Potential Part 14
Potential Part 14
Sex Story Author: | BiStander |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She had everything she needed and was a carefree kid Hadn't she done the right thing marrying John? |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Incest, Teen Male/Teen Female, True Story |
Hello readers, welcome to another installment of debauchery.
Leave helpful comments about the story and let me know if you see errors. I try hard but shit happens.
One last thing, check the comments for answers to questions before asking. Many questions have already been answered there.
by Bistander
Chapter 14
Full Circle
The drive to Ms. Pioneer’s house was taking longer than Evan expected. His father would say, “You dope, you’re spending more time and gas than you’re making cutting those lawns!” Fuck him; I’ll ask Ms. Pioneer for a bunch of money. Style Pioneer, what kind of name was that? He didn’t have any trouble understanding her, but he still expected her to be a foreigner. Maybe she’d be a sexy French woman who needed a massage?
Evan stopped trying to convince himself the job was something more than mowing some lady’s grass and went back to thinking about what happened with Jayda. It had been more than great sex. In the past, sex had been about finally getting to shove his dick inside a girl, then wishing he could do it again as soon as it was over. He’d never fully appreciated it. Miss Tonya taught him some valuable lessons. At the time, he thought they were all about making the girl feel good, but now he knew that was only part of it.
Jayda’s body, the sounds she made, the way she responded to his touch, the way she tasted, the pressure needed to enter her, his dick coursing through her tube, and the moment he released his orgasm on her, then held her, were all still very much with him. He’d given her a lay she wouldn’t forget, and neither would he.
Evan had lied about knowing Alex for the same reason he always pretended not to notice Jayda and Alex’s bodies. How could he remain in denial after fucking one of the softball sisters?
The pulsing jets of hot water pelted Jayda’s ass while she massaged her pussy. It didn’t hurt anymore, but she would remember that first few seconds of pain for a long time. She hadn’t expected Evan to go all the way, and when she felt his thing on her back, it scared her. If she’d seen it, she probably would have chickened out. Good thing she hadn’t looked because letting Evan fuck her had turned a great moment into something spectacular. His giant dick ripping through her didn’t erase the miserable memory of the only other time she let a boy put his cock in her, but from now on she would consider Evan her first, and she would remember it for the rest of her life. Jayda smiled.
“Are you gonna tell me or do I have to come in there and beat it out of you?”
“I can’t, it’s embarrassing, and you’ll tell Gloria.” She wished Gloria could know and all those stuck up bitches at school, too, but Evan would be mad if she told.
“You know I won’t tell, even though it would serve her right for saying we didn’t have a chance with him.”
“I told you, I didn’t do—Nothing happened with him.”
“Right,” Alex said and stuck her head inside the shower curtain, “then why did you show up with that I just got off glow and tell me sex with a boy was like shoving a cucumber in your twat?”
“I didn’t actually say that,” Jayda said and turned off the water. “Give me a towel and stop staring at my crotch like you’ll be able to tell if I had sex. You can’t and I didn’t.”
“Here,” Alex said. “What happened then? Couldn’t be more embarrassing than anything we’ve done together.”
“That thing at the ballpark, that’s not embarrassing because we didn’t get caught, but if I tell you and you tell Gloria—”
“I swear,” Alex said, “if I blab, you can tell her about that time I peed the bed.”
“That must have been embarrassing.” Jayda laughed while drying her legs. “Okay, you tell and I tell everyone at school that you peed the bed during a sleepover.”
“Evan was there, and of course I wanted to, you know, but my mom and his mother were there. What chance did I have?”
“Yeah, what’s the chance of Evan being interested?”
“Plenty,” Jayda said, “but I made up that cucumber thing so you’d think we did it. That’s embarrassing, but what’s more embarrassing is me touching myself and Evan catching me.”
“Yes, yes he did, I think. I told you it was embarrassing. I didn’t think he knew I was there and I had my hand on my crotch. That’s why I was red when I got here. I took off without a bathing suit under my cover up. I wanted to get out of there, quick.” It was a good story, and she thought Alex bought it.
“That is embarrassing,” Alex said. “but it would have been more embarrassing if you had run into Mrs. Henderson in that open-knit tunic. I can’t believe you walk here like that.”
“You know me,” Jayda said. “Let’s go outside.” Maybe she’d show Alex a few of Evan’s tricks.
“Yeah, let’s, I’ve been waiting for you and missing out on tanning time.”
“Has Evan ever been here?”
“Here, like in my house or out front to pick Gloria up?”
“Obviously, I mean to pick Gloria up.”
“Hey, you never know, he might be into skinny tomboy’s with no tits.”
“Not everybody can have huge tits like Gloria,” Jayda said, “you got ass, though.”
Alex sighed. “But she’s got tits and ass, and she’s pretty. It’s not fair.”
Yeah, but she doesn’t get to have sex with Evan, Jayda thought. “So, Evan knows where you live?”
