back in my tree early and napped until I heard the snap of the trap. I twisted and saw the dead fall drop down the cliff as the troll fell just outside the lair entrance. The stakes in the trees slammed through its back as it roared. The tree fell to one side and yanked the troll onto its side.
The other troll came to the entrance a minute later but waited until it was completely dark before moving to free the other one and then drag it into the lair. That was the last I saw of it for the night. The next day I foraged and ate before setting another trap. The troll did not come out that night or the next or the one after that.
It was just after sunset when it emerged and looked around. It sniffed the air before moving towards the area where I had left the rotting bodies of the first two trolls. It moved almost cautiously and I pulled the trigger when it entered the trap. The grate made of thick branches snapped around.
It hit the troll and slammed it back as another grate slammed into it from the other direction. The spear point I had used before was on a thick branch and I released the trigger. It was like a huge bow or sling and shot into the troll and impaled it between the grates. It roared and thrashed around, ripping the two grates apart before yanking the spear point out.
It staggered back and turned to stumble towards its lair. I released a last trigger and a moment later the troll stepped into the noose. The tree shook as it snapped up with the troll’s leg. It roared and fought but could not reach up to free its foot. Its head and shoulders were still on the ground as it tried to get free.
It was a long night but once the sun was up I climbed down. The troll was still alive as I moved to the tree beside it and bent a thick branch back. I used a loop to catch one wrist and released the trigger on the branch. The arm was yanked to the side as I went to the other side and repeated it.
It struggled and fought but could not free itself. I used the barbed spear point to pull out the troll’s guts and when it finally stilled I used the saw to remove the head. I wrapped a rag around my mouth and nose before taking my small chemical lantern and entering the lair. Once around the first turn I mixed the chemicals and opened the front of the lantern.
The stench was almost over powering as I went deeper and turned another corner. The cave opened out into a large cavern with piles of bones everywhere. Across the huge cavern was a doorway filled with remains and to one side was an old chest and split open bags of gold coins. First I went to the remains of the other troll and sawed the head off.
After I was done I began exploring and looking at the treasure. I found elven bones still in star silver chain or scale and many old swords. One was half under a pile of bones and when I pulled it out of the sheath I knew it was for me. It was like the swords of the desert mixed with swords made in the far east.
From the makers mark I knew it was from the first millennium. The blade was curved with runes engraved down the length. The two handed hilt was studded with dark blue sapphires and wrapped in thin star silver chain. It almost had no weight in my hand and I spun it around my hand before replacing it in the old wooden sheath.
I began dragging the heavy chest outside and to a small clearing. After the chest I started on the gold and then the weapons and armor. I found the twin short swords together against the wall of the cavern. They were like the long sword, curved but with a double edged point and made of star silver. The hilts were ivory or if I believed the runes, a dragon’s tooth.
The dragon armor was hidden under another pile I almost missed. It was black dragon scales attached to star silver chain. The sleeve scales were star silver unlike the body. From the size of the metal like scales they must have come from the dragon’s tail. I left with the treasure, the sword, the twin short swords, two straight long knives and a ebony hilted dagger.
I also piled the star silver armor and weapons onto a make shift two wheeled cart with the treasure. I had carried the wheels attached to my pack and now used branches to make a cart. The next morning I started back towards the Blue Pass pulling the cart. Early the morning after that I woke to orcs below at the cart.
I rolled off the branch as I pulled the two short swords and sliced out to each side when I landed in a crouch. I came to my feet and plunged one into an orc’s gut as I started moving. I ripped the blade out and slashed the other sword through a throat. I stabbed the right sword into another’s throat as I went past the cart.
I brought the left sword down and took an arm as I brought my right sword around and sliced a belly open. I deflected a crude blade with my left sword and turned to cut a throat with the right. I turned to stab an orc rushing towards me and shouldered him to one side as it screamed.
I spun and stepped towards another charging orc and brought a sword around and down on its neck. I looked around and walked to the one screaming as blood gushed from the stump of his arm. I cut its throat and then looked around before cleaning my weapons. I retrieved my pack before lifting the handles and starting to walk.
I trapped rabbits and snared birds but the orcs were a constant and for over a month I killed them almost every day. When I struggled into the Blue Pass people turned to stare. I was filthy but it was the four troll heads on the cart that made people look. I walked over the drawbridge and into the fortress.
I crossed the bailey and went through the portal and entered the town. I went to the central square and stopped beside what looked like a tavern and the two men and one elf. I smiled, “is four trolls enough or would you like more?”
The men snorted but the elf laughed, “it is enough to earn you weapons.”
I reached up and pulled the long sword and held it up, “I found my own.”
He hissed, “that is Reaper.”
I looked at the sword in my hand and smiled, “it sure is.”
He smiled and reached out, “no. It is one of the great weapons made in the first age and lost.”
He caressed the silver blue bright blade, “foes that face this blade will die.”
I grinned, “so far they have.”
I turned and nodded to the cart, “there were other weapons and armor.”
Chapter two
Hunting Worgs
I glanced at the Elf as we walked out of the fortress and headed into the pass. He was tall like most elves but wore a single white feather braided behind his left ear. He was one of the few elven rangers and my mentor for this trip. Besides my swords and knives I carried a new elven made bow. It was made from a tree that was extremely hard.
They called the wood from it green wood because of the pale green color. I had two dozen yard long arrows in a quiver at my left hip and another fifty bundled together on the side of my pack. I glanced at Gilbert and cleared my throat, “you did not say where we were going.”
He smiled as his eyes flickered around, “east along the mountains to Delf.”
I nodded, Delf was a long abandoned elf fortress. The last I had heard the orcs still had not found a way into it. I looked at him, “tell me, why have your people abandoned so many places?”
He snorted, “we breed slowly and our numbers have declined.”
I smiled, “sounds like you need to begin a campaign to have more children.”
He chuckled, “I will let my wife know when I see her next.”
I grinned and then we were quiet as we left the few fields and entered the forest. Crossing creeks we followed the growing stream. We crossed in a shallow spot before continuing north. It took over a month to reach Delf and we found a small army of orcs camped a few leagues away. I was squatting beside Gilbert as we looked off the cliff at the few fires from the orcs.
