Peer Pressure: Melissa
Peer Pressure: Melissa
Sex Story Author: | VirtualScott |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Anne had Janet pinned beneath her and appeared to be thrusting herself against the writhing freshman. The brunette tripped over |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Asian, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, BDSM, Bi-sexual, Black, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Discipline, Domination/submission, Drug, Enema, Exhibitionism, Female Domination, Female exhibitionist, Female solo, Female/Female, Fiction, First Time, Fisting, Group Sex, Humiliation, Interracial, Lesbian, Male / Females, Male Domination, Male/Female, Males / Female, Males / Females, Masturbation, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Rape, Reluctance, Romance, Sado-Masochism, School, Spanking, Stockholm Syndrome, Teen, Teen Female Solo, Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Female, Threesome, Toys, Virginity, Water Sports/Pissing |
Author’s Note: I first posted this story on A.S.S in the summer of 1994. Now, as then, it is not politically correct and is a work of fiction. No identification with actual persons or places is intended.
Peer Pressure: Melissa
by Virtual Scott
Chapter 1
Sullivan College was going to be a big change from high school, Melissa realized. She watched the cab drive off, half wanting to call it back and have the cabby return her to the airport. A moment later, the comely brunette was completely on her own. Well, her parents had said going to an out-of-state school would build self-confidence, but it wasn’t as easy to believe now as it had been in the comfort of her home.
She’d been known as a tomboy back in Minnesota. Melissa’s childhood had been spent worshipping her three older brothers, following them whenever she could. They’d always called her a pest, but it was meant affectionately, and some of the best moments of her life had been spent in rough-and-tumble football games. “The Pest” had learned to throw a baseball as well as any of the boys, and wore the same old jeans and ratty sneakers they did.
Melissa had gotten hooked on computers early when John, her oldest brother, had gotten an Apple II one Christmas. She loved the disciplined creativity involved in programming and had gotten involved in the school’s computer club when the other girls in her class lived to flirt with boys and shop at the mall. Later, the faceless machines provided a refuge when her changing body distanced the boys from the easy camaraderie of her younger days; she was no longer the androgynous playmate they felt comfortable with. Melissa still thought of herself as “the pest” and was convinced no boy would relate to her as a girl, even if she’d had the inclination or courage to try such an approach.
Self-consciously Melissa retrieved her glasses from her purse and put them on so she could read the campus map. The purse was an obnoxious reminder of her body’s unwanted changes. Her favorite wallet no longer fit comfortably in her hip pocket, and slight farsightedness required her to lug a pair of glasses with her if she wanted to read.
Her friends back home said the thin metal frames looked good on her, but the introverted teen habitually discounted comments about the beauty she was convinced she didn’t have. In fact, in the last years of high school her body had ripened into a knockout figure that was imprinted in the minds of many of her old male classmates. Only her attitude and loose, concealing clothing partially disguised this fact.
Brushing back a lock of the dark, frizzy hair that had escaped her ponytail, Melissa looked down the campus. She heaved a sigh of resignation, slung her carry bag over a shoulder, and hefted the oversized suitcase before starting a slow march towards the building she’d identified as Gridley Hall.
The three floors of the U-shaped residence hall wrapped around a central courtyard. When she came close enough to scan the room numbers on the doors ringing the court, Melissa was dismayed to find her room, 301, must be on the top floor. Gridley didn’t look like a building that had elevators.
Melissa found the nearest stairway and started the difficult climb to the top floor. She had made it halfway when a tanned student in swimsuit and T-shirt graciously relieved her of the suitcase and carried it the remainder of the way up the stairs. She was too flustered by the parting look he gave her to remember his name. Thank God, she thought, the movers will carry up the steamer trunk when it arrives later in the week.
Tiredly, Melissa trudged to the very end of the hall. The door to room 301 was open, and sure enough, “Melissa T. Bednar” was neatly printed on a post-it note affixed below the room number. The room was occupied, Melissa realized as she lugged her suitcase through the door and unceremoniously dumped it on the floor. Another girl was hanging clothes in one of the closets, surrounded by opened boxes.
The stranger stopped her work and deftly maneuvered around the debris to meet Melissa. “Hello, my name is Janet Mueller.”
Melissa immediately found herself wanting as she observed the other’s tasteful clothing and unconscious grace. She put on her best face and replied, “I’m Melissa Bednar. Pleased to meet you, I guess we’re roommates.”
Janet laughed lightly and agreed, “It looks that way. Quick, take the sticker off the door before some other Melissa Bednar arrives!”
Melissa was reassured by the light humor and began to feel better about the thought of sharing a room with Janet. Perhaps a little of the other’s grace would rub off on her; the thought reminded her of the glasses still adorning her face and she quickly removed them and laid them on the empty desk. The distraction caused her to miss the envious look as Janet made an informed guess about the body hidden beneath the oversize shirt and windblown hair.
Janet broke the silence with another question. “Is this all you have?”
Melissa was brave enough to try a small joke. “All? This stupid suitcase was almost too much. I think my right arm is stretched.” Janet giggled as Melissa completed the explanation. “No, seriously, I have my mom’s steamer trunk coming, but it was too big to take on the plane. It should be delivered tomorrow or the next day.” Reassured, she felt secure enough to try a question of her own. “Surely you didn’t bring all that on a plane?”
Janet followed the glance to the boxes and smiled. “No, ‘private moving service.’ My brother lives an hour from here — he drove me up from home. I suppose I should finish unpacking them.”
Melissa succeeded in stowing her clothes in the small closet and dresser provided before they succumbed to wrinkling — not that she particularly cared, but Janet looked like the type who would notice. Deciding the small remainder of her belongings could wait, Melissa elected to investigate the rest of her new home. Janet gave up on arranging her CD collection and volunteered her services as tour guide, although she admitted she hadn’t had much opportunity to explore. A glance sufficed to cover the room’s furnishings: two single beds, two dressers, two desks with chairs, a recessed sink with a mirror and small cabinet along one wall beside the closets. The best feature was undoubtedly the window, which yielded a fine view of the campus.
Janet led Melissa to the door on the other side of the sink and the girls walked into the bathroom. A shower, curtain pulled back, filled half the bathroom — Melissa wondered at its size relative to their quarters. On the other side, the toilet was somewhat screened by a partition. With a shrug, Janet opened the door facing them. “It’s okay, the upperclassmen don’t move in until this weekend.”
They peered into a room that was as bare as theirs had been a few hours ago. The two turned to each other in shocked amazement as each realized the center of the room was filled by a single queen-sized bed instead of the two singles they had expected to see! Hurriedly the pair retreated while their minds grappled with the implications of the furnishings.
“Maybe it’s just a mistake? Put there by accident?”
“That seems unlikely. But, Melissa, I heard some seniors can use these rooms as singles, if they do well enough in the room draw.”
“Oh, why didn’t I think of that? That makes much more sense…” Melissa’s voice trailed off momentarily as her thoughts returned the horrible, but now discarded, alternatives.
By unspoken consent, the pair elected to head downstairs and see more of the campus. They exited the room and closed the door behind them, after each had tested her room key in the lock. Janet resumed her commentary as they headed for the stairs. “These are supposed to be the best rooms in the dorm. Good view, neighbors on only one side, and the rooms below are used for storage — we shouldn’t have any problems with noise from other students.”
Melissa wryly agreed, “As long as you don’t have anything too heavy to carry up the stairs!”
Janet concluded, “and hope our suitemate isn’t some acid rock freak!” Melissa laughed uncertainly; the joke was too close to her worries to be very amusing.
Melissa and Janet met their new suitemate Saturday afternoon. Janet had been holding up her part of a largely one-sided conversation relating to the previous day’s placement tests and the merits of their fellow classmates. Melissa flipped through the first chapters of her introductory programming text. Both looked up at the sound of an opening door in the next room and exchanged excited glances at the realization their neighbor had arrived.
Janet and the stranger opened the bathroom doors simultaneously, then paused to assess each other as Melissa moved to peer over her roommate’s shoulder. She didn’t know what to think. The vibrant woman facing her had a model’s body and carriage, and even looked familiar, but the clothes… They seemed practically obscene. Did people really dress that way?
In contrast to their own shorts and blouses, the stranger was wearing a lightweight purple sweatshirt with the sleeves pushed up above her elbows, black leggings that looked painted on, and short boots. The sexpot pushed her reflective sunglasses up onto her windblown bronze mane as her face creased into a dazzling smile.
“Hi, I’m Jacqueline Barry. Call me Jacqui; everybody does. Really glad to meet you, you guys look like a major improvement over the losers we roomed with last year.” She moved forward with hand outstretched; “You are?”
“Oh, right. I’m Janet Mueller, pleased to meet you, Jacqui.” Janet shook the offered hand.
Melissa waved from behind Janet, “and I’m Melissa Bednar.” In a wry voice, she added, “My friends call me Lissa.” Cracking her own smile, she offered, “please come in and visit.” Jacqui was only too pleased to accept and moved ahead as the freshmen gave way to her.
“Hey, nice,” the beauty commented after a look around. “Can’t chat much right now, I’m afraid, I’ve got more junk to bring up from storage, and I promised Anne I’d help bring up her stuff, too.”
Janet rose to the bait and inquired, “Anne?”
Jacqui launched into her story. “Yeah, Anne Takasawa, she’s my roommate. No way a lowly junior like me could pull a single in Gridley; Anne got a crappy number in the soph draw, but we doubled up and improved our position enough to get in.”
The frosh’s troubled expressions reflected the inevitable question.
“Oh, the bed. No, it’s not what you think, we use it for partying. Look, two beds like you’ve got,” she gestured at the furniture in question, “break up the room too much. Waste of space. The old queen works great, lots of people can sit on it, throw a cork board on top and you’ve got a great table for cards or whatever. Hell, this school doesn’t give you any time to sleep anyway,” she concluded.
