
Potential Part 19

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P o t e n t i a l
by Bistander

Chapter 19

The feed from the security camera activated the open window on Candy’s monitor. She was relieved to see Evan’s car coming up the driveway. He had been gone longer than Candy imagined it would take to mow two lawns, but she had no idea how big the yards were or whose they were. Tonya hadn’t said which of her friends she had referred Evan to, and Candy hadn’t wanted to seem suspicious, so she didn’t ask. Tonya had some single friends who might want more than a massage if one had been mentioned.

Candy closed the app and stood up. She was as prepared as she would ever be. It was time to make things right. She had put Evan and herself in a dangerous situation. Now, she needed to stop acting like a jealous girl and be an adult, and mother to her stepson. Wasn’t that her responsibility?

Evan finished undressing as instructed. His mother had been in the kitchen when he came home, and it wasn’t happenstance. She had been waiting for him, dressed the way she was supposed to be, conservatively. Her facial expression was the one he had expected when he went to her room the previous day. It was that of a mother about to tell their child something grave. The tone of his mother’s voice was stern, and her words clearly presented the facts. Closure, wasn’t that what he’d wanted?

There was a dirt ring around the top of his boxers and dry grass stuck to Evan’s skin. His socks were striped green and white where they had been bunched up around his ankles. Two lawns had turned into three when Miss Tonya’s second referral, Mrs. Westclox, sent him, with her lawn mower, to the neighbor’s house. The Polar’s lawn mower had been broken for three weeks, and that had been apparent to Evan. It had been very charitable of Mrs. Westclox towards her neighbors, but the extra forty bucks she gave him wasn’t enough for the time and effort it took to mow down their jungle.

He dropped his clothes in the washing machine because his mother didn’t want them to stink up the bathroom. She told him to take them off in the laundry area, then she said, “I’ll wash them,” like that was her job. He spilled gas on his jeans, why shouldn’t he wash them? He felt like kicking something.

His mother was sorry. It was her fault, and she wanted everything to go back to normal. When he tried to take some of the blame, she rejected him outright. All the fault laid on her, and she needed him to forgive her. For Evan, it was hard to forgive a person for something he did. He kissed her, and he had enjoyed it. His mother told him it was an impulsive mistake, and he should forget the whole thing. It would be easier to forget his name.

The woman who had been standing in the kitchen, she was dressed like and sounded like his mother. Evan had watched her lips move while she spoke. They were the warm, moist lips he had kissed, and he didn’t believe a word that came out of them. That lady was an impostor.

At the end of her talk, she hugged him. Their posture, the pressure they applied, and the amount of time they held on, all portrayed an appropriate mother-son hug, but it hadn’t been. They both trembled and his mother sighed when she released him. Then she pressed her lips against his while staring at him. Tears hung on the rims of her eyes but never fell. That was when it happened, Evan saw the truth. The woman who responded to, Mrs. Damiani, was none other than, Candy, the babysitter. For reasons Evan didn’t understand yet, he had wanted to cry at the realization.

The last thing his mother said was, “Don’t worry, it’ll all work out. I’ll take care of your father.”
Evan kicked the washer, then grabbed his big toe and hopped in a circle. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

The shower had washed away the dirt, grass, and residue of gasoline, but Evan still thought he smelled it. Maybe it was trapped in his nose? He closed his eyes and turned his face into the stream of water. Deana’s voice startled him, “Were you expecting me?”

He turned and watched her naked body step into the tub. “Ah, no.”

“Then why didn’t you lock the door?”


Deana’s nudity took Evan’s breath away like one of Ginger Snap’s perfectly sensual and erotic picture posts, an image so beautiful it created a painful craving. He didn’t look away. His sister was unapproachable in the minds of most guys, but there she was getting in the shower with him. His heart was racing.

She sealed the shower curtain and faced him. “Need help?”

Last time, on a harebrained whim, he had hijacked Deana’s shower, then run away. That was when he didn’t know Deana wanted the very thing he had spent the last four years denying himself. He wouldn’t run away scared this time. “There’s a spot on my back I can’t reach.”

Deana said, “Turn around.”

His sister squirted an excessive quantity of the Dove body wash across his shoulders. She captured it under her hands and started spreading it. The smell was more feminine than he would have chosen, but it was creamy. It covered his skin like lotion. His sister’s long slender fingers and delicate hands stirred up a lather that caught in his chest hair. She circled his shoulder blades and stroked up and down the center of his back. Her hands wrapped his neck, rotated as they moved up to his ears. She grasped his upper arms and tenderized the hard muscles. He was getting hard before a sexual thought crossed his mind.

Deana started on his lats, triceps and under his arms. It should have tickled and made him pull away, but her touch was sensual. Deana’s hands slowly slid down to his hips, then to his ass. His cock surged with stiffness. He looked down, anticipating Deana’s next move. Her hands crisscrossed his groin. Her knuckles bumped his bowed shaft. He stiffened with the expectation, remembering how she had lifted and rolled his balls the night before. He wanted those soapy hands wrapped around his cock, sliding up and down. Evan groaned when she continued up to his stomach.

