
Policewomen 2: Trina and Son

Author’s note: As the brief description for this story indicates, this mom and son camping story will be quite different from others you may have read. While the violence in this part of the series isn’t too extreme (like it is in part 1), the criminals that ruin this camping trip will regret messing with this vixen of vengeance and her son.
I put in a brief bestiality scene in Chapter 3 – mainly just for fun. I have italicized that part in case you want to skip it.

Edited by: Tigersman

Policewomen 2: Trina and Son

Chapter 1 – The Arrival

“Yes I think that’ll do it,” Trina said, sitting the last of the miscellaneous camping supplies on the counter.

The cashier sorted and scanned the trail mix, flashlight, bottled water, and lighter – items Trina and her son forgot to pack for their four night camping trip in the mountains near Ashville, North Carolina.

The cashier glanced at Trina’s chest, covered by a white tank top, then quickly away to avoid getting caught.

She paid for the items and left, putting them in one of the backpacks her rented horse, Daisy, was carrying, then mounted her. Daisy’s son, Dale was nearby, with Trina’s son, Richie already mounted up. The human mother and son tapped the horses with their heels. The horse mother and son trotted off carrying their riders.

The cashier was focused on Trina’s ass, her small, tight, cargo shorts, showing it off perfectly, her long legs on display too.

He heard mouth breathing, over his shoulder, followed by a toxic odor. He winced, knowing the source of the stench – his coworker’s bad breath.

“Roger,” the cashier said, stepping away from him. Roger was the 30-year-old stock “boy” of the general and outdoor equipment store, near a few of the wilderness preserves and state parks. He was also laser focused on Trina while she rode away.

“Call Derrick. We may have some trespassers,” the cashier ordered.

“Uh what’s his number again?” Roger asked.

“Fucking moron,” The cashier thought. “Never mind. I’ll do it,” he told Roger.

“Oh, huh huh, ok,” Roger chuckled, returning to the back room, to take his sweet time on unpacking a couple boxes.

“Derrick, hey. Yeah. Listen, I think we may have some campers to deal with. I know Shaun will be in this weekend, he won’t like that. Ok, sure. We’ll search near the lake for any campfires,” the cashier spoke on the phone.

“It’s a woman and a younger guy. Yep. What should we do if we find them?” there was a long pause on the phone. The cashier grinned, “Good idea. We’ll leave no traces.”

He hung up the phone, watching Trina and her son head up the gravel road into the mountains, rounding a curve, losing sight of them.


Trina smiled to herself, knowing she was being watched. Richie was behind her on his horse and Trina hoped her son’s eyes was were on her ass. She didn’t care. She wanted him to do it.

She repeated a line from a movie her and Richie watched last year. It was one of his favorite movies, one he had seen many times before, but on that night she snuggled up to him on the couch and watched with him.

“Whatever doesn’t kill you, simply makes you stranger.”

Trina, a former Miami police officer, survived traumatic, horrific events, and was stranger indeed. Lying in her hospital bed, Richie crying by her side, he confessed something Trina already suspected – he had been spying on her, even watching her, hidden, have sex with a friend.

Perhaps it was a combination of surviving the ordeal and realizing her son was more important than anything or realizing they were both adults, with adult needs and desires. Either way, traumatic events changed her, made her strange in most normal people’s eyes.

Richie promised that day in the hospital to never spy on her again. To Trina’s knowledge he kept his word. After her release, the strangeness kicked in. She wanted him to spy on her.

Trina would change clothes in front of him, carry on innocent conversations with him while sitting in a warm bath, late at night she would masturbate wondering if she was providing her son with a good show. She saw or heard no evidence of him watching her. Her changed, strange mind, was disappointed by this.

When an opportunity for a new job in Asheville, North Carolina presented itself, Trina took it. She applied, going through the extensive application process most police departments have. She made it through every round, scoring second place in the physical fitness test, besting several former Marines, barely lagging behind the first place position. She did fine on the written test, and interviews. Her accuracy and precision with a firearm was up there with the top three applicants. The only issue Trina was concerned about was her background check. Luckily her job performance in Miami was top notch – no internal complaints, no complaints from coworkers or people on her patrol route.

The small department she applied to seem to have no issue with her abduction experience from the previous year, thinking her as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Here she was, Trina and her son, on a nice camping trip one week before she started her new patrol route in Asheville. She and Richie organized the move, he transferred credits to a new community college, and Trina decided to take him camping. She rented horses and found a great spot. It was remote, but as far she knew, off trail camping wasn’t prohibited here.

“I hope you like the view,” She thought to herself, her ass slightly bouncing up and down as Daisy trotted a little faster up the mountain road.

