Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 5)
Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 5)
Sex Story Author: | just2twisted |
Sex Story Excerpt: | This slut will be good!!!” Hannah sobbed, shaking her ass wildly from side to side as the blows continued to |
Sex Story Category: | Asian |
Sex Story Tags: | Asian, BDSM, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Cruelty, Cum Swallowing, Discipline, Domination/submission, Erotica, Extreme, Fantasm, Hardcore, Humiliation, Interracial, Males / Female, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Rape, Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Torture, Toys, Violence, Water Sports/Pissing |
Chapter 6: Hannah Learns the Value and Purpose of her Mouth
Unlike the other past two nights, Hannah fell asleep immediately after being placed on the bed and the gang allowed her to sleep well into the morning. By the time Tank woke her it was almost noon and the men could not wait any longer. There were about a dozen of them in the room and Hannah began whimpering in terror when she saw them.
“Rise and shine bitch, we got some cool shit planned for you today,” Tank stated, before tossing the same tiny daisy dukes and black bra down at the Asian. “Get dressed.”
“God please just stop, I can’t take anymore, I’m serious,” Hannah begged, burying her face into the bed sheets.
“Bitch what the fuck did I say about calling yourself ‘I’?” Tank snapped. “Do it one more fucking time and I’m gonna beat you till you’re black and blue. Now get dressed before you really make me angry.”
Hannah let out a frustrated cry but wisely sat up on the bed and grabbed the garments next to her. She quickly slipped into the absurd outfit and heard the excited mumbles from the men across the room. Tank snapped his fingers and ordered her to get down off the mattress. Her legs were wobbly as she stood with the towering heels still strapped to her ankles.
“On your hands and knees bitch, follow me,” Tank instructed, turning around and exiting the room.
Hannah felt the hotness in her cheeks as she followed the cruel biker down the hall and out into the parking lot, crawling after him the entire way. It took every ounce of her energy and then some. She had not eaten in more than 24 hours, and the only thing she’d had to drink during that span was about two liters of cum, piss, and snot from the bikers. Every part of her body ached so badly, especially her pussy and asshole.
When they got outside Hannah was once again forced onto Tank’s bike and the entire gang then emptied out onto the street. They drove for about ten minutes before pulling into the small parking lot of an old, rundown home. Awaiting there were two more Outlaws, who welcomed the men into the garage of the house.
“Well well look who the fuck it is,” one of the bikers chuckled, as he stared hungrily at Hannah. “You look tired bitch, long night?”
“What’s happening Russ,” Tank greeted his friend, as he stepped off his bike and forced Hannah to her hands and knees. “You guys ready? Where’s the iron?”
“Right here,” the other Outlaw replied, holding up a long metal rod with an emblem attached to the end.
“Cool, start heating it up,” the leader instructed.
Hannah watched with wide eyes as the first biker, Russ, grabbed a blowtorch from a nearby shelf and powered it on. He then immediately moved to his friend and held the scorching blue flame against the metal symbol for what seemed like an eternity to the Asian girl. Hannah was aware of what was about to happen to her, and with each passing minute she was growing more and more fearful. After about ten minutes the sign was so hot it was glowing red, at which point Tank gave the word that it was ready.
“Take your top off bitch,” Tank commanded the little Asian.
“No please, please don’t, please,” Hannah begged in sheer terror.
“Take your fucking top off right now slut,” the biker repeated, this time much more menacingly.
Hannah was shaking intensely as she unclasped her bra and removed it. She was on her knees and crossed her arms over her naked breasts while she looked at the Outlaw with the blazing iron. As he brought it closer to her, Hannah was finally able to make out the emblem at the end. It was a circle about 3-4 inches wide with the words “property of devil’s outlaws” written inside it in big capital letters. It was glowing red and Hannah whimpered as the evil biker held it in front of her face.
“Hold her,” Tank said to nobody in particular.
