Potential 10
Potential 10
Sex Story Author: | BiStander |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “I'll get started.” “Okay,” she said, then added, “Oh, Evan, you don't have to rub lotion on her.” |
Sex Story Category: | Bi-sexual |
Sex Story Tags: | Bi-sexual, Exhibitionism, Incest, Teen Male / Female, True Story |
About the author, Bistander:
I started writing because my regular life fell apart. I was already paralyzed, but the wheels came off the train because of a woman and I had to start over. Unfortunately, I grew up with a severe learning disability that went untreated, so not only do I have a lot to learn, there’s a limit to how much I can do. I hope you won’t hold any of that against me, nor will you excuse poor writing because of it. I welcome and am motivated by your feed back.
About the story, Potential:
Not all of the events actually happened, many of them didn’t happen the way they are portrayed, but all of them are based on true, real life events that I know about and or participated in. All of the characters are based on actual people, none of them me, even if some of my personality shows up in them. That just happens.
Comment/vote point out mistakes. In means a lot to me.
by Bistander
Chapter 10: Sweet Almond Massage
When Evan got out of bed, it was too early considering how tired he felt. The hours he’d been in bed weren’t restful. He’d either been dreaming about what happened or half awake thinking about it. What made him think Deana hadn’t done the same thing?
The thing that happened last night was spontaneous. They were two horny teenagers and they got carried away. Sure there was something special between them, and that complicated things, but he knew it was wrong and it could never happen again. He wasn’t sure that was the way Deana saw it, but she was smart enough to know things would get really weird between them if they had sex. There was no way they could live under the same roof after. They’d either want to do it all the time, he would; or one of them would end up dating someone, then the other would be hurt. It wasn’t like they could date each other. Plus, it would be almost impossible to hide it for long. If their father found out he’d kill him, and even if they didn’t get caught, their mother would sense things were strange between them. Things were already strange.
Deana might have acted impulsively for reasons he didn’t comprehend, but he went to her while she was in the shower. What did he think was going to happen?
Downstairs in the bathroom, Evan saw that Deana hadn’t even put her clothes in the hamper after her shower. He stared at the gray sweatpants and shirt, no underwear. He picked up the pants. Every part of him that was still sane told him not to. That’s what started all your problems in the first place, he thought, then he pressed the crotch of her sweatpants to his nose.
The first mowed lawn of the season, the air after a thunderstorm, hot asphalt on a summer day, and now, forever in his mind, the smell of his sister’s climax. He inhaled deeply and pictured the glisten in Deana’s eyes and the glow on her face as she came. He had caused his own sister to have an orgasm and now he knew exactly what it smelled like.
An abduction by sex starved aliens was starting to be more believable than everything that was happening to him. He needed to put time between him and what happened before he faced Deana again. At least my boner for mom is on the back burner now.
Jason awoke from a dream. It was the same dream he’d been having for years, in one form or another. He reached for his dick. He wanted to hold it while he tried to go back into fantasy land. That was the only place he’d been able to lose his virginity.
His eyes snapped open and he flung the sheet back. There was a crusty layer covering his cock. A surge of adrenaline wiped his brain of any sleepiness. What he thought had been his reoccurring dream had actually been reality. He wasn’t a virgin anymore. He had lost his cherry to his sister.
The scene replayed in his mind. It should have disturbed him, but he was reliving all the sensations that went along with sex, and they felt good. The blow jobs had been awesome; a hundred times better than jerking off, even if a dog was licking his asshole, but the inside of a girl’s pussy—Fucking had been better than he imagined, and he had a great imagination.
The physical sense of pleasure had been Earth shattering, but opening his eyes from a sound sleep to see Becky’s skinny body perched on the head of his cock, then dropping down and taking him inside her, that was mind altering. Having sex for the first time changed you, but getting fucked by your sister changed everything. His world was different now and it could never go back to the way it had been.
Jason had never been jealous when he heard things about Becky at school, but now he wished he could have been her first, too. He’d never tell her she was his. How was he going to live with Becky and not hurt his mother again? Becky wouldn’t make it easy. He put on boxers and a T-shirt, then went to find her.
