
Pet Companion – Chapter 1

This story was inspired by my friend Amaelas, he is the reason I was able to come up with such a fun story. Im sure later in life ill add more chapters.

Chapter 1

My Very Own Pet Tentacle Monster

I was working on my computer late one night just skimming different videos and some inappropriate sites. The ones you only view when you are alone. It was on one of those sites that I came across one that seemed a bit different. “Perfect Companion”, it read and had a form to select different characteristics for your pet. I found it interesting because the theme was featured around silly tentacle monsters. They may not be my favorite style of porn, but I didn’t have anything better to watch.

I started to fill out the form as if it was a character building game. Information about how the pet would need to feed with me at least three times a day. Re-reading that part indicated that sexual contact was how it feeds. There was also describing how the owner of the pet would be granted upgraded genetic features. It included perfect cell reproduction (AKA eternal youth), faster recovery time and durability to enjoy your pet to the fullest, even a energy consumption upgrade to remove unnecessary waste. It even gave options to modify yourself if you wanted to change something.

I look down at myself for a moment and shrug, I was pretty happy with my own body. I may stand five foot two inches, but it fits me well. My chest are perky enough and have a round shape; giving a guy a nice handful, if i ever could get a guy. I could see each barbell piercing in my nipples push against my shirt fabric, my own modification I got years ago. My hair was long brown and hung to my mid lower back. Being a 130 pounds felt like a good weight, even if i did cuss the scale out after the holidays. My deep emerald green eyes complimented my soft smile.

I continued reviewing the pet characteristics more thoroughly. Picturing in my mind what I would want in a perfect tentacle companion. My first thoughts was it should be human looking, having the soft features of a pretty girl. I have a soft spot for slime creatures and saw that it was available as well. Green was the best color, it would be perfect if she was a green slime girl. Her size should be shorter than me though, don’t need a giant creature following me around. Sapient intelligence ment she would be smart and aware of new things. We might even be able to converse with each other. I let out a deep sign realizing that she would become my only real friend in this boring world. This feature would not impede her very loyal and submissive nature.

The next part was describing the tentacles themselves. I did not know if it would be what I wanted but it felt right for her to have six of them that protrude from her back. I chose to have exotic tips, meaning each was a different shape. A knot for those naughty things. I giggle to myself at the computer, wondering how dirty I could make her. Maybe add a hole for herself so if I ended up with a boyfriend we could share her. I was starting to have a lot of fun at making my own tentacle companion and kept moving through the form.

It had a section for perks. I quickly chose two right away, for it to have extra cum production and fluid production for me. I secretly get jealous of those girls in porn that get so wet they seem to shoot it out. I figured why not get my chance with this pet. The pet could also have a sensitivity touch added, that helped make everywhere it touches along a person to be its own erogenous zone. I shivered a little in my chair about that thought. I continued through the perks part and quickly clicked on the cum being nourishing enough to survive on and able to taste like I want. “Cotton Candy”, i said to myself while choosing this.

The next section of the form said it was for drawbacks. I found this list to be almost as interesting as any of the other. “Fucked silly, I don’t think a guy has ever fucked me silly”, i said as I picked it next. I then clicked on messy, figuring it was worth it to have fun. And then corruption. I saw a draw back for nightmares and hesitated. I haven’t had dreams in a long time, it felt empty for my sleep and so when i selected this I felt it was just to have something different in my life. I mean if the pet wasn’t real, it was just a fun way to spend my evening away from the normal porn sites.

Those drawbacks were the end of the form for completion of choosing my pet, but it did have some interesting options for Jobs. I started to read more into it and two of them I felt like would be fun. The first was a pet sitter. Being teleported to be the fuck substitute for somebody else that owned a pet, because they were too tired to fuck their own pet and just wanted a break. The next was prostitution, where individuals would pay you to use your pet themselves. Either because they want to try something new, or have yet to commit to buying their own pet for themselves.

I thought about this whole situation for the form and wonder how this would change my life if it was real. If I woke up one day and this all had been for an actual pet to be mine. I giggle at knowing my good girl life of going to work or seeing my family would be turned upside down when a tentacle girl would be tagging along beside me. It would be quite the change up to my boring life routine. Going to work, sleep, and repeat.

I glanced through my choices a few times unsure if what i picked was what I really wanted.

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