It seemed reasonable enough, Melissa decided. Janet remained silent.
“Well, I gotta get back to work. Look, Anne and I will be here right after dinner. You can meet her, then we can go out, dancing or something, I can show you guys where the hot spots are around here. Sound like a plan?”
Janet relented; it would be good to escape one last time before classes really started. “Sounds like a plan,” she agreed. Melissa, although slightly unsure about the thought of going bar hopping, nevertheless agreed to accompany her new friends. The three agreed to meet again at 7 PM, and Jacqui departed.
The older girls were a study in contrasts when they arrived. Anne, unsurprisingly, was a petite Oriental with straight, jet black hair. She spoke little beyond the initial introductions and obviously deferred to Jacqui. It was clear to Melissa who the leader of their group would be.
The quartet of young women departed Gridley hall at the appointed hour, and Jacqui led the group to her car. The frosh glanced enviously at the red Mustang convertible and complemented Jacqui on her fortune at owning such a great car when they were wondering when they’d have money to buy even a junker.
Soon they were headed down Fairport Drive with the wind blowing in their faces. Anne and Janet were squashed in the rear sets while Melissa, as tallest of the passengers, sat next to Jacqui. It was hard to tell what Jacqui was doing behind the reflective sunglasses, but Melissa got the impression she was being scrutinized. Uncomfortably, the brunette smoothed the skirt she now wore over her legs, and wished she’d foregone the pantyhose — it was still brutally hot. Janet had chosen a dress for the occasion, elegant enough for a more formal affair. Anne had arrived wearing a denim skirt over a one-piece swimsuit, and Jacqui still wore her violet and black ensemble.
Over dinner, they learned more about each other. Janet was planning to become an attorney and ambivalent about a potential long-distance relationship with her boyfriend, Franklin. Melissa blushingly admitted she’d never had a boyfriend at home, but knew a lot about math and computers. In turn, the newcomers discovered Anne was an Engineering major. Jacqui was studying journalism, modeled part-time for a local department store chain, and planned to embark on a career as a photojournalist following her graduation.
Later, much cheered and relaxed, the foursome declared the evening a resounding success and vowed to repeat the experience. The young occupants of room 301 retired to their respective beds early Sunday morning to dream of the upcoming adventures of their freshman year of college.
Chapter 2
College life seemed to agree with them. Melissa was flattered to have been approached for a date several times during lunch, although she wasn’t sure she was ready to accept more than just meeting for a meal at the cafeteria. Janet was loosening up a bit too. Fall break and, coincidentally, Melissa’s birthday, were upon her almost before she realized it.
Sullivan College traditionally gave its students a four-day weekend during October to provide a break in the pressure of the fall semester. Janet had already made plans to return home to visit Franklin and her family before Melissa shyly admitted her 18th birthday fell on the Wednesday before the break. Miffed that Melissa hadn’t mentioned the event earlier, Janet nonetheless charged her suitemates with properly celebrating their youngest member’s passage into adulthood.
Jacqui solemnly promised to see Melissa had a good time.
The evening started in typical fashion, although this time the four were nearly a matched set — Jacqui and Anne had outfitted themselves with sleek dresses in honor of the occasion. All four coeds drew admiring glances at during the evening, but there was no question the birthday girl and her bronze-haired companion were the chief heartbreakers.
They returned to the dorm early to bid a regretful good-bye to Janet, who was hitching a ride home with her brother. The party promptly resumed as Jacqui broke out her bottle of Scotch to celebrate Melissa’s arrival at drinking age. While Anne made a joke of pretending to “card” Melissa, Jacqui served out the shots.
Several drinks, and an indeterminate amount of time later, the conversation had turned to Jacqui’s modeling experiences.
“No, really, Lissa, I mean it!” Jacqui continued. “You’re gorgeous! You’ve really never considered doing any posing?”
“Honestly, no.” Glamour was probably, Melissa thought, one of the few things she had less experience with than drinking. Except maybe sex… Get your mind out of the gutter, Lissa! She tried to return her attention to the conversation. “I wouldn’t know what to do. I don’t know what looks good.”
Jacqui laughed. “Actually you don’t really need to do anything except show up, look good, and follow directions. Hey, I have a tape from my last assignment. Would you like to see it?”
The proposal was unanimously accepted. Jacqui located the tape and popped it into the VCR, and soon the three coeds were lying back on the bed, bolstered by another round of drinks.
Melissa gazed raptly at the unfolding scenes with amazement. Jacqui was modeling swim wear, but a number of the suits were incredibly skimpy and she sensed she should be shocked by some of the explicit stage directions used. However, her mind felt numbed and, reassured by the steady presence of her friends on either side of her, she took in the tape with a calm that would have surprised her parents. Some 30 minutes later, her only comment was, “Jeez, Jacqui, some of those suits are practically pornographic. Not to mention that director. I guess I don’t need to bother going on a field trip down to the Pussycat theater now.”
Anne piped up, “You want to see a X-rated movie? We have some tapes here. Do you think we should watch one? Would that be okay, Mistress Jacqueline?”
The strange form of address escaped Melissa, who giggled and replied, “Sure, why not? All part of a college education, right?”
Jacqui merely smiled as she gestured for Anne to comply with the request, and refilled their drinks. Soon the three coeds were sitting in a row at the head of the bed, Melissa in the center, and Jacqui started the film.
The movie was about a housewife taken captive by a gang of robbers and forced to have sex with each of them, any way they wanted it. Melissa soon found that her panties were soaking wet, and she kept crossing and uncrossing her legs to relieve the urge between her thighs. When the movie ended, the young virgin just sat there and stared at the blank television screen. Anne asked her how she liked the film, and Melissa could only nod her head.
Melissa felt Jacqui’s hand on her knee. It wasn’t long before the frosh’s dress and slip were bunched up around her waist and Jacqui was gently rubbing Melissa’s pussy through her panties. Melissa knew she should stop the model, but the feeling was so overpowering that she just sat back and enjoyed it.
Just as she was about to come, Jacqui stopped rubbing her and ordered, “Melissa, take off your panties.” The confused teen hesitated for a moment and soon felt Anne’s hands on her hips, pulling the offending panties down. Jacqui’s fingers were quickly back on the brunette’s cunt, and Melissa found herself squirming violently; she came with a pleasure that easily surpassed the self-induced climaxes to which she was accustomed.
Jacqui rolled off the bed onto her feet, then resumed control of the charged situation. “Anne, stop playing with yourself this minute. Lissa, stand over here in front of me and strip. Now.” The aroused 18-year-old felt like she was in a trance, but did as she was instructed. Soon her dress, slip and bra lay on the floor next to her discarded panties. “Good. Now get back down on the bed, and spread your legs. Anne, eat her.”
The Oriental’s lips and tongue were soon working their way up her legs, and Melissa came when Anne brushed her pussy with her lips. Sweet juice ran from the trembling teenager’s gash into Anne’s mouth as she frantically licked Melissa’s virginal slit. Melissa completely lost track of Jacqui.
Then Anne was gone and Jacqui had returned. Melissa started to regain her senses as Jacqui rolled her over onto her stomach. Soon Jacqui’s lips were working their magic on the backs of her thighs, and Melissa could feel the warmth spreading through her body again.
Jacqui licked her bottom until it was wet with saliva and then spread Melissa’s cheeks and shoved a finger into her ass. Soon the orgasms were tearing through the teen’s body so fast that she just lay there trembling and screaming. Overcome at last, the drained beauty fell into a very deep sleep.
Melissa drifted into wakefulness and lay quietly as the previous night’s experiences began to trickle into her consciousness. Her face felt scalded by the sudden blush that covered it as the last memories clicked into place, and she sat up abruptly. The teen realized she was lying naked in Jacqui’s bed! Horror emerged full-force at the discovery of a choke chain encircling her neck and tying it to the wall, and Melissa screamed as she began a futile struggle to escape the trap.
Jacqui and a man Melissa didn’t recognize burst through the bathroom door. “Shut up, bitch! Slaves don’t scream,” hissed Jacqui. “Steve, bind her hands and feet before she hurts herself.”
She started a camcorder positioned on her desk, then the two stripped back the sheet. After a struggle, they secured Melissa’s limbs with the thongs concealed at the corners of the bed. Melissa’s frightened gaze darted from Steve’s hand as he rubbed his crotch to Jacqui as she moved up to the side of the bed.
“That’s right, screaming won’t do you any good, slave,” Jacqui crooned, before beginning to toy with Melissa’s bush. “Definitely we should shave this one, Steve,” she said. “It would look so much better. See? Like mine.” The vicious model shucked her bathrobe, revealing her beautiful cunt, slick as a baby’s ass.
She bent down to fondle and suck Melissa’s nipples until they were swollen and hard. Steve had cupped his bulging crotch in one hand and was squeezing it rhythmically. Jacqui climbed up on the bend and, placing a knee on each side of Melissa’s head, forced her cunt down on Melissa’s face. “Eat me out. Suck my pussy, slave. Stick your tongue up inside my hole, and don’t forget about my clit!”
Melissa screamed, “No! Janet, help! Anne!” Her hopes plummeted as she remembered Janet was gone and she caught sight of Anne at the side of the bed, furiously stroking her own shaved and dripping cunt.
“I’ll teach you to refuse me, you bitch,” Jacqui threatened. She moved off the bed and retrieved some shaving supplies from the cupboard below the sink.
Melissa could feel the creme being sprayed onto her bush and spread crotch. Sobbing, she pleaded with her captors, but no mercy was forthcoming.
“No way, slave. You are mine,” Jacqui said as she cleaned the virgin’s crotch with swift, controlled passes of the razor. Soon all three women had pubic areas as bare as the day they were born. Steve was growing uncomfortable with the pressure in his shorts, and pushed them to the floor.