He shifted when the worg and rider came out of the trees below us. I looked at the huge horse size wolf, the dark brothers had bred them especially for the orcs. I glanced around before slowly standing and turning. I had learned to always carry an arrow nocked. I pulled, aimed and fired as the worg trotted out of the trees behind us.
The arrow struck high in the neck and the animal dropped and spilled the rider who was lifting a horn. It never made it to his lips as another arrow from Gilbert slammed into his throat. I moved forward as I pulled one of the short swords and cut the beast’s throat before doing the same thing to the orc.
I pulled out the arrows while Gilbert kept watch. I smiled, “think they would follow us?”
He snorted as he accepted his arrows, “the problem is to keep them from following.”
I cleaned the arrows as I began to walk, “let see how long it takes them to quit.”
He followed me, “what did you have in mind?”
I laughed softly, “snares and traps.”
He laughed and we looked ahead as we walked and started planning and setting traps. We were ten leagues away when we heard one of the worgs scream. We were almost to a fast moving stream that went up the steep sided valley below Delf. I pulled out a large pouch as Gilbert looked around.
I turned and gestured to him, “walk straight into the water.”
He snorted, “they can still follow.”
He did as I asked though and I began sprinkling a very fine reddish powder back and forth. I held my breath and walked backwards to the stream before closing the pouch. I grinned as I put it away and started walking in the water and heading up stream. Gilbert chuckled, “Demon peppers?”
I nodded, “dried and ground into a fine powder.”
The peppers were so hot only a fool or dwarf would eat them. A single pinch in a large pot of stew would make the whole thing blister the mouth when it was eaten. We knew when the worgs reached the stream behind us. They howled and screamed as they inhaled the powder. It would be days or even a week before they would be able to track us by scent.
The fortress was above us when we came to the huge stone outcropping. It looked natural but one look at the water running through the tunnel and I knew it was made. We walked into the tunnel and I looked around and then up before stopping, “Gilbert?”
He looked at me when he turned and then followed my look, “a drainage tunnel from Delf.”
I nodded and glanced back down the stream and pulled my pack off and around, “think it could get us into the fortress?”
He shifted, “the ways were sealed.”
I looked at him and he grinned, “but this way may be open.”
I pulled the small grapple and light elven made rope out. I glanced up as I put the pack back on and hefted the grapple before throwing. It went up and into the hole and I pulled it back slowly until it caught. I checked it before starting to climb. Once in the hole it was a lot bigger than I thought.
I secured the rope and waited for Gilbert. A few moments and he was beside me and pulling the rope up. I put it away as we heard something coming up the stream. We moved back and waited as worgs and orcs went past and then turned and looked up the tunnel behind us. The left side had narrow stairs while the right had a channel where a trickle of water ran.
Gilbert pulled a small chemical lantern and led the way up. A thousand steps later we stood looking up at a stone grate with a ladder carved into the wall. The grate moved easily and we climbed out into a set of tunnels that spread out. I grinned, “these are the collection tunnels.”
He nodded before leading me down one and then up another ladder. We climbed out of another stone grate and into a stone practice yard. I looked around and frowned at the white stone footsteps in the dark grey stones, creating a pattern, “what is that?”
Gilbert followed my look and smiled, “the steps to learn our martial skills.”
I followed them with my eye until he pulled me after him, “come.”
We climbed to the northern wall and looked out and down into the distance. He touched a large crystal orb and I watched as the area far away and below appeared in it. He moved his finger and we watched as we found where we had killed the worg and rider. He followed our trail and we smiled when we saw the dozen worg bodies our traps had left.
We explored and I blinked when we found the armory and it was still full of elven weapons. The storeroom next door is where we found the arrows. They were in bundles and solid white and I knelt to feel them. I looked at Gilbert, “the shafts almost feel like stone but they are very light.”
He knelt to feel and smiled, “time has changed them.”
The huge dragon kites left in another room is what gave me the idea. We were eating in a high room and looking out a window, “have you ever seen the kite riders from down south?”
He smiled, “yes.”
I looked at him, “those dragon kites are in very good shape.”
Gilbert grinned, “you thinking of becoming a kite rider?”
I grinned back, “it would let us come and go. We could leave as the sun begins to come up and land on those cliff to the west. Hunt worgs and orcs and then use the kites to vanish and return here.”
He looked thoughtful before nodding, “hunting worgs sounds good.”
That afternoon we set up two of the kites on one of the southern walls. There was a breeze that kept trying to lift the kite. I watched as Gilbert fashioned a harness and showed me what to do. The first time I slowly lifted the front, the kite began to rise and lifted me as I tried to balance. Slowly I shifted my feet back and onto the rear brace.
I floated above the wall for several minutes before putting my feet down and landing, Gilbert grinned as I laughed. I watched him lift and a moment later he tilted the wings and slipped over the wall. I gasped but a moment later he rose up and began to circle before coming back and landing.
For an hour we tested the kites and learned before collapsing them. When we walked through the practice yard I saw the footprints again as they seemed to glow and a ghost began moving as if in a dance. Gilbert watched with me, “that is the practice spell to teach beginners.”
I smiled as I watched the graceful shade glide over the steps and moved to the first ones. To say I was awkward and clumsy would be polite but the ghost returned each time to guide me when I started over. When I slept that night the steps and martial dance almost glowed behind my eyes.
We were up early and left our packs. Gilbert returned with two large quivers of the white arrows. We lifted from the wall just as the hint of the sun appeared. I followed Gilbert and he followed ridges where he said warm air would keep us flying. It was cool but I loved the feel of flying from the first moment I took off.
It would have taken us at least a half day if not longer to reach the cliffs, we made it in an hour. We spiraled down and landed beside each other. After collapsing the kites we strung our bows and headed around and down into the forest below. It was several hours before I saw the worg moving through the trees.
I aimed and put an arrow through the side of its head. Gilbert killed the orc riding it and then gesture, “skin it.”
I looked at him before nodding and moving to the dying animal. I skinned it and rolled up the hide and thought before taking a canine tooth and carrying it back. We moved into another position and waited and it was not long before another worg came as it followed the scent of the first.
Gilbert killed it and I killed the orc and then stood watch as Gilbert went to skin the worg. We killed twenty before Gilbert headed towards me, “time to go.”
