
Pool Partying

Chapter One

Summer’s finally here and I’m really ready for the fun to start. It’s not that I don’t like school, its more that there’s more to do during the summer. We have a pool and I have my two best friends over almost every day to swim, tan and hangout.

Let’s see, where to start…

First off, I’m Elisa or Lise, pronounced ‘Leese.’ I’m fourteen, five foot three, medium length ash blond hair, blue eyes, above average student interested in becoming a lawyer like my mom, and I’m considered pretty by my two best friends, Mia and Erin.

Yes, I have two ‘best’ friends, Mia and Erin. I know, you’re not supposed to have two best friends but I do and that’s life. We are all fourteen and Mia is the shortest at five feet one, long waist length shiny brown hair, light brown eyes, pretty figure (she’s on the swim team but isn’t muscular, just trim and solid), she’s also a good student and is the shyest but also the prettiest of the three. Actually, Mia is even in the ‘beautiful’ category.

Speaking of shy, Erin is not; not at all. She’s got curly blond hair, hazel eyes, is on the cheerleading team (but not stuck-up at all) and also gets good grades. We are both five foot three. As you might think from being a cheerleader, Erin is very pretty.

My mom, as I’ve said, is a lawyer (real estate law, nothing too exciting) and my dad is a financial planner for a large brokerage company (boring, if you ask me.).

I have a brother, Reed, who is sixteen, also a good student (is it genes?), stands five feet seven and has wavy blond hair. No he doesn’t look like a surfer, more like the lead of the debate team. Plenty of girls (including the two aforementioned friends) think Reed is very cute. He’s also just begun to drive (mainly my parents sick with worry.), but no accidents so far.

We live in a nice suburb and have a fenced-in yard with a very nice pool and spa. Its where I live during the summer. Can you blame me?

We all three are attractive and look pretty good in our bikinis. Mia fills out the top of hers the most, she’s really built and constantly gets ogled by guys wherever she goes. They’re big, I think D-cup but I’ve never asked her.

I’m a nice average C-cup which gets this fourteen-year old some stares, too. Erin, who was pretty flat as of about a year ago (we used to call her ‘pancake’), has filled out into a nice (and solid) B-cup. She also has the skimpiest bikinis (some my mom would never, ever let me order) and she is a knockout in them. Just proves that more is not always better.

Oh, I should add that none of us has had sex, meaning ‘intercourse’, at this point. Some petting and stuff but if there was more, whoever was doing it kept it to herself and we share just about everything with each other.

On Tuesday, the first week after school was out, we are sunning ourselves by the pool when Erin says, “Why don’t we tan topless this year? We’ve got something to tan for a change.” Leave it to Erin to push the envelope, any envelope.

“Well, for one thing,” I said, “my brother uses the pool almost as much as we do. That pretty much kills that idea.”

After all, it was my brother and while the other two might get a thrill out of parading in front of my brother topless, it wasn’t something on my agenda.

“We could swear him to silence,” Erin added.

“Oh sure, just ask him not to tell Mom and Dad. Sure.”

“Well, if he agreed to take his trunks off then we’re all in the same boat. That should work. I’m sure he’d agree, what red-blooded guy wouldn’t want topless babes around all day and we’d get a look at his equipment which would be fun.”

“Erin, you’re disgusting, this is my brother we’re talking about.”

“Yeah but he’s kind of a hunk, right?”


Mia, so far not part of this discussion, pipes in, “I’d love to see Reed in his birthday suit. It’d keep me turned-on while I get a tan, for sure.”

“Well, my brother’s dick doesn’t interest me.”

“When was the last time you saw it, Lise?”

“Oh, maybe ten years ago. It wasn’t much to look at.”

“I’ll bet that’s changed and a lot. I say we ask him,” says Erin, “and see what he says. Bet he goes for it.”

“That means I have to parade around my brother with my tits out.”

“Well, you have nice tits, Lise, what’s wrong with that. They’re pretty and you should be proud of them.”

“I am but…”.

“Well, I’m with Erin” says Mia. “Topless all summer.”

“Shit here I am getting dragged into something I don’t want to do by you two crazies.”

“Nobody’s making you do anything, Lise, you already walk around in a bikini that barely hides your nips. Not much difference in my book.”

Well, she had me there. I remember the first time I put on a skimpy two-piece suit. I blushed for a week. But now, I don’t even think about it. Hmm, I just don’t know. Mia adds, “He’d be looking at Erin and me anyway. Big deal. We don’t mind and we get our boobs tanned.”