“Yes, of course. Why are you expecting him to come over?”
“No, I was just wondering.” There was only one reason Evan would lie; he was planning on doing more spying, and she was going to give him something to see. “Come on, get naked,” Jayda said.
There hadn’t been one cross street or driveway since Evan turned onto the arrow-straight, Beaver Dam Road. No wonder Ms. Pioneer told him, “You can’t miss it. When you reach the woods on the right side of the road, start looking for the only driveway. If you see cotton growing on the right, you passed it.” She wasn’t kidding, it had been miles of fields, then trees.
Evan turned onto the oyster shell driveway and went through the woods for two-hundred yards before he saw the house. It was a large house with a wide wraparound porch. He lived in a subdivision, so he didn’t know, but Evan thought it was one of those old plantation houses.
He stopped when his passenger door was at the brick walkway which curved across the front lawn to the porch. In front of him, on the left side of the house, there were two gates. Beyond them, the driveway continued to what looked like an old barn that was now a four-car garage. Out his side of the car, through a narrow line of woods, he could see endless fields of some plant. He was no farmer in the dell, that’s for sure, but he thought it was the cotton Ms. Pioneer mentioned.
Old movies he’d seen and things he’d learned in school, fanned his imagination and he pictured the fields filled with cotton. Then his porn brain brought Rhina in from the creek. The plantation owner would be doing bad things behind his wife’s back, while his daughters had muscle-bound black man ramrodding their cunts.
The expensive luxury car didn’t fit into his fantasy world. Ms. Pioneer probably wasn’t a farmer, but according to Miss Tonya, she was an interesting woman, whatever that meant. He thought she had to be crazy to live in the middle of farmland if she wasn’t a farmer. It’s a huge house, did she live alone?
His car door closed with a thud, and several crows took flight. He followed the brick path and paused where it curved towards the stairs. The sun made it impossible to see if there was anybody inside watching him. He turned in a circle and acted like he was estimating the size of the job, then continued to the foot of the brick steps. The double doors with their oval smoked windows gave the house dark eyes that stared back at him. Some apprehension about meeting a new person for a job was to be expected. What Evan felt was beyond apprehension. The house probably had ghosts, he decided.
Evan jumped when one of the house’s eyes pulled in, and a woman appeared. She walked to the edge of the porch, holding a phone to her ear, and gave him the universal one minute sign. Her toes curled over the end of the planks like a competition diver about to launch. All of his motor functions seized except for the ability to move his eyes up and down. He stopped them and looked straight ahead. “Interesting,” was an understatement.
Ms. Style Pioneer was wearing a one-piece shorts outfit made out of gold spacesuit material. If her choice in clothes were the only thing, he could have gone with weird, but there was so much more. He tried to glance around idly, but his eyes continued to focus straight ahead. Her legs weren’t shaped by obvious muscles, but they were appealing. Her thighs touched together from her knees up to the gap, where the spacesuit clung to her crotch like shiny gold skin. She didn’t have a camel toe, it was a mountainous bulge of pussy. She had to know he was staring at it.
The woman pointed and bent her knees, indicating he should sit in one of the chairs on the porch. He took the first two steps in one stride, paused facing her, then passed her on the right. The tight material was stretched over her flat stomach and he noticed the outline of a loop, like a bellybutton ring. He also took mental snapshots of her softball sized tits and their bullet tip nipples. The right one was either deformed or pierced with a rod. Ms. Pioneer wasn’t an albino, but she hadn’t been exposed to the sun for some time. Her pale complexion was pronounced by her jet black hair and matching eyebrows. The thick brows, dark eyeliner, black mascara and bright red lips reminded him of a goth chick at school.
When she turned her back to him, he gobbled up the view of her rear end. The shorts weren’t too short, but the gold fabric was jammed in the crack of her ass. It wasn’t a big ass, but it was too big for her waist. She wasn’t pretty, but she was sexy as hell in an odd way.
When she said goodbye, he stood up and waited for her to turn towards him, then said, “Hi, Ms. Pioneer, I’m Evan.”
She said, “Yes, you are, just as Tonya described you,” then she extended her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too.” Her hand was small, but her grip was firm. It seemed weird shaking hands with her, and it lasted too long. Keep calm and make eye contact, he thought but dropped his eyes anyway. Nipple ring, belly button ring and the bulge at her groin were clear.
She said, “Just call me, Style,” and finally let his hand go. He followed her to the railing, where she braced herself and leaned forward. “Look at this mess.”
He got his eyes off the gold spacesuit wedged between her cheeks and looked at the yard. “It’s not that bad.”
She lifted a foot until it touched her butt. “All the leaves and branches those storms blew down need to be cleaned up before the lawn can be cut. The back is worse. Honestly, nothing has been done since Fall.”
“I can take care of all that for you.”
The black lines of her eyebrows lifted. “You think you can handle it?”
“Yes, definitely,” he said.
“Let’s walk around, so you can see everything.”