I had heard the distant howls and nodded as I lifted the hide. We moved up to the cliff before opening the kites and letting the air lift us. I followed him again as he used the ridges to fly into the mountains. The kites were a little sluggish and took a little more work but we landing on the fortress wall safely.
We began cleaning the hides as we ate rations and then I went to the practice area. I followed the steps with the ghostly image leading me. It was very dark when I stopped and stretched. I felt strangely refreshed as I returned to the room.
Gilbert only smiled as he sat looking out the window, “soon the summer storms will come and we will not be able to use the kites.”
I nodded as I went back to cleaning and stretching the hide, “the orcs will not move around much during the first few.”
He laughed, “no.”
We looked at each other and then grinned. I spoke my thought out loud, “if it is at night we could enter their camp and attack the large central tent with their leader.”
He nodded, “it has a door at each end.”
We planned what to do as I worked on the hide. When I slept that night I dreamed of the ghostly image as I moved through the steps but this time I held two curved long knives. We were up early and packed more of the arrows before putting the kites together. This time we went further to the east and landed on a cliff before moving down to set up another ambush.
It was a week and we had killed over a hundred worgs and another hundred orcs. We were to the west this time and something just felt different. We had already killed a dozen beasts and orcs when Gilbert straightened, “more come.”
I glanced around as I got ready and then the hoard of worgs came rushing through the trees. I pulled and fired and reached for another arrow. When I ran out I tossed my bow and reached over my shoulder for my sword. I pulled it and slipped to the side as I swung and took the throat out of the worg as it leaped.
Now it was a dance as I plunged the sword through an orc’s belly and ripped it out. I sliced and turned and shifted while cutting and then spinning to stab. I heard Gilbert yell to run but there was no way I could get free. Then the huge black worg leaped over several bodies. A very large orc rode it and the sword it carried shone bluish silver.
There was also a bright sparkling bluish gleam from its chest. I slid aside as I spun and sliced up and around through the beast’s throat. I brought the blade around and then down behind the ear of another worg lunging in as I yelled, “REAPER!”
There was a surging thrill that went through me as the sword cleaved the head from the body. I continued to turn and bring the sword around. The large orc had slipped off his dying worg and leaping towards me with the sword raised. I took the arm and then turned to move the other way as I brought the sword back to take the shocked orc’s head.
I shifted aside and brought the sword down on another orc rushing me. It cleaved through the neck and shoulder and came out the hip as the orc was split. I looked around at the carnage as the orcs fled. I knelt and wiped my sword clean before putting it away. I looked at the dead orc that had carried the star silver sword.
I knelt and pulled a knife to cut the crude belt. I took the sheath and hesitated when I saw the two curved long knives. The hilts was a pale blue stone and carved. It was curved down while the blade was curved up towards the spine like my swords. I took them both and tucked them in my belt.
I looked at the huge fist sized blueish diamond like stone on its chest and broke the chains and put it in my shirt. I grabbed his fallen sword and slipped it into the sheath before finding my bow and the worg hide. I trotted towards the cliff where we had left the kites. Gilbert’s was gone so I knew he had made it out.
I put mine together and tucked the extra sword in my belt before balancing on the cliff until the air lifted me. I used it to go higher and turned to head into the mountains and headed back to Delf. He was still on the wall looking out as I slowed and landed. He looked at me for several moments before shaking his head, “I thought you gone.”
I grinned as I began collapsing the kite, “just a small brawl.”
He laughed as he turned to his kite. Back in the room we were using I showed him the stone and he hissed, “that is the Farintine Heart.”
He looked at me and sighed, “long ago. Before the first millennium my people used a mountain to make a home like the dwarves do now. In the very center we found the heart. The Farintine Heart, and one of our brothers took it. The mountain shook and cracked and many died as we fled. Since that day we have lived above ground.”
I looked at the stone and tossed it, “you and your people should have it.”
He caught it and looked at it carefully before nodding and tucking it away. I set the sword I had taken from the orc on the table and then began examining the knives. He chuckled, “the sword was one given to a king long, long ago. Those knives were made by an elven swordsmith for a human in the third Millennium. The human found a rare blue jade and carved the hilts.”
I looked at them and smiled as I removed the straight long knives on my thighs and replaced them. I went out to the practice area and started following the footprints. This time I held the knives as I moved through the pattern. By the time I finished the second time it almost felt as if I were moving inside the ghostly image.
I started working on the new hide and glanced out at the dark clouds. I looked at Gilbert as he stared out the window, “it looks like a storm coming in.”
He nodded and then turned and smiled, “they will not expect us tonight.”
I shook my head and rolled up the hide, “we can not use the kites.”
He shook his head, “and we can not use the other way in.”
He stood, “we will use a rope and climb down the southern wall.”
The crash of thunder was enough warning and we left the bows and headed for the wall with a rope. We tied it to a crenel before climbing down. As it began to rain we started down the stream and then moved to one side as it rose. It was not long before it was pouring and dark. I let Gilbert lead and followed close just to keep him in sight.
The rain did not stop or slacken as it poured down. It was hours before we reached the edge of the large camp. The worgs on the outer edge did not even move as we walked in. In each shelter we passed, groups of orcs were huddled together. When we reached the large tent Gilbert looked at me, “see you in the center.”
I nodded as I pulled Reaper and turned to head to the other end of the tent. I did not even slow as I walked in and slashed across to kill an orc. I chopped down and the other way as I moved and almost took another’s head. I stabbed into one’s gut and twisted and yanked as I slashed the other way to cut through two orcs bellies.
They were screaming and more screams were coming from the other end of the tent. I spun and slashed down and brought the sword back to take the arm and head of a dark brother. Between heart beats I stepped into the image from the practice area. I slipped the sword into another orc and slid aside as I turned to slice open two more orcs trying to get around me.
I spun back as I stepped and brought the sword down to cut a dark brother from shoulder to hip. I moved back and forth in a dance that had blood spraying the inside walls of the tent. The big orc came out of the crowd with a huge long sword, it was as long as I was tall. I was spinning as it raised the sword and lashed out to take the arm.