Her body pressed against his back like a giant satin washcloth. Her fingertips swirled in his chest hair. One of her legs lifted and her inner thigh slid up the outside of his leg. Her foot came around the front, went between his legs and grabbed the back of his calf. Her leg was twisted around his like a climbing vine. His testicles were buzzing, and his erection throbbed painfully.

Evan turned Deana around, got behind her and smashed his body against hers. His emotions were so powerful he had to temper his hug, or he’d crush his sister. Her body rose and fell with each of his deep breaths. The globes of Deana’s ass lathered his ridged shaft and tight ball sack. He palmed her right tit with his left hand and her pubic mound with the right. Deana forced her head back and arched her body. Only her toes touched the tub. He tried to capture a silky tit crown with a pinch. A moan vibrated from deep in Deana’s throat.

The motion of Evan’s hips had been barely perceivable when it started and completely involuntary. Now, he was lifting his sister, hunching and sliding his cock and balls between her ass cheeks. Deana was pushing her butt back in rhythm and tightening her glutes on his upward thrusts.

Evan wasn’t completely blind with lust, nor had their passion erased his conscience, but all those fears of having his love discovered by his sister were gone. Deana wanted him to be her first. He was ready to pour all of his love into her, and give her what she asked for.

He grasped her crotch bone, tightened his arm around her chest and picked her up. When he lowered her his cock head coursed through her groove, opening her pussy lips like a zipper. He pulled back and thrust again. Her hot, wet flesh coated his dick with her readiness. His finger snapped across her clit. Deana squirmed. He grunted and tried again. The crown of his prick speared the rim of her pussy. His sister whimpered. The bulb of his cock plowed the trough flesh. Deana grabbed his dick and held it tight. He could feel his shaft crushing into her wet velvety flesh, but she wouldn’t let him move.

“What, Dee, what is it?”

“Don’t hate me, please.” She huffed several times. “I’m not ready.”

Maybe willpower was a mental muscle like Candy had read somewhere. Hers could be exhausted by now. It took all she had to get into the kitchen to meet Evan. Then she had to force those words out of her mouth. Evan’s face had shown disappointment and relief, so he must have believed her. Wasn’t that enough? Yes, Candy thought, I deserve this. She double clicked the icon she had been staring at for ten minutes. So much for the promises she’d made herself.

A window popped up on the screen. Evan was already behind the shower curtain, and steam billowed over the top. Candy sighed with disappointment, but that didn’t stop her from watching. She was getting warm and moist between her legs.

The fog thickened while the shower went on longer than Candy wanted to wait. Then, without shoving the curtain across the bar or turning off the water, her stepson emerged. Candy leaned close, wishing the mist on the lens wasn’t clouding her view. The teenager’s fully erect cock, swinging side-to-side, gave her a hot flash and her pussy lips moistened. Evan grabbed a towel. Why didn’t he turn off the water?

Candy gasped when Deana pushed the curtain aside and stepped out of the tub. The girl’s body was exquisite with glistening beads running down her dark skin. Candy felt her heartbeat pulsing in her nipples. She was trapped in a vow of silence that could only be broken by exposing her crime. Would telling on herself make her well? There was only one person who wouldn’t judge her and find her guilty of a grievous breach of parental responsibility. She would have to remain as sick as her secrets, unless…

Deana sat on the counter with her head hung. “You mad? You think I’m a cock tease?”

Evan said, “No,” and faced his sister. His cock was as stiff as it had been when he tried to ram it into her. “Did you change your mind? You don’t want me to be—”

“No, no I haven’t. You’re the only one I want it to be. I want to.”

“You scared?”

Deana hooked her feet behind his thighs. He shuffled forward, between her parted knees. “No.”

“What’s wrong, then?”

“We—I need time.” Her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands, one after the other, slipped over his pulsing knob.

“Why?” He watched his sister gently tug on his cock.

“I can explain.” The speed and the length of her strokes increased.

“Dee, if you keep doing that—”

“I know. I want to watch it. See it happen.”

“It’s gonna be messy.”

“I don’t care.”

“You will.”

“This is how I want it to be, like this.” She stared at him. “Not sitting, but you between my legs, looking down at me. I want to see your face when you go inside me. I wanna look into your eyes while it’s happening, feel you the way we used to feel each other before fear came between us.”

Visions of Deana’s body under him filled Evan’s mind. He started rocking, pumping his erection through his sister’s fists. “Dee, I’ll wait as long as you want. I love you.”

Deana’s eyes told him she knew what was going to happen, but she never looked away, not even when a burst of cum hit her throat. She smiled with satisfaction and continued to jerk his spurting dick. He looked down. White cream flew out of his cock, struck her brown skin, then ran down her body. Deana’s puffy, pink nipples were thrust out by the changing shape of her tits. Her hands got slippery. She grabbed the base of his cock, pushed her thumbs into the underside and pulled them up to the head, milking his tube. The last of his orgasm bubbled from the slit and fell to Deana’s pussy mound. She used her middle finger to smear it into the crease that wrapped around the front of her pubic bone. A spasm rolled through his body. “Ah, shit.”

