
Penny, May I Rescue you from Hell?

JackassTales…Tale # 62…Readers; if you usually like my fluffy stories, then I must warn you that you most likely will not like this one! A writer’s contest has forced me to write outside my normal comfort zone. In trying to follow the contest rules, I challenged myself to pull no punches. As a result, this is my darkest tale to date. I don’t like dark tales and you may not either. If you dare to give this one a try, I will attempt to spare you with its under 4,000 word length. It wasn’t easy, but in my defense, I did my best to give this violent story a short, but happy ending. Thank you.

P.S. I am so fearful of rejection here that I have denied anonymous votes. Sorry.

Penny, May I Rescue you from Hell?

(Part one) Pennies from Hell

I gave my taxi driver an extra twenty bucks to drive me to the street he called “Hooker Hell”. According to this capable-looking man, if the pimps didn’t have guns, then they at least had switchblade knives and they weren’t the least bit hesitant to cut off dicks and balls. “Furthermore,” he had added. “There won’t be a cop in sight when you need one!”

This taxi guy wasn’t the first to tell me that ‘a nice young fella like you has no business there’. I was told, ‘why not get you a piece of pussy closer to home?’ Well hell, I could have told everyone concerned that I wasn’t after a whole pie nor one single piece of pussy! At least, not today.

I guess I’m just one of those guys with a ‘babyface’ look. But heck, I reckon that even at 5feet 9inches tall and a compact 160 pounds, I’m a man full grown. Okay, so what if I’m just a college freshman at an institution of higher learning ninety miles up the Hudson River from New York City. Just because I’m Kentucky born doesn’t mean I’m a dumb-hick hillbilly! Sheeeit, they don’t admit just anybody into the United States Military Academy at West Point!

My taxi stopped and I was told to, ‘get out quick’, which is what I did. The checkered vehicle that was my ride sped away. Here I was left alone on the mean streets of NYC in the spring of 1971. The weather was a bit nippy so I was thankful for the lined tweed jacket I was wearing along with a pair of khaki pants. The buddy I had come to see lived on the 5th floor of a five-story Brownstone walkup. Looking up, I could guess that this grand old house had seen much, much better days than the rundown tenement house it was now. And, judging by the looks of the three young ‘ladies’ sprawled out on the front steps, I’d say the former occupants of times long past were of a more refined class.

Now, I hate to be judgmental, but if those girls are not ‘females for hire’ then I’ve got shit for brains! The one on the right was blonde and wore a hiked up skirt. This one had a look about her that reminded me of a cousin back home; except that my cousin wasn’t a whore. Oh shit, there I go being judgmental again! The female in the middle was a brunette wearing pants, yet she had quite a lot of midriff showing. This gal’s cleavage nearly revealed her busty bosom. The third woman of the trio also had brunette hair but hers was cut shorter perhaps to mimic the pair of shorts she wore.

“Hey boy, you lost?” the blonde questioned. “Or are you just looking for a good time!”

I made a slight smile, yet I basically ignored the question. I reckon two-bit whores are the same all around the world; and I was just the fella to know. There wasn’t much room to pass these ladies on the steps, but I stepped forward to make the attempt.

“How about a ‘free’ blowjob for starters?” the middle brunette asked. Before I could offer my objections or any excuse as to why I’d turn down a free BJ, this hard-looking trio of pros had my pants halfway to my knees. Hands had exposed my cock right there on the steps for any passerby’s to see.

“Mmm, that’s a nice, big boy you have!” the shorts-wearing hooker said. “Girls, I’m gonna eat him first!”

Well hell, if getting a blowjob was the price of admission to this building, then I guess I could pay it! Before another thought could enter my mind, a greedy mouth closed over my meaty erection. This female sucked my cock with a well-practiced expertise. My male juices responded with glee. Suddenly, this suckling lady began biting my cockflesh, she viciously squeezed my balls, and she sadistically pulled on my pubic hairs.

Why this woman was being so brutal, I could only guess. Hell, I wasn’t going to stand for it, no I wasn’t! Quick as a rattlesnake’s strike, I slapped this female’s face with such venomous force her head jerked away from my cock. Damnit, I’m not a sadist, but my slap triggered a reaction I had not expected! Hanging out there pointing at a threesome of wicked ladies, my horny-hard cock exploded and sent out pressurized streams of cum. Oh glory, it was feeling so orgasmically good!

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