I turned to step in as I flipped my sword and shoved the blade through its throat. The huge sword landed point first in the ground and my left hand caught it. I slashed the other way and cut the throat of another dark brother as I brought huge but strangely light sword up and around. I cut an orc in half as I continued to step in the dance and kill those around me.
I extending the huge sword to impale a dark brother facing Gilbert. I sliced to the side and cut the throat of the last orc standing. I looked around as I straightened, “well that was fun.”
Gilbert laughed, “you are crazy.”
I walked to the side where the large chair of human bones stood. Beside it was an open chest full of gold coins and dazzling jewelry. There was a star silver crown sitting on top. I frowned before kneeling and grabbing a rag. I scooped the gold and jewelry into the rag before closing it and wrapping a string around it.
Gilbert snorted, “leave the treasure and lets go.”
I stood and tied the large rag pouch onto my belt, “actually I was taking the wandering king’s crown.”
I grabbed the huge sheath and wiped my sword and then the large one before putting both away. I looked at the dark brothers before going to each to take the throwing spikes in multi sheaths on their chests. I stood and headed for the far door, “we can wash on the way back.”
Gilbert chuckled, “unless we drown.”
It took longer to return and find the rope we had left. The sun was coming up as we climbed the wall and slipped over. The rain lessened as we coiled the rope and returned to the room we were using. We stripped and twisted our clothes to get most of the water out. After that we were drying weapons.
We leaned sheaths against the wall to get the water out and to let them dry. I had to dry my chain and dragon scale shirt and finally I opened the rag and looked at the star silver crown. Gilbert looked from across the table while trying to dry a long knife, “I think you were right. Star silver crown with Emeralds.”
I nodded and shook my head, “well we know why he never returned now.”
I looked at the huge sword and Gilbert grinned, “that is the largest sword my people ever made. It was for a noble that stood almost eight feet tall.”
I grinned, “and still very light.”
He nodded, “they must have found his tomb.”
I set it down and reached for the spikes, “these were interesting.”
He sighed, “my cousins sometimes use poison so be careful.”
I used candle flame to burn any poison off and cleaned and oiled the iron spikes. It looked like they had started with an iron rod and then hammered and stretched each end into an elongated diamond. Each of the end sides were sharpened all the way to the tip. When I finished I started back on the worg hide, “think they will keep looking for us?”
Gilbert chuckled, “we will see.”
It rained for three days before stopping and we took flight and saw the camp abandoned and returned. We used a make shift sled and left that day. I followed Gilbert through the mountains using an ancient trail. When we walked into the fortress in Blue Pass people stared at the rolled up worg hides.
Chapter three
The Frost Fortress
I finished packing and slipped the pack on before looking around the room. I left and walked down the narrow stairs and started across the quiet room. I glanced at the corner when a man cleared his throat. He leaned forward, “watch for the dark brothers. They are gathering in the Frost mountains.”
I nodded and continued to the door. This time I was going north through the pass and then all the way across the north plains to the far Frost mountain range. I was going to look over what the elves had once called the Frost Fortress. Unlike Delf the dark brothers had occupied the Frost Fortress as if it had always been theirs.
I was striding through the northern gate when a tall grey haired man joined me, “about time.”
I smiled, “I am early and you were supposed to meet me at the crossing.”
He chuckled, “I was talking to Gilbert until late.”
I glanced at him, “he still heading home?”
He nodded, “he said something about a campaign against or with his wife.”
I laughed and then smiled as I stepped out with long strides, “I wish him luck.”
Samson had come to the rangers a little late but was a very good stalker. We walked out of the pass and started across the northern plains. It was nothing but rolling hills and stunted trees with regular and constant patrols of foul ones. I wore worg hide moccasins like Samson to cover our scent. We moved mostly during the day and stayed to the low ground.
The closer we came to the Frost mountains the fewer patrols we saw. The ones that were here had twice the number of the other patrols. We had just reached the mountains and made camp in a tiny hidden spot when the patrol of dark brothers came. Samson was in a tree to one side and I turned at the hint of sound.
The six dark brothers came through the brush quietly. I knew it was to late to hide and pulled two throwing spikes and threw. I had been practicing and each one took a brother in the throat. The other four rushed me as I pulled my long knives and stepped into the pattern I had come to know well.
I slipped past one as he lunged and cut his throat while slicing another’s stomach open. I shifted and turned as I changed to another pattern and stabbed a wrist holding a sword. I twisted and ripped it apart as I moved forward and around him to slip my other knife into his side and heart.
The last one dove towards me and I turned and stepped to the side as I brought a knife down. The blade went into the back of the neck and I yanked it out as he fell. Samson had come out of the tree and moved to the ones choking on their own blood. He used his sword to kill both as I looked around.
I knelt to clean my knives while he slipped out to see if there had been any others. I took the frost diamond each wore at their throat and broke their knives and swords. I cleaned my throwing spikes before returning them to their sheaths. Samson returned, “they were alone.”
I nodded, “we will move at night from now on.”
I glanced to the west, “Frost fortress is only a few days from here.”
He grinned, “think we could sneak in?”
I shrugged as I went to grab my pack, “normally I would say no but I have an idea or two.”
We moved deeper into the mountains before turning west. It was harder going but we saw fewer patrols. Three nights later we came to a wide fast moving stream. It was icy cold and I knew it came from a glacier to the north. We followed it south and moved slower until we saw the huge fortress.
The stream turned to follow a cliff with the fortress high above. I was careful as I removed my moccasins and moved into the freezing water. It did not take long before our feet were numb but we finally came to a large narrow tunnel emptying out into the stream. I climbed in and Samson followed before we sat and dried our feet and put our warm moccasins back on.
The long climb up the narrow steps was tricky since it was very slippery. Like with Delf there was a system of collection tunnels under the fortress. The practice yard we climbed out into was long abandoned and coated in refuge. I moved towards a side door with Samson following. I pulled the black hilted dagger and quietly opened the door and slipped in.
We could hear the sound of a lot of voices coming from the front hallways. I found a set of stairs up and we moved towards the voices. We stayed in the shadows in an upper galley to watch the thousands of dark brothers in the entrance hall as they talked. I touched Samson and we moved away and back.
