
Plain Joe (CAW 24 Entry)

A man is always more than he thinks he is.

It started like any other boring day, a ton of work on my desk same old walls, same old people same everything. Jenny the office temp nodded her head as she passed by my desk in her plain, blue knee length dress, her nape long brown hair laying limp on her unblemished neck. Damn! I had to get another job, this was going to bore me to death. Oh, I’m Joe your average office worker. At 5′ 8” I’m nothing much to look at curly brown hair, somewhat large chest and stomach, a little over weight. Jenny is the most exciting person in the office and even she could put a man on stimulants to sleep. Though you know, this was the first time I REALLY looked at her that close.

So as I said, it stated out the same as usual, Jenny walks by and that’s it, I go back to work thrill of the day done. I had settled into the usual routine, you know plain boredom, when maybe 5-10 minutes later Jenny walks back by my desk. Ok, this time I looked at her I mean really looked at her, holy shit! I hadn’t noticed her long ass legs before OMG! They were so smooth, so perfect, shit and her ass! What a rear, suddenly thoughts of slowly undressing her appeared in my mind. As I stared like a perverted sex fiend at her retreat, she stopped short and slowly, sexily, turned to look back at me, I thought she was going to scream at me for leering at her. I was even more surprised when she looked me straight in the eyes and smiled, not just with her mouth but a smile that reached all the way to her feet.

The rest of the day seemed to fly by, especially with Jenny prancing around the office always seeming to be near my desk. Finally the agony of the job finished for the day I collected my things and headed out. I’d barely made the outer door when I felt a hand grab my arm. Thinking nothing of it, it was probably one of the guys I yanked my arm to free it. To my surprise I was yanked off my feet back into the door landing in a heap at the feet of Jenny.

“What the hell,” I said looking up at Jenny’s sweet expression, “what the hell hit me?”

Giggling almost like an innocent little girl, Jenny said, “I apologize Joe, I forgot that these bodies can’t utilize their full strength yet.”

“Uh, ok?” I sheepishly said.

Again she giggled, then an absolute serious look crossed her face, “I apologize again Joe, I had not the time to properly integrate into this body and start the briefing process, we are extremely short on time.” Reaching down she jerked me off the floor to my feet as if I only weighed a few pounds.

“We have to go, as I stated before, we are extremely short on time, come,” Jenny said as she started to drag me the other way deeper into the building.

Snatching my arm from her vice like grip, I stood still looking at her with crossed arms, “I’m not going anywhere till you explain, just who the hell are you? You’re not Jenny she would never be this aggressive or demanding.”

A short look of dismay crossed her face as she cocked her head to one side, nodding she approached me, “I’ve been given permission to brain load what you want to know but I warn you it is painful. I will try to not over load your brain.” With that she lightly touched my forehead the next 20 or 30 seconds I wasn’t here, I saw a war, billions dying slow and horrible deaths, I felt their pain, heard their screams, and saw the torture they endured. I felt the tears rolling down my face, I felt the pain in my head, then I head a noble voice in the distance talk of a saviour, the only one that could save both sides and end the 2 century old war.

Then, just as suddenly as it had started, it was gone, well except the pain. Now on the floor I looked over at Jenny she too had tears in her eyes, “please forgive me, there is so little time it was the only way to get everything to you as quickly as possible, I didn’t want you to hurt, I… Please never make me do something like that to you again.” Tears started to fall even harder from her eyes.

“You’re telling me I am this saviour? I am the only one who can end this war? Pray tell how? The last thing I heard was that voice telling of this saviour not what was special about him.” I looked at Jenny incredulously, as she did me.

“You didn’t… but you had the fu…,” renewed tears began to fall from her eyes, “NO! I refuse!” She screamed looking at something only she could see. “No! It could kill him he’s..,” suddenly Jenny was quiet, her head bowed. I knew something was up, then the pain returned though not as bad this time.

Through the pain, I started to hear a voice, almost the same as the one I heard when Jenny was, how had she put it? Brain loaded me? Yeah that was it. <You are the saviour,> it said, <You have an ability that is dampened even crushed on this planet of yours. When this war started we sent agents everywhere into the universe, one landed on your planet or rather crashed, there he, after many, many years of loneliness met and mated with an earth female. You have all his abilities plus one that no one in the universe has, please help us to end this horrible war.>

Shaking my head I was a little bewildered, though the thought of being a hero appealed to me more than anything I could think of, I still didn’t know about any of this. <If I do this,> I thought, <will I be released with all my memories? Where ever I want?>

I almost felt a sigh in my thoughts <of course though we are at war, we aren’t barbarians!>

Looking at Jenny, I took a deep breath, “Ok, I will help, the voice convinced me.”

Jenny looked up, a smile lit up her face in a way I thought I’d never see, it not only made her look younger but slowly spread to her entire body. Walking up to me she kissed me deeply, passionately, more like a lover excited to see their partner than a friend or a reward. The kiss left me breathless something that had never happened to me before, separating from the kiss, from Jenny, I felt as if something was being wrenched from my soul. Jenny must have felt the same cause she nearly passed out, falling forward on my chest her eyes fluttering rapidly. Everything momentarily forgotten, I held Jenny closer, feeling her sigh then struggle to stand on her own.

“I once again apologize Joe, I was unprepared, that was part of the ability that the elder was speaking of, a small part of it, we need to go now,” taking both my hands in hers the world shimmered for about 5 seconds then we were some where else! The few… I guess you’d call them people, they were extremely tall, skinny, large foreheads, slightly large heads with large eyes to boot, almost human looking, there, suddenly stopped and stared at us.

Whispering to Jenny I asked, “why are they staring? I can’t be the first Alien they’ve ever seen.”

“It’s not the fact that you are alien, it’s who you are, they can feel it, an almost peaceful feeling when you are near,” Jenny replied.

“Don’t tell me another part of the ability?” I scoffed.
Jenny only nodded as she seemed to be distracted for the moment.

“Uh, hello Jenny?” I said as I gently nudged her.

“Joe! I was engaged in thoughtversation I did not mean to be rude, no one here can speak vocally, I had to be taught to speak vocally in order to communicate with you,” Jenny replied a little startled. “You will be able to soon, having thoughtversated to the elder.”

I could only stare at her for a moment when I felt a tug at my shirt. A uh… child? About 5 feet tall was looking at me in the most peculiar way. Jenny looked over at the tall girl? for a few moments the girl looked at me with wide eyes, then Jenny shook her head yes.

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