
Playing Doctor Ch. 1

First post! There are another couple chapters to this story already planned in my head, but I’d like some feedback before I continue. Especially in regards to the amount of buildup / character development vs actual sexual scenes. Enjoy ^_^

“Time to get up sweetie”

Amanda knew it was coming. She had been awake for over 10 minutes perfecting her plan.

*Cough cough* “OK dad” She said with the huskiest voice she could muster.

“Wait a second, are you feeling OK kiddo?”

“yeah, I’m fine. *Cough* just .. Clearing my throat”

“You don’t sound fine.” He placed his hand on her forehead “You’re warm, you might have a fever”

She had used an extra blanket to cover her head, hoping for exactly this outcome.

“Not uh, I’m cold, not warm.” she shivered visibly.

“Well that’s how a fever works – you feel cold because your body is over heated. Its a sick day for you missy. Get back in bed. I’ll be back with some medicine in a few minutes.”

“Ugh .. OK daddy.” Amanda Plopped back into bed feigning dizziness.

‘Woo! It worked! Three day weekend for meeee’

A few minutes later John came back with some reddish syrup, a glass of water, and some chicken noodle soup. After the contents of the cough medicine were consumed, he set the bowl of soup next to her bed. “Make sure you eat your soup and get plenty of rest today. If you feel up to it, check on your brother and make sure he puts on his ointment.”

“OK daddy, thank you for taking care of me” She dialed down her huskiness slightly to let him know the medicine was helping, and added in a little cute-daughter-talk to sweeten him up.

“Anything for you muffin.” John smiled “Now eat up.”

He ruffled her hair a little, then left the room and closed the door. Amanda waited until she heard the garage door closing before springing from the bed and doing a little happy dance in the middle of her room. ‘No school, no school, no school, woo!’ she thought to herself. She started spinning, letting her nightgown spiral out like a ballerina’s tutu. ‘pajamas all day’ She caught herself in the mirror and smiled proudly at the reflection.

She was really beginning to like her body. Her long auburn hair was slightly disheveled from sleep, but still mostly straight and shining. Her pale milky skin was blemished only by her light freckles that seemed to compliment her nicely. And finally, the boob fairy had visited her – her breasts were nearly handfuls. She cupped them for confirmation and felt her nipples stiffen a little from the attention. She released them back to gravity, but they only bounced slightly, resisting the pull of the earth. She could visibly see the nightgown tenting at two points from her slight arousal and noted that she would need to start wearing a bra soon.

Remembering her soup she jumped back into bed. ‘Breakfast in bed!’ She laid back against the head board and made short work of her food. Once done, her OCD made her leave the sanctuary of her bedroom to take the bowl to the kitchen.

Along the way she saw her brother Daren sitting on the ground in the living room leaning over the coffee table. There was a mostly dark colored puzzle scatted across the table, and it looked as if he had just started, still working on the first corner.

“Hey squirt, whatcha working on?” Amanda sang from across the room. Daren looked up at her, his pale skin a stark contrast to the red pokedots covering his face.

“Dad said you were sick”

“I am .. Just a little cough.”

“You don’t sound sick”

“You calling me a liar?” Amanda smirked at him. Daren scowled.

“You get away with everything. I have to be contagious with chicken pox before he lets me stay home.”

“Yup. Better enjoy it brother dear, because you can only use that excuse once.”

“Its not an excuse, look at me!” He stood up and lifted his shirt to show that his chest was covered in even more red dots, and some looked irritated.”

Amanda whistled a doosey “Looks like someone has been scratching. Did you put on your ointment?”

“Everywhere I can .. My back is really bad”

“Ok well, let me clean my bowl, then I’ll come back and help you.”

Once her bowl was rinsed and drying, Amanda crept back into the living room. Her brother had gone back to the puzzle and she managed to sneak all the way up to him without him noticing. Once in striking distance, she pounced.


“Ah! What’s wrong with you!” Daren jumped with fright losing one of the edge pieces he had been sizing up.

“Gotcha!” Amanda cackled maniacally.

“You made me lose my piece” Daren huffed turning red. Amanda ran to the other side of the table, sat cross legged, and pulled down her nightgown in front to conceal her knickers.

“So .. What are we working on?” She beamed at her brother.

“I’m not sure.” Daren’s heart started to calm as he refocused on the pile of pieces in front of him. “I found it in the garage and the box cover is messed up” He held up the top cover so his sister could see. One particular corner looked like the darkened sky of dawn or dusk, but the rest was torn off or worn.

“Ooh a mystery puzzle! This will be fun.” Amanda loved puzzles. They both did really. It was one of the only recreational activities they could both agree on. She starting arranging piles of pieces by color while her brother sorted out the edges and corners. Before all the pieces were spread out, she noticed this was a larger puzzle than they had ever worked on before. Most were 500 pieces and a few were 1,000 which fit well on the coffee table. This one was probably 1250 or 1500, so she wasn’t sure it was all going to fit. She mentioned this thought to Daren while collecting and piling the light beige pieces together.

“No it should fit. The size is on the side of the box. 36 by 26 inches. I measured the table. It will fit.” Daren had a toothy smile and proudly held up a 12 inch ruler.

“Smartie pants” Amanda chuckled softly and smiled at her little brother. ‘He sure is cute though.’ she thought to herself ‘even covered in those pox. I can’t help but love the kid.’

They both got back to work. Once the boarder was done, space became a premium. It did fit on the table, but just barely, which made it really hard to work on their little sections. They ended up disconnecting two corners from either side so they each had their own L shape to work with. Amanda worked on the sky side and Daren got the dirt. Lots of different browns of earth and a lighter brown of what looked like fur. The sky was all kinds of brilliant purples and blues with small white dots here and there of fading stars. Eventually the sky lead to a brown ponytail and a pink face.

“Oh, its a girl!” Amanda exclaimed.

Daren looked over at the disembodied head she had assembled. “Looks more like a severed head” Daren chuckled at his own joke.

Amanda ignored him, turning her head to the side to get a better angle. “She’s rather pretty”

But Daren was back in his own world putting together what looked like a pair of hooves. Amanda began to hum as she found a few more skin colored pieces that fit together. After she had finished half her pretty lady, Amanda stopping humming. The pretty lady she had been forming the last couple minutes turned out to be topless. 15 different puzzle pieces combined to make what she could only describe as ‘quite a rack’.

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