It was the hint of sound that made me move quickly. Two dark brothers came around the corner ahead and I crashed into one and stabbed up through his throat and into his brain. I pulled my left hand knife and lashed out in a jab, it took the other brother under the ear. I let him fall as I held the first and looked around.
Samson grabbed the other and we pulled them down the hall and into a side niche. I took the frost diamonds from each and broke their weapons as Samson stood watch. I cleaned my weapons and put the knife away but kept the dagger out. It was another hour before we found a hidden spot to look into the throne room.
An arrogant looking dark brother sat listening to others argue. I moved back, “they are talking about gathering an army to attack Blue Pass.”
Samson nodded and I gestured, “lets see if we can get around behind the throne.”
That was easier said than done, the narrow stairs we found had several dark brothers in it as they talked. We stood just outside in a small alcove as they talked about one of the king’s daughters. She had disgraced him by renouncing the dark path and trying to escape south to the elves. She was locked in a small room above us and at the back of the fortress.
She was to be sold and bred by one of the senior brothers. They finally split up and we slipped into the stairs and down. I checked the hallway before we stepped out and heading back. We moved into another alcove at the sound of feet and watched as a dozen dwarf prisoners were led past, I moved out and up behind the last guard.
I yanked him back as I covered his mouth and shoved the dagger into his brain. I pulled it out and lowered him as the last dwarf looked at me. I started for the front as Samson caught up. There were only two brothers as guards since the dwarves were chained. A few murmured and the dark brother turned right before I reached him.
He jerked back but it was to late, I covered his mouth and I stabbed up and into his heart. I took him to the floor and searched him before finding a key on a chain. I glanced at Samson, “that alcove.”
He nodded as he spun and hissed, “come with us if you wish to live.”
I started pulling the dark brother as he spasmed and once I had him in the alcove I stood. I held out the key to one of the dwarves, “once you are free strip him and take his weapons.”
Samson pulled the other dead guard in and I nodded to the dwarves, “stay with them and I will return.”
He hesitated before nodding and I slipped out. I moved towards the corner and peeked around before moving. Four dark brothers were entering a doorway and I caught up as it closed. I pulled both long knives as I caught the door and followed them in. The last one turned and I shoved my right knife through his neck and up into his brain.
I yanked it out as I went past him and slashed out and to the left with my other knife and cut the next one’s throat. The front two turned and I was stepping into the pattern and stabbed one through his open mouth and the other through the back of his neck as he turned to flee. The room was a small anti chamber and I pulled them to the side where cloaks were hung.
I stripped them before heading towards the inner door and listening. I heard feet just inside the door and opened it and started through. Two brothers were on each side of the door and one died as my knife stabbed under his ear and the other as I stabbed him through the eye. I pulled them both out and stripped them before slipping back into the hall.
I returned to Samson and the dwarves and handed all the clothing and weapons before leaving again. I returned to the inner chamber and glanced at a small ornate chest on the desk and moved to open it. Inside were hundreds of large cut frost diamonds. I cut a piece of hanging curtain on the wall and made a large pouch.
I emptied the chest into the pouch and put it in my pack. I looked at the huge fist sized ruby on the wall to the throne room. I crossed and stared at it before reaching up and pulling as I grabbed it. The world froze and became still, I could hear the loud racing beat of my heart. Pain hit me as if my blood were boiling and my body freezing at the same time.
An eternity later I was just standing there holding the huge stone in my hand and slowly tucked it into my shirt. I went to listen at the other door and could hear the voices in the throne room. They argued about heading south to take Blue Pass and skirmishing south into the human lands. It was several minutes before I heard voices just on the other side of the door.
One was telling another to go take someone call Aveline. I moved to the side so when the door was opened and the four walked in I was behind the door. It was closed and I began moving. I cut the guard’s throat that had closed the door and stabbed the next in the neck as I reached him and went past.
I ripped the knife out and sliced to the right as the third dark brother turned. He staggered and clasped his spurting throat as the fourth spun and started to pull a sword. My left knife came down through the wrist and the right up under the chin and into his brain. I yanked both out and looked around before kneeling by the last one.
He wore a huge frost diamond choker and the two long knives had moon stones hilts. The sword he had tried to pull had dozens of frost diamonds studding the hilt. I took everything and stripped him before stripping the others. I pulled the bodies out and into the entranceway with the others before returning to Samson.
I gave him the clothes and weapons but kept the two long knives with moon stones and the diamond hilted sword. I left and headed towards the stairs with a sense of urgency. Three floors above I heard voices in the hall. A door closed and I peeked out before reaching for the dark brother standing with his back to me.
I caught his head and twisted before letting him fall. I took a couple of steps as the other turned from looking at the closed door. He was startled and reacted to late as I grabbed and twisted in the pattern dance. There was a pop as his neck snapped and I let him fall. I went to pull the other dark brother to the door before hesitating and opening it.
I stepped in and a well dressed and bejeweled dark brother turned and snarled. He died as I struck into his throat and turned him before twisting his head. I let him fall and moved towards the bed as the dark brother fighting silently to rape the woman finally glanced back. He jumped off the bed and spun to face me as he pulled a ebony hilted sword.
I had both long knives out but he suddenly stiffened and I slid in and brushed the sword blade aside. I jabbed up under his right ear and yanked it out as he fell and I saw the stunning woman that had been behind him. She was holding a bloody long knife and glaring at the body. I glanced around before relaxing and looking at her, “you renounced the dark path?”
She looked up and at me before nodding and I gestured, “strip him of weapons.”
I turned and went to pull the other two dead guards in and started stripping them. I tossed the clothes of the first towards her, “get dressed.”
She barely hesitated before starting to put one of the dead guards clothes on. I went to the next and then the one that had watched as the last had tried to rape her. I made a pack out of a shirt and shoved the other clothes in. I glanced around and moved to a huge worg skin rug. I folded and rolled it up before tying it to the pack.
I looked at the woman and gestured for her to come and helped her put the pack on. I moved to the door and looked out before opening it and stepping out. I led her to the stairs and then down before checking the hall. I stopped at the alcove, “time to go.”
Samson stepped out and looked at the woman before glancing at me, “I hope you know what you are doing.”
I smiled, “we go out the way we came in.”
