Potential Part 7
Potential Part 7
Sex Story Author: | BiStander |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He'd never mention this to Jason, or anybody. Other than the music coming from the speakers, Evan's car |
Sex Story Category: | Incest |
Sex Story Tags: | Incest, Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Female, True Story, Voyeurism |
This is a very long story and this is not the chapter to start at. You can, but you’ll be a little lost because many things have already happened. If you aren’t interested in a long incestuous family drama, turn back now. No animals were hurt in the telling of this story and nobody was forced to do anything they didn’t want to do.
Note: Please be advised that this chapter has been modified from the original version. Also, I can not promise I will keep doing twice the work to get these chapters posted here.
by Bistander
Chapter 7
Summer Lawn Job
The birds had started chirping, and the sun was creasing the eastern skyline when Candy got out of bed. John had come home at midnight, smelling of alcohol. She pretended she had been in a sound sleep and only grunted at him. If she asked where he’d been that would have led to him berating her for accusing him of something when he was working hard to provide for her and his family. She didn’t need that. She was already beating herself up mentally.
She had to wash those panties, needed them to be pure and unstained by the incestuous act of adultery. She’d never gone to church as a kid, but during the few years she’d taken Evan and Deana, for Sandra’s sake, she’d heard enough to know she had already committed adultery with her son, in her mind. She could never let it happen anywhere else.
Now the hamper was empty and her panties were in the washing machine. They’d come out like nothing had ever happened. Too bad there wasn’t a washing machine for her mind.
Candy sat on top of the Maytag. The cool steel on her ass cheeks sent chill bumps down her thighs and up her spine. She took a long slow breath, then pushed the start button. A second passed and she jerked when the water started spraying. The vibration transferred to her skin, into her muscles and up through her vaginal tube. Her womb tightened and her nipples grew. She slipped her hand inside her robe and fondled her breasts. She was a weak, tired woman with a horny teenager trapped inside. Her eyes had seen Evan pressing his face into her panties, but her brain told her it was her pussy he was licking. His face was buried in her crotch, and his tongue was plunging into her body. The gears in her head cranked up the time machine; she was suddenly in the kitchen of her family’s double wide trailer. It was a memory she had barred from her present life, but it was one too powerful to be forgotten.
The washing machine’s water valve snapped shut and the Maytag jerked. Candy was knocked back to the present and nearly screamed, but the soothing chug, chug, chug of the wash cycle made her drift back.
Candy didn’t realize her big sister knew how much she liked to spy. Sally said, “Why don’t I show you how it feels, then maybe you won’t have to peek when my boyfriend comes over.”
Candy’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. “I, ah, I—”
“Yeah, let me do that, I’ll show you what your fingers can’t do,” Sally said, and pushed Candy’s pants down below her hips.
Candy loved and trusted her big sister, they had grown up together, but she still questioned her sanity. “Here? Right here?” she said. It sucked that they still lived at home with their parents.
Sally’s cheeks glowed and her lips formed a crooked smile. “Why not, I’m going to eat you.”
While Candy tried to understand what was happening, Sally helped her onto the table, and yanked the soft, cotton pants down her legs. Candy stared at them on the floor while Sally knelt. Candy had never had a boyfriend go there, certainly not a girl, but that was her sister.
Her legs were resting on Sally’s shoulders. The first kiss tickled her inner thigh, sending goosebumps up her stomach. She felt her nipples stiffen. The next kiss was closer, and the desire to giggle faded. Sally pressed her lips onto the mound of her crotch, and something stirred deeper inside her body than her probing fingers had ever reached. It felt better than she had imagined while secretly watching Sally get eaten out.
When Sally’s tongue forced open the smooth, plump flaps and went into her inflamed vaginal groove, Candy knew she’d been cheating herself using her fingers. The only thing that kept her from screaming was the fear of waking their mother. She squeaked and let out a long muffled moan as she lifted up on her elbows. She needed to see what Sally was doing to her. Her sister’s blue eyes peered at her and twinkled, then she went to work. Her lips, tongue and fingers blended into a collage of pleasure between Candy’s legs. She gasped and bit her lip. The pressure building inside wouldn’t be contained for long. It was a force greater than her years on Earth allowed her to comprehend.