“Noooooooo!!” Hannah screamed, thrashing around wildly as four men quickly grabbed her arms and legs and held them firmly against the cold floor.
“Right there,” Tank instructed, pointing at the Asian’s back just below her right shoulder.
“No please don’t!! Please stop!!!” Hannah shrieked, frantically trying to escape from the men holding her.
Hannah could feel her heart racing out of control and was so frightened she was starting to hyperventilate. She’d never been so terrified in her life, not even when Big Joe had prepared to fuck her asshole last night. The thought of getting her skin badly burned was awful enough, but getting permanently marked by the appalling symbol was even worse. As she turned her head and watched the biker about to brand her, Hannah began crying hysterically.
“AAAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!” Hannah screamed horrifically, nearly breaking free from the four men as soon as the biker pressed the soldering emblem deep into her smooth flesh.
The gruesome sound of Hannah’s skin sizzling filled the garage, and was audible despite the Asian’s absolutely deafening wail of agony. The Outlaw held the branding iron firmly against Hannah’s back for nearly ten seconds, and the Asian nearly passed out from the excruciating pain. The gang of men all watched in excitement as Hannah writhed around in total misery. When the blazing iron was finally lifted from her and the men released her, Hannah instantly collapsed onto her side and sobbed wretchedly.
Tank gave the girl a few minutes to cry while he stared at the fresh mark on her golden flesh. The words were permanently charred into Hannah’s back in dark, bloody letters. She would never be able to remove them, and it was a beautiful symbol of Hannah’s new identity as a sex-slave. Tank contemplated giving her another one on her ass or tits, but decided not to for now. After all, he still planned on beating those areas many more times with the cane and other instruments.
“Okay get her up, let’s get back to the bar,” Tank declared, after a couple of minutes.
Hannah was still crying as the men put her bra back on her and dragged her back to their bikes. They said their goodbyes to the other two bikers before peeling out of the parking lot. Hannah was in so much pain that she could barely comprehend anything while the gang drove back to the tavern. When they got there they marched Hannah straight into the lounge near the back of the building.
“Eat up slut,” Tank commanded, pointing to the plate of last night’s leftovers that was sitting at the dining table.
Hannah took a seat and did not even have to be told twice this time. She grabbed the fork and began eating the scraps with little hesitation. She was so famished that even the nasty pile of food looked appetizing. In just a couple of minutes Hannah was finished with the entire plate, and then sat nervously while she awaited the next depravity the men had planned for her.
“Come here slut,” Tank said, snapping his fingers from the other side of the room. “And remember to fucking crawl bitch.”
Hannah got down on her hands and knees and slowly shuffled over to the biker. He and the others were lounging comfortably around on some sofas and chairs, and they all watched in delight as the little Asian whore came toward them. She had the most nervous look on her face, and was trembling in fear.
“Well I told you we wouldn’t fuck you much today, but that’s pretty much all you’re good for bitch,” Tank said to the petite Asian.
“No please, I—this slut can’t, please don’t sir,” Hannah quickly replied.
“Relax cunt, we’re not gonna fuck you, not yet anyway,” Tank said reassuringly. “Get your ass on that bed though, we’re doing something else. It’s time now that you learn the real purpose of your mouth. You know what rimming is whore?”
“No,” Hannah shook her head.
“Well you’re about to find out how fun it is, now get your fucking ass on the bed,” the huge Outlaw commanded.
Hannah crawled her way back over to the mattress and climbed atop it. She was shaking with fear as Tank stripped down and followed her onto the bed. He sat on the mattress with his back against the wall and then spread his huge legs to the sides. Hannah watched with a look of disgust as the man reached down and pulled his buttocks apart, exposing his filthy, hairy asshole to her.
“Get over here slut, and start licking this asshole,” Tank instructed. “Use that tongue and clean it real good, don’t stop till I say so.”
