Pregnant lady
During my 10 years in the decorating business I had often flirted with and been flirted by clients but nothing had ever really come of any of it. We all dream of the lonely housewife but in reality it doesn’t happen.
I was asked to do a job at one ladies house that would change all that, even though no actual flirting happened.
I arrived at the job, having been recommended by a friend of the client. I hadn’t priced anything and so it was a “As the job runs” structure. The lady in question was Mrs. Lyn Holmes. Now Lyn was, by my estimation, about five months pregnant, no husband in sight. Apparently he had done a runner as soon as she had conceived. Still she had a nice pad and didn’t seem short of a few bob. However she did have an annoying habit of putting a price on every little thing. “How much will you charge for that?” was her favourite question, even if it was doing something trivial like replacing a light bulb.
I kept my temper, which was severely tested sometimes, and put it down to hormones.
One particular day, when I rolled up, she seemed apprehensive. “I need to ask you a favour” she asked. “Tomorrow I have got to go for a scan, at the hospital and want you to escort me, if you would?” She seemed very nervous and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. “How much do I get paid for that?” I asked her, reversing the tables on her for once. “I’ll pay you an hourly rate, if that’s’ O.K?” she replied tears nearly welling in her eyes.
I accepted and rolled up for work the next day in clean, casual, clothes and my work clothes in a bag. “What time are we off?” I asked as she put in an appearance. “About half an hour” she replied. Lyn was not overly pretty but attractive all the same. She wasn’t very tall, maybe a little thick set but this may be because of her condition, she had short mousey coloured hair, gorgeous baby blue eyes and sharp-ish features. “Time for a quick cup of tea then” I said, as a typical English worker. She sighed, turned and said “I’m not paying for to drink it though!”
Tea drank she tossed me the keys to her BMW. “I want you to drive please” she said as she made her way out. I locked the door and went around to the passenger side door and opened it for her. “Ever the gentleman you know” I mentioned to her as I went around the driver’s side and got in. Off we went, Lyn giving directions, she seemed to get more nervous the nearer we got to the hospital. I parked the car and walked with her to the entrance, “Do you want me to come in with you?” I asked. “Please, if you don’t mind” she replied. We made our way to the antenatal clinic, notified the receptionist of her presence and sat to wait. Lyn was now extremely nervous so I offered to hold of her hand as a gesture of re-assurance. She willingly took it, her palms were sweaty and her grip was tight. Eventually her name was called out. She stood up and made to walk to the….. room, she hadn’t let go of my hand, I had stayed sat down, presuming she wouldn’t want me to go in with her. She tugged my hand, turned to see I was still sat and simply said “Please”. I couldn’t turn her down.
The mid-wife, in the room smiled at us both as she directed Lyn to go behind some curtains. “Your first?” she asked her as Lyn stripped behind the screen. She also looked at me for a response. “Yes my first” Lyn replied. The mid-wife swung her eyes to me as if to question my unwillingness to answer. Lyn came from behind the screen in a hospital gown and climbed onto the bed. “You stand up there” the mid-wife instructed, directing me to the top of the bed to once again hold Lyn’s hand. She placed a towel over Lyn’s lower half and pulled her gown up which revealed her “bump”. A large dollop of jello was slapped on her midriff and the mid-wife used the ultrasound. We all viewed the screen, sure enough there was a picture of little baby inside the womb. Lyn looked up to me and gave me the biggest smile. “I’m just going to fetch doctor” the mid-wife informed us. “Is there anything wrong?” asked a frightened Lyn. “Oh no” the mid-wife replied “Just normal procedure” she re-assured her. The doctor eventually arrived, an young Asian man with a heavy Indian accent.
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