Pay Back as a Bitch
So there I was, in the middle of the night on the first Saturday of my school holidays driving halfway across town to pick up my older sister Clare. Having just gotten my p’s there was still a novelty in driving by my self, but not enough to keep me from being very pissed off. My older sister was almost nineteen and had managed to score a job babysitting the kids of a long time family friend. Seeing as how she didn’t have a car (or a licence for that matter) my parents had said that one of them would pick her up after work and take her home. I had been right in the middle of jerking off to some really good porn when mum had called and ordered me to get my sister. That was the way things worked in our family, Clare was the big important idol and was just some kid. If I got told to do something and didn’t do it straight away I got in strife, where as she could easily get away with murder. She had known that from our youngest days and always used it as a way to get me in to trouble, you know the kind of sibling that over flows the bath on purpose, blames you and you end up grounded for a month. The worst part of it was that my olds had always seemed to buy it and sometimes I would lay awake at night just wishing there was some way to get back at her for all the bull shit I’d put up with.
I pulled up out on the street in font of the Derren’s place, turned off the lights and walked to the front door. The kids my sister was looking after were only about five or six years old so they went to bed real early and she just sat around watching cable on their plasma screen. Mrs. Derren was a total witch who was so paranoid that the only reason Clare got the job was because her and our mum went to school together, Mr Derren on the other hand was pussy whipped so badly that I actually felt sorry for the poor guy.
As I reached the front door I heard a strange sound coming from my right, it was a repetitive noise that intrigued me so much that I had to have a look. I walked around the side of the house and saw that the light was on in the kitchen so, being as quite as a cat burglar, I crept up and looked in on something I had never expected to see.
My sister was totally naked, bent over kitchen the table, throwing her head around and moaning wildly as Mr Derren drove his cock up her ass. I realised then just how good looking she was; her 5’8 frame gave her gorgeous long legs that were at this moment spread wide on either side of Mr Derren’s. I could only just see her tight round ass, that was spanked red raw, and her amazing double D tits were madly flying back and forward behind a long curtain of thick red hair as she thrust her hot hips backwards again and again. Mr Derren, however, was not the vision of beauty Clare was, he was fat, balding with a tooth brush moustache and the look of someone who hadn’t had a good fuck in years. Just then I got a brilliant idea, you know, one of those ideas that just blossoms in you brain like a flower that seems so obvious you wonder why you didn’t think of it straight away. I quickly wiped out my phone and turned on the video camera, pointed it at the window and started to film. I made sure that I wasn’t getting any reflection and zoomed in on the scene. By this point my sister was moaning and howling in ecstasy so loudly that you could easily hear it through the glass and I wondered why the kids didn’t come out to investigate. Her arms went all ridged and her whole body shook as she made savage gasping, howling noises. Mr Derren grunted loudly and pulled his cock out of her and she eagerly spun around and started sucking him off with such vigour that it was as if she enjoyed this more then the root. Just then the memory filled up on my phone, but I still managed to snap off a few still frames of him coming all over Clare’s face and her licking it up. By this point I had a raging hard on and wished that I had had a chance to finish my wank earlier. But none the less I stashed the phone in my pocket and walked out to the car, I sent her a text to let her know I was there, then all there was to do was to sit and wait for her.
As I sat there I wondered about what best to do with this situation, I mean, I had over a minute of film and some pictures of my older sister, the most popular girl in school, the one that everyone, the guys, the teachers, even the lesbian chicks would sell their right arm to get with, senselessly fucking the shit out of some old ugly dude. I could put it on the networked computer school, let everyone see it and make her a laughing stock, but that didn’t really get me anything, did it? Show it to Mr Derren, he’d freak and give me anything I wanted, but then again, he didn’t really have anything I wanted. Give it to Mrs. Derren, she’d openly threatened to kill Clare if she ever fooled around with her husband, but as much as I hated her, I didn’t want my sister dead. There was no use showing it to my parents, she was their little angel and I’d probably just get in trouble for perving and I didn’t want that. What did I want, I asked my self, and my thoughts drifted back to Clare’s insanely hot fuck, her amazing body, and the boner still present and accounted for in my trousers. Then, all at once, I knew what I could do that would pay back my sister and get me something every guy at our school wanted.
Just then the porch light came on and Clare strutted out all proud and confident as usual. I pretended to be napping and when she saw that the door was locked the pounded fiercely on the window while I unlocked it.