Chapter 2 – Camp

Reaching the end of the gravel road, they headed onto a trail through a field. It was very hot and humid out – something Trina was counting on. She packed hardly any clothes, knowing she’d remove her tank top and would walk around in her black sports bra, giving Richie a show once they reached the camp site. Trina even wondered if she’d sneak off to the lake she was told about and have a nice bath. Perhaps Richie would follow her, watch her, stroking himself.

“Whoa,” Trina stopped her thoughts from heading there. “Have I really become that strange?” She asked herself, smiling at Richie over her shoulder.

He smiled back, his sweet face, giving her so much joy over the years – even if he was a voyeur. Trina wondered if Richie ever masturbated to her, maybe he did that night he watched her have sex. She didn’t know for sure. The strangeness of her thoughts continued as the made their way down the trail through the field, the tree line in the distance.

She spoke to her son in her mind. “I’ll be wearing my underwear in the tent. Will that make you hard?” Trina glanced back at Richie and Dale.

“Maybe you should jack off. Maybe I’d be the one to spy on you this time,” Trina chuckled to herself. “Stop,” she spoke out loud to Daisy, pulling the reigns back.

Daisy wasn’t a very friendly mare, but she obeyed. Dale and Richie pulled up next to them. “Hey. Everything ok?” Richie asked, Dale sniffing at Trina’s hand.

“Just taking in the view. It’s nice here, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Hot though,” Richie wiped his forehead.

“Yep. It’ll be cooler tonight though.”

“I hope so, geez,” Richie sighed.

“If it gets chilly, you’ll keep me warm?”

“Sure, mom. I’d love to,” Richie nervously answered.

“I know you would,” Trina mumbled, smiling at him.


“Nothing. Let’s go!” Trina tapped Daisy with her heels and they continued on. “There should be a decline up ahead past those trees.”

Incest had crossed Trina’s mind a time or two since leaving the hospital a year ago. She always pushed those thoughts away, settling on heavy flirting, and long embraces and kisses on the face. She loved how Richie always blushed after a peck on the lips.

Making their way through the forest, Trina nearly went over a cliff she did not see, “Whoa! Careful here. There’s a decline alright, this cliff.”

“We’ll have to go around, across that creek,” Richie said.

“Yes, the campsite should be around here.”

They crossed a fairly large creek 100 yards away, the rushing water flowing by the horses legs. When they reached the other side, they started gradually heading downward again, into a basin of sorts.

At the bottom, Trina looked at a huge opening in the forest ceiling, sunlight pouring in, illuminating a waterfall. “Look. I guess we were up there.”

“Yeah. Thought I heard something like rushing water,” Richie said.

Trina stared at the waterfall, 80 feet tall, rocks all around the bottom, imagining two people standing, making love at the base. The two people were her and Richie. She shook the thought from her head and moved on.

The creek opened up more and flowed into a small lake. There was another small field, with a great view of the surrounding mountains.

They arrived at a good spot near the lake, at the base of a hill, surrounded by pines and set up camp. The two horses were nearby, Dale following Trina and Richie, nearly getting in the way, Daisy wanting nothing to do with them.

Trina assisted Richie with gathering a few extra limbs and branches to use for the fire. They smiled at one another, trading looks as they searched. Trina recalled how close they’ve gotten over the last year, how good it felt to share a bed with him, how much she enjoyed having him as the only man she spent time with.

Richie glanced at her too. He admired her toned legs, her ample chest, and her lovely face – her smile was sweet, but Richie could detect something else behind it. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was a slight aura of seduction or desire in his mother’s eyes over the past year. It made him uncomfortable.

He never spied on her again, as much as he wanted to watch her shower, or masturbate, he stopped himself. Trina gave him plenty of opportunities though.

They headed back to camp, the nice horse, Dale following them. Incest entered Trina’s mind once more. This camping trip, alone with her son, in the hot, humid outdoors – it’d be a perfect setting for things going too far, for lines being crossed. She asked herself if she’d regret it. She thought how strange she was for answering herself with a “no.”

Chapter 3 – A Show

Richie was miserable as the afternoon dragged on. He was busy, unpacking food and other items Daisy and Dale were carrying. The tent was set up, firewood in a nice pile, and Richie was sitting on a makeshift seat – a large, nearby boulder he rolled into the campsite.

He was sweating buckets, avoiding watching his mother move about, feeding Dale a carrot here and there. Trina was perfectly fine with the heat. In the back of her mind, she wanted to get sweaty – she had plans.

“Hey Richie, I think I’ll take Dale down by the lake and cool off some. I might even take a quick bath!” Trina giggled, hoping Richie would take the bait.

“Ok, cool. I’ll stay here,” Richie replied.