Finally, with a loud squeal, Candy fell back onto the table. Her orgasm sent her legs straight out, shaking, then her heels dug into Sally’s shoulder blades. In a fuzzy cloud she could see her sister grinning at her from between her thighs. Sally’s face said things would be different now. Candy knew they would. An orgasm of that magnitude had the power to change things.
Evan rolled on his back without anything on his mind. Ten seconds passed and he remembered his mother’s underwear, Gloria’s reincarnation and Deana’s lips. He closed his eyes but that only made him visualize his thoughts. He saw his mother walking to her room after she left him to peel the potatoes, but now saw something that day’s trauma blinded him to. He had noticed her amazing tits as they moved around under her loose blouse, but now he saw them clear in his mind. Her nipples were huge, solid bulges following her tits side-to-side swishing. Candy had gone braless back in the good ole days, but not since his father married her.
His mother had taken his hands under the hot water, knowing his arms were rubbing the overflow of her breasts. He pressed his erection against her back and her nipples had stiffened. Then he’d gone into her room—violating his father’s rule and her privacy—to look at her pussy bursting from those red panties. Those fuckin’ red panties were in his laundry hamper, and he came in them!
There could be an explanation for her not wearing a bra, he told himself. Maybe they were all in the laundry? Certainly there was a better chance of that than his mother trying to get him excited. The red panties in his hamper? Well it was, after all, a hamper designed for dirty clothes. He might not be able to explain it to his satisfaction, but surely it could be explained in bunches of ways that didn’t include his mother wanting him to taste her pussy juices and come in her underwear. Damn it, he thought, why didn’t I at least rinse them out?
He took a few minutes to review the events of the last month. He had already been horny and lonely without Stacey when he had kissed Deana. That had opened the closet in his mind where he’d hidden those embarrassing puberty-induced feelings. Then his subconscious mind saw Gloria turning into a clone of his babysitter. That was a catalyst to rejuvenate his crush and make him misinterpret everything his mother did. Jeez, he thought, on top of that he’d felt up Rebecca’s ass, saw her pussy and made out with his own sister in front of her. He knew Deana and Rebecca at least made out and Gloria’s best friend sat on another girl’s face at the ball park. No wonder his mind was all messed up. He needed someone to talk to, to give a blow-by-blow account of the past month. They could tell him if he had grounds for his suspicion, or if it was all in his head.
In the absence of wise counsel, he thought ignorance was his best course of action, and he would act like everything was normal until it was proven otherwise. Maybe Deana or his mother would come right out and ask for sex. Then he’d know, but he’d also have to choose between right and sex. Tough decision, he mused as he got out of bed. He had to go do Miss Tonya’s yard work, and tonight was race night. “Mm, do Miss Tonya,” he whispered. That would never happen, but thinking about it, and Cindy racing, was enough to make him forget about everything else.
Evan took the long way through their neighborhood to get to Miss Tonya’s house. Everything was as he remembered it, so he ruled out being picked up by aliens and dropped off on another planet. He had been horrified to find the hamper empty, but his mother was her normal self. There was no way she could have found his jizz in her panties and acted normal, so he relaxed and kissed her goodbye. Everything was just the way it was supposed to be.
When he parked in front of Miss Tonya’s house, he decided to mow the lawn first, then get involved with all the planting stuff she’d mentioned. Mowing a lawn was the perfect brainless activity for him. Walk back and forth, make straight lines and enjoy a sense of accomplishment at the end.
On Miss Tonya’s front porch, when he was ready to ring the bell, it felt like the first time he had to sell raffle tickets for baseball. Was he actually nervous? He pushed the button and waited long enough to think nobody was home. Had he messed up and come too early or on the wrong day? While he was deciding whether or not to ring again, he saw movement threw the translucent window. The door opened quickly and cool air and rock ‘n’ roll rushed out. Was she actually listening to Led Zeppelin’s, “Whole Lotta Love”?
“Hi, Evan,” Miss Tonya said.
She was wearing a well-worn, loose-fitting sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off and neck hole opened with a cut down the front. The smell of tanning lotion and her rosy face suggested she’d been lying in the sun, but the slope and free movement of her tits said to him, No bikini top. He looked down at her bare feet, then followed her shiny, reddened flesh up to her jean shorts. They had been butchered and worn out like Becky’s. Though Miss Tonya’s shorts were loose enough to be pulled on without having to open them. Could she have been tanning in the nude?