“What are you doing here, shit for brains?” she snarled
“The olds sent me to pick you up, their working late.”
“Oh great just what I need, some little prick parking us up a tree”
“Just cause you can’t drive”
“Why do I need to when I have a whole house of slaves to do it for me.”
‘You just keep thinking that bitch’ I said inwardly as I drove home through the cold night with Clare constantly trying to grab the steering wheel so the car would get damaged and, consequently, so would I.
As soon as we got home I belted upstairs to my room and pulled out me phone, I could hear my sister watching TV downstairs, but she had a habit of just barging into my room so I had to be quick. I e-mailed the video and pictures to my computer and marvelled at the quality, you could really tell it was Clare sucking and fucking some old guy, good thing I hadn’t cheeped out on a phone. Then I copied it to a couple of floppy disks, CD’s and a flash drive, all of which I hide I different part of the room. I then put one set on the favourites of my computer and hid another in the depths of the hard-drive in my porn folder titled ‘System Configuration’. I checked the clock and saw that it was only 9:30, my olds were big important accountants at some firm and when they worked late they weren’t usually home till midnight, that is to say mum wasn’t. Our parents were divorced and though they hated each other they still worked together and dad was around quite a bit. I then prepared to follow through with my philosophy of ‘fortune favours the bold’ and got ready to do the boldest thing of my life. Pulling up the original photos and movie still on my phone and sent them directly to my sister’s phone. Knowing that she always kept it on it would only be a matter of seconds before she got the message. I sat there quietly counting backwards from ten and as soon as I hit zero there was an ear splitting shriek from the living room followed by pounding footsteps. I turned to the door, doing my best to look nonchalant, just in time to see Clare burst through. She was wearing very very tight jeans and a bright red button up top that clashed magnificently with her hair. Her bright green eyes and luscious red lips were ablaze with fury and she screamed: “Where did you get these?!”
“Where do you think?” I shot back, cradling my phone and trying to keep a straight face.
“GIVE ME THAT FUCKING THING!!” she screamed and made a lunge for my hand.
“I’ve got copies!” I shouted and she froze halfway between me and the door. “You lay one hand on any of them” I continued “and this goes to every one, the Derren’s, our parents, the entire school, everyone.
I must admit, it was very satisfying seeing the rage and hatred drain right out of her face to be replaced with pure abject terror. She started to shake and withdrew her hand, standing in the middle of the room breathing heavily and looking at her feet. I could tell that the wheels in her head were turning as she examined the situation from every perspective, trying desperately to find a way out.
“What do you want?” she finally whispered in a voice the suggested she was about to burst in to tears.
“Well you see Clare,” I said folding my arms in the same business like manner dad used to use when talking about accounting “I’m a guy. And as a guy I have certain things that need to be taken care of. If you help me with them, then this can all stay between you and me.”
“You want me to do your chores?” she said in a puzzled voice.
“I think you know what I mean.” I replied and saw her eyes fall to my crotch, where the hard on I was sporting from earlier that night strained against my jeans. Her eyes brows flew up as she realised what I was talking about and a look, some where between fear and surprise crossed her face. But before I had a chance to take this in she flew at me, I though she was going for broke and trying to get the phone back, but instead of going for my arm her hands flew to the waist band of my pants and in one swift movement she tore them all the way down to my knees.
Now I’m not one of those guys who goes around bragging about the size of my cock, but Peter North would cry if he saw it. At full stretch it cracks on just under eight inches and is pretty wide to boot, I may only be seventeen, but believe me this guy had met a few young ladies. After a moment of shock Clare wrapped both hands around my shaft and started jerking me to attention. It didn’t take her long, one of her smooth, silky hands moving up and down the shaft with a practised ease and the other gently massaging my balls, until I stood fully erect. With a quick look at the door to make sure we weren’t being watched she took a deep breath, opened her mouth wide and gobbled half my cock at once.
It was amazing I tell you. Her tongue whipped around the head, all the way down the shaft then back up again as her head bobbed back and forth, while her hands kept perfect time with her face, taking what her mouth couldn’t. Shaking her head back and forward like a dog and letting my cock push up against the side of he mouth was one of the best feelings ever as her tongue began to flick back and forwards on the tip and base of the head. But as she started sucking with the force of a vacuum I realised that she was trying to make me cum as quickly a possible so this would be over.
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