Potential Part 5
Potential Part 5
Sex Story Author: | BiStander |
Sex Story Excerpt: | His sister's best friend, Jayda appeared to be their leader, but Gloria had the body. She also had a presence |
Sex Story Category: | Incest |
Sex Story Tags: | Incest, Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Female, True Story, Voyeurism |
This is a very long story, so if you aren’t interested in a long incestuous family drama, turn back now. No animals were hurt in the telling of this story and nobody was forced to do anything they didn’t want to do.
For those frustrated with the slow progress, I’ll give you this: In hindsight, if I had realized how slow the uploading and approval process was going to be, I would have arranged things a little differently. I promise once the action starts, they’ll be plenty of it.
by Bistander
Chapter 5
You’ve got the Devil Inside
It was the end of the last full day before finals. Evan walked behind Darlene with no intention of trying to speak to her, he was just enjoying her ass. He’d only get to see her one more time before summer, and that would be during the Social Studies final. He’d miss her bodacious body even though she didn’t give a flying fuck about him. He should be mad at her. Somehow, she seemed responsible for all the weird stuff happening in his life. Hadn’t it all started that day Deana talked to him about Darlene and asked him, “What if we just met now for the first time?”
Outside, he was surprised and thrilled to see the tumbler was in those skin-like black pants again. He followed her and Deana towards the car without letting them know he was there. Deana was in blue jeans and there was an oval of frayed white thread that opened and closed each time her right butt cheek dipped down. He imagined slipping his finger inside and wiggle-worming it towards her pussy before his sane brain could shut the thought down. Damn it. He stopped watching the hole and concentrated on Rebecca’s ass. She might as well have been naked with those pants on. He was getting hard before they reached his car.
“Where’s Evan,” Rebecca said.
“I don’t know,” Deana said, and started turning around. “Shit! Are you stalking us?”
“No, just following,” he said. “It’s amazing you two are on time for once.”
“He was probably staring at your fabulous ass,” Rebecca said.
“Shut up,” Evan and Deana said, simultaneously.
He flipped his seat up to let Rebecca get in. Rebecca put one foot and her head inside the car, then paused, glancing back at him. He grabbed the leg that was outside the car and moved up. She had every opportunity to say something or fall in the car like she normally would, but she held firm and let him grope her. He squeezed her ass and moved his hand inward. She matched his dare by pushing back. It was a hot handful of pussy and it made him say, “Sure, I’ll watch your dumb flip class.”
“It’s not dumb,” Rebecca protested.
At home, Candy paced back-and-forth across her bedroom. The bra-less antics had been the shameful acts of a woman desperate for validation and attention. A few years earlier, she’d been amused, even flattered by Evan’s crush, but she knew he was just a boy, even though she called him her little man.
She opened the box on her bed and her chest tightened around her heart. The idea that had popped into her head, like a passing thought, was inappropriate, irrational and potentially illegal, so she had rejected it as insanity. Unfortunately, like evil thoughts tend to do, it festered in her mind. She played with the idea and let it grow into a fantasy, but never considered the danger because it wasn’t something she would actually do. She was a wife and mother of three. Grown ups don’t do such things.
Candy checked the clock. Plenty of time, she thought, and picked up the box, carrying it like a ticking bomb. It probably won’t work anyway, she told herself, like that made trying okay.
Her computer screen showed the front porch and driveway. Nobody could sneak up on her, thanks to John; and thanks to Zachary, she knew exactly what to do, and did it quickly.
When everything was done, a flock of butterflies swarmed in her stomach like that night when the power went out. If her life had taken a different course, she might have grown up and gotten bored with her sneaky‑peeky ways. Instead, the door to who she was had been slammed and barred because she suddenly became a mommy. Responsibility forced her to be a grown-up and plunged her into a life she hadn’t been prepared for. She acted the part, and the years had passed. She’d fooled everybody, but in those quiet, lonely times her sub‑conscience told her she was a fake. There was something hidden in her heart.
This isn’t my fault, she thought. John’s neglect had been killing the woman she pretended to be, and Evan’s passionate touches had revived the little girl his father killed years ago. Years of unfulfilled desires bubbled in the center of her being, ready to pour out into her panties. She started removing her clothes, and when she was nude, she clicked the mouse. The image of a naked woman’s backside filled the monitor. It became hard to breathe. She looked back at the harmless clock‑radio on John’s desk, and said, “You’ve got the devil inside.”