“Well, okay, but Erin, you’re asking him, not me. It was your idea so you do it.”

“Good by me. If he comes out, I’ll ask him. Agreed?” We did.

So nothing much happened until about three o’clock when the back screen door opened and Reed came out with a towel and a soda.

“Hi, ladies. How’s the water?”

Without waiting for an answer, he dove into the pool and swam around for a while. Then he was out and on a lounger putting lotion on. Erin got up, “Here goes nuthin'” and went over to my brother.

We couldn’t hear what was being said but it seemed civilized. In a couple of minutes, they came over to where we were standing.

“Erin’s got an idea for our summer by the pool and she tells me that you two agree. That right?”

Mia says, “Yeah we all agree.”

“How ’bout you, Sis?”

“Uh…yeah I guess. Okay.”

There it was done…well except for Reed’s decision.

“I suppose I should start first,” he said, then added, “Uh, you do know that guys kinda show when they are excited or turned-on, right? I mean, I might be…”.

Erin, always one to jump in, said, “You mean you’ve got a hard-on?”

“Well, yeah, its kinda difficult not to under the circumstances. Is that okay?”

Again, without missing a beat, Erin says, “Drop ’em, Reed, let’s see.”

Well, drop ’em he did and he stood there with a very nice stiff penis pointing straight out. Boy was it changed since I last saw it when he was about six years old. I really haven’t seen one erect and up close before but Reed’s was really beautiful, nice and straight and with a big, fat pink tip on the end. Damn, here I am admiring my own brother’s dick while I sit poolside with my two best friends.

Of course, it’s Erin who opens her mouth.

“Very nice, Reed, very nice.”

I thought I’d die right there.

I’m either blushing or I’m getting turned-on because I feel flushed all over. But the tingle in my pussy tells me that I’m being sexually aroused by my brother. Oh, my. Then I realized that Erin and Mia are taking off their tops. D-day has arrived, time to de-top. I reached back and pulled the bow and lifted my bra top off.

I couldn’t look at my brother at that point, just straight down to the ground.

“Very pretty ladies, get a nice tan,” and he walks back to his chair and lays down.

Erin jumps up and goes over to him with, “Need help with the lotion, Reed?”

“If you’d like, Erin, sure.”

God, here’s Erin pouring oil into her hand and rubbing it all over Reed’s midsection, yes, including up and down his dick.

“Do my front, Reed, would you,” she says and my brother begins to rub tanning oil all over Erin’s breasts and tummy. I don’t believe this. Then Erin says, “You two want some lotion, I’m sure Reed will oblige.”

Mia jumps up and Reed is slathering her big boobs all over with oil. This is going crazy. But then everyone lays down and the rest of the afternoon there’s no more nutsy stuff.

The next day, we’re laying in the sun topless and its beginning to feel more normal. We three really are pretty and you can sure see it when we’re naked from the waist up. I’m a girl and I think we look super-sexy.

I’ve moved to the shade by about one-thirty when Reed comes out. I look over and he’s starkers as the Brits say and today his penis is less unruly, more or less keeping to itself. He walks over to us and says, “Erin, like to oil me up again?”

God help me she grabs the bottle and says, “Get that thing over here, Reed, I don’t want it to burn.” She is oiling him all over and paying particular attention to his midsection.

Mia jumps in and says, “Can I do that part?” as she points to his rising dick. What kind of friends do I have, anyway?

“Sure, Mia, you get a turn if you want. I won’t play favorites.”

So, Mia begins to rub my brother’s cock as he stands there with his eyes closed. Erin, always one to move things along, says, “How about doing it until you cum? I’ve never seen a guy’s cum spurt out before. How about it Reed?”

“Well, if its in the interest of science and learning, I’m all for it.”

So, Erin (of course) takes over and begins to jack-off my brother. Well, I must say there was some erotic interest in it for me; I’m not made of stone, after all. He may be my brother but he’s a good looking guy with a very sexy dick. So, without making it too, too obvious, I watch as Erin pumps along. She looks like maybe she’s done this before.

Just when it seems to be getting a little routine, Reed starts to moan and begins to lean into Erin’s hands as she strokes him.