He nodded and I headed down the hall towards the other set of stairs. We went up and moved towards the front of the fortress and past the loud entrance hall where dark brothers still argued loudly. The woman stayed close as I moved and went down and then to the door into the practice area. I glanced in and gestured to the others and they moved in quickly.
Samson led them across to the open grate down into the collection tunnels. I followed and closed the grate behind us. He had already pulled out the lantern and I moved past him and led the way to the drainage tunnel. It was a lot easier going down than up and when we reached the stream I stopped.
I sat and gestured, “shoes and socks off.”
The woman did not say anything as she followed my example but the dwarves grumbled before one growled, “shut the hell up!”
They went silent and I finished and stood to wait for them. We stepped into the icy water and I led the way up stream and stayed close to the cliff. As soon as we could we got out and dried our feet before replacing socks and boots. It was a few hours before I turned and headed east and pulled out a sling and slipped a stone into it.
With this many people we would need game. The woman touched my arm and gestured and I hesitated before giving the sling to her and the pouch of stones. I was surprised when she killed the first rabbit. When there was enough for each person I stopped in an overhang. The dwarves had collected dry wood as we cleaned and skinned the rabbits.
We made a smokeless fire and one dwarf used a sword to roast the rabbits. After everyone had eaten we put the fire out and started walking again. When the sun began to set I found a narrow cleft and we made camp. The dwarves spoke in quiet grumbles as I laid out the worg skin the woman had struggled to carry.
She laid down and I opened her pack and pulled out a couple of cloaks and covered her, “sleep.”
She looked at me and smiled before closing her eyes. I gestured to Samson and he grinned as he sat and leaned back before closing his eyes. I watched out the cleft as the night deepened and thought. The dark brothers might head south right away to attack Blue Pass or they might wait until they had a new clan leader.
It was after midnight when Samson stretched and I glanced at him, “go back to sleep.”
He looked at me, “worried?”
I nodded, “they could head south without waiting.”
He snorted, “think I did not see that fancy sword on your pack? It will be awhile before they have a new leader.”
I shrugged, “maybe.”
He gestured, “sleep.”
I sighed and nodded before glancing at the woman and laying on the edge of her fur. I woke when she snuggled against me before closing my eyes. I woke to the false dawn and glanced at the woman before I sat up. Samson glanced at me before smiling as I stood and moved into the back of the cleft.
I came back and found her standing and looking around and pulled her in and stood watch while she relieved herself. When we returned to the fur I knelt and cut it in half and rolled both up. I added one half to my pack and the other to hers. We woke the grumbling dwarves and waited as the sun began to rise to start moving again.
Three days later we turned south and the dwarves were following Aveline like she was their angel. She not only used the sling to kill rabbits but grouse or other game birds. She also taught them to clean and tan the rabbit skins and sewed them together for them. When we reached Blue Pass they had several rabbit fur blankets.
Of course everyone stared when we reached the fort and walked in. Other scouts came back not long after us to report the dark brothers fighting each other.
Chapter four
Green Heart
I had not expected Aveline to continue to follow me and stay with me but she did. She was not clinging, she was just there. She seemed to enjoy the pattern of steps I began to teach her. The dwarves adjusted and fitted one of the star silver chains shirts for her. I gave her the two moon stone hilted long knives and a set of curved short swords from the ranger armory.
She also began to practice with a smaller bow. It was winter when we started south and west to the Green Heart. I shifted my pack and glanced at Aveline as she took a deep breath. I smiled and turned to move off the road and head into the forest. She mostly kept her bow over a shoulder and walked with her sling out and ready.
It was a week later when we turned to the southwest. We were skirting a meadow in the early afternoon. We both had our bows ready since Aveline had already killed a few birds for our dinner. I slowed beside a tree and looked to the right across the meadow. She followed my look and I slipped my pack off and nocked an arrow after hearing guttural voices.
The pack of orcs walked out and headed towards us and I shot the leader in the chest. There was a roar as the whole pack began moving. Aveline was shooting and killing orcs beside me. We killed at least a dozen apiece before I tossed my bow into a bush. I pulled my short swords and stepped into the pattern dance as Aveline called it.
I took a wrist off and stabbed another orc before killing the first and moving on. She was fighting with her short swords and following the pattern as she slashed and cut her way through the orcs. We moved apart and came together to block and kill those facing the other. I took an orc’s head as it tried to move past me and then we were moving apart again.
I let a sword slid along mine as I deflected it and cut open the orc’s belly and kept moving. I killed the last one facing me with two strokes, one to take his arm and the other his head. I looked across at Aveline and she was looking around at all the bodies between us. I knelt to use the snow and a rag from a dead orc to clean my weapons.
We pulled our arrows out and broke any weapon we found on the orcs before leaving. I headed for the ruins of an ancient elven fortress abandoned late in the first millennium. Most of the walls were broken and the roofs had fallen in. I moved through it and towards where the practice area should be.
In one corner the roof still covered part of a walkway. We set our pack down and the bows and quivers before I moved out and began scrapping snow and debris away from the barely visible foot prints. We cleared the entire pattern before I nodded to Aveline. She smiled as she pulled her long knifes and stepped onto the first print.
We were both surprised when the ghostly image appeared and started moving through the pattern. Aveline followed it smoothly and I sighed before turning and going to explore. The armory had been broken into long ago but I was just exploring. I was in what was left of the master’s chambers when I noticed a long crack in the wall.
I had been in the room on the other side and there was no crack. I moved around the large hole in the floor and looked through the crack. I could see what looked like a chest and stepped back to look at the wall. I jumped and climbed up and looked over and down into a narrow room. I climbed over and down and moved carefully to the chest and looked it over.
I could tell it was old, the wood had turned to stone and I slowly lifted the lid. Inside was two short swords made of star silver with green enameled hilts. There was also a choker type of necklace made from star silver that sparkled with emeralds. I took the swords and the necklace before looking around, “thank you.”
I climbed out and made my way back to the practice area. Aveline had finished and laid out our sleeping furs and the light but insulated blankets. I caught her and she looked at me in surprise as I put the choker on. I turned her as she touched it and pulled the two swords out of my belt. Her eyes widened as I removed her swords and replaced them.