“I didn’t expect you so early during summer vacation. Jayda is in bed still,” she said.
He tried to look anywhere else, but kept returning to her chest. Miss Tonya had breasts much larger than she ever let be seen at the ball field, but based on how they hung and the placement of those bumps, he assumed they were “ski-Jump” tits. Could those really be her nipples holding up that sweatshirt, he wondered.
“Oh, then she probably doesn’t want me to mow the grass,” he said. For a few seconds his porn brain painted pictures of his mom’s best friend sunbathing nude, while Jayda was in the house going down on some girl.
“You do whatever you need to do, you’re the one working,” she said. “She’ll get over it.”
Just for fun, he threw out, “We could always start with that massage you wanted.”
Miss Tonya pushed her thumbs in her pockets. A gap opened and the shorts dipped low enough that he could have seen a tan line or panties, if there were any. She smiled like she wasn’t one of the softball moms, and said, “I might need you to rub me in places you wouldn’t be comfortable touching your mother.”
There was no right response. If he said, “I’ll touch you anywhere you want,” and she was joking, then he’d sound like a pervert trying to get in her pants. If she wasn’t joking and he laughed it off, she’d be embarrassed and he’d never get to massage her. Fuck it, he thought, I’m on planet Horny Women anyway. He said, “Can’t imagine that.” Touche`, that could be taken many ways and she’d have to make the first decisive move.
“Interesting,” she said, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Did she just say, I might get to put my hands on her naked body, then fuck her? He said, “Okay,” but he might as well have said, “Daha.”
“Why don’t you start in the backyard. The lawnmower is in the shed. I’ll bring some sweet tea out for you,” she said. “When you finish, we’ll discuss the other thing.”
Was the other thing the sex they were going to have or the plants? He kept his mouth shut and walked around the house.
The backyard had a privacy fence down both sides and woods across the back. There was a lounge chair, towel and book in the middle of the lawn. He processed all the information he had and decided, unless Miss Tonya had taken her bikini off and thrown those shorts on before she reached the door, she had to be lying there naked when he rang. But Jayda was home. Nobody’s mother gets naked in the backyard when their kid could see them. Whose mother actually got naked at all in the backyard? Damn porn brain! He needed to go to college and stop watching porn.
Evan got the mower out of the shed. The whoosh of the backdoor made him look. Miss Tonya walked over to the chair, folded it up, then bent at the waist, reaching for the book. The loose bottom of her shirt gave him a perfect view of the elongated, cone shaped tits swinging under her body. It would be embarrassing if she caught him staring, but he couldn’t turn away. When she straightened up, her ample ass cheeks swallowed her shorts, and he was seeing one of the softball moms’ butts like it should never be seen. She’s older than my mother, he told himself, but that only made him want her more.
“Evan, I put a glass of tea on the table in the screen room,” she said. “I’ll be inside if you need anything.”
She’s mom’s best friend, not one of the MILFs Jason chats with online, he reminded himself, and said, “Okay.”
After mowing the backyard, Evan did the front, then put the mower in the shed and got the weed whacker. He checked his watch to see how much time he had. He hoped to finish up the lawn and put off the landscaping or whatever Miss Tonya wanted until tomorrow or Monday. That way he could get home, take a shower and head to Jason’s without seeing his father. It wasn’t that he had been told not to go to the races, but the less his father thought he was there, the better. It would suck if he got a direct order not to go. If his father started asking him a bunch of questions, he’d get nervous and blow it.
Later, he looked over his work and felt a sense of pride. Miss Tonya’s yard looked great. Perfectly straight rows, the edging was just right and there wasn’t a speck of debris on the sidewalks or driveway. He had even pulled weeds from around the shrubs across the front of her house, without being asked.