Sneaky-peeky had been released from captivity. Candy grabbed her crotch and watched her orgasm happen on the computer screen. Seven years of repressed passion covered her fingers and spilled down her thighs.
Miss Daphne’s gymnastics studio was a large, prefab metal building, that could have just as easily been a race shop instead of a gymnastics class. The roll up doors were closed and the air conditioner was on full blast. Most of the area was covered with thick, blue mats. There were three trampolines, a balance beam and two parallel bars. Evan felt like a pervert sitting on the floor with Deana next to the mats, staring at twenty girls in spandex. He knew why he’d want to come back, but what did Deana get out of this?
Four feet in front of him, Bobby Sue, a senior who worked for Miss Daphne, demonstrated different moves. She smiled at him, leaned back, arching until her hands were on the mat and her spandex crushed pussy was in his face. He could clearly see each lip and the groove down the middle, and he wanted to shove his cock into it. A thousand different positions flashed through his mind as different girls bent and folded themselves. He had no idea the body was that flexible. He’d definitely be back to gymnastics. It was better than Deana’s volley ball games.
At Home
When Deana and Evan entered the house, he said, “Gloria, you ever think of taking gymnastics?” Deana didn’t say anything, but her scowl said, “Pervert!”
“Mom,” he said, “I should get brownie points for taking Deana to Rebecca’s practice and waiting for her.”
“Hold on!” Deana interrupted. “He loved every minute of it. You should have seen him when Bobby Sue did a back-bend-kick-over, he almost—”
“Evan,” his father said, “you can drop them off and pick them up, but that’s all. And spend some time with Gloria. There’s no reason she shouldn’t be just as good as the other girls. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir,” he said, mechanically, and gave Deana the evil eye. Bobby Sue’s camel-toe would have to go on without his eyes burning a hole through her tights.
Later, Evan called Jason and gave him a blow by blow account of gymnastics. He might have embellished a little about Bobby Sue’s interest in him, and he didn’t mention that his father told him not to go back. Jason told him to check his e-mail for the links he had sent, but Evan had a date with his tutor, Deana. They studied until bed time, then he went down to the basement.
After twenty minutes of stretching and warm-ups, he went full contact, trying to break the heavy bag. When he got winded, he dug a little deeper and found a few more kicks. Sweat dripped from his head onto his bare chest and ran over his rippled abs. He caught his breath and focused his anger, envisioning his target.
“Count to three, but kick at two,” Cindy would coach him. “Surprise yourself.” His foot shot forward, kicking the bottom of the bag with an upward blow that lifted it. He drove his knee into the side, sending the bag swinging. “No matter how big they are, the kick will drop them and a knee to the face on their way down will make sure they don’t get up.” Cindy didn’t play.
Pouring his energy out had removed his anger and relaxed his mind. He decided too much thinking had gotten him confused. He was reading into things that weren’t so. There wasn’t anything going on except teenage hormones on herbal supplements and porn. His mom and his sisters weren’t trying to turn him on. The tumbler definitely was, but he’d worry about that when the time came.
It was late and he still needed to take a shower, so he climbed the basement stairs. At the top of the stairs Deana stepped into the doorway. He stopped one step from the landing. Their eyes were level. “What are you doing up?” he said.
“I should have told you earlier, I’m sorry I opened my big mouth in front of dad.”
“It’s cool,” he said. “I probably wouldn’t have gone again anyway.”
“Still, I’m sorry,” Deana said, then pressed her lips to his.
The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it felt longer. He didn’t know what to say, so he stood there with his mouth hanging open. His sister smiled and said, “I was just doing what you did for me, giving you something else to think about. Oh, and you need a shower.”
The next day at school, after his math final, Evan was sitting on the brick wall in front of the school. Jason kicked his foot, and said, “Did you watch it?”
“Huh,” Evan said, “watch what?”
“Your lights are on, but nobody’s home.” Jason sat next to him. “Didn’t you click that link I sent you?”
“Shoot, I forgot,” he said.
“What the fuck. I sent you porn and you forgot to watch it.”
“Sorry, I will, it’s just been crazy.”
“Dude, you got to see it. You’ll bust a nut on your laptop.”
“I do everything I can to prevent that from happening, but I’ll watch it later anyway.”
Jason scratched his chin. “What’s wrong?”
