
Path to Our Future part 6

Here is Chapter 6, A lot of loving and sex in this one. Enjoy and comment with anything you want to ask or have me respond to.

It’s good to have a plan for Valentine’s Day especially when you have five women that you are hoping to please. I plan to spend a day or an evening with each woman and while I get to make some plans for Imelda and Matty, Rachael and Kori have plans already set for us. Katy on the other hand says we’ll get together as soon as she’s not busy but promises it’ll be before the big day. It’s the weekend at the beginning of the February and I’m up early on Saturday with all my gear and a few things ready as I head out of Black Sunshine and meet up with Imelda at eight in the morning. She’s got her riding gear on as we head down the road.

“Where are we going,” She asks as we hit the freeway heading west.

“To something you’ve never seen before,” I reply over headset.

I made sure we’d be able to talk with our Bluetooth headsets while we ride and aside from a pit stop to use the bathroom we enjoy a nice leisurely ride to Ocean Shores. It’s a nice sized place and we get town just after noon and as we ride up I have her park her bike with mine behind a ridge and with my bag of goodies climb the almost ten foot ridge and look off into the distance. Imelda is confused and climbs up after me.

“Guy I don’t understand why you brought me out here. I mean we could have just gone to a movie like our first date or we could…..,” Imelda tells me before pausing at the top of the ridge with me.

I figured of all my women this would be the best one to start with, Imelda’s been up here for a year now and not once has she gone out to see the ocean. Now here we are with sun water and sand, she’s shocked and smiling.

“I figured you need at least one day where after a good long ride you got to see something brand new,” I tell Imelda putting my arm around her shoulders.

“Baby this is amazing, you’re amazing,” she tells me cuddling up.

We stand for a few moments watching the waves before I point out where we parked and the café right nearby. We get a table so Imelda can look out at the Pacific and we have a light snack and warm cocoa as she stares at the blue water. Both of us finish and when I suggest that we get closer to is she’s all over the idea. We walk and talk a bit, she wants a girl when we have kids, and I want her to own her own shop or racing team. She asks what I’ll be doing and I smile and tell her something special. Finally she notices the bag on my back.

“What did you bring up here,” Imelda asks pulling on the back pack.

I open it for her and she pulls out one of the mason jars, I get a confused look and take one out myself and fill it with some sand. She’s confused but as soon as I start pulling off my coat and boots she’s laughing at me and in my camo pants and a t shirt I step into the waves and fill the rest of the jar with ocean water. I’m coming back in and see Imelda stripping down out of her riding gear and she comes bounding in the water with her jar. We laugh and fill four jars with sand, some seaweed and ocean water before getting out of the water. I walk us back to the café and ask for the shower key to the public showers and tip the woman a fifty. There’s no ocean business during the cold months and they can use the business as Imelda and I get behind the public shower stall door and strip out of cold dirty clothes. Warm water after a light walk in cold ocean is wonderful; being stuck next to a hot Latina biker in a shower with less than a foot of free space for us to move is great. My hands find her curves and we scrub each other down at first but when she backs her ass against me and starts grinding against my growing hard on.

“We don’t have a lot of room,” I whisper leaning in and nibbling on her ear.

“We need a room,” Imelda moans rubbing against me as I cup her breasts,” I think we have more than enough space so I can keep you from getting away.”

Imelda pulls one of my hands up from her breasts and taking my finger in her mouth begins to suck and nibble on it lightly helping ensure that I’m completely turned on. I could probably grind out an orgasm of my own against her ass but what kind of date does that make me, answer is the shitty kind. I turn her around so we’re facing each other and trail my hand down her body and cup her mound as she presses me to the other wall and slowly starts to stroke me. One hand pinning the other to opposing shower walls and the remaining hand rubbing and caressing each other’s nether regions. I find Imelda’s slit with a finger and start rubbing with a little more urgency, I feel her bight down a little on the finger I she has in her mouth. Her nails are digging a little into my chest and I can feel her trying to get me close as precum leaks out of me and she covers my shaft with it. I slip a second finger inside her and almost immediately Imelda stops before hiking up a leg and pulls me closer.

“Impatient a little,” I asks smiling as we trade quick kisses.

“I don’t want patience, I want you,” Imelda growls as I help her balance a little.

Finding my way inside Imelda is easy save for balancing our bodies with her having only one foot on the wet floor but the close quarters give us plenty of things to grab onto other than each other. I push up once my head is at her entrance and she doesn’t even tense up as I push all the way inside her she almost relaxes for me and I settle into taking long slow thrusts inside her. Hot water running over our bodies as press forward pinning my Latina biker against the wall, one of her hands on my back and the other shower rail helping keep us up.

“First time we met I thought you were some angry bitch,” I tell Imelda continuing my thrusts.