At Miss Tonya’s house, Evan was disappointed that her car wasn’t in the driveway. That meant she probably took Jayda to the same special practice his mother had taken Gloria to. He wouldn’t get to catch anybody tanning in the nude. Jayda was all show and tell, and tease. Too bad, he thought, she would have been a great distraction. That was exactly what he needed, a huge distraction. Something bigger than sex with Becky. Of course, nothing short of finding Miss Tonya tanning naked on the other side of the gate, ready to fuck his brains out, was going to distract him from what happened with Deana.
The gate’s latch clicked when he grabbed the handle, but it didn’t unhook and let the gate swing open. He stared at it for a few seconds, then started walking towards the woods at the back of the property. Even though Miss Tonya wasn’t home, and she wouldn’t be naked in the backyard, he regressed to years earlier. Jason and him used to walk their neighborhood after dark, hoping to peek in someone’s window. On earth they never got to see a naked woman, but on planet Fucked Up Shit, there was potential.
He eased through the underbrush until he could see the back of the shed. The act of being sneaky was exhilarating. He sidestepped, trying not to make a sound, like he was actually going to catch Jayda and her mother sunbathing nude. That was stupid, but still exciting, in a childish way. He moved a branch like a spy and peeked through the bush.
At Gloria’s practice, Candy sat on the top row of the bleachers waiting for Tonya to show up. She knew airing her dirty laundry was not something she could do, but if she was going to talk to anyone, it would be Tonya. She was the only person who saw her facade. Still, Tonya didn’t know the depth of her deception, and Candy didn’t intend to tell her about the fight she had with John. Knowing I can is enough, she told herself.
Candy saw a boy poke his friend and point, then the group was whispering and giggling. Tonya’s backside was the object of the boy’s fascination. Candy smiled and watched the woman climb the bleachers. Tonya’s yoga pants were stretched tight over the bulge at her crotch and it reminded Candy of the stupid rhymes the boys would say on the playground. Their cruelty was often directed at her. She hoped she had done a better job helping Gloria cope with elementary school than her mother had for her. Names hurt as much as sticks and stones as far as she was concerned.
Tonya huffed and took a seat next to her. “Did you have to sit all the way up here?”
“Sorry,” she said with a smirk, and pointed. “Those boys loved watching you climb up here. Wow, I wouldn’t dare wear those outside.”
“Candy, if I had a body like yours, I’d show it off every chance I got. Those boys would be having wet dreams if they saw you in yoga pants.”
Candy dropped her face and bit her lip. She wasn’t allowed to draw attention to herself in public. “Thanks, but—”
“I know, John would kill you if you went out in something that made you look good. I’d still do it,” Tonya said. “We only have so many years before these things start losing their appeal. I’m going to make the most of that time and you should too.”
The sob caught her by surprise. When she realized it had come from her, the tears started flowing, but it wasn’t the truth of Tonya’s words that set them off. Neither had the memory of the burning pain or the humiliation of having her hair pulled or the degrading act she was forced to perform. Those things were par for the course, and she’d given up crying about them. Why was she crying now?
For years she’d accepted her powerless and helpless state. John didn’t love her, he owned her, and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. That was reality and she was doing what she needed to do for her daughter, and John’s kids. They all needed her and that had always been enough to keep her going. There was no point in hoping for more because hope was the enemy of acceptance, it agitated a peaceful balance like too many clothes on one side of the washing machine.
Damn it, her fantasy world had tainted reality with hope and revived the sedated giant whose appetite for passion and pleasure was insatiable. It couldn’t be caged, and it would try to fight or take flight, but that would be a battle she’d never win and where could she run. She’d be used up and undesirable before she got free, and that revelation was what brought her to tears.
Tonya rubbed her back and said, “I knew there was something wrong, that’s why I came, I heard it in your voice when you called. Tell me.”
Candy leaned harder on her friend and waited for the hug she desperately needed, then she minimized the fight to an argument and downplayed her unhappiness. “I’m just emotional…it’s not anything to be crying about.”
Tonya didn’t believe her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize things were so bad.”
She looked at their thighs touching together and placed her hand on Tonya’s leg. It was almost like talking to her sister, Sally, except Tonya couldn’t know all of her sick secrets. Sally would know everything, and Sally would do things to make her feel better. She could never go there with Tonya. “I don’t like to talk about it, but thanks for listening.” She looked at two teenagers holding hands on the bottom row of the bleachers. She envied the powerful, youthful love and the passion it would produce.
“What are you going to do?” Tonya asked.
