
Papa and Megan-Cabin at the Lake, Part II

Two hours later, she had managed to take a hot bath, get her pajamas on and was again, fast asleep when I went into her room to check on her. She woke, grinned sleepily, and stretched her arms and legs. Then she curled up once more and closed her eyes. I knew she must be exhausted from her repeated orgasms but I began to worry that she was acting awful strange and wondered what to do. I sat down beside her, put my hand on her shoulder and said, “Megan, honey, are you going to be alright?”

She opened her eyes and saw the concern in mine. She smiled again, stretched, and said, “Oh, poor Papa, are you worried about me? You should have warned me that your “Big Bubba” has wonderfully, strange affects on girls. Yes, I think I’m going to recover, but not just yet.”

I bent down and kissed her on the forehead, then I made a suggestion. “Since Gramma and the boys should be arriving any time now, let’s say that you started coming down with the flu yesterday evening and have been in bed trying to get better. That way, you can regain your strength without anyone being the wiser.”

She agreed, gave me a big kiss and rolled over and drifted off the sleep.

A few minutes later, Marty, Bobby and Josh arrived at the lake and I put our plan into effect. Marty was a little upset and went up to check her out. But after sticking her head into the room for a minute, she slowly backed out of the doorway and closed the door. She said that the poor child was asleep, so she will check again on her later.

The next day, Marty left bright and early for town so she would be to work on time. This left the boys and me to fend for ourselves. After they woke up , cleaned up and ate their breakfast, they went off exploring the countryside. I assumed Bobby knew his way around the lake and I knew both of them could swim, so I let them go be the boys that they were. I was cleaning up the dished when I saw Megan going to the bathroom to relieve herself. She looked terrible, like she had been ridden hard the night before. Well, I guess she had been, so she looked pretty good in reality. Anyway, when she came out I noticed that she was walking like she had something between her legs. She caught my glance and asked, “Where’s Bobby and Josh?”

“They’re off exploring,” I answered.

“Well, I won’t be riding any bikes for a few days. Boy am I sore!” she said, rubbing her crotch. “You’re too much man for me, Papa,” she joked with a grin on the face. With that, she returned to her room.

I broke out my laptop and started to work on the project I brought up to the lake for work. I worked about three hours on it with just a few breaks for coffee and to uncoffee. Pretty soon the boys came running up the path, full of excitement and tales of their adventures. Since in was about noon, I figured that they needed to refuel so I opened some soup and make them sandwiches for lunch. After devouring what I made, they ran back down the path, thanking me over their shoulders. I prepared another sandwich and cup of soup for Megan and, placing it on a tray with a glass of soda; I ascended the stairs to her room. Knocking gently, I opened the door and leaving it open, peered in. She was awake, just lying there, pondering life I guess. She thanked me for the food that I brought and propping herself up with pillows and began to eat.

After a few bites, she asked, “Papa, I was wondering, how do I know if a guy is going to know that much about how to make a girl feel great down there, like you do? I mean, well, do I have to sleep with him to judge. I don’t want to just ask him, “Hey, are you any good in bed, guy.” I mean, you have been so great. You know so much about making me feel good. You know where to touch me, how much pressure to use. How does a guy learn so much? How did you learn so much?”

“Well, I don’t know that I know that much about what a girl wants, but what knowledge I have gained comes from observation, trial and error. What would I want to do, where would I want to be touched. I hate to say it, but it comes from lots of experience and patience,” I said. “And to answer the question of how do you know if a guy is going to know how to make a girl feel great, well, look to the non-sexual ways he treats you. Does he open doors for you? Guys still open doors for girls don’t they? Does he treat you with respect or does he always put you down? Does he always have to be the center of attention? Does he show his tender side to you? Does he put your feelings above his own? If you can honestly answer yes to these types of questions, then he, chances are, will be receptive to you teaching him what you want. And he will always want to please you in every way.”