I smiled as I went to place her old swords on my pack and then start making dinner. I woke in the middle of the night. I shifted out of the bed before pulling Reaper as I moved to an open spot in one wall. I stood to one side as I looked out and down to see another band of orcs. They were not following us but were headed to the east.
When they were gone I returned to bed and slowly relaxed. The next two days were spent moving through thick falling snow. We avoided a couple of large bands of orcs and I was ready to set up camp until it stopped snowing or at least lessened enough to see. That was when we walked out of the storm and up against the wooden palisades of a town.
We moved around to the gate and banged until it was opened. There was only one tavern and it was crowded. I set our packs to one side and ordered two large bread bowls of stew. While we ate I listened to the talk of a band of rogues and brigands on the road to the west. That was the direction we were headed so I asked how large this band was.
No one seemed to know, it varied from a dozen to a hundred. We slept in the common room after warm baths. It actually felt comfortably and warm and I know Aveline slept through the night. The storm had passed by morning and we had large bowls of warm porridge before leaving.
It was noon and we were struggling through deep snow on the road when I stopped and glanced around, “men watching the road ahead from the right.”
Aveline nodded, “a few are on the other side too.”
I removed my pack and pulled an arrow out. She copied me, “think these are the bandits they talked about?”
I nodded as I continued to watch and wait. Men yelled as they charged out of the brush and ran towards us through the snow. I put an arrow in the one leading as Aveline picked off those on the other side of the road charging us. As deep as the snow was they were struggling and I killed a dozen before they decided to run away.
Of course by then it was to late and I continued to put arrows in them until the last fell. I glanced at Aveline, “get your arrows and I will watch.”
When she returned she gestured and I put the arrow in my bow away as I headed into the deep snow. The weapons the men had were old and rusty so it was easy to break them. When I returned to the road we put our packs on and I began breaking the trail through the snow on the road again.
It was six weeks before we walked into the thick stone walls of Saladen’s Keep. This was a town on the edge of the Green Heart. We stopped at the tavern and I paid for a room. We soaked for an hour in a tub of hot water. After we got out we had a large bowl of hot soup and slices of bread, cheese and roast venison.
We slept in a small room with a fire burning to keep us warm. We were up early and had toasted bread with thick slices of cheese before leaving. The road out of the town and through a gate was watched by a few elves in thick winter coats. As we approached the gate they moved out and blocked our way.
One looked us over, “your business?”
I pushed the hood back on my cloak, “is mine.”
He snorted, “humans are not always welcome…”
Another put his hand on his shoulder, “remove your hood woman.”
Aveline reached up and pushed it back and they hissed and one touched his sword. I growled, “pull it and you will die.”
They looked at me and another laughed suddenly, “look at the hilt of his sword.”
I glanced at him as the others frowned. He moved forward, “think. Green bow, two short swords, twin long knives with blue hilts. Blue sapphires in the two handed hilt of his sword.”
He grinned, “Gilbert’s mate will wish to… speak to him.”
They laughed and I grinned, “he made it back?”
He nodded, “and has began his campaign.”
I laughed and looked at Aveline before I sighed, “Aveline has renounced the dark path and I am taking her into the Green Heart to your people.”
They looked at her and one took a step closer before moving the edge of her cloak to see the long knife, “I recognize those.”
I smiled, “her father’s and I gave them to her after I killed him.”
They stiffened and the one next to her cleared his throat, “are you sure?”
I snorted as I started walking, “I put a long knife through his throat and into his brain before I ripped his throat out.”
Aveline followed as I walked out and headed towards the forest. The way narrowed as the trees closed in on the road. I glanced at her, “sorry.”
She glanced at me and smiled, “I wish I could have killed him.”
I reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze before letting go, “lets see if you can find a few birds for our supper.”
She laughed and glanced at me, “a challenge?”
I grinned, “you have won the last thirty.”
She looked around before shouldering her bow. It was a couple of days later and we were under thick drooping branches of an evergreen tree. I had started the fire to cook our dinner when I heard baying. I glanced around as I reached for my bow, “get your bow.”
I moved out and away from the tree as I watched the forest around us. I nocked an arrow as Aveline joined me and barely a moment later a worg howled and another burst out of a bush. I put my arrow through its chest and then orcs and worgs were pouring out and rushing towards us. Worgs surged ahead and died as our arrows met them.
Time slowed as I emptied my quiver before tossing my bow and reaching for Reaper. I brought it around and down into the neck of a leaping worg, “REAPER!”
There was a shock wave that flowed out and into the rushing orcs as I took the head of the beast. I brought the sword back and up to rip through the throat of another worg. I stepped into the pattern as Aveline pulled her two short swords and followed. I almost cut an orc in half and took the arm from another as I turned and moved to the left.
Aveline went right and killed two as she flowed like water through the orcs. I slashed under the arm of another orc and the blade came out the far shoulder in a shower of blood and gore as I spun. I stabbed into the head of a worg and twisted as I began to moving to the right. Aveline slipped behind and past me a few moments later.
She killed the last worg and the orc rider as a horn blew and arrows slashed through the air and into the orcs. I cut open one and turned to lunge and impale another attacking Aveline. She slid aside as one sword absently flicked out to cut the orc’s throat. The orcs turned to flee as more arrows slashed into them.
I looked around to see the bloody battlefield and the fleeing orcs before I knelt and began cleaning my sword. A couple of dozen of elves ran out of the trees to chase after the orcs. Another group walked out and started towards us. I checked my sword, “you okay?”
Aveline nodded as she finished cleaning her swords. I stood and rolled the sword over and around my wrist before bring it up and over my shoulder. I slipped it into the sheath and turned and moved to the closest worg. I pulled a folding knife from a slit pocket and snapped it open as I knelt.
An elf cleared his throat and I glanced at him before starting to skin the worg, “yes?”
He coughed, “we were worried you would not leave any orcs for us.”
I glanced at him as Aveline joined me and began helping, “your help was welcome.”
He gestured, “what are you doing?”
I went back to skinning the worg, “skinning it.”
I squatted, “why?”
I looked at him and raised an eyebrow and he blushed, “never mind.”
He looked at Aveline, “why have you and this… dark sister come to the Green Heart?”
I shifted and gestured to Aveline before rolling the worg onto its other side, “she renounced the dark path.”