His cock was large and very hard. After a glance from Jacqui, he went to Melissa and commanded, “Suck this, doll.”
Melissa looked at it and pleaded, “No! No! Please don’t!” Further complaints were silenced as Steve fed his cock into her mouth. Thoughts of biting were banished by Jacqui’s hissed warning in her ear. It moved slowly back and forth, never quite triggering her gag reflex.
Even this submission wasn’t enough. Encouraged by probing hands and verbal threats, Melissa began sucking his organ and running her tongue along its length until Steve shot his come down her throat. Coughing, with tears running down her face and mouth still plugged, she swallowed it. Then Jacqui mounted her and forced Melissa to eat her out. It was the most humiliating day in the young coed’s life, and it barely had started.
“Slave Anne! You will continue working on this slave. You know what to do; don’t screw up.” Anne’s naked, dripping folds quickly replaced Jacqui’s atop Melissa’s face. The taste was different, but again not unpleasant…
The thought was banished by the sensation of something large and hard pressing against her pussy. She tensed and screamed, but the sound was entirely muffled as Anne pressed more forcefully against her face. Then Jacqui’s finger was stroking her clit and, shamefully, Melissa felt herself lubricating again.
The stimulation continued as Steve rammed himself into her and began thrusting vigorously. There was a burst of pain as he ruptured her hymen, and she felt uncomfortably stretched, but there was very little friction, and oh! that finger… Melissa wept tears of humiliation as she orgasmed under the relentless stimulation. The cock inside her began spasming again, and she could feel the jism squirting inside her before Steve withdrew and splattered her tummy with more of his warm scum.
Anne trembled with her own climax and climbed off. Melissa realized Jacqui was nowhere to be seen, and as her two remaining captors fumbled with her bonds, she hoped for a moment they might be releasing her. Instead she was repositioned, on her stomach this time, with her legs trailing towards the floor but still firmly fastened to something.
She jerked as the cheeks of her ass were parted and tried unsuccessfully to see what was happening. Fingers, too small to be Steve’s, were stroking her and probing her holes. Something soft and velvety trailed down her crack and began teasing her sphincter. Anne was licking her ass! Melissa’s initial disgust faded before the onslaught of sensation as Anne repeatedly penetrated her butt and withdrew again, wetting it well, and occasionally tickled her oozing slit.
Melissa was actually considering asking for her release in return for her cooperation when Anne moved away. The Oriental’s gentle mouth was replaced by Steve’s rigid prick. Even though it appeared to be coated with some sort of lubricant, the pain was incredible as the throbbing rod forced its way slowly into her asshole. Melissa struggled uselessly and soon Anne’s bare mound was gagging her screams again. Again, there was a pause while fingers — Steve’s this time — worked her body to unwilling excitement before her indoctrination continued.
Her trials did not end with that painful event. After coming in her bowels, Steve withdrew while Melissa reluctantly licked Anne to another orgasm. There was a short pause, then cycle resumed. Steve fucked her in the mouth and ass and cunt while Anne forced her to pleasure every inch of her demanding body including, eventually, her ass.
Nevertheless, they took care to maintain Melissa’s level of excitement. Eventually the captive freshman was responding to the acts themselves without need of manual stimulation. She had no strength for argument when they began forcing her to beg for their attentions.
Although her captors took occasional breaks for food and drink, Melissa was soon worn out by their continuous demands. Nonetheless, they kept it up for most of the day.
Melissa was so tired she could barely think. She was kneeling on the floor while Anne held her “leash.” The brutalized 18-year-old could feel the come leaking from her ass and cunt, and dripping from her mouth. For what seemed like the millionth time, Steve walked up to her and glanced down expectantly. She couldn’t believe his stamina, but she knew what to do. Melissa took his cock into her mouth and sucked it without a word being spoken, and wondered at the sensations that passed through her body as he jetted into her again.
The next act was scripted, too. “Please Mistress Anne, let me lick your cunt. Please let suck out your come. I love your taste, oh please let me eat you.” With a shock, Melissa realized she meant it, and felt a tingling when Anne assented. She crawled to the petite girl, who had a cruel streak she hadn’t imagined, and began licking and nibbling on the folds of her slit, before sucking on her clitoris.
When Anne was satisfied, Melissa pulled back and realized that Jacqui was in the room again. The slave and her mistress traded a meaningful look that left Melissa’s legs trembling and her cunt dripping. Evidently it had the same effect on Jacqui, who instructed, “Pay close attention, slave.” She hiked up her skirt, revealing her naked butt, and bent over the bed, saying “Fuck me up the ass, Steve-O!” He readily complied, and Melissa, watching Jacqui’s thrusting, twisting buns, wondered if she looked the same way when Steve was sodomizing her.
Soon the couple climaxed noisily and Steve withdrew. Jacqui looked over her shoulder and ordered, “Suck me out, Anne. Make sure you get all of Steve’s come and clean me up good. Lissa, pay close attention; you’ll have to serve me this way too. And Anne, save a mouthful to share.” The look on Anne’s face said she had expected to continue playing mistress, but she knelt behind Jacqui. She pulled the model’s buns apart to reveal the loosened hole, then leaned forward to begin sucking the come from it. Melissa watched in fascination until Anne turned and pulled her close. A sloppy kiss transferred some of Steve’s seed, this time with a new pungent flavor, to the teen’s mouth. She savored the taste before swallowing it.
When Melissa opened her eyes, the hate in Anne’s stare frightened her. Why, she thought, when I’m obeying her commands? We used to be friends. A glance at Jacqui revealed only a look of mingled arousal, amusement, and affection. Could it be Anne’s jealous? But why?
The young coed, no longer a virgin in any sense of the term, puzzled over the emotions of herself and her friends. She neglected to note that her leash had been lying on the floor, unclaimed, while Anne serviced Jacqui. Jacqui’s plan had succeeded.
“Up on the bed next to Jacqui, slave,” Steve ordered, having grown bored. “Beg for it up your butt.”
Melissa complied, moving to the bed as she moaned, “I crave to have you fuck me up the ass. It feels so good having my shithole filled, please ream me.” Her cunt moistened in anticipation as she felt the head of Steve’s relentless cock painfully force its way into her tight anus.
Chapter 3
Many long hours later, Melissa wasn’t sure she still knew herself. She was almost positive it was Friday, but it was so hard to remember… At least she had earned a break from the ceaseless violations that filled her thoughts.
Those thoughts snapped back to the present as Anne stepped aside and allowed the spray from the showerhead to wash the soap, sweat and scum from Melissa’s breasts. The frosh squirmed under the pleasurable sensation, ignoring the swaying cable that was locked to both her neck and the curtain rod. Then she was flailing for balance and cutting off a squeal of alarm as Anne turned her against the wall and spread her cheeks to clean them as well.
Apparently she now passed muster. Anne turned off the water and handed her a towel. Melissa dried herself clumsily, hampered by her chain, and was still working at it when Anne left the bathroom. She was mostly dry several minutes later, but still alone.
“Anne? Jacqui? Is anything wrong?” Reflexively, she clasped the towel across her chest as the door opened.
“You don’t need that,” Jacqui commented as she pulled the covering away and dropped it before stepping in to reach the padlock. “And inside these rooms, you will address me as ‘Mistress Jacqueline,’ understood?”
Melissa dropped her eyes as she replied, “yes, Mistress Jacqueline.”
Lock unfastened, Jacqui led Melissa back to the bedroom, then paused to unfasten the padlock and release the other end of the cable. The lock was refastened, leaving the choke collar still in place around the teen’s throat. “We won’t need the leash any longer, will we, Lissa?”
Melissa knew the answer, and felt herself blush as she answered, “no, Mistress Jacqueline.” Her eyes followed the key as Jacqui threaded it onto a thin silver chain and fastened it about her own elegant neck.
The next lesson began. “You enjoyed your ‘birthday party’ yesterday, didn’t you? The truth, now.”
Melissa attempted to sort through her conflicting thoughts, but the overriding emotion was clear. “Yes, Mistress Jacqueline, oh yes. B-But, Steve, his cock hurt me. And I think Anne–” Jacqui cut her off.
“You leave all thinking about these matters to me. Don’t worry about Anne, I am aware of her problem. And we’ll accustom your body to these new activities; only time is needed.”
“Now, on to business. Are you wet?” Melissa felt lost at the sudden turn in conversation and tried to understand the question. Understanding dawned as Jacqui impatiently stepped closer and ran her hand over Melissa’s bared mons; a finger darting briefly through her folds caused her to jump. The finger moved to Jacqui’s mouth, and the mistress answered her own question. “Yes, I see you are, a bit. But you can do better than this.” Remembering the previous day, Melissa knew that was true, but presently the junior clarified the issue.
“I require that you always be ready. When I think of ‘hot and moist,’ I want you to come to mind before Florida. Dripping. Understand?” Melissa was dazed by the thought, and could only nod. The next command was easier to interpret. “Bend over the bed and get your ass in the air.” Melissa moved to obey, and Jacqui continued her dissertation. “I’m going to spank you now, Melissa, not to punish you, and not because I’m angry with you, but because I want to. But be sure you will be punished this way as the occasion demands. Is that clear?”
Melissa forced a response, “yes, Mistress Jacqueline.” Her body ached enough as it was, but there was no way for her to evade the spurious punishment.
Jacqui’s hand rose and fell with an even rhythm. At first there was pain, then Melissa felt a warmth spreading through her buttocks into her loins. She could no longer repress her tears, and she heard Jacqui ask, “Do you want to be spanked?”
Melissa shook her head, but the blows continued. Jacqui thrust a hand between the brunette’s legs and began to massage Melissa’s pussy, at the same time continuing the rhythmic slapping on her cheeks. Melissa began to gasp for breath, unable to control her spastic reactions, as moisture covered Jacqui’s probing fingers.