Trina fed Dale another carrot, thinking to herself. “Or you can come watch me.”

Dale trotted a few hundred yards to the lake, Trina hopped off him and looked around, enjoying the scenery, the tall waterfall in the distance. “Dale, this is going to be illegal, but there’s no one around, ok buddy?” Trina joked, pulling off her sweat drenched tank top, black sports bra, cargo shorts and white thong.

“I’m naked!” Trina patted the horses shoulder, laughing at herself. Dale ignored her, drinking from the edge of the lake, standing in a couple inches of water.

Trina waded out into the lake, the cool water feeling great on her skin. She swam around, splashed Dale some, hoping to cool him off too. He kept drinking, shaking his mane free of water.

Trina got a little bold and a little horny. She stood in two feet of water, bending over, splashing it on herself, hoping Richie was enjoying the show.

Even if Trina couldn’t see Richie out there hiding behind a tree, she could see someone was enjoying the show – Dale. The horse was sprouting quite an impressive equine erection.

“Well, well, well Mr. Dale,” Trina smiled, slowly walking out of the water toward the horse.

“My son says he hasn’t been spying on me for a long time,” Trina said, walking in front of the horse, rubbing his head, making her way to his mid-section.

“If he is watching me,” Trina went to her knees, licking her lips, admiring Dale’s huge cock.

“Then let’s give him a good show,” she quickly grabbed the base of Dale’s equine cock, bringing the tip to her mouth and engulfing it. It was quite difficult to get his entire cockhead in her mouth, but she opened it as wide as she could, his bulbous tip taking up her entire mouth. She sucked as fast as she could, while jacking his long shaft. Smiling at herself, moaning at the taste of horse cock.

“This isn’t so bad,” She thought, bringing her hand to Dale’s big, hanging balls.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned again, her eyes darting around, looking over shoulder for Richie but not seeing him anywhere in the tree line.

Trina kept going, kept jacking Dale and sucking the tip. The horse grunted, shifting his weight on his back legs, he was cumming.

“Yes!” Trina cried out in her head, her mouth, throat filling with horse semen. The thick, gooey fluid overflowed out of her mouth, dripping off her chin onto her breasts.

She pulled his cock out of her mouth and laughed as it spurt several more globs of cum on her face. “Thanks Dale,” she stood, wiping it off her face and chest. “Guess I’ll rinse this off.”

Trina swam around a little more, keeping an eye out for Richie – she still didn’t see him.

“That was also illegal,” Trina said, walking out of the lake, using her shirt to dry her hair. “Please don’t tell anyone, Dale. Ok?”

After she got dressed, she mounted up and rode back to camp. Trina felt slight disappointment that her son was sitting on the boulder, sipping water, trying to stay cool.

“Hi again, that was great! You should’ve joined me. The water was very cool,” Trina said, hopping off Dale.

Richie chuckled, poking the ground with a stick, “Nah.”

Trina rustled his hair, walking behind him, squeezing a little water out of her tank top on his head. “See?”

Richie avoided it as best he could, not really annoyed by it.

Trina took him by surprise, sitting on his lap. “Four nights out here. You and me. Think you can handle it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, we’re out here in the wilderness, alone,” Trina said, grabbing Richie’s hand, placing it on her damp thigh. “Strange things could happen. We could be in for a very crazy time.”

“Sure,” he rolled his eyes.

“Richie?” she tipped his chin with her index finger. “Have you spied on me recently?”

“Mom, I told you, I’d never do that again. I felt too guilty.”

“I see,” Trina lowered her gaze. “It’s not that big a deal, you know.”

“Why are we talking about this again?” Richie asked, slightly annoyed and embarrassed.

“I’m just saying, we’re both adults, we’re comfortable around each other. Sneaking a peek at a woman you find attractive isn’t that big a deal. Do you find me attractive?”

Richie paused a moment, “Well, yeah, but it’s not right to spy on a woman while she’s, you know.”

“Masturbating or showering or having sex?” Trina asked.


“Maybe I’d like to put on a show. For you that is.”

“Mom, what are you – “ Richie was interrupted by Daisy neighing, rising on her hind legs, stomping the ground.

Trina got off Richie’s lap and approached the horse. “Calm down! It’s fine!” she held out a carrot for Daisy to eat. “Not sure what her deal is,” Trina said, watching Daisy’s nostrils flare. She glanced at Dale, he was rummaging around for grass or flowers to eat.

When Daisy calmed down, Richie was no longer sitting, his back was to his mother, gathering some wood from the pile. He stacked them in the makeshift fire pit, surrounded by boulders, in preparation for the fire that evening.