He walked over to the garden hose hanging on the back of the house, then picked up the end of the hose and studied the brass nozzle, before opening the faucet. He wanted to rinse his hands and wipe his face,not soak his clothes and sneakers. Then he could talk to Miss Tonya about that other thing. If the other thing turned out to be sex, his love for racing would be put to the test. There was no way he had time to fuck his mother’s best friend and get home before his father. It was a ridiculous fantasy, but it was a nice distraction from those red panties. He’d done well all day not to think about it, but the closer he got to going back to his house, the more nervous he was. Even teenage denial had a hard time overlooking something as bizarre as Candy’s underwear, only her underwear, in his hamper.
“Evan,” Miss Tonya said, as he was about to unscrew the sprayer.
“Oh, hi, I was just going to rinse off and come knock,” he said. “I finished the yard, and I’m ready to hear about the other stuff.”
The screen door slapped the wood frame and she stepped out of the shadow. He tried to swallow, but only croaked. His throat had already been dry, now nothing would go down. He’d need to wet his mouth before trying to talk. Once the sun was on her, he could tell her hair was wet and pulled back on her head, and a white T-shirt had replaced her sweatshirt. Man, was it tight. Her eyes seemed bigger and prettier when her hair was off her forehead. He tried to focus on them. She was walking towards him, either seductively, or gingerly because her feet were bare, he wasn’t sure.
“Okay, I’ll show you,” she said, and talked the whole time she approached. “I’ll point it out and then we can talk dollars. I’ll pay you for today now, of course. You did a nice job. It looks great. Your mom was right, you do great work. You pay attention to detail.”
He wanted to say, “She said that,” but Miss Tonya had stopped right in front of him and his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth. The softball mom’s tits were as big as he’d thought earlier, and she seriously wasn’t wearing a bra. Just a white T-shirt, tucked into her pants. It was pulled down tight, but the lumps on top of her breasts still turned up. Big, firm, ski-jump tits on a woman older than my mother, he thought. Was Miss Tonya in on it with Candy? Both of them were trying to make him insane with their braless trickery.
“Ah, thank you,” he said. “I’m just going to rinse my hands.”
Miss Tonya said, “Good,” and stared at his hands, waiting.
He turned the end of the nozzle and it hissed, sputtered and spurted out varying streams in different directions. It was one of those stupid sprayers that started out in a wide mist, then went to a stream after you unscrewed it far enough. This one was defective, and water squirted from under the thing he was unscrewing. Before he could make a correction, water, sweat and dirt got in his eyes. They burned and he closed them hard, He unscrewed faster and straightened his arms to get the rogue streams away from him. He said, “Shit,” then remembered his mother’s friend was standing next to him. “Shoot, I meant shoot.”
While he was wiping his face on his arm, he could hear Miss Tonya chuckling. “That thing is messed up,” she said. “You have to know how to work it.”
Great, now you tell me, he thought, feeling stupid and embarrassed. He opened his eyes. They still stung, but he could see the water pelting the thick centipede grass. His wet shirt clung to his chest. “Sorry.” He turned, and the woman was smiling like a middle school girl who had pulled a good one on him. Though nothing else resembled a middle school girl.
“No problem,” she said. “I should have warned you.”
All his fantasies of being a porn star, being the big man who could handle a woman, evaporated with the water on his face. He was suddenly terrified like a little boy in a strip club. Miss Tonya had gotten just as wet. The white T-shirt was clinging to her chest and had become translucent. Her brown nipples were still growing. They were turned up, pushing into the wet fabric, reaching for him. They were like small baby bottle nipples, and he was a baby, his parched lips trying to separate. “I, ah, I got you wet. I’m so sorry, I just—”
“It’s only water, I’m not going to melt,” she said. “I’m not that sweet.” She didn’t bother to cross her arms over her chest like most girls would do when their headlights came on in public.
There was no explanation other than his mother’s best friend wanted him to see through her shirt, he knew that. Shouldn’t he make the next move, say something that led to them fucking right there on the ground? If she was a college school girl, he’d know what to say, but she was a woman, a grown woman who could tell his mother he’d asked her to have sex with him. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t make the next move, he just tried to look anywhere other than at her tits.
“Let me show you what I want,” she said, and turned away from him. “They’re delivering the shrubs Monday.”
He turned off the water and followed her around like a puppy dog, knowing he’d regret this day the rest of his life. A thirty-something divorcee had offered him sex and he didn’t have the balls to make a move. He’d better do well at racing, because all his fantasies of grandeur were gone.
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