When the hands abruptly fell away, the now-aroused frosh could not restrain a plea. “Please, Mistress Jacqueline, please, make me come. I need it so bad.”
Her hope was damped by Jacqui’s reply. “No, this was merely to get you properly prepared. My next requirement is that you will come only when I allow it. You will touch yourself only when I allow it. Disobedience will be punished. Now roll over.” Melissa did so, attempting to focus on the instructions through her haze of arousal.
“Let’s be clear. When you are in class, work for yourself. I’ll allow you sufficient time for homework. At all other times, your only purpose is to serve me, as I desire. You will remain ready for me; no more shorts or slacks. I’ve picked out some skirts and dresses, you can buy others. Whenever I desire, you will demonstrate your readiness as we’ve discussed, and make yourself available as I require.”
Melissa imagined a succession of days such as the one before, and could not hold back a shuddering moan. Reflecting mingled fear and desire, it was all the answer Jacqui needed.
Melissa watched as her mistress retrieved some supplies from the trunk in the closet. She was unable to make sense of the items as Jacqui lined them up along the edge of the bed. There were a number of different sized flared rods, what looked like tangled shoelaces, and a tube of some type of lotion. Jacqui answered the inquiring look.
“Your ass is too tight. You know it, Steve knows it, and I know it. These will correct that problem.” She demonstrated by picking up the largest rod, an immense instrument which to Melissa’s eyes dwarfed Steve’s cock. While Melissa stared, Jacqui squirted some lubricant on the rod, polished it briefly with a rag, then bent slightly and inserted it completely up her own ass with scarcely a pause. “See? You’ll be doing this in a couple weeks.”
The slave felt faint as she watched her mistress piston the huge dildo in and out, and tried to dismiss the thought of that instrument tearing into her own anus. Jacqui evidently noticed, because she stopped and further clarified. “Don’t look at me that way. You don’t start with this, dummy. You’ll work your way up a day at a time. Now stand up, so I can fit the harness.”
Melissa rose to her feet, automatically adjusting her stance to spread her legs slightly. The “shoelaces” were revealed to be thin strips of supple leather. Jacqui worked quickly and confidently, and soon the procedure was completed. Melissa looked down at the thin belt that encircled her slender waist. In front at each side, a strip ran from the belt down to her crotch, passing to each side of her completely exposed lips. She knew they joined with the single cord that ran up the crack of her ass before emerging to attach to the belt behind her. The harness was very snug, although not inconveniently so, and Melissa could feel the snap where the rod would attach pressing against her sensitized sphincter muscle.
Jacqui picked up and lubricated the smallest of the rods. Melissa guessed it was about the size of her pinkie and wondered why it was necessary when she had been so brutally sodomized the day before. But she bent over the bed when Jacqui commanded, and felt the other’s hands move the snap to one side before probing the exposed hole. The slick dildo smoothly penetrated her with only minor discomfort and Melissa heard a “snap” as it was securely fastened to the harness.
She could feel it moving slightly inside her as Jacqui pulled her back to her feet, and the unusual sensation added to the tingling in Melissa’s loins. Her mistress stroked her ass lightly and stepped back. “Good. You will come to me each morning to be fitted, or if you must use the bathroom. Don’t remove the harness; if I find you have done so, you will be severely punished.”
Melissa had not thought before now that she would be permanently outfitted this way. What of the complications? “Mistress Jacqueline, how am I to explain this?”
Jacqui laughed lightly before replying. “What, modesty now? Don’t bother. Wear your usual clothing over it. Janet is the only person in a position to notice, and I’m sure you’re clever enough to avoid drawing her attention. But if she should ask, you may refer her to me.” There was a pause, and then Melissa learned more of Jacqui’s plans for the day. “Now, you should go get yourself made up. We two will be going out, and your pretty hair’s a mess after that shower. Come back when you’re ready to dress and we’ll pick out your clothes.”
Melissa walked back through the bathroom, absently retrieving her towel on the way, and walked to stand in front of her mirror. The rod penetrating her ass and the sensation of her buttocks flexing against the leather strap distracted her, and she stared at her reflection in the mirror for several minutes. Mistress Jacqueline was right about the hair, she mused, I look like a drowned cat. Her gaze descended, past the collar encircling her neck, past her erect nipples, to the bizarre contrast of dark leather on pale, smooth flesh. Melissa’s eyes locked on the blood-gorged lips of her swollen cunt. The teen had realized she was much sexier than the actress in the porno tape last night. Her hand, apparently of its own will, moved to touch the erect clitoris, but was thwarted as its owner returned from her thoughts and remembered Jacqui’s stern injunction. With a conscious effort, Melissa lifted her eyes and picked up her hairbrush.
It was like playing with paper dolls again, Melissa thought, only she was being dressed instead of a cardboard figure. She’d never spent this much time dressing, even for her high school graduation. Of course, she admitted to herself, she would never have dressed like this before meeting Janet and Jacqui. Copying her mistress, Melissa finished rolling the patterned stockings up her legs and attached them to the satiny garter belt she wore around her waist over top of the leather harness.
Next came the bandeau bra. It seemed too delicate to provide much support, but that was a moot point because it appeared neither her own nor Jacqui’s firm tits were actually in need of a bra. Melissa awkwardly fastened the front clasp and attempted to arrange the bra decorously, but Jacqui intervened. Brushing the younger girl’s hands aside, she pushed Melissa’s breasts up until the nipples were clearly visible through the filmy lace trim along the top. A moment devoted to rolling and pinching the nipples was sufficient to make them stiffen and thrust forward through the lace. “Much better. Still primed for action?” Jacqui asked rhetorically as she dropped a hand to inspect Melissa’s crotch and found it dripping.
The frosh was beginning to understand the nature of her torture as sensations she could not ignore or respond to raced from her erogenous zones to warm her entire body. She wanted badly to come, but Jacqui’s mind seemed to remain focused on business. The next piece of business seemed to be a pair of high-cut bikini panties. Melissa could feel them gliding against her cunt, which no longer had its accustomed buffer of kinky hair, as she pulled them into place. Her aroused sex responded by pumping more moisture into the pastel fabric, which rapidly darkened around the crotch as it filled with fragrant juices.
Embarrassed, Melissa looked at Jacqui and found the reassurance she sought. “Lissa, there’s no shame in being ready. You’re very beautiful and you’re making your mistress very happy.” The offending garment was soon covered by a slip and modest navy blue skirt, which nevertheless clung to Melissa’s frame in an extremely attractive manner. The blooming sex toy noticed Jacqui did not bother with panties as she climbed into her dress. It was a tight-fitting sheath that the self-assured junior left unzipped deep into her cleavage on top, and halfway to her crotch below.
Finally, Melissa pulled her own peasant top over her head and tucked the bottom into her skirt. She turned to check her hair in the mirror, and Jacqui again rearranged the clothing. This time the top was pulled down over Melissa’s shoulders until the bumps of her stiff nipples showed just below the top of the garment. Melissa noticed the outlines of her body and bra were clearly detectable through the cream-color top, but she decided she didn’t care.
Soon the pair was walking towards to nearly deserted parking lot. Melissa listened to the click of their new high heels on the pavement, and the jingle of the choke collar encircling her neck. She tried, unsuccessfully, the ignore the sensations of the damp satin caressing her cunt and the subtle stroking of the dildo in her ass.
Jacqui’s face glowed as she unlocked the car and said, “See? No problems. Welcome to the real world, Lissa. And for tonight, you can call me Jacqueline. How are you doing?”
Melissa considered, then answered honestly. “I need to come, Jacqueline. I want it worse than anything.” Jacqui threw back her head and laughed as the car departed with a roar and the screech of burning rubber.
Melissa had never felt so sensual. Jacqui had led her from one club to another, all of them filled with young men and women on the make. At first the modest freshman had shied away from the frequent admiring gazes she attracted. A few drinks and Jacqui’s protective presence bolstered Melissa’s confidence to the point where she began to flaunt her hot body. That heat had been increased earlier in the evening when Jacqui had pulled her into a corner and quickly run a hand up her skirt and performed a “status check.”
Now the pair was gyrating on a crowded dance floor. Melissa’s loins were pulsing in time to the beat of the music as she perfected a series of sinuous movements that further stimulated the sensitive nerve endings of her most private parts. Jacqui’s eyes found and held her own. Melissa watched the other beauty toy with the key on its necklace, then Jacqui slid a hand inside her dress and began to knead her own breast. When Jacqui ran the pointed tip of her tongue over her parted lips while maintaining the suggestive stare and self-abuse, Melissa climaxed in an orgasmic wave that left her knees weak. She wobbled forward and clasped her mistress to avoid falling.
A moment later, Melissa was sufficiently recovered to follow Jacqui off the floor. The vacated space was filled instantly by oblivious dancers. The two young women proceeded to the bathroom, where Jacqui quickly pulled the flushed brunette into a stall with her before latching the door.
“You like my tits, don’t you, Lissa?” Jacqui whispered. “Here, taste them.” She unzipped her dress to the navel and pulled one flap aside to reveal the rounded globe capped by a jutting nipple. Melissa leaned forward and licked the stiff tip as she pulled the bra down to completely expose Jacqui’s orb. When Jacqui began running her hands through Melissa’s curly hair and softly moaned, “suck it,” the frosh pressed forward to envelop as much as possible of Jacqui’s flesh in her warm mouth.
Soon, however, Jacqui pulled her away. “Ah, good. Now sit down there and eat me.” Obediently, Melissa lowered the toilet seat and sat on it. She watched hungrily as Jacqui slid the lower zipper upwards until the slit reached to her crotch and moved forward. Soon the slave was serving her mistress as she had so many times the previous day. Jolts began shooting through Melissa’s body as Jacqui pushed down the peasant top and began to painfully pinch and pull her suitemate’s exposed nipples.