“Thank you, Evan.”

He steadied his breathing. “For what?”

“For being patient. I love you, too.” Deana’s legs tightened, and he lifted her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and covered his mouth with hers.

If he were going to cum inside her, she would have stopped them. That was the thought Candy consoled herself with. She was still breathing heavy, grasping her crotch. Evan had covered the front of his sister’s body with his orgasm. Now, Deana clung to him with her arms and legs. Her brother’s waning erection was just below her cum smeared pussy lips. Candy was twisted up emotionally, but mostly it was envy she felt. She never had the opportunity to experience those feelings of love and lust at their age. Their love had to be so powerful it hurt, and their youthful passion must have been consuming. By the time she was their age, Candy was the mother of three, two of the children she would have had to birth when she was eleven. She already had a man telling her what to do, fucking her when he wanted to, and showing love by giving her a place to live. She started crying, feeling more trapped and helpless than ever.

The next morning, Evan slept later than he had for as long as he could remember. It was possible he was more at peace than he’d been for years. He had closure. His mother was off limits; he could never love her the wrong way again. Deana knew his greatest secret, and it made her happy. His sister had taken all the pressure off. He knew they were in a holding pattern. What they were waiting for, he had no idea, but he knew Deana loved him and wanted him. Even if a relationship wasn’t possible, that didn’t mean they shouldn’t enjoy their youth, while they had it. They would always be there for each other, no matter what. That’s how it had been since they were in their mother’s belly together.

When Evan got downstairs, Deana’s door was still closed, so he assumed she was enjoying the same peace of mind and slept later than he had. Gloria’s room was empty, and his mother and father’s cars were gone. He knew where his father was, and he figured his mother took Gloria to softball practice or wherever. The idea of having the house to himself gave him a twinge in his groin. He looked forward to a time when he could walk around naked and have sex wherever and whenever he wanted. Dad’s going to China, he thought, without questioning the sense of relief it gave him.

Evan couldn’t remember how long the pizza had been in the refrigerator, but he ate it cold, anyway. After, he used the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Sure, he was thinking he might be kissing Deana soon.

When he came out of the bathroom, he stopped in the hallway. It was a windowless cave in the center of the house. He was standing where he had been the night he kissed his mother. She had kissed him back with the same hunger, hadn’t she?

Deana called from her room, “Evan, come here. I need you.”

A grin spread across his face. “What?” he asked while opening the door.

His sister was right there by the door. “You have to do something for me,” she said and pulled him into her room. Rebecca was face down on the bed.

“What?” he asked again.

“Actually,” Deana said, “it’s for her, or to her, really, but it’s for me.”

“Huh?” He moved to the end of Deana’s bed and tried not to make it obvious that he was checking out the tumbler’s tight little ass.

“My friend here said it’s impossible to get so excited from a massage that—”

“Not without petting my kitty,” Rebecca said.

“Whoa, hold on.” Evan put up his hands. “You don’t really want me to—”

“Oh, yes I do. I bet her she would, you know,” Deana said.

“Where’s mom?” he asked.

“She had something to do. Won’t be back for awhile.”

“Where’d she go?”

“Didn’t say, but we got plenty of time to prove me right. You better prove me right.”

“Prove you wrong,” Rebecca said, “then you owe me ten bucks.”

“You’ll be the one handing over the cash,” Deana said and slapped Rebecca’s butt.

Rebecca twisted her head around with a smirk on her face. “Ooh, now that might do it, a good spanking, but there’s no way a massage is gonna make it happen.”

Deana shook her head and rolled her eyes. “You lay there and keep quiet.”

Evan looked from Deana to the tumbler’s ass, then back. “Are you sure?”

“Do your best. I like to win.”

He wondered if it would feel like cheating on his sister? Deana got the oil out of her cramped drawer, then moved close to Rebecca’s face. “It might be weird using your mother’s lotion.” They both laughed, and Evan knew there was an inside joke that he wasn’t in on.

“Shirt off, face down,” Deana ordered.
Rebecca removed her shirt and stuffed a pillow under her body without showing her tits. “Wait, lift up,” Deana said and put that familiar beach towel under her friend.

He got a side view of the tumbler’s chest. The reddish-brown nipple hung like a thimble from Rebecca’s small tit. She arched her back and lifted her butt, but Deana stopped her from pushing her shorts down. “No need for that.” Rebecca gave her the evil eye, but Deana ignored her and said, “Make her eat crow, Brother.”

Rebecca started giggling. “I’d rather eat—”

Deana slapped her ass, again. “Zip it.”

Evan followed his sister’s gestures and got on the bed, then knelt over Rebecca’s lower back. Deana came around the bed and knee walked over to him. He gave her a questioning look. Her smile was the answer he wanted, and he held out his hands, palms up. Deana squirted too much oil on them. The excess trickled onto Rebecca’s back. Where were the hidden cameras? He waited for the girls to burst into laughter.

“What?” Deana asked.

Evan shrugged and said, “Nothing,” then he lowered his crotch until it rested lightly on Rebecca’s butt.

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