“What can I do, divorce him?” she said. “Evan and Deana are like my own. I could never leave them, and where would I go anyway. I can’t…I can’t do anything.” She could, but it would cost her everything. “It’ll get better, it’s just a phase.”
“You ever think of getting… ah, having something on the side?”
Candy leaned her head on Tonya’s shoulder and shivered. If she hadn’t already tried that and been caught, John wouldn’t have all the leverage. So many things would be different. Cheating with anybody would have been a disgrace and grounds for John to send her and Gloria packing without a dime, but she did it with someone that he could use to send her away without Gloria. She would never leave Gloria behind as his prisoner. How could she have let herself get so needy? “Got something in mind?”
“Not really, I’m just talking. It’s not fair, you deserve better.”
“Thanks,” she said, wishing Tonya could offer more. “He knows everyone, everything, he’d find out and then what?” Then her hell would get worse or he’d kill her. “It’s not that bad. It’s just not what I dreamed of, hoped for.”
“Candy, you, you’re so young and beautiful, and you’re wonderful. You deserve to be happy and, um, satisfied.”
She squeezed Tonya’s leg. “Thank you. I’ve missed out, but it’s what I chose, for Gloria. Things will get better, they have to.” Only if she could figure out how to make John’s secrets bigger than hers.
After giving Tonya a few seconds to challenge what they both knew to be a lie, Candy said, “Where’s Jayda?”
“Said she didn’t feel good, but I’m sure she’ll recover quickly when Evan gets there. She actually had him spreading lotion on her yesterday.
“She’ll be disappointed, Evan likes older women,” Candy said, then hoping to cover her slip she added, “He acts like it’s a crime to even look at a girl who’s younger than him.”
Tonya didn’t miss a thing. “Really, women?” she said. “Maybe I should have him rub lotion on me.”
“Sounds like fun,” she said, hoping her tone didn’t convey her desire. “He gives great massages.”
“Hmm, interesting,” Tonya said with a smirk.
What about softball, Evan thought, then thinking became difficult. One of the softball sisters was playing hooky. Jayda was right where he’d left her, flat on her stomach with her feet towards him. There was one difference, though, no blue straps looping her hips. Even if she was wearing a thong, he’d be able to see something wrapped around her waist.
The sun glistened on the orbs of her ass. Jayda really did get naked in her backyard, but she hadn’t waited for him to rub the oil on her. He was too far away to see what he’d had to create in his imagination last time, those plump pussy lips trying to squeeze out from under that tiny strip of material. Would she really have trusted him to rub oil on her?
He reminded himself that she was Gloria’s friend. In his present state of mind, going anywhere near Jayda would be dangerous, and stupid. He considered his options.
It would be embarrassing now to walk out of the woods and have her think he was hiding in the bushes, spying on her. He should go back to the gate and bang, that would be the most appropriate thing to do. Though, jerking off first would be the next best thing to do. Walking over there with a boner and offering to massage her oiled flesh would be wrong. Do the right thing, his father would say. He hadn’t had sex with his sister, so wasn’t this the next right thing?
Jayda started moving, rolled on her side, and put her feet on the grass. When she stood up, a whole new possibility arose. She knew you were coming, he thought. She turned completely towards him. He grunted. Big pinkish-brown nipples covered the tops of her mini ski jump tits. They were her mother’s tit’s waiting to grow up.
He was sure Jayda couldn’t see him, but he still held his breath when she started walking towards the woods. Getting caught spying on Gloria’s friend would definitely be humiliating. His heart raced and blood thumped in his ears. Getting caught beating off would be worse, but that might be the most right thing he was capable of. He had wanted Deana more than he was willing to admit, and probably more than he knew. All he wanted was some physical relief and a distraction from how he felt about Deana.
Jayda went around the corner of the shed, turned and faced it, then glanced over her shoulder. Her hands were on her hips. They moved around to her back, which arched. A pit opened in his stomach and swallowed his brain. He saw it first, then the sound reached his ears, but even with two of his senses receiving, he struggle to grasp what was happening. Jayda was pissing on her shed. A stream of fluid was shooting from between her legs and splattering on the shingles. He’d seen women piss standing up on the internet, but this wasn’t like that, it was the most incredible thing that could have possibly happened.