Melissa thought the interlude was over when Jacqui’s climax sent a rush of feminine moisture into her sucking mouth. Jacqui’s statement when she’d recovered her breath dispelled that notion. “You’ve been very pleasing and obedient tonight, Lissa. Because I’m in a good mood, I’ll reward you. Spread your legs.” Melissa did her best to comply, but her slip and skirt hampered her. “More than that, I have to be able to reach your cunt.” Anxiously, the freshman hiked her skirt up her thighs and parted them until her knees nearly touched the walls of the stall.
Jacqui, meanwhile, had rearranged her own clothing before withdrawing a slim vibrator from her purse. Melissa, not recognizing the instrument for what it was, felt curiously disappointed at the size of the artificial cock. Still, her arousal increased as Jacqui continued, “You’ll have to be quiet. Make a lot of noise, and somebody will want to know what’s going on, and I’ll have to stop. I’m sure you wouldn’t want that.” Jacqui knelt in front of her and reached between Melissa’s quivering legs.
At the older coed’s quirked eyebrow, Melissa suddenly realized her panties and slip were completely soaked, and the front panel of her skirt was very damp. “That’s the nice thing about dark colors,” Jacqui commented, “stains don’t show. You’ve enjoyed tonight, haven’t you?” Melissa’s attempt at a nod degenerated into a shudder as she felt the cool plastic push around her underwear and into her grasping vagina.
Melissa was unable to stop the movement of her hips as she began to slide back and forth on the slim stick. She began to moan as she felt Jacqui fingering the shaft that penetrated her ass. She caught her breath as the vibrator withdrew and Jacqui reprimanded her, “Sssh! Now do you want me to continue, or not?”
Melissa focused her will on holding her voice to a whisper, as she replied, “Oh please, Mistress Jacqueline. I’ll be good, I promise. Really quiet. Please let me come again.”
The intrusion returned, moving in and out more quickly this time. Melissa clenched her lip between her teeth as her swollen clitoris was rolled between Jacqui’s fingers, then the thrusting stopped. Suddenly, sensation blasted through her as Jacqui switched on the vibrator and pressed it to her clit. The low whirring of the electric toy was undetectable over the rustling of clothing as Melissa thrashed up and down before spasming. Her athletic thighs closed to hold Jacqui’s hand firmly in place until the orgasm subsided.
The young coed, temporarily satiated, opened her eyes to meet Jacqui’s approving look. She could taste the blood from where she’d bitten her lip, but she’d held back the scream that had wanted to force itself out of her. Melissa stood and smoothed her skirt back into place while Jacqui licked the vibrator clean. With a smile, she returned it to her purse. “Little slut, you taste delicious.”
They exited the stall. Melissa held her head high as she ignored the shocked glances of the other patrons. Jacqueline is pleased with me, she makes me feel so good, the teen thought. I think I’m falling in love with her. Can that be possible? My parents would be horrified, they’d say it was perverted. But the look in her eyes when she looks at me, it makes me as wet as when I’m fucking. I think maybe she feels the same way about me.
Jacqui graciously opened the bathroom door for her, and Melissa took the courtesy as another sign of favor. Side by side, they headed for the front door. Gradually, the intense looks from other patrons and Jacqui’s wide smile penetrated the beautiful brunette’s introspection. Mentally tracking the stares, Melissa glanced down and was horrified to see she had forgotten to adjust her top! The lace trim lay where Jacqui had pushed it, three quarters of the way down her bust. It contrasted vividly with her bra, and the exposed inch-high band of midnight blue satin lace served only to draw the eye to the prominent nipples jutting proudly from her exposed tits.
Her face flushed in a beet-red blush that spread to Melissa’s breasts. Even as she began to raise her hands to cover herself, Jacqui gripped her arm in an unbreakable hold and commented casually, “Leave it. Unless you want every guy in the place to see you like this, and not just the few who aren’t drunk yet. Just act normal and keep walking.”
Melissa fixed her eyes firmly upon the door, and struggled unobtrusively to speed their pace. The remaining fifty feet felt like fifty miles and she was sure, Jacqui’s assertions notwithstanding, her tits were imprinted on the minds of every person in the club. Finally she reached the sanctuary of the door and the dark night outside, but still Jacqui refused to allow her to pull up the top.
Only when they reached the car did Jacqui turn her so they faced each other, before lifting the top the minimum amount necessary to cover Melissa’s nipples. Jacqui looked into her eyes again before speaking in a voice throaty with emotion. “I love your innocence, Lissa. I love teaching you, and watching you master your lessons. You’re all that I could ask for.”
To Melissa’s surprise, Jacqui pulled her into a deep, lingering kiss that turned the teen’s legs to jelly. As their lithe bodies melted together, Jacqui’s tongue pushed into Melissa’s mouth to caress her own. Melissa wept tears of joy as they ran hands over each other’s bodies and threaded fingers through their mingled hair, her own tight brunette curls contrasting with Jacqui’s flowing, frosted bronze tresses. Melissa began to rub her pubic mound against Jacqui’s hip and prayed the night would never end.
Chapter 4
The soothing sound of water running in the shower brought Melissa to gradual wakefulness, and she lay quietly in her bed for several minutes reviewing warm memories of the previous evening. Lazily, she rolled onto her side and gazed at Janet’s empty bed. What would happen when her roommate returned? Janet considered all of them her friends, but acceptance of the unusual (to say the least!) relationship between herself and Jacqui would not come easily, if at all. Hopefully Jacqui would know what to do; she’d hinted as much yesterday.
When the shower cut off, Melissa decided she’d have to get up. She could use a shower herself, and Jacqui had told her to be ready for a morning run before it got too warm. The rest of the day was to be spent reviewing her wardrobe. The young brunette climbed from underneath the sheets and pulled her nightshirt over her head. Clad only in collar and harness, she padded to the bathroom door and opened it.
She’d been too quick; Anne was just exiting the shower after toweling off. Gesturing Melissa forward, the petite Oriental suddenly grabbed the collar and pulled her close before savagely mauling Melissa’s breast and biting the nipple. Melissa blinked back tears, but her cry was muffled by the hand covering her mouth. Anne released her and stepped back, a feral grin daring Melissa to call Jacqui. A moment later, she turned and was gone.
Melissa rubbed her tit to soothe the pain, then realized Jacqui wouldn’t like it. She stepped into the shower and relaxed under the spray while she tried to decide how to react. Was Anne acting on her own initiative? Did she, Melissa, have a right to complain? If she did, how would Jacqui respond? Finally she decided to play it by ear. After working around the unfamiliar leather harness straps and giving her bared mound a few strokes more with the washcloth than strictly were necessary, Melissa shut off the water. Soon she was dry, save for her damp hair wrapped in a towel. Gathering her resolve, she entered Jacqui’s room.
Apparently Anne had already departed, and Jacqui seemed lost in thought as she blow-dried her hair. Melissa ventured a greeting: “Good morning, Mistress Jacqueline.”
Jacqui turned and flashed a warm smile before turning off the dryer. “Good morning, Lissa. Is my nasty little girl ready for her new plug?” Melissa nodded nervously.
Jacqui sat on the end of the bed and pulled the new rod from the pocket of her robe. This one was about the size of her middle finger and slightly thicker. “Come lie across my lap, slave,” came the order. Melissa climbed onto the bed and moved so she lay across Jacqui, one leg sprawling to the floor to keep her from rolling off. She felt a brief tug as the snap was unfastened, then Jacqui drew out the tiny plug and sniffed it before setting it aside.
Soon Melissa felt her sphincter spreading as she was penetrated again, more deeply than before, and a click confirmed her ass was now firmly filled. Without warning, Jacqui began to spank her, hard. Much as before, the blows inflamed her buttocks until she could no longer hold back her tears. Then Jacqui’s other hand found her cunt. “Lissa, I’m disappointed in you. You aren’t nearly wet enough.” As the spanking continued, a hard frigging inflamed her clitoris and Melissa felt the tension building again in her body. When, inevitably, she came, Melissa’s leg gave out and she rolled to the floor.
The naked coed lay panting on the carpeting while Jacqui stepped across her prone body and washed the previous day’s artificial prick. “Okay slave, enough lying around for today. Go get dressed. Be back in 15 minutes for our run.” Melissa rose to her feet and left quickly, aware she’d need most of that time to dry her own hair.
Melissa knew, when she returned, her sweatsuit didn’t meet with Jacqui’s approval. “I’m sorry, Mistress Jacqueline, this is all I have.” Jacqui sighed and picked up a pair of scissors.
“Don’t apologize. Just stand there and don’t twitch — I wouldn’t want to have to find a replacement slave.”
Melissa tried to minimize her shivers as Jacqui pulled off the sweat jacket and simply cut the pants from her legs. The oversized T-shirt was also sliced in half and removed.
A minute later, Melissa was clothed in only a sports bra, a pair of her new panties, ankle socks and her Nikes. Discarding the scissors, Jacqui pulled the scanty string bikini more firmly into place, then tossed a new T-shirt to Melissa. When she pulled it on, she realized it was small, nearly as tight across her breasts as the bra, and the cropped bottom flapped several inches above her navel. Across the front, in bold letters, was the word “SLUT.”
Jacqui eyed the effect approvingly, then chided her again. “Lissa, Lissa. You need to learn to obey instructions if you’re to please me. Wet. Wet! WET!” Melissa jumped at the final shout, and jumped again as Jacqui pressed her hand against the panties and rolled the clitoris between her fingers and the fabric. Melissa felt her loins heat again, and soon the damp spot Jacqui was waiting for appeared on the pale blue material. Jacqui reinforced the lesson with a few hard slaps to her pupil’s ass.
When Jacqui handed the next item to her, Melissa knew she must be holding her new running shorts, but she couldn’t decide how to don the wraparound garment. “Mistress?”
