

Pru and I take a big step toward our destiny

Chapter 4

They say Irishmen have hard heads and that must have applied to me. I was almost completely healed a week later. That was when Pru asked me to go home with her over the long Patriots Day weekend. Coming from New York I’d never even heard of Patriots Day, but a day off from school would be a relief.

Her mom picked us up around one Friday afternoon for the hour-long trip to her home. She was polite, but distant. She showed me to my room once we had entered the house. “Nice try, Mom—Pat will stay with me, remember. I told you we’ve been intimate so there’s no reason for us to be in separate rooms. If you insist we’ll just go back to school. There’s a nice motel there we’ve come to know well.” I was terribly embarrassed. I’d never speak to my parents that way—not if I wanted to live long enough to see the sun rise tomorrow.

“And how will you get there?”

“I’m sure that Pat has more than enough for a cab.” I did—I was carrying more than four hundred, planning to take Pru and her parents out for an enjoyable dinner. Her dad came home early from work and greeted me warmly. Apparently he was not too surprised to learn that we were sleeping together, nor did it seem to bother him too much. He was interested in how I was finding DU.

“I like it there. There’s a feeling of family…of belonging. We’ve been able to participate in a number of parties and the food is close to a thousand times better than in the dorm. They do make all the pledges work cleaning the house, but to be honest it’s less than I do at home. I’ve learned a lot about the history of the fraternity, but you already know about that.”

“I don’t see your pledge pin. Aren’t you supposed to wear it at all times?”

“I’m sure you know about getting pinned to a girl. Pru has my pin.” Her father clapped me on the back and laughed.

“I assume you did it in the traditional manner.”

Pru opened her blouse to show the pin clearly secured to the inside of her bra. We all had a good laugh as Pru leaned over to kiss me. When I looked at her mother, however, I saw her scowl at me. She clearly didn’t approve. We chatted well into the night until I excused myself to prepare for bed. Pru said she’d join me as soon as she helped her mom clean up a bit. I was upstairs and almost to her room when I realized I had forgotten something. I turned around, but stopped when I heard a rather loud discussion between them.

“Prudence, what on earth were you thinking…getting involved with the likes of him? Think of your heritage…your standing in the community.”

“Mom, you know very well what I think of our so-called heritage. It’s of absolutely no matter except to a bunch of old farts who live in the distant past.”

“Well, it matters to me. Really…an Irish? I don’t like the thought of him even being here.”

“Well, Mother you’d better get used to it. Take a look at me. I’m okay looking, but I’ll never be a model or an actress. I’m ordinary, but I’ve found someone who I love dearly and who loves me. I’m planning on marrying him if he’ll have me. Believe me—I’ll be the lucky one. I’ve never met anyone who works as hard as Pat does. I’ve had enough. I’m going to bed.” She kissed her shocked mother and walked my way. I turned back and was in bed by the time she arrived. Pru stripped off her clothes and climbed into bed with me. Soon she was pressed against my back.

I turned to face her. “For the record…so there’s no mistake or misinterpretation…I love you. I love you more than anything and I believe that I am the lucky one here.”

“Oh, Pat…you weren’t supposed to hear that, but I’m glad you told me because now you know that I’m in love with you, too. We’ve been together more than six months and I know you’re the one I want—the one I’ll always want. I love you, Pat.” As if to make her point she ground her sweet lips into mine. I wanted to fuck her in the worst way, but I doubted I should do it in her parents’ home. Pru had other ideas, however.

“Pat,” she whispered, “ever think of doing oral sex?”

“I’ve heard about it obviously, but I’ve never done it. Why?”

“I don’t think we could actually make love. I’m sorry, but I forgot my pills in my room. However, we could still make each other cum. Would you do it with me?”

“Won’t your mom and dad hear us?”

“That’s why I think we should try oral. I won’t make much noise if my mouth is stuffed with your cock and, hopefully your mouth will be all over my pussy. Don’t you think that will help?” I had to chuckle. Pru was so smart.

“Okay,” I whispered, “what do you want me to do?” She explained and climbed onto my body. I did the same things I had done with my fingers, using my tongue instead. Her mouth on my cock felt similar to her pussy, but obviously not as tight. I licked and sucked, enjoying the taste of her immensely until I shifted my attentions to her clit. Yes, I had discovered and learned about female anatomy. Pru was so hot to cum that a mere touch to her clit brought a massive spasm to her body. She continued to suck me and I felt my orgasm rumble through my body until I blew. I erupted into her mouth and throat. She sucked and swallowed until my cock was soft and clean. She reversed her body, lay her head on my shoulder as she pulled the blanket over us. We found sleep quickly.

Pru and her parents were seated at the kitchen table eating a light breakfast when I walked in through the back door. “Where have you been, Patrick? I thought you were still in bed.”

“Out for a run, Mrs. Devlin. I always wake up early and it’s the best time to run. I went all the way down to the village and back.”

“Why that must be almost four miles! I’m surprised the police didn’t stop you.”

“Actually, they did. The sun was just rising over the ocean when they pulled up next to me. I told them I was staying with you. I think I need a shower before I eat anything. I’ll be back soon.” I walked out and up the stairs.