“Oh, Erin, I’m getting close. That’s goood, keep doing it. Uggghh, Ooooh, OOOOH” and a big spurt of cum shoots out in the air followed by several smaller bursts. It was my first view of a guy cumming and it was impressive. He shot his stuff about two feet and was left with a dribble of cum on the end of his penis which Erin wiped off with her finger and put in her mouth.

“Hmm, not bad, not bad,” she says as I practically faint. You’d think I’d be used to her by now. Reed says, “Wow, Erin, you can do that anytime, sweetie, anytime. You’ve got a talent for it, that’s for sure. Thanks, I better go lay down after that,” and he plops down on his chaise lounge which he dragged into the shade and is soon asleep.

“Erin, it looked like you’ve done that before,” Mia says, “Have you?”

“Can I take the Fifth Amendment on that? A girl doesn’t have to tell all does she?”

I must say that my two friends were getting the best of the fun with my brother. It did seem weird to be there as two of my friends played with his cock, which, I have to admit, turned me on. By the time Erin had him cumming, I was so hot and wet that I had to get in the pool. I even found myself wondering what it would be like to have Reed’s dick inside me.

On Thursday, when Reed came out, Mia said, “Reed, let me do the sunscreen today.”

“Sure Mia, whatever you like.”

He’s no fool, a nice dick rubdown from a girl with D-cup boobs bouncing in your face is any guy’s dream.

“Wanna shoot off again? Maybe I can get you farther that Erin.”

Damn, now shy little Mia is all of a sudden ‘Miss Slut.’ But from what I can see of her stroking Reed’s erection, she’s having a great time, so is he, of course.

She’s evidently trying to get my brother to cum big-time and after a few minutes of vigorous jacking, Reed’s cock erupts with cum all over her.

“Oh, no, I was in the way. Looks like I got it all, except for this,” as she wipes off the glob on the end of Reed’s dick. “Well, let’s see if Erin’s right,” and she licks it off her finger. “Oooh, you’re right Erin, not bad at all. Nice, in fact.”

“Oh, Mia, you’re great, thanks, all the guys in your future will be grateful. You have a natural talent with a guy’s dick. Thanks, I’m gonna take a blissful nap now, thanks.”

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. I’ve been wondering if Erin will carry this any further. She is so spontaneous and sometimes doesn’t seem to have any ‘filter’ at all. She just ‘goes.’ But that’s also what’s so fun about her. Oh, well.

Chapter Two

The next day, I’m out by the pool by myself, Mia had piano lessons and Erin swim team trials. Yes, I was nervous about the prospect of being alone with my naked brother and me half-undressed. Wouldn’t you?

Out he comes with a towel and a drink.

“Where’s Mia and Erin? They got the day off?”

“Mia is doing piano and Erin’s at swim trials. Just us today. You’ll have to put the sunscreen on by yourself.”

“Truthfully, Lise, I was hoping that it would be your turn next.”

If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that my heart had stopped.


“Oh, Sis, I think you’re the sexiest of the three of you. I’ve tried to get looks at that beautiful body of yours for a long time now.”

“Really, Reed, I never had a clue.”

“Well, I’ve spilled a lot of sperm dreaming of you, Lise. Hope you don’t mind.”

Now there’s something to think about: my brother has been hot for my bod even jacking-off dreaming of doing me.

“Gee, Reed, it really is a complement and I am flattered. I’ve gotten used to thinking less of you as a brother and more of a naked hunk around the pool. Umm, hand me the suntan oil, maybe I will help you out.”

Can I really be saying this? I mean its obvious to me that being around my brother’s naked body all week has had an effect; I’ve been masturbating three or four times a day and I usually do it once or maybe twice in bed at night.

He picks up the lotion and hands it to me.

“Okay, Elisa, the ball’s in your court.”

I pour out some in my hand and say, “Well, stretch out,” and begin rubbing it on his shoulders and chest. I move next to his legs passing over his rather rigid cock which is difficult to ignore. I’ll have to get to it soon.

I’m leaning over him and he asks, “Can I touch your boobs? They’re so pretty.” Right then I had worked up to his groin, not quite to his dick, yet, so I figured that within seconds I’d be gripping his cock, so why not.

“Yeah, after all they’re almost in your face.”

He reaches up and begins to massage my breasts and circle my nipples with his thumb. It does feel rather nice (Who am I kidding? It was very exciting.) and I’m about to pour a bit more oil and start ‘you-know-where.’

No time like the present, I thought, and began to rub the lotion onto his very hard cock.

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