Jacqui sighed again. “Watch closely, slave.” The statuesque junior doffed her robe and picked up a similar pair of shorts. Dangling them in front of her like an apron, she tied two of the strings behind her, then reached between her legs to draw the shorts around her like a breech clout. The remaining ties looped around over her hips and tied in front to secure the shorts.
Melissa carefully donned her own shorts. They felt very loose, and her confidence was not improved when Jacqui instructed, “Make sure you get the ties over your hips and tight if you don’t want to flash the other joggers!” By the time she was finished, Jacqui had completed dressing and wore a cropped T-shirt identical to Melissa’s, except this one read “BITCH.” Melissa admired her mistress’s body, realizing she herself was just as scantily clad, while Jacqui tied back her hair.
Finally, to Melissa’s surprise, Jacqui unlocked and removed the chain from her throat. “Don’t go getting ideas. I just don’t want to have to carry you back here after you knock yourself unconscious with this lock flopping around. I’ll have to find something better.” Melissa glided her hand across the base of her neck, missing the weight that had grown so familiar over just the past day. The psychological difference added a spring to her step as she headed out into the morning sun.
Hopes of normalcy faded from Melissa’s mind as she and Jacqui jogged easily down the campus. Each stride jostled the prick buried between her flexing buttocks, and the cool breeze wafting by her slim midriff would never have penetrated her old exercise gear. The frosh felt free and easy until her companion’s route took them past the other dorms. This was much worse than the anonymity of the dance club. Melissa dropped her eyes, unable to meet the looks of her fellow students and classmates. She knew the heat radiating through her body was not due to her mild exertion.
Twenty minutes later they stopped for a breather beside the school’s athletic field. Both were slightly winded, and both knew not all of the droplets beading the brunette’s thighs were sweat. While the women braced themselves against the chain link fence and stretched, Jacqui openly sized up the football team practicing mid-field for the evening’s game. Melissa was caught up in memories of childhood games, but Jacqui’s crude comments drew her attention to the athletes.
“Look at the buns on those guys. Wouldn’t you love to sink your nails into a couple of them while one of those studs nailed you? God, I get wet just thinking about it.” A juicy squishing sound drew Melissa’s attention to her side, where she found Jacqui had slid a hand through the loose leg opening of her shorts and was masturbating her easily accessible cunt. Jacqui met the pleading gaze with a wink; “Rank hath its privileges. Maybe later, if you’re good.”
The two were surprised by the football that rolled up to crash against the fence in front of them. It was followed closely by a grinning receiver who hustled to retrieve the misthrown pass. Melissa felt her mouth widen to form an “O;” the handsome black hunk was built like a god.
Her eyes jumped back to his face at his unexpected greeting. “Yo, bitch! Good to see you around again, who’s the slut?” Melissa felt her cheeks flame and belatedly realized he was referring to their shirts. His smile turned to a leer, and he continued, “Not interrupting anything, am I?”
Jacqui was still abusing herself, in front of this man! Melissa nearly panicked; surely he’d tell someone, they’d be thrown in jail or expelled — what would she tell her parents? As the conversation continued, some of the anxiety faded when it became evident the two were acquainted.
“Yo yourself, Darryl. The slut’s my very good friend Melissa. Lissa, meet Darryl, world’s greatest wide receiver. At least on this campus.”
The shy freshman managed a quiet, “Hello Darryl,” but could not bring herself to meet his eyes again.
“Any friend of Jacqui’s is a friend of mine. Melissa, how about I run a few into your end zone sometime soon?” There was a pause while Melissa deciphered the meaning of this loaded phrase. She had barely begun to gasp a response when Jacqui cut her off.
“Sorry my man, gotta win a few more in the regular season before you get to the Super Bowl.”
“Hey, I live for the sweet taste of victory.”
“Yeah? Well it looks like your coach wants you back, but here’s your taste for today.”
Melissa watched silently as Jacqui pulled her dripping fingers from her shorts and thrust them through the fence. Darryl quickly sucked them into his mouth. “Ah, victory!” he exclaimed.
As the black stud ran to rejoin his waiting teammates, Jacqui got in the last word: “See you in the playoffs!”
Released from Darryl’s penetrating gaze, Melissa found her voice again. “Jacqui! I mean, Mistress Jacqueline! Did he really mean?…”
Jacqui giggled, something the naive teen wasn’t expecting. “Lissa, the man’s cock is bigger than his ego. I’ll never forget the playoff party Anne and I threw last year.” Melissa, to her immense surprise, discovered she was envious of Anne. Her cunt creamed at the thought of a gigantic black prick stuffing it. As usual, the domineering junior read her thoughts perfectly and lifted Melissa’s hopes with a quick comment. “Don’t worry, I can tell Darryl really likes you. Usually he only promises the girls field goals.”
Jacqui pushed their pace on the return trip, and finished with a fast sprint which Melissa won by a narrow margin. Following a shared laugh, Melissa turned for the dorm but pulled up when she realized Jacqui wasn’t beside her. Instead, the bronze-haired siren had taken a few steps towards the cafeteria. “Come on, Lissa, let’s get something to eat before breakfast closes.”
Melissa thought of the other patrons, and of her skimpy sweat-soaked outfit, and her body, smelling of perspiration and sexual secretions. The last thing in the world she wanted was to walk into that building. Sensing the risks of outright refusal, she fastened on the first objection that came to mind. “I left my meal card back in the room.”
Jacqui’s eyes narrowed and the tone of her voice toughened. “You know they’ll let you in if you give ’em your student number. Do I have to drag you in?”
That humiliation would be too much to bear. With a gulp, the chastened freshman joined the cocky junior and they joined the other students in the entrance line. Jacqui kept up a stream of inconsequential conversation that forced Melissa to keep talking. Melissa’s terse replies faltered as she tried to close her ears to the barrage of wolf whistles which greeted the pair as they left the food line and entered the dining room.
Jacqui struck a dramatic pose, head up, breasts thrust out, weight shifted to one side, as she slowly scanned the room. Melissa nearly dropped her tray when Jacqui led her to a partially occupied table where a number of Melissa’s classmates were sitting. Jacqui was already setting down her food and indicating a spot for Melissa when the junior asked, “May we join you?”
The hush ended when Pamela Atwood, who partnered with Melissa in their chemistry lab, greeted them. “Sure, Lissa. You’re Lissa’s suitemate, ah, Jacqui, right?” Melissa was too strung out to notice the reactions of the other diners at the table when Jacqui confirmed the guess and introduced herself. Melissa now picked up the conversation in an attempt to draw attention from their appearance.
The air of normalcy was fractured when Jacqui announced, “Oh, I love these pancakes, don’t you?” All eyes were on her as she used her fingers to roll up one of the syrup-covered flapjacks and slowly push the dripping tube through her pursed lips. Several of the women at the table left when she began slowly licking the spilled syrup from her fingers. Melissa slumped at her seat under their disdaining looks, while the male contingent shifted in their seats.
Pam proved herself a friend and broke the tableau with a new question. “I didn’t realize you were a jogger, Lissa.”
Melissa perked up with gratitude and responded. “Well yes, sort of. I used to jog a lot at home, but it’s a lot more fun with somebody, you know? Janet’s into aerobics, but I couldn’t stand that, cooped up in a room with no scenery. So I kinda vegged out, then Jacqui invited me to run with her.”
The talk continued in this vein for several minutes. Finally the men, bored by the topic and having looked their fill at the women, departed to shoot a few rounds of pool in the campus center. Pam immediately changed the subject. “I just love your outfits. Where did you get them? I never knew you had clothes like that, Lissa, wow! Those guys are probably jacking off in the bathroom over the two of you right now. I can’t believe you went jogging dressed like that, I’d die of embarrassment. But I’d love to wear something like that for Jeff. He’s my boyfriend, he’d just cream his jeans if he saw me dressed like that.”
Melissa forbore to admit how close to the mark those comments were. “Oh, Jacqui found them. She knows where all the good stores are.” Melissa suddenly sat up as she felt Jacqui stroking her panty-covered cunt under the table.
While Melissa remained speechless and tried to act normally, Jacqui expanded on the reply. “Actually, I picked these up down at the mall. When the weather’s hot like this, I like the really light stuff — it breathes well and you can get so wet jogging, you know.” Pamela nodded in agreement, missing the point, and missing the whitening of Melissa’s fingers as they gripped her silverware.
“The shirts are custom, I mean the printing was done special. I just get so tired of ‘have a nice day,’ ‘I love Sullivan College,’ that kind of thing.” And they’re made of a special fabric, I forget the name, which lets you tan even under the material. Teasingly, Jacqui added, “and you have to admit, they match the look, right?” Her finger slowly pushed the fabric of Melissa’s panty into her dripping slit while the aroused girl’s clit pulsed as Jacqui’s thumb continued to flick it.
Pam demurred with a laugh, “Maybe at first look. But Lissa’s no slut, and I don’t think you’re a bitch. Just a little liberated.” Melissa shuddered on the edge of an orgasm, but Jacqui’s hand withdrew and left her unsatisfied and breathing heavily. Pam asked, “Are you okay, Lissa? You still look a little flushed.”
The aroused brunette had to get out of the room. “No, I’m fine. Just winded, I forgot how quickly you get out of shape when you stop exercising. Hey, I need a shower in the worst way. See you in class on Monday, right?” Melissa rose as Pamela said good-bye, and walked quickly out of the room.
Chapter 5
The Salvation Army was going to make a killing. With Jacqui’s assistance, Melissa had sorted through her clothing. Jeans, pants, and most of her shorts lay in the discard pile. Gone as well were her old cotton panties, pantyhose and demure swimsuit, and some of her bras. In their place, she had a new stock of bikinis like the pair clinging wetly to her cunt and a few lacy half bras. She had the garter belt and stockings for dressing up. A small selection of skirts and dresses now hung in the closet, and Jacqui had hinted they’d be joined by others “on special occasions.” The scissors had been working overtime altering a number of “marginal” casual outfits, typically by lowering the neckline and cropping the arms and bottoms.