Don’t stare, he warned himself, then watched her ass go down the steps. “Okay.”
Fifteen minutes later, Evan knew Ms. Style was interviewing him and he wanted her to hire him. “I can do anything you need done,” he said.
“I’ve talked to some other people, but I like you best, so far, and Tonya’s opinion of you was very favorable.”
Thank you, Miss Tonya, he thought. Now the hard part. “So how much—”
“Rather than pay by the hour, I’d give you three hundred dollars for the initial clean up, then one hundred a week for the pool and lawn. I may ask you to do some odd jobs here and there, but we’d negotiate those at the time. You think you can do odd things?”
Be cool, don’t be too excited. “I’m no Bob the Builder, but I’m pretty handy,” he said.
She surprised him by taking his hands in hers. “I’m sure you are,” she said. “Why don’t you take another look around and make sure you don’t have any more questions, then give me your decision. I’ll be around back on the porch.”
Instead of watching her walk to the gate, he went the other way and pretended to be evaluating the job, even though he knew his answer. It seemed too good to be true, even without the fringe benefits. He probably wouldn’t ever take her up on the use of her pool, but she had a riding lawnmower. That meant he could mow the lawn and do the pool cleaning in two hours. That’s fifty bucks an hour, sweet.
Evan tapped on the door, then started opening it. The largest dog he’d ever seen made him stop. “Ah,” he croaked.
Style smiled and said, “Sit, Brutus.” The dog sat at her feet and looked up at her like he wanted something. She rubbed his head and he seemed satisfied. “He’s friendly, I promise.”
“Good, that’s good, because he’s huge.”
“Yes he is, but he’s a pussy cat. Well, have you decided?”
“Yes,” he said, “I’d like to do it.”
“Good, I’m glad. When will you start?”
“Tomorrow, pretty early, if that’s okay.”
She straddled the dog and walked forward until his shoulders were against her crotch. “That’s fine by me,” she said and held the dog’s ears while scratching the sides of his head.
“I might bring a friend to help me get the first big cleanup done quickly. I’ll pay him.”
“Okay, that’s smart,” she said. “You might need some help. I can be a slave driver.”
The expression on her face made her choice of words seem less than coincidental. Evan glanced at the five person hot tub, and said, “See you tomorrow.”
She said, “I’m about to jump in there.”
He didn’t think it was an invitation to join her, so he said goodbye again, and headed to his car, suspecting Ms. Style was getting out of her clothes while he walked. Maybe I should think of something I forgot to ask?
A text from Deana surprised him. She wanted a ride home from Rebecca’s house. That would give them a chance to talk, and that was a good thing, he thought. He had a thirty-minute drive to figure out what to say to her. That shouldn’t be any harder than creating the opening paragraph for a novel.
Candy sat at her desk and stared at Sally’s letter. When somebody dies, at some point you finally accept that they’re gone forever, even if you still think about them. In a way, it had been like her sister died, but acceptance never came and she continued to grieve. Never had she stopped wondering where Sally was or under what circumstances she lived.
She placed her hand on the letter and closed her eyes, then summoned the image of her sister that she had always chosen when she missed her. The pregnant teenager’s smile was radiant. Her thick red hair was tied back, her freckled cheeks glowed, and her huge breasts were heavy, resting on her bulging belly. They had both been so excited about Sally’s baby and talked nonstop about raising it together. It was a devastating blow when Sally gave her baby away. Was that why Candy got pregnant herself? No, she was naive and careless, it wasn’t intentional as Sally and Bobby had accused.
When Candy’s breasts and belly were full, there wasn’t any excitement and enthusiasm like there had been for Sally’s baby. Reality set in, along with fear. It wasn’t a doll, a baby doll she could toss aside when she was done playing mommy. All the fears Sally must have felt set in, but she didn’t have Sally or Bobby’s support. Hadn’t they driven her to John, then turned on her?
The angry look on Sally’s face when she said John wasn’t a good person, came to Candy’s mind. What were her exact words? “That man is a—”
The knock and the door opening were simultaneous, and Candy jumped. “You’re supposed to wait until someone says come in.”
“I know,” Gloria said, “Deana tells me that same thing, but you have a lock, so I figured if you were doing something I wouldn’t want to see, you’d—”
“Gloria.” She forced the stern mother’s face. “Your—”The word father stuck in her throat—“You know better.”
“Sorry, Mom,” Gloria said. “I know your doctor junk is important work and I’ll remember to knock and wait.”
“Don’t be smart,” she said, fighting a smirk. “What do you want?”
“After practice would it be okay if I go over to Alex’s and spend the night?”
“Did she ask her mother?”
“Yes, she’s cool with it and she’s picking me up for practice, so Evan doesn’t have to take me. Where is Evan?”
“Working. Maybe you should get a job?”
“No, I’m too young to work,” Gloria said and kissed her. “I’ll call you later.”
Candy watched Gloria leave, then got up to closed the door behind her.
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