“I thought you were some wanna be bad boy till we were staring each other down,” Imelda groans trying to buck against me without us falling down.

“Oh you learned I wasn’t a pussy,” I joke as I feel my orgasm creeping up.

“Yeah and a couple hours later I learned… you could fuck pussy…,” Imelda moans as I feel her clamp down on me.

Our moaning, the water running and the sound of our hips smacking together lightly are the sounds that I hear in the shower and it’s causing me to rush ahead slamming my hips up into her harder and faster. Imelda is holding on for dear life and takes my face in her hands kissing me hard with a lot of tongue. I feel her teeth bite my tongue a little and her pussy clamp down on me as her orgasm takes over. I’m still going at her hard and when my orgasms hits I’m shaking a little as I cum inside her. We’re both grunting as we ride out the sensation while kissing each other. It could have been seconds or minutes but when we finally separate our bodies and clean up Imelda has a near permanent smile on her face.

“So what is going on with the pendejo that is fucking around with you,” Imelda asks as we dress.

“I think it’s a he and he’s a chicken shit,” I tell her pulling my shirt on.

“Well yeah, you only destroy damn near everything in your path,” Imelda says leaning over and kissing me.

“Hey I gave everyone a chance to back down, it’s not my fault they didn’t,” I tell her as we finish.

We spend a few hours looking around town and going over little things for after the year, where I’m going to college and where we will be living. Imelda would like closer to Texas and I’m inclined to agree. I tell her about options in between and that gets me a smile, biggest thing is we state no east coast. Too much distance between us and our families to be a viable option. It’s about three in the afternoon when we mount up and head back towards home.

“So what are we doing with the jars,” Imelda asks as we ride down the freeway.

“Mailing them to Texas, Carlos, your Mom and my Family down there,” I tell her plainly,” We’re gonna give them a piece of the ocean.”

“That is so stupid its sweet,” Imelda says as she continues to beat me down the freeway.

We get home about seven in the evening and almost immediately Imelda tells the other girls that we’re back on via text and we all sit down in my room to relax save for Katy who is out at another study group. Imelda talks a bit about what we did today while I sit with her in my lap on the bed and I can see the other girls are happy with the results. We part ways but not before Kori hands me a note with instructions ‘My house, come alone, wear the best suit you have, arrive at 5:30’. I smile as I show them out and get a kiss from each one and a big one from Imelda who takes her jars and follows Kori back home.

I’m settled in my room relaxing when I hear an unfamiliar car pull up; I look out my window and see Katy getting out of the passenger side before going around the car and talking to the male in the driver seat. They talk for barely a minute before she heads into the house. I exit my room and meet her at her door with a smile but she’s got a tired expression on her face.

“So did you find a day that we can get together for Valentine’s day yet,” I ask as she starts to think with frustration.

“Guy I will get a day I swear but right now I’m looking at two projects that make up a lot of my grade in two classes and my study group is being a pain in my ass,” Katy
says opening her door and entering.

“Hey I can give you a rub down and we can talk about it,” I remark with a smile but she just frowns.

“Not tonight, I’ve got a massive fucking headache and just want to sleep,” Katy says almost closing the door on me,” I’ll talk with you tomorrow.”

The door closes and I’m living in an off state, Katy doesn’t want to talk to me and doesn’t want me to touch her. What the fuck going on? I head down the hall and catch Mom making a cup of tea in the kitchen and she can tell by the look on my face I’m in a bad state.

“Mom I think something is up with Katy,” I tell her as she heats the water,” She just got in and she doesn’t even want to talk with me.”

“She’s focusing on college Guy, it’s not easy for her and with her study group they are trying to keep their grades up this first year,” Mom explains.

“Yeah but she’s got to the point where she barely even acknowledges me and now with Valentine’s day around the corner she’s flaking out on our relationship,” I state as Mom listens quietly.

“Let her get past her projects and she’ll open up again, she’s not good with school like you are,” Mom states giving me a kiss on the cheek and heading off to read.

I think on what Mom said and while it makes sense the cold shoulder treatment is a bit much for me. I head back to bed and settle in for a good night’s sleep. Waking up Sunday morning and work out, dad joins me after a bit and we go over basics and Dad has me spend more time on stamina than anything else. No Katy this morning but I figure I’ll talk with her later like we agreed. Breakfast has everyone at the table and Katy is talking a little about her projects and one of her groups for a class quitting and her barely finding a new partner. I’m listening but more concerned with us and having a talk about the upcoming holiday. Dad pulls me into the back yard and we get to work fixing up part of the flower beds for Mom to plant when spring finally hits. We’re only back there for a few hours and when we get inside I shower and head to Katy’s room. I knock and no answer, peeking inside I discover she’s gone and her school stuff is half there minus her bag.