I thought for a moment, then continued, “Megan, if you give in to boys just because it “feels good”, you will soon be known as a slut and rightfully so. You are much too attractive to be giving yourself to any boy with raging hormones. Most of the times, with most of the boys, they are after that one thing that you are giving away. They will tell their buddies “Hey, Megan’s easy. I got her last night and wow, what a piece of ass she is.” Then, all of a sudden, you have all these guys calling you wanting dates. You think, “Wow, I’m so popular.” So you go out and all the boys want is to get into your pants. But that’s all they want. Remember when I told you what jerks boys can be? Well, that’s being a first class JERK! Honey; don’t fall into that trap, please, for me. You are too bright and beautiful to have to give it away to anyone who wants it. Treasure it! Save it for someone special, someone who will appreciate it and enjoy it with you.”

She looked up at me and started to cry. She sobbed and buried her face into my shoulder. Raising her head, she gave me a big kiss of gratitude and said, “Oh Papa, how can you be so sweet? What will I do if I don’t have you around to teach me everything?” We chatted for a few more minutes, and then I got up, picked up the tray and told her to get some more rest.

Later that evening, Marty made the turn into the lane and stopped her car in front of the cabin. When she came in, I had a JD on the rocks waiting for her. She went into the room and changed and, when she emerged from the bedroom, she inquired about Megan. I assured her she was on the road to recovery and she went upstairs to check on her. About fifteen minutes later, she came down and pronounced her well on the mend. We chatted about her day then she inquired about the boys. I had almost forgotten about them so I said that if she would start dinner, I would start a search party of one and see if I could locate them.

I heard them long before a saw them. They were up a tree that overhung the water, shouting at the top of their lungs as the pirates were chased away. I stopped and observed their play and thought, I hope that Marty is not bringing this boy into manhood too soon. I approached them with a hearty “Ahoy, mates, who goes thar?”

They responded, “Ahoy thar, who dares to set foot at our castle?”

“Only I who brings thee news of vittles o’er the other side of the sea,” I answered in character.

“Well, shiver me timbers” Bobby exclaimed. “We be off then.”

They played their parts all the way back and when they arrived; Bobby went up to Marty, gave her a slap on the rear and bellowed out, “What have we now, me winch?”

Marty’s eyes grew wide with shock, the shock of the swat on her rear end and the demanding sound of Bobby’s voice. The look on Bobby’s face was priceless. “Oh, I’m so sorry Gramma,” he exclaimed. “I didn’t mean to slap your, ah, there,” he stammered, looking at Josh who looked horrified.

“Well, I’ll give yee the back of my hand then, Laddy,” and drew her hand across her chests as if to strike, then burst out laughing at the scene she had created. Bobby suddenly joined in, as did Josh. He must have thought, “What kind of family is this, anyway?” Even Megan stuck her head out of her room to see about the commotion. I saw her go back into her room and I thought it was good to she her up again.

That night, after the boys went to bed, Marty joined me out on the porch with a drink. She sat in the other rocker and said she had had a rough day at work. It seemed that there was some trouble being caused by some secretaries that heard that someone said that blah, blah, blah… I’m so glad I don’t have to put up with that whole office scene. I just do my work, have it approved and go on to the next assignment. I guess I’m really lucky or something, but I just couldn’t stand being confined in an office setting.

After awhile, Marty inquired as to Megan’s condition. I said I thought it must have been a 24 hour bug and I would see if she felt like getting up tomorrow. She then asked about Bobby. I told her that I didn’t see much of either of them the whole day. They came back to eat and drink and they were off again and she had seen them when they got home last night. She said she wondered if I shouldn’t supervise them a little more. I asked if she really thought I should interfere with their play and she said of course not. But she worried about them playing at the lake. What would happen if one of them fell in or something? I reminded her that both of the boys were excellent swimmers and if one of them fell in, I’m sure the other one would pull him out if he had to. She said that she worried too much and finished her drink. She gave a seductive look and asked if I was ready for bed. I said I would beat her there.