As Melissa sat back after bagging the last of the rejects, she realized the pressure in her ass had increased and was becoming uncomfortable. “Uh, Mistress Jacqueline? I need to use the bathroom.”
Jacqui appeared to take this statement in stride and responded matter-of-factly. “Drop your panties, and come stand in front of me. That’s right, now face away from me. Spread a bit more.” Melissa complied, and shivered as she felt the junior’s hands gliding over her buns. The harness was soon unfastened, and the straps slid down her legs as the dildo was slowly drawn from her ass.
“Go ahead, Lissa. Then into my room afterward.” Melissa ran to the toilet and sighed with relief as her sphincter stretched again, this time in the normal fashion. She ducked her head as Jacqui walked through, taking a good look at the frosh in her embarrassing position. The water was running in the sink outside; apparently Jacqui was cleaning up again.
It was clear that was not the case when Melissa emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later. A large water-filled bag hung from the eyebolt at the head of the bed. A tube exited the bag and led to the long nozzle in Jacqui’s hand. “Come over here and lie down on your stomach, Lissa. We want to get your nasty ass squeaky clean.” Oh God, Melissa thought. An enema. And Jacqui wasn’t taking no for an answer.
Soon Melissa’s ass was filled again. This time, however, warm soapy water began gushing into her bowels. Jacqui was lecturing again. “It’s not enough to teach your ass how to be loose. You need to maintain that muscle control, to be able to grip and release when you choose.” Melissa felt as if she’d lost control of her own body when the invading fingers coaxed more liquid from her cunt while the spurting nozzle was shifted in and out.
Suddenly the flow cut off and the enema nozzle was withdrawn. Melissa clamped down fiercely as she felt a trickle of water escape and heard Jacqui’s reprimand. “That’s what we don’t want. Now get to your feet.”
Melissa climbed gingerly to her feet and looked toward the bathroom, but it appeared her escape was not to be so easy. Janet had retrieved the slim vibrator from her purse and now turned it on before sliding it into Melissa’s oozing slit.
“You may now walk slowly to the bathroom, keeping your hands at your sides. If you allow the vibrator to fall out, you must re-insert it. If you spill another drop from your ass, you’ll be licking it off the floor.”
It was horrible. Melissa started across the room with tiny mincing steps. The vibrator had her shuddering on the edge of orgasm; half-way to the door her control slipped, as did the vibrator. She gasped for breath and looked down at it lying on the floor.
Jacqui shifted with impatience. “Don’t just stand there — pick it up and get going again.”
Carefully, ever so carefully, the frosh knelt to pick up the humming instrument. Her buttocks flexed and a bead of moisture appeared between them. She chewed on her lip and fought to clamp down on the pressure while standing up as quickly as she dared. The relief passed quickly as she pushed the vibrator back into herself, further than Jacqui had inserted it.
Melissa’s entire body was trembling with effort, but finally she reached the toilet and was able to release the water. She sighed as it rushed out of her into the bowl and luxuriated in the feel of the battery-induced vibrations rippling through her slit.
The now-cleaned brunette was again on her knees across Jacqui’s lap when the door opened and Anne walked in. Melissa looked up in dismay and her heart nearly stopped when Anne stepped aside and other students were clearly visible across the dorm courtyard. She would be equally exposed if any of them chanced to look through the open door. The rod thrust home in her ass and she gasped.
Jacqui saved her. “Anne, close that door now.” With a lazy shrug that evidently did not please her mistress, Anne complied and Melissa was safe from discovery. That pleasure was slightly diminished when Jacqui reattached the collar and padlock.
“You allowed the vibrator to fall out, slave, and you pushed it back too deeply afterwards. I also saw a leak, although you did avoid wetting the floor. You will need to be punished, but I believe we’ll attend to your disciplining a little later.” Jacqui gave her a quick slap on the buns and pushed her to her feet.
“Lissa, go get dressed. You, slut,” meaning Anne, “over here. I think it’s past time to remind you why I don’t approve of jeans. Although I must admit they look good on you when they’re so tight.”
When Melissa returned, dressed in one of her ad-hoc off-the-shoulder tops and a skirt, Anne was bent over the bed with her jeans and underwear pulled down to expose her buttocks. The enema tube was thrust between them. Melissa watched Jacqui collar Anne and attach a cable to the collar while the bag slowly emptied. “Lissa, come over here.” Uncertain of what was being asked of her, she moved closer.
It seemed like Anne had taken much more water into her small frame than Melissa had held before Jacqui relented and removed the nozzle. The dominatrix then hoisted Anne to her feet and instructed Melissa, “Hold her hands and balance her for me.” As she grabbed the smaller girl’s wrists, Melissa saw the shame warring with concentration on Anne’s face. Jacqui pulled up Anne’s panties, then raised and closed her jeans as well, reaching around Anne’s waist to fasten the buttons and close the zipper.
Melissa was beginning to wonder how Anne would use the toilet when Jacqui produced a traditional oval bike lock and looped it through the front belt loops of Anne’s jeans before clicking it home. Anne wouldn’t be able to get her jeans down! With a smile, Jacqui picked up the loose end of the cable and marched to the bathroom. “If you like your jeans so well, you can just live in them, slut.” Once in the bathroom, she attached the cable to the curtain rod in the shower.
Her curiosity abated by disgust, Melissa started to turn away only to be stopped by Jacqui’s command. “No, you watch, Lissa. Anne’s being punished for violating the dress code. Think about it whenever you’re deciding what to wear.” Melissa had no choice but to watch as Jacqui leaned the Oriental against the shower wall and began to spank her. Anne cried for mercy and began squirming in an effort to evade the blows, but the spanking continued until she could no longer control herself. She grunted as a rush of dirty water soaked her crotch and ran down her legs, but managed to avoid a total loss of control.
Jacqui stepped back and Anne sank to the floor of the shower and cried. “Serves her right, don’t you think?” asked Jacqui.
Melissa couldn’t think of a suitable answer and replied with a question of her own as they returned to the bedroom. “Mistress Jacqueline, when will you let her out?”
The reply convinced Melissa never, ever to go near a pair of jeans. “Oh, she’ll come out when she’s ready to. I shoved the keys up her ass before I gave her the enema. Of course, with jeans that tight it might take her awhile to get them out, but that’s life.” Jacqui caught sight of Anne’s spilled purse on the bed while Melissa floundered. She picked up the paper scrap on top. “Hey, you want pizza for dinner tonight? Here’s a coupon.”
Anne must have been starving; she re-entered the room, albeit dripping and wrapped in a towel, just as the pizza arrived. Melissa tried not consider if that was a result of flexibility or familiarity with Jacqui’s discipline — certainly she couldn’t have escaped the fiendish confinement in the shower so quickly.
Her musings were quickly side-tracked by the aroma of tomato sauce, cheese and pepperoni wafting from the door. The apparently shameless Anne relayed the booty from the delivery boy and paid him while Melissa angled for a good spot on the bed.
Jacqui had a distant look on her face, but when Anne joined them, saying “Hey, I’m hungry! Let’s eat while the pizza’s still hot!” the girls grabbed for the steaming slices without hesitation. It seemed Jacqui’s ministrations generated healthy appetites.
Melissa awakened on Sunday morning with a sense of urgency. She smiled and relaxed after she realized her subconscious was still used to attending church, even after months at school. Probably she should look around and join a local congregation, but it was nice to have another morning to sleep in. Jacqui hadn’t said anything about jogging, so Melissa decided to just lie and enjoy the quiet awhile longer.
Last night had been pretty crazy. They’d put on another porno tape and watched it while devouring the pizza. After that, Jacqui had pulled out quite a collection of dildos and vibrators and demonstrated most of them for her. Melissa felt a warm glow as she remembered the culmination of the evening, when Jacqui had embraced her, exchanging wet kisses and delicate touches while Anne sucked and fingered their dripping pussies. Jacqui had even allowed her to come, a privilege denied to the out-of-grace sophomore.
Languorously, Melissa pulled the hem of her sleep shirt to her waist. Her panties had dried during the night, something Jacqui would probably spank her for. If she got herself off, it would feel so good, and Jacqui would never know. The sexy brunette slid a finger underneath the pale pink lace and began to explore her slit. Melissa’s left hand crept up beneath the shirt to pluck her right nipple, which quickly stiffened.
Her arousal increased and Melissa felt her hips lift from the mattress when she inserted two fingers into herself. When she heard Jacqui’s voice, Melissa went limp and her hands flew to her side.
“Oh, Lissa. I’m very disappointed in you. You know I haven’t given you permission to play with yourself like that.” The frosh looked over to see Jacqui had been lying unnoticed on Janet’s bed.
The older girl rolled to her feet and walked over to look down at the embarrassed teen, who was trying to unobtrusively pull down the bottom of her sleeping garment. “Obviously we’ll need to go jogging every day, you just have too much energy. Besides, it’ll keep you in shape. Let’s go.” Melissa was hauled to her feet and half dragged to the other room.
Anne was tied spread-eagle on the bed with clamps adorning her nipples and pubic lips. However, there was still room at the foot for Jacqui to sit down and pull Melissa over her lap. The freshman did not resist as a new dildo the size of a small cigar replaced the previous day’s butt plug. Again, she was masturbated to the point of orgasm while Jacqui spanked her reddened buttocks, then rolled to the floor before obtaining relief. “Now go get dressed, I expect you can do it yourself this time. Five minutes, slave.”