“Mom did Katy leave,” I ask stalking my way through the house.

“Yes she left with her project to meet her class partner so they could get more done today,” Mom asks but pauses when she sees my face,” Did she do something?”

“No, sadly she didn’t do anything,” I state heading back to my room and slamming the door.

Even Liz in her own little world has made it a point to avoid me as I’m a little put off by Katy’s avoiding me. I note the time hit the four o’clock hour and I head into my room to get ready. I suit up in my grey suit and black tie combo and pack a bag of clothing to wear at school tomorrow and after giving my folks a quick goodbye hop on Pale horse and head towards Kori’s. getting there is easy and I’m on her front door step almost on time. Her parent’s cars are gone and there’s a note on the door that reads ‘Welcome Home’. I chuckle a little bit and step inside closing the door behind me, it takes Kori all of four seconds to know that I’m home and she comes out of the kitchen in an old style Suzy Homemaker dress with apron and her brunette hair done up nice but simple.

“Welcome home honey,” Kori says coming over to me and giving me a kiss,” How was your day?”

“Frustrating but getting better,” I tell her as she turns and heads back to the kitchen.

“I’m sorry to hear that baby, sit down and watch some TV while I finish dinner. I’m sorry but it’s going to be later than I expected,” She informs me as I marvel at her happy homemaker mentality.

I take off my suit jacket before sitting down and flip through the channels till I find something on the Science Fiction channel and relax. I can hear her working hard in the kitchen and once the smoke alarm goes off but she stops it with a thud. A little swearing that I’m guessing she doesn’t think I’ll hear and I can tell she’s getting frustrated as I step into the kitchen. Mom always told me too many pots and pans and something burns, Kori is living it right now but she’s in full damage control as I roll up my sleeves and start to assist. I’m not a cooking whiz but the extra hands help as I pull a boiling something off of the burner and set in where she points. We get all the different portions cleared and she tells me to go sit down at the table while she plates dinner. I don’t get the term but still sit down and wait a little bit when she comes out of the kitchen with a wonderful, meal of pork chops and mashed potatoes with green beans.

“This looks wonderful honey,” I tell her as we start to eat.

One thing I love about all my girls that most people don’t pay attention to, they eat. Put a good meal in front of any one of them and they’ll eat it, take them out to a restaurant and they’ll order a salad on the side of a meal. It’s a personal thing but a critical one for me as Kori and I dig in to her meal. We barely talk when she jumps up from her chair and rushes to the kitchen and I smell apples come wafting in my direction, the girl baked an apple pie. Dinner goes down easy and a slice of pie with ice cream has me stuffed as we start to clear the table. I help her a little with the dishes, mostly just putting them in the sink or dish washer before she playfully shoves me out of the kitchen. I sit back down on the couch and resume my TV watching. Kori joins me after a little bit and we sit on the couch.

“So you’re mad,” Kori says without looking at me.

“Yeah but this is your time,” I tell her as she settles in next to me and I put my arm around her.

“No it’s our time and I don’t like you feeling angry, tell me what’s bothering you,” Kori asks as we watch people attempt to run an obstacle course.

“Katy is avoiding me, I want to talk with her and she just ducks me every time. Then there’s the mystery guy,” I tell her and I feel her visibly perk up at my words,” I finally saw her partner a little, it’s a guy and he’s driving her around instead of her taking her bike or the car.”

“It could be a school thing, Katy is just as committed to you as the rest of us,” Kori states to reassure me.

“Maybe, but we’re running out of time for our Valentine’s Day date and she’s told me nothing of her schedule or what she wants to do,” I say almost complaining, almost.

Kori simply cuddles into me and we talk about more important things, like girls asking her advice on men and coming to her before speaking to me about things for clubs. I joke about her being a real first lady and she jokes back about needing a title and an official office. She shows me a little bit of the wedding plans, it will be a bit bigger than I’d like but five families are getting together for this which makes it huge. Invitations have also gone out and we’re looking at a lot of relatives who will be meeting each other for the first time, I’m not worried and the parents have agreed that they’ll weed out the questions for everyone who has them with the ceremony and the five wives. Time ticks on by and I notice that it’s almost ten at night when Kori shuts the TV off and we both quietly head upstairs to her room. I sit on the bed and get undressed down to my boxer briefs as I hear Kori changing behind me. We both crawl into bed and I discover that Kori decided to match me by wearing a simple pair of panties to bed with me. There is no sex tonight, as she cuddles up against my chest and I pull her in so we can sleep.