He was quiet as we finished and rolled up the hide. I gestured to Aveline, “our supper has probably burned.”
She turned, “I will find our bows and salvage what I can.”
I watched her head towards the trees and moved to the next worg. The elf followed and began to help, “what is your name human?”
I glanced at him, “the other rangers call me Blade.”
He looked at me and then laughed, “Gilbert’s kite flyer.”
I smiled, “they were fun.”
It took an hour with the other elves helping skin the worgs. Aveline had managed to save our dinner and the elves not only returned our arrows but traveled with us. It was another week before we walked into the strange and beautiful forest city in the center of the Green Heart. The two dozen worg hides had been cleaned and tanned along the way.
I grinned when I saw Gilbert with a tall slim elf lady. I let the rope go for the sled and strode forward, “Gilbert!”
He smiled, “Blade.”
I hugged him and stepped back to look at the woman, “how is your campaign going?”
He laughed as the woman grinned, “we are still negotiating.”
I bowed and turned as Aveline approached, “I need to see the king.”
Gilbert sighed, “he and the queen are waiting.”
He slapped my shoulder, “I will take the hides home. You will stay with us.”
I nodded and he gestured, “Silver will take you to see his majesty.”
I turned and went to the sled and grabbed my pack before following. Aveline had a set look and I caught her hand, “breathe and follow the steps.”
She glanced at me before squeezing my hand. There were a hundred elves lining the walls as we walked towards the two high backed seats. I stopped a few feet away and nodded, “I am Blade, a ranger from the north. I was in the Frost fortress and heard your dark brothers speaking. They talked of their king’s daughter renouncing the dark path and attempting to escape.”
I looked at Aveline as she looked down, “she was held prisoner and given to a clan leader. I killed the clan leader when I freed her and she helped bring a dozen dwarf prisoners south to freedom.”
I waited and the queen stood and took two steps and lifted Aveline’s face to look into her eyes. She smiled, “welcome home sister.”
Aveline took a deep breath before kneeling. I nodded and looked at the king as I removed my pack. I took the sword and sheath off of the side and unwound the wrappings from the hilt. I heard the murmurs as the hilt was revealed and I slid it out of the sheath. I glanced at the king before holding it out, “he will not need this anymore.”
He stood and walked to me and accepted the sword before putting the blade back in the sheath. I opened and reached into the pack and pulled out a wrapped cloth. I unfolded it to show the huge frost diamond choker. The king sighed and folded the cloth and took it and I hesitated. I pulled a pouch out of the pack and opened the pouch.
I poured the huge ruby into my hand and there was a gasp that was echoed. I looked at the queen when she pulled a cloth and covered the stone, “when I took it from the wall in the Frost Fortress it did something to me.”
She took the stone carefully, “this is one of the lost Elf Stones. This one is the Elf’s Heart. If you touched it with your bare hands…”
She looked at the king, “he was changed.”
The king nodded and she looked at me, “When we first came to this world we brought five ancient stones given to us at the beginning of time. They were Elf’s Heart, Elf’s mind, Elf’s Strength, Elf’s Vision and Elf’s Spirit. A ruby, sapphire, emerald, diamond and white jade.”
As she spoke I saw and felt a line going from the ruby and away in different directions.
Chapter five
Battle mounds
Two weeks later I gave Silver a kiss goodbye and slapped Gilbert’s shoulder, “good luck with the children.”
We left all the worg pelts with them to use on the floors. We walked north through the forest wearing long white rabbit fur cloaks. I was a little surprised Aveline was returning with me but I was not going to complain. She had walked the pattern in Green Heart everyday and seemed to have more poise and grace.
They had been a little surprised when I walked the pattern and stayed inside and with the ghostly image. During the two weeks we learned that not only were orcs raiding into the Green Heart but a few dark brother raiding parties. I had not told anyone that I could still see and feel the lines to the other elf stones.
I was following one now, the feel was green. It was a week before I paused and caught Aveline and looked around. I lifted my bow as I shrugged my pack off and Aveline hissed, “goblins.”
They came out of the bushes and rushed towards us as I put an arrow into one. They were short and a greenish color with large bat like ears. Their mouths were very large with sharp pointed teeth. The snow was not deep so they were moving rapidly. I killed four before I tossed my bow and pulled the two short swords.
I cut across to kill one as I stepped forward into the pattern. I was mostly flicking the blades out in stabs or piercing lunges to sink the swords into the almost mindless goblins. My steps went back and forth as Aveline moved behind me in a scissor like dance. I cut the throat of one while stabbing another in the stomach and ripping it out.
I moved towards Aveline as the last few seemed to crowd her. She whirled and her swords kept lashing out until the last goblin fell. I looked around before kneeling to clean my swords, “they were hunting.”
She nodded as she knelt to clean her swords. I stood and went to get my bow and pack, “we sleep in trees.”
She sighed, “to bad, you are a good bed warmer.”
I grinned as I put the pack on and started walking. She joined me and we moved carefully until we stopped for dinner and then we moved again to find a tree to climb and sleep in. During the night another large band of goblins went passed. I frowned as we watched, if goblins were in these numbers I hoped the elves would be aware and moving this way.
As the sun began to rise another band went past headed in the direction we would be going. We climbed down and followed in the wide path they left. We would be leaving the Green Heart later that day for the wide elven highlands. That was a place called the Battle mounds, during the first millennium a great battle had been fought here.
There had been so many dead they had been piled together in earth and stone mounds. Since that time other battles have been fought almost every millennium and the mounds had grown in number. We walked out of the forest and started across the ancient battle grounds before entering the snow swept area between the rows of mounds.
The ground was trampled and covered with thousands of tracks coming and going into the Green Heart. We were in the middle of the mounds when I heard the goblins. I looked around before shrugging out of my pack. There was nowhere to hide or run so I nocked an arrow and got ready. It was not long before the goblins appeared and yelled as they rushed towards us.
I put my arrows into the chest of those in the led and so did Aveline. I finally threw my bow and pulled the short swords as I stepped into the pattern. I cut across into the throat of one while stabbing another and ripping its guts out. I stepped and slashed or stabbed and flicked a sword out to slap an arrow away.
I continued to follow the pattern as three dark brothers joined the goblins.
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