Melissa blinked back tears of pain and did as she was told. She chose the least objectionable of the sanctioned shirts, a pink crop top with “Sex Vixen” in purple, and donned the running shorts. When she sat on the bed to tie her shoes, the butt plug shifted inside her; it was noticeably longer than the others and was causing some minor discomfort. Melissa walked back next door and found Jacqui ready.
The dominatrix leaned over the bed and removed the clamps from Anne’s squirming body. After a moment’s consideration, she spoke. “Lissa, you’ve been a bad girl this morning, and I think Anne needs a reward for her service last night. Let’s see if you remember your lessons. Eat her!”
Melissa moved reluctantly to the bed and looked at the bared mound before her. Anne’s lips were inflamed where the clamps had been attached, but Melissa was surprised to see the Oriental’s petite vulva was very wet. She extended her tongue to probe the crevice and tasted the tangy juices she remembered from her initiation. More energetically, Melissa began lapping up the secretions and sucking the exposed clitoris while cupping Anne’s buns in her hands. The body beneath her thrashed and soon Anne’s shuddering cries announced her climax.
Jacqui pulled Melissa back before releasing Anne’s hands. “Okay, Anne, I hope you’ve learned something. Both of you now, on your best behavior. We don’t know when Janet’s coming back. Melissa, let’s go.” The two left on what would soon become their customary exercise circuit.
Melissa was breathing heavily again, this time as a result of simple physical exertion rather than arousal, by the time they returned to the dorm. She crossed through the bathroom to her own room, trying to push her hair out of her face again, only to stop short as she realized Janet was there. “Janet! You’re back early.”
Janet simply stared at her. So did the man sitting on the bed. “Hello, I’m Todd Mueller, Janet’s brother. Janet’s told me a lot about you.” He had the most curious expression on his face, Melissa decided.
“Todd. I’m really glad to meet you. Um, sorry about the clothes, I wasn’t planning on entertaining.” Melissa glanced in Janet’s direction, and saw she’d have some explaining to do later. It was much easier to face Todd’s approving smile. When his gaze shifted, she knew Jacqui had joined them.
“Well hello there, stud. Janet never told us there were any at home like you. I’m Jacqui Barry, and you can drive me home anytime.” Jacqui surreptitiously squeezed Melissa’s right cheek as she pushed further into the room.
Apparently it was more than Todd was prepared for. They traded a few more inconsequential comments, but then it was time for good-byes and he was gone. Jacqui broke the ensuing silence.
“Welcome back. How was your trip?”
Janet flopped back on her bed. “Oh, not so great. I broke up with Franklin.” Then she gave into her curiosity. “But forget about my trip. What happened here? Lissa, my God, you actually went out in public dressed like that? What have you been doing since I left?”
Melissa struggled to come up with an acceptable answer. “Well, we went jogging, and…” Jacqui cut in with a more polished rationalization.
“And shopping. Come on Janet, we’ve all been working on Lissa to try out some new outfits. Her birthday seemed like a good excuse to start. So we did the casual stuff, I’ve got a good eye for that. I think you’ll have to take her out yourself and find her some nice outfits, we didn’t have much luck there.”
The junior’s conviction appeared sufficient to placate Janet. “It’s just you surprised me so much. You walked in and I thought maybe I’d stopped in a brothel by mistake.” Neither of the joggers saw fit to correct this impression. “Well, it’s good to be back. So what’s new besides the jogging and the clothing?” The resulting answers bore only a passing resemblance to the truth.
Chapter 6
The following week passed quickly as the four women plunged back into their studies. Melissa fell into a familiar routine; each morning she would wake early and head into the bathroom while Janet continued to sleep. Her ass would be stretched by a new plug; although the length of the rods had stabilized at about six inches, the diameter was increasing steadily. The spanking and masturbation inevitably followed, after which Melissa and Jacqui would jog a five-mile course. They would then shower together, with the junior further exciting her. Melissa would be dressed by the time Janet finally roused herself.
Classes would occupy her time until mid-afternoon. At five, Janet customarily departed to attend an aerobics workout before dinner. Melissa used this time to release the harness and cleanse herself with an enema administered by Jacqui, followed by muscular control training. Evenings were spent studying or watching television. Melissa had always been shy, so it was not difficult to avoid changing into her sleeping shirt where Janet might be able to see the incriminating harness or her bared, swollen sex.
Indeed, Melissa increasingly found herself already wet as she bent over Jacqui’s lap, and grew accustomed to the stinging of her buttocks after the spankings. She also discovered additional incentives for academic excellence when Jacqui brought her to multiple screaming orgasms one afternoon after Melissa aced a midterm examination.
Melissa overheard many whispers from other students as they shared gossip about Jacqui, Anne and herself that was a pale imitation of the reality she knew. Never having had many friends, Melissa didn’t mind the isolation that increased until Pamela Atwood was the only person outside of her suitemates who regularly spent time with her.
Friday night at dinner the foursome planned their weekend. Melissa had finally agreed to her suitemates’ demands that she “do something” with her hair and scheduled an appointment at a salon Jacqui recommended. They agreed the remainder of Saturday would be spent shopping for “real” clothes at the Galleria.
Melissa was awakened unexpectedly by Anne late that night. Her mind engaged slowly as she heard the junior’s low whisper in her ear. “Sssh. Mistress Jacqueline wants you next door now. Go quietly, don’t wake Janet. Do you understand?”
She nodded, then rose silently and padded through the bathroom, trying not to trip over anything. Melissa heard Anne close the bathroom door behind her. She moved carefully through the darkened room until her shins bumped the edge of the bed. “I’m here, Mistress Jacqueline.” There was no answer, so Melissa repeated herself, more loudly.
Finally, Jacqui answered, groggily. “What are you doing here, Lissa?”
“Anne told me you sent her to fetch me.” The lamp snapped on over the bed, and Melissa squinted to protect her eyes from the light. She could hear Jacqui, who had obviously been asleep, sitting up.
“I did no such thing. Anne…” They realized almost simultaneously that Anne was not in the room with them. Jacqui padded past her to the bathroom door, muttering under her breath, and almost wrenched her arm when the door did not open as expected.
“Shit, she’s locked the door. What did she say to you, Lissa?”
Melissa was beginning to get a bad feeling about the situation as she replied, “Just that you wanted me right away, and to go quietly so I wouldn’t wake Janet.” She gasped at the thought and met Jacqui’s concerned look with one of her own. At that moment, Janet’s muffled scream sounded through the door.
Jacqui pulled again at the door in frustration. “Damn her! It looks like Anne’s been making plans for Janet. I don’t suppose you have your room key with you?”
Melissa remembered the look she’d seen in Anne’s face, and felt fear for her friend’s sake. “No. What do you mean, ‘plans?'”
The reply was not at all reassuring. “That little bitch has been waiting all summer to move up the food chain. She’s been real disappointed I’ve kept you mostly to myself. Now it looks like she couldn’t wait for us to introduce Janet to our games.” Jacqui started pacing. “Frankly, I’m worried for Janet. I don’t think Anne has my patience or finesse.” Melissa was appalled — her own initiation had not been subtle and she hardly wanted to think about what could be worse.
They could hear more shouting and pounding coming from the next room. Melissa was now desperate with worry. “Isn’t there anything you can do? Can’t we call campus security?”
Jacqui laughed sourly. “Sorry, we didn’t pick these rooms by accident; they’re pretty isolated. Both doors are locked. Nobody’ll show up if we don’t call, and I don’t think we could stand the scrutiny if security did show. Damn! That slant-eyed bitch has had it when I get my hands on her!”
Melissa had a sudden brainstorm. “The door! We can take it off the hinges!” Jacqui glanced at her with surprised approval as the freshman shouted, “A screwdriver! Where’s a screwdriver?” Jacqui dug through her desk, noting the absence of a number of her toys. Finally she came up with a large flat-blade screwdriver.
The two could hear Janet crying, “You bitch! You bitch!” as they set to work on the door. Melissa went wild with frustration as she realized that up close she couldn’t see well enough to get the blade in the slot below the top of the hinge pin. Her glasses sat beside her bed in the next room.
Jacqui attempted to calm her as she continued working alone. “Sssh, Lissa, calm down. It’ll be okay, it shouldn’t take too long to get in. Hey, grab the hammer out of the toolbox, would you?”
Soon the screwdriver, driven by the hammer, had pushed the two pins well up. Each coed began wrestling a pin the remainder of the way out. When Melissa finally pulled the last pin completely free, she jumped back, but was disappointed when the door remained in place. “Damn door,” Jacqui cursed, and began levering at the edge of the door with the screwdriver, ignoring the marred wood and jam. In a minute there was sufficient clearance for fingers.
Both girls grabbed the door and pulled; it suddenly came free with a crackle of splinters as the deadbolt broke out of the door under the pressure. They dropped it, not watching to see it land against the bed, and Melissa leaped into the bathroom. She nearly brained herself when the knob of the opposite door spun without releasing the latch and she slammed into the door. It was ominously quiet on the other side of the partition. Melissa looked in vain for the hinges; they were hidden on the opposite side, and inaccessible. “Janet! Janet! Hang on, we’re coming!”
“Come on Lissa, don’t lose it now. We’re on a roll, now just step aside.” She pressed into the shower to make room for Jacqui, who advanced to the door and tried the knob herself. Anne had been borrowing her tricks, the junior thought as she studied the door. They never would have made it this far if Melissa hadn’t thought of the hinges. Well, this wouldn’t hold up long. The knob came off in her hand when she yanked hard; she tossed it to the floor behind her. A swift jab with the screwdriver poked out the handle on the other side.
Carefully, Jacqui reached into the hole and pulled back the latch manually. The door opened easily when she leaned against it, then continued swinging until it stood wide open. Side by side in their shared eagerness to enter, Jacqui and Melissa pushed through the doorway into room 301.
Melissa was outraged as she took in the sight of the struggling bodies lying atop her bed.
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