That night we made passionate love. Like two mature adults, we displayed our true feelings for each other. It was soft yet hard, frantic yet peaceful. It was the kind of love making only people truly committed to each other could make. Afterwards, I thought of how much I cherished my wife. How much and for how long I had loved her. We had had our differences, but we always talked our way through them and never went to bed at night angry with each other. So, if we are so much in love then, why are both of us cheating on each other with our grandchildren? Now that is the sixty-four thousand-dollar question.

The next morning was as the first. After Marty left, the boys came down to breakfast and where planning their day at the fort instead of the castle. When they left, for Marty’s sake I said, “You boys be careful now.”

“We will,” they chimed, as expected.

After they had disappeared around the corner, Megan made her appearance. Coming down the stairs gingerly, she came over to me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and sat down at the counter. She hadn’t been asleep for some time but had stayed I her room until everyone had left.

I said to her, “Well, you look like you are part of the living once again. Hungry?”

“Famished!” she said.

“Well, I could fix you up with some bacon and eggs.”

“That would be great!”

Starting the preparations, I inquired, “Still sore down there?”

“Just a little, but I’m feeling better,” she replied.

“Well, after breakfast I thought we could take the bikes on a ride into town or something,” I said teasingly.

“Yeah, right!” she replied.

“I’m sorry you are so sore, Megan. If I had known it would hurt you so bad, I would never had allowed you to ram it in so hard so deep.”

“Yeah, and if I had known it would have hurt so much, I would have never tried it,” she exclaimed. “It is funny, after the first little bit of pain, it didn’t hurt at all. It felt wonderful, in fact. But, later, it got really sore.”

“On the inside? I asked.

“No, right at the opening. Like I put something in there I shouldn’t have…well, that’s obvious, but it sent me wildly over the top and even higher.”

“How about the rest of you down there?”

“Oh I’m fine. Want to see,” she said, then waited for my reaction.

“Sure I do.”

“Well, maybe by Thursday evening, maybe…” she was saying coyly.

With that I handed her the bacon and eggs and told her, “Eat.”

I told her I had some work I had to accomplish this morning, about an hour or hour and a half, so whatever she wanted to do. The boys were over at the other side of the lake down by the lake edge. She should be able to hear them. Or, she could hang out here, either in the living room or out on the porch. She indicated that she would go up and take a shower, wash her hair and get cleaned up. Maybe by then, I would be free for a leisurely walk around the lake. I said that it sounded like a plan and turned to my computer.

I was getting way ahead of my self imposed schedule, so when Megan came down the stairs, with shiny hair, wearing tight little shorts that barely covered her ass, I stopped to stare and all she could ask was, “What?”

I just smiled and finished logging off the computer.

We agreed to go find the boys at their fort or castle or whatever was in their imagination at the time. We held hands as our arms swung back and forth. I noticed that Megan was walking freely now, so the pain she had experienced had, more or less, left her. I was glad, because I was really starting to become concerned. Maybe I really did damage her. But she was now running freely ahead and turning around, encouraging me to keep up.

As we approached the position of the tree fort/castle, whatever, they could be heard in the distance. I think it was now a stand from which they could spot the enemy patrols as they approached below them. When we were within shouting distance, after of course we gave the password, were allowed to advance and be recognized. We must have passed muster, because we were allowed to continue our walk around the lake.

“Papa,” she started an inquiry. “I was thinking about what you said yesterday up in my room, about boys being jerks and everything. Are all boys like that?”

“Well, honestly, I don’t know for sure. I know I was a jerk before I met your Gramma,” I confessed. “All the boys I knew were jerks. I’m sure there are some boys that are not jerks. But the vast majority of them are.”

“Why are they that way? she asked.

“Well, I guess because, that’s the way they are suppose to be,” I replied.

“What do you mean? I thought people were supposed to be nice to everyone.”