“Please no! Just leave me alone, please!” Hannah screamed, burying her face into her hands. “That’s it bitch, you need some serious fucking discipline,” the giant Outlaw declared, as he suddenly dismounted the bed and dragged Hannah with him by her hair.
“No I’m sorry! Please!” Hannah shouted in panic.
“Hold her still, and get that bra off,” Tank said to the other bikers, as he forced the Asian to her knees and grabbed the steel cane from a table.
“No wait! Please I’m sorry! I’ll be good! This slut will be good!” Hannah shrieked, thrashing around wildly as two Outlaws ripped her bra off and held her firmly between them.
“You keep calling yourself ‘I’ bitch! And you keep whining when I give you orders, and both that shit is gonna stop,” Tank stated angrily. “And to make sure it stops, I’m giving you 20 shots on your ass and 20 on your tits.”
“No!!! Please don’t I’m sorry!! This whore is sorry!! This whore won’t do it again!!!” Hannah screamed in terror. “This whore will be good!! This whore—this whore will do what you want!! Please!!!”
The bikers continued to hold Hannah still while another stood behind her and pressed his boot into her back, forcing the Asian’s breasts out. Tank quickly cocked his arm back and ripped the cane into the girl’s tits as hard as he could. Hannah screamed horrifically and immediately tried to break free from the Outlaws holding her. Her efforts were in vain, however, as the men gripped her firmly while Tank began viciously flaying her little tits. He shouted after each lash to indicate which number it was.
“Please stop!! This slut will be good!! This slut promises she’ll be good!!!” Hannah wailed in total agony, after the seventh consecutive blow landed across her chest. “This slut—this slut will do what you want!!!”
“Eight whore!” Tank hollered, right after slicing the cane deep into Hannah’s quivering breasts.
The small mounds of flesh were already becoming decorated with new scorching welts, adding to the many that still had not fully healed from the earlier canings. Hannah was sobbing hysterically now and implored the man for mercy. Tank was completely oblivious to her begging, however, and continued to pummel her breasts with all his strength.
“Please just stop!!! It hurts!! Oh my God it hurts!!!” Hannah screamed, still struggling to free herself as Tank slashed the cane back and forth across her tits.
Hannah had no idea how she stayed conscious while the biker furiously administered the full 20 strokes. Each blow felt exponentially more painful than the one before it and after awhile it literally felt like the skin was being torn off her breasts. By the time Tank was finished, Hannah’s round little tits were completely covered with hideously severe welts and many of them were leaking blood. Hannah’s voice was ragged from the nonstop screaming and she’d urinated all over the carpet floor.
“Turn her around,” Tank said to the men holding the Asian girl.
“Pleeeaaaassee!” Hannah screeched, squirming around miserably as the men forced her onto her hands and knees.
“You ever gonna call yourself ‘I’ again slut?” Tank asked, tracing the cane up and down Hannah’s ass-crack.
“No! This slut won’t—this slut won’t do it again, ever!” Hannah quickly answered.
“You gonna start following orders like a good little whore?” Tank inquired further.
“Yes!! This slut will be good! This slut swears to be good!!” The Asian shouted back.
“Well this is going to make sure about that,” Tank replied, before unleashing a ferocious stroke across Hannah’s upturned ass.
“Aaaauuuuggghhh!! Pleeeaaaaasssse!!!” Hannah wailed, thrashing around in agony as soon as the blow landed.
Tank quickly began pummeling the Asian’s buttocks with everything he had, once again punctuating each stroke with its number. Hannah was screaming at the top of her lungs as her ass was badly beaten. Each time Tank brought the steel cane down, the feeling of it cutting deep into her flesh was excruciating beyond words. By the time he was halfway finished Hannah felt like her ass was beaten to a bloody pulp and that she was about to die from the overwhelming pain.
“Eleven bitch!” Tank screamed, ripping the instrument across Hannah’s welt-covered ass.
“Stop please!!
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