“What did I tell you, Mom? Pat is a very hard worker. He runs almost every day and usually more than he did this morning. He was the intramural cross-country champ and the Middleweight boxing champ, too. I think he’d be successful at anything he put his mind to.”

“You certainly seem to like him, Prudence.”

“No, Daddy…I’m in love with him. He told me he’s in love with me last night, too.”

“Sure you’re not rushing things?”

“Daddy, we met at the Freshmen Mixer in early September and we’ve been together almost every day since. I’ve lost interest in other boys and I know he doesn’t even look at other girls. He’s also a very considerate lover.”

“I think that’s more information than I really need, but I’m glad you’re happy.”

I walked in, still a bit wet from my quick shower, “What are you happy about,” I asked.

“You, silly—what would you like for breakfast?”

“Whatever you’re having will be fine.” Pru gave me a bowl of Cheerios with some strawberries and a glass of orange juice. We talked with her parents. Her dad was great, but her mother remained distant. It was clear she didn’t like me.

It was a struggle, but they did allow me to take them out to dinner once I explained that I could easily afford it. When Mr. Devlin did ask how I had earned so much Pru laughed. “I play poker every Friday night with five great guys and a real jerk. Every one of the DU brothers hates his guts. He’s not only a snob, but he goes out of his way to insult me every week—‘potato head’ and ‘leprechaun’ are two of his nicer comments so I take him for five or six hundred a week. I learned way back in early October that he does something whenever he gets the cards he needs so I almost always know what he has. I baited him into a side bet—a hundred dollars—and he’s been trying to get even with me ever since. I’ve had more than fifty such bets and I’ve lost three. I threw all three. I wouldn’t want him to be discouraged. I think so far I’ve taken about $10,000 from him. He paid for my tuition this semester and I have enough now for a new car and next year’s tuition, too. I’ll probably play five or six more times this year. I never lose, not because I’m so great. These guys are terrible. They all think that miracles are going to happen on every hand.”

“I have to say, Patrick, Pru was right. You are a very determined young man.”

“Tell them about the boxing match.”

I shrugged my shoulders, but when they showed interest I continued. “I took boxing lessons for eight years when I was a kid. My dad took a lot of beatings when he was young because he’s Irish so he wanted us to be able to defend ourselves. This guy, Martin, bragged about boxing one night at the poker table so I went on a diet….”

“How could you possibly lose weight, Patrick? You don’t look like you have an ounce of fat on you.” It was Mrs. Devlin who asked.

“It wasn’t easy, but I got below the limit for the weigh-in and then I put it back on quickly. We met in the semi-finals and it was no-contest. I pummeled him with jabs to the face and body shots with my right. I probably hit him three hundred times; he didn’t hit me even once. I took mercy on him in the third round, just jabbing, but that won’t happen next year.”

“No, Daddy he and four of his fraternity pals jumped Pat after our date one night. They beat him up terribly but the DU’s got their revenge later that night.”

“Yeah, I had only been with them less than a day and they took care of me like I’d been there for years. When we met for poker two days after the bout he actually told me that I had been lucky. He’ll be lucky to survive next time.”

“I assume you’re a very lucky man, Patrick—to hit him so many times without taking anything from him.”

“Yes, sir I consider myself to be very lucky, but not for that. I’m lucky because I found Pru. I know she loves me as much as I love her. I only hope I prove worthy of her.”

Her dad leaned over to pat me on the back. “I have a feeling you will, Patrick.”

The rest of the visit was better. I felt more at ease. I sat on the floor by Pru’s legs so she could run her fingers through my hair while we watched TV. We went home Monday afternoon and to the motel as soon as we had returned our suitcases to our rooms. We made delicious love to each other three times, completely ignoring our grumbling stomachs. It was after eleven when I finally returned Pru to her dorm. I walked unafraid back to mine.

I couldn’t play softball or tennis for the fraternity; I was just terrible at hitting anything that was moving—except someone’s head. Instead, I ran in the intramural track meet. I signed up to run the 880, the mile, and the two mile—the same races I ran in high school. They also put me into the 4X440 relay which was okay by me. I often ran that in high school, too. I had to show up at the track five times in the two weeks before the meet. I watched the others “working out.” What a joke. I did more every other morning than all the “runners” here at the track combined. I didn’t do much either—I didn’t have to.

My first race was the 880—the half-mile. I started out in the pack, more interested in seeing what the pace would be than anything else. Like everything else with this meet it was a joke. We were on pace to do a six-minute mile. I broke away after the first lap, leaving the other runners in the dust. I finished at an easy energy-saving lope more than fifty yards ahead.

My next race was the two-mile. I had run this in under ten minutes in high school and I thought I could probably win in eleven in this meet. I wasn’t at all surprised to see only five runners. This time I set the pace, running an easy 80-second first two laps. I found that I was running by myself so I continued at what was for me an easy pace. I finished more than a lap ahead. Pru rushed down from the stands to congratulate me and give me some water from a thermos. I was surprised when she led me into the stands—her parents were there to watch. I was really surprised to see her mother smiling. We sat and spoke for several minutes until I had to excuse myself to warm up for the mile.

Once again, I set the pace at an easy 70-second quarter. It was easy for me, but only three other runners tried to keep up with me. There were only two at the half-way and one at the beginning of the bell lap. Now I opened up my stride, not running faster, but running longer.

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