A conglomerate of psychological factors caused his response, but without a degree in Psychology, Evan wouldn’t understand why he needed to reach her before she heard him. His feet pressing into the grass reminded him of how it felt to creep into his mother’s room and peek at her pussy. The same fear knotted his stomach. His eyes were glued on Jayda’s ass and the splashing piss. Was this something she normally did? He had seriously underestimated the potential girls had for doing the nasty things that aroused him.
Jayda sensed him or heard him. Her head whirled around, but it took a few seconds for the stream to stop. “Oops,” she said, and more fluid spurted, then trickled to a stop. “I drank too much. I had to go.”
Evan was too stupid with lust to notice how he hadn’t frightened her, and he said the first thing that popped into his brain, “You’re naked.” He immediately wished he had said something more intelligent.
“Really, you noticed,” Jayda said, and her cheeks flushed, but she didn’t cross her arms over her erect nipples. Instead, she put her hands on her hips. “I told you.” Her nipples started growing, which changed the shape of her tits.
He didn’t say anything. His eyes lowered to the fat wedge covered with curly brown hair. Pee splatter was dribbling down her inner thighs. Never before had he imagined his little sister naked, not even when he came in her underwear. Thanks Jayda, he thought, now I’m wondering if Gloria has a big bush and nipples that cover the top half of her tits.
“Well, what?” he asked.
“You gonna do a better job now?”
Yesterday he wanted to finger her right under her mother’s nose. Since then he’d made his sister orgasm and almost stuffed his cock in her. Straddling Jayda’s naked, oiled body, while Miss Tonya was gone, would lead to something Gloria could never hear about. He could blackmail her with the dirt pile? What if Gloria already knows about the nasty things Jayda does? Tell her no, he told himself, then said, “What about your mother?”
“She ain’t home,” Jayda said with a smug expression that made him want to wrap his hands around her throat for making him feel the things he was feeling. Jayda wasn’t Gloria, and Gloria wasn’t anything like Jayda, but it still didn’t feel okay to consider fucking her.
“What if she comes home?”
“We’ll hear her car in plenty of time, but she’ll be gone a while.”
Evan was about to do something he was sure to regret. “All right—” The sound of a car cut him off. “Shit, that’s her!”
“She won’t look back here,” Jayda said.
She has less sense than me. What did she think they would be doing back there while her mother was home? A car door slammed. Don’t panic, he thought. The gate squeaked. “The gate, it was locked.”
“She’ll go in the house,” Jayda said.
“Evan… Jayda,” Miss Tonya’s voice called out. He panicked. Jayda didn’t have any clothes on or with her. Think, think of a plan, he told himself. They were screwed.
He whispered to Jayda, “Stay calm,” and pointed. “Go around that way. I’ll go this way.” He shoved her towards the other corner of the shed. He thought he could hear the grass crunching, but that could have been the sound of fear.
“I’m back here,” he said, moving in the opposite direction of the naked girl. He’d have to keep Miss Tonya facing him while Jayda crossed the yard.
“Evan,” Miss Tonya said.
“Yes, ma’am, right here.” He stepped out from behind the building.
She approached him and said, “Hi. Is Jayda around?”
He had to think like Deana. She could come up with an answer or excuse for anything. His brain scrambled for words, then a light bulb went on. “No, the gate was locked and your car wasn’t here…I, um, figured you were where my mom is, at practice…with Jayda. I came around the back, um, through the woods.” He tried to maintain eye contact, but Jayda was streaking across the yard, right behind her mother’s back.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said. “I could have sworn I left it unlocked for you.”
The alien that had taken over Jayda’s body stopped at the lawn chair she had been laying on, turned towards him and displayed full frontal nudity, daring her mother to catch her. He might have sighed with relief when Jayda finally picked something up and pulled it over her head. “Ah, I hope you, um, you don’t mind that I, you know, came back, came around the fence when you weren’t here.” He knew he probably wasn’t making sense.
“Oh no, that’s fine. It’s my fault…I think,” she said.
“Okay, well I better get busy.” Jayda swung the screen door open and pretended she was coming out of the house. He said, “There she is.”
“Hi, Mom,” Jayda said.
Miss Tonya turned her head, then shook it. “She looks fine to me.”
She didn’t look fine to him. The dress thing Jayda had put on was designed to wear over a bikini, not a naked girl. “Huh?” he croaked.
“She told me she didn’t feel good this morning. Looks like she just didn’t want to go to practice,” she said. “Can’t imagine why.” She grinned at him.
“Got me,” he said, itching to get away from her.
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