“It is this way, the animal known as man, hasn’t always lived to be as old as we now live. People married younger than our society deems acceptable now. But the kids, your age, instead of getting married, now have to go to school, play sports and get along with the opposite sex. Girls have many urges and, most control them well. But boys, also have urges that they figure they have to act out on. What I’m doing a poor job of explaining is, boys talk with other boys and brag and boast about their sexual exploits. Girls talk with other girls but they mostly don’t brag but keep it to themselves. They are afraid of being classified as “easy”. So while boys brag to each other, sometimes they just make it up to save face. Girls share but don’t brag for fear of repercussions. Does that make any sense to you and did I answer your question?”

After thinking about it for a moment, she nodded her head and said, “Yeah, I think it does. So when a guy tries to put his hand down your panties and you stop him, he can tells all of his friends that you didn’t stop him, then all the other boys want to take you out and try to put their hands down your panties.”

“Well, that’s pretty close,” I said.

“So, if they are going to say it happened when it didn’t happen, what should I do?”

“Just don’t let anyone put his hand in your panties,” I commanded. “Your reputation should speak for itself. If you have to, confront him in front of his friends and call him a liar. That usually embarrasses him enough that he will stop telling lies about you. And, other nice girls, when they find out, won’t have anything to do with him.”

After a brief moment of reflection, I asked tentatively, “Have you had someone put his hand down your panties?”

“Well, yes,” she said in embarrassment. “YOU!” she said giggling and ran ahead.

“I walked into that one,” I muttered to myself and ran after her.

When I caught up to her, I grabbed her by the arm and swung her around into my arms. “You are a little “she-devil” aren’t you?”

She just laughed and tried to get away. Holding her closer, we stopped our struggling and our lips met in a warm, passionate kiss. We opened our mouths to each other tongues as I hugged her back. She jammed her breasts and crotch into me and I instantly pulled her leg up and she rubbed her pussy into my cock. I backed away reluctantly, then said, with just a little hint of sarcasm; “You are feeling better, aren’t you.”
We continued on around the lake and we stopped at the front porch and sat and rocked the rest of the morning away.

That night and all the next day, we spent playing, swimming, some work on my part but generally relaxing and having a good time. Before we knew it, it was time to say good bye to Josh and send him home with Marty on Thursday morning as planned. That evening when Marty returned to the cabin, it was just the four of us. Marty announced that she didn’t have to work the next day, so we agreed to do something special. We would all go down to the dock for a swim the first thing in the morning. Then do whatever we wanted the rest of the day. Although the water temperature had been a little chilly when we had arrived, Bobby swore that he and Josh went in and it was fine. We all retired for the night in anticipation of having a lot of fun tomorrow, just the four of us.

The next morning, we all sauntered out to the kitchen wearing our swimsuits. After a quick breakfast, we went running down to the lake and Bobby and I dove in and came up screaming. Regardless of what Bobby said about the temperature the other day, that water was COLD! After we swam around a little, we started warming up and by the time we talked the girls into the water, we were either so numb we couldn’t feel anything or our bodies had adjusted and it felt fine. We swam and played in the water for most of the morning. Occasionally, one of more of us would exit the water and lay on the deck to warm ourselves.

Once when it was just Marty and Bobby on the deck, I noticed Marty’s eyes wondering over Bobby’s trim, muscular body. Bobby noticed also and he started to get an erection. I dove under the water and grabbed Megan’s crotch and came up to shrieks and howls. Her look of indignation was perfect and she dove down to grab my cock but I fought her off. None of this was observed by the two on the dock, they had other things on their minds to notice such antics.

About noon, we came up from the lake to have some lunch. We were almost out of sodas, so I suggested that Megan and I could walk to the small store in the town about two miles away and buy some more. I said we would probably be gone about two hours or so and asked if there was anything we could pick up for anyone else. Not hearing any requests, Megan threw on a cover-up and I put on a shirt and off we went.
We decided to follow the trail that led down the lake until we came to the fork that led to the town. As we walked, we held hands and then we walked with our arms around each other. Within a few hundred feet, we had stopped and were kissing each other passionately. My hands were all over her back and down to her ass. I drew her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. This was putting pressure from my growing cock directly onto her pussy and it was driving her crazy with desire. I