Trina dropped the issue, thinking that four days should be plenty of opportunities for inappropriate behavior with her son to occur. She sorted out the sleeping bags in the tent, considered sleeping nude, seeing how Richie would react, but decided on leaving her thong and sports bra on. After supper she would resume conversations with him to get an idea of how her son truly felt now, hoping that his voyeurism wasn’t just a phase as she originally thought before her traumatic ordeal a year earlier.

Trina unpacked a few other items, including a Glock handgun, a hair brush, and new socks to put on since her current ones were still damp.

“Such a strange mind I have,” she thought to herself, smiling as she tossed a pillow on the sleeping bag.

Chapter 4 – Waterfall

Richie was quiet and distant the rest of the evening. After they built a fire, they cooked some hotdogs, had a few s’mores, and quietly gazed into the clear night sky. Trina dragged Richie onto the ground so he could prop himself against the boulder. She leaned against him, frowning when he didn’t put his arm around her.

She tried chatting with him, saying how nice it was to be alone with him in the woods, feeling silly when Richie hardly seemed interested in talking. Trina, annoyed at herself, decided to shut up and lie there with him.

They watched the fire die down, Trina hoping, in the back of her mind, her son would at least attempt to hold her or talk to her – Richie remained still and silent.

Richie finally spoke up, excusing himself, saying goodnight. Trina sat up, letting him rise, stretch and make his way to the tent. She sat alone by the dwindling fire.

Frustrated at herself, Trina walked to a nearby pine, staring off towards the lake. She pictured a mother and son, standing in the moonlight, bathing each other, kissing, then making love. She shook the image from her head, eyes to the ground.

She heard heavy steps behind her. Dale sniffed her hair. Trina turned around, caressing his big head. “Go spend time with your mother, Dale. Go keep her warm.”

Trina led him to the tree Daisy was tied to, tying him to one nearby. She walked back to the tent, smiling when she looked over her shoulder, seeing Dale nuzzle Daisy’s neck. Trina kicked off her boots, pulled off her tank top, and slid her shorts down, placing them on top of the tent to air out any remaining dampness. In her sports bra and thong, she entered the tent.

Richie was lying on his side, his back to her. Trina snuggled up to him, thinking about the next day.

“The waterfall. I’ll take him to it. We’ll see what happens there,” she thought, closing her eyes.


After a quiet breakfast, Richie cleaned up camp a bit, his mother waiting for him.

“You’re done, now hurry,” Trina tugged at his arm, leading him to Dale.

“I saw the waterfall on the way into camp.”

“I know, but I want to play in it,” Trina said, mounting Daisy.

Richie shook his head, reluctantly going along with it.

When they reached the waterfall, Trina hopped off Daisy and began undoing her boots. “You coming in?” she asked Richie, still on his horse.

“I don’t know,” he looked around.

“There’s no one around, it’ll be fun,” his mother replied, removing her tank top and sports bra, revealing her bare breasts.

Richie looked away.

“Aw come on, you’ve seen these before.”

“I know but – “

“But what? We’re close aren’t we?” Trina asked, sliding her shorts down.


“Well come on and play in the water with me. Please?”

“Mom, I can’t,” Richie said, turning Dale in the direction of camp.

“Richie?” Trina stood naked, watching him trot back to camp. “What the hell?”

He was out of sight when Trina turned around, slowly walking toward the water, falling from above. “Maybe I came on too strong. Maybe he’s conflicted,” she thought, holding out her hand, letting the water hit it.

“Maybe I shouldn’t do anything. It’s very strange for me to be acting this way. Still though, we are closer, and he is the most important person in my life,” Trina sat on a nearby flat rock, propping her feet up on a sharper one in front of her.

“I need to calm down,” she whispered, resting her head on her knees.

She was being watched from above. At the top of the falls, before the path curved into a decline, someone was there, a radio in hand.

“Derrick, yeah it’s me. I found them. One of them. The woman. The younger guy must be back at their camp. I think I know where it is. I’ll follow her to be sure. She’s sitting near the waterfall naked.”

“Good,” Derrick said on the other end of the radio. “We’ll say hello to them tonight.”

Derrick nodded to a few of his men, walking out of a small shack. They nodded back and continued cleaning and loading their weapons.

Chapter 5 – Nightfall

Trina couldn’t figure her son out. The rest of the day she spent thinking about her situation. Richie kept his distance for the most part, Trina watched him clean the camp, collect firewood, wondering what she should say or do next. She admitted to herself that she wanted to strip naked for him and give herself to him – not caring how perverse it was.

Trina remained calm, never overdoing it or coming on too strong. After supper, they sat quietly at the fire once again.

Richie excused himself, this time Trina joined him.

“Hey,” he said, kicking off his shoes inside the tent.

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