Monday morning and I wake up wrapped up around Kori who is sleeping softly, it’s about the time I wake up for my workout but I’m warm and being cuddled. I slowly stroke Kori’s skin on her side and hip and she moans at the attention but is still asleep as I tickle her stomach. I watch her roll till she’s face down on her bed and continue sleeping. I smirk and pull the blankets down off her back slowly before leaning up and trailing a long string of kisses from her shoulders down her back and pulling her panties off to her ass. I move down the bed straddling her legs and start to kiss around her ass and using a finger gently rub her slit. I’m currently living in the wonders of morning wood as I can feel Kori start to get wet on my fingers. I pull off my underwear and slide up behind Kori lining my head up with her slit and when I get her lips parted I see her head turn to look at me.

“Really? Couldn’t even let me wake up,” Kori groans but I can see she’s smiling.

“I figured you were awake when I started touching you,” I reply rubbing my cock head up and down her slit.

To my dismay Kori pulls away from me and pulls up her panties before stumbling off the bed and towards her bathroom. I’m a little confused and I follow her only to have her look at me from the door to the bathroom and smirk.

“Not this morning honey, we don’t have time before school,” She tells me before closing the door.

I’m a little bit put off when I hear the shower turn on and enter the bathroom to join her. Kori is very in a shower and clean mode but she knows I’m there as she shampoos her hair. I start to lather myself up and scrub down when Kori bends over and rubs her ass against my cock.

“Not fair,” I moan as she shakes her ass a little.

“Teasing is fair, it’s not like you’ll go without or anything. We’ll just have to wait till later if we have any time,” Kori states with a big smile.

“If we have time,” I ask a bit upset.

“Yes, I’m your fiancé not your whore. I’ll sleep with you when I need it but you need to get used to the fact that married life is run by me and the girls. We’ll decide all sex times and let you know when we want your opinion,” Kori states facing away from me and rubbing soap down her body.

I’m either being baited or informed of changes I’m not agreeing with; either way I my course is the same. I push Kori forward and up against the back wall of the shower face first and smack her ass once. Kori squeals in surprise as I bend her down a little and lower my hips rubbing my cock head against her slit. It takes a second but I get to her entrance and slam my cock up inside Kori’s familiar womanhood. There is no ceremony or subtly as I start pounding away filling the bathroom with the sounds of my hips slamming in her ass. It’s different like this with her but I’m more than a little frustrated and smack her on the ass again as she starts trying to get away from me weakly, like she’s barely trying. I grab a handful of Kori’s hair and pull her head backwards arching her back and pounding her hard and deep.

“Are you gonna spank my ass again,” Kori groans back to me.

I use my free hand to give her a third smack as an answer and continue to fuck my first girl in the shower. I’m still holding her hair in one hand and her hip in another as she starts backing into me and tightening down. I’m feeling great as she gives back for the first time this morning and it’s not long before I Kori is moaning loudly as she cums on me. I slam inside and let her ride it out but I’m not there yet when she reaches back and looses my hand on her hair. I watch as my future wife gets on her knees and with a hand strokes me hard and fast.

“I’m your woman so cum for me, cum on my pretty face,” Kori almost growls at me.

I’m gripping the side of the shower but finding no purchase as I feel my orgasm building and when I cum it’s a head rush as I spray what I’m hoping is Kori’s face. I relax a little as she keeps pulling on me to get as much out as she can before I feel her lick my head and clean a last bit off. I regain my senses and look down to see Kori with my cum spattered on her face and a little in her mouth before almost ceremoniously swallowing it. Calmly she stands back up and finishes cleaning her face off and once done shuts the water off. We get out and when she tries to grab a towel I pull her close for a hard deep kiss. We’re wet and our mouths are locked together hard as we let her other know how we feel in kiss form. Finally we break the kiss and dry off before getting ready for school, our breakfast is a lot simpler than dinner last night but we talk and joke when I ask about this morning.

“Honey I wasn’t serious but you’re too nice to me sometimes,” Kori states finishing her cereal.

“I’m too nice to you,” I ask confused.

“In bed you are, we haven’t fucked in a year. We’ve had sex and we’ve made a LOT of love but fucking is something that Imelda, Katy and sometimes Rachael get. Damn it I wanted my turn too,” Kori states in mock pouting.

“I’m guessing this is one of those I shouldn’t ask if you want it just give it to you because asking is stupid,” I state and she nods.

We joke about it a little more before heading off to school. Monday and Tuesday pass easily enough with no complications and I set up a meeting after school Wednesday at the park for Kyle and Heather telling them I need to see them alone. I need to meet them off school grounds for a change of scenery and I’m still not sure who is being paid to keep a watch on me but I figure I’ll get a better look out in public. Wednesday comes and school ends which allow me a chance to give Kori a ride home. I say hi to her Mom and Carl before heading off to the park to meet up with Kyle and Heather. I arrive on my bike before the others and take a seat at one of the tables under a roof. I get a text from Kyle saying he’s on his way and Heather should be too, why aren’t they coming together?

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