“Phew, I’m losing my mind,” Evan said. “I got to ace my finals or I’ll be walking all summer. I gotta get ready to race that car. Rebecca let me grab her pussy. Deana kissed me and I think my mom is trying to get me to make a move on her.”
Jason jumped off the wall and faced him. “Back up, rewind, replay the tape. You already lost your mind, so don’t worry about that. Deana kissed you! Hold on, you better start explaining.”
Evan told his friend about when he kissed his sister to make a point, the ass judging, the ass massage, the second kiss Deana gave him, and all about his mom’s sexy dressing and not having a bra on.
“You lucky fucker! Your mom…without a bra! Holy shit, Dude, I’ve seen her head-lights on with a bra and I all most came. She’s got grapes under there. Man, and that J-low ass of hers. What are you waiting for? Which one of them are you gonna do first?”
“Jeez…Jason, this is real life, my life, not some porno. Real people don’t do it with their sister or mother.”
Jason looked around, then said, “I bet a lot of people do…do it.”
“Name one.”
“Um, well…they’re not going to advertise, but it happens a lot. Think about it, horny, really horny teenagers living together. How could it not happen? And think about all those hot step-moms. We’re like dogs in heat.”
Evan said, “It’s not supposed to happen.”
“So!” Jason said. “Lots of things aren’t supposed to happen. So what. Shit, we’re not supposed to do it until we get married, yet at twelve we start getting boners every five minutes. Whose fucked up idea was that?”
“So we should just do whatever, like dogs, and not worry about it?” Evan said.
“I didn’t say that. We have brains. We shouldn’t knock up our sisters, but if they’re horny too…then why not?”
“Oh, so you did Becky, or at least got head?”
“I didn’t say that, but—”
“See, when the shoe is on the other foot, it’s a different story,” Evan said.
“That’s stupid,” Jason said. “What do shoes have to do with sex? Who puts the shoe on the other foot? That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Nothing makes sense,” Evan said. “I’m not allowed to fool around with Rebecca, but Deana stands there and lets me feel up her ass right in front of her. Rebecca didn’t even try to move away when my finger went between her legs.”
“Dude, I got three words for you.” Jason held up three fingers. “Threesome!”
“Idiot, that’s one word.”
“Ah, yeah, it is, but you know what I mean. Three, three, threesome, what a wonderful thing. Shit, imagine you, Deana and the Tumbler, that’s three.”
“Stop,” Evan said. “I have enough trouble with my own perverted mind, I don’t need your help. Probably be a dog involved.”
“You’re the one who wants to be a star,” Jason said. “Pile ’em up, flip ’em over and turn the Tumbler upside down. Hey, don’t forget to watch that clip I sent you.”
Evan let out a long sigh. “I will, tonight.”
“What are you doing the rest of the day?”
“I’m taking Gloria to practice. I’ve been coaching her and I run while I’m at the ball park.”
Jason nodded his head. “I bet you’re running, running off all that sexual tension at your house. Fuck, I got to see your mom without a bra. She has the most amazing tits in the history of moms. Imagine titty fucking her.”
“No, Jackass, I don’t,” he lied. “I’m getting ready for racing. I have to build up my endurance and get my mind focused on finals and racing.”
“I heard sex is the best exercise there is.”
“Thanks,” Evan said, and got up. “I’ll keep that in mind. I gotta go get Gloria. Don’t forget, Saturday after next, races. Make sure your mom’s cool with me staying over, and make up a cover story in case my mom calls her.”
At the ball park, Gloria’s team was on the field divided into three groups. One doing sprints, another batting practice and the last group, which Gloria was in, catching fly balls, some of the time. Evan watched from outside the chain-link fence, hoping the coach didn’t ask him to help. He wanted to run. He was up to two miles, but three was his goal. Then he’d do sets of fifty sit-ups and twenty-five pull-ups. The best drivers in NASCAR were the ones who stayed in shape.
The days he’d spent helping Gloria get better at softball were revealing. He’d been watching all the girls carefully. Not that he was into twelve and thirteen year old girls, but it was hard not to notice the difference the year made. They were filling out now. Most were still awkward with the boys and naive about their power over them, but not all of them. There were three in particular who acted like they knew what they had and how to use it. He didn’t like it.
Gloria, Alex and Jayda, “The Softball Sisters,” as they called themselves, all seemed to dislike softball equally, and that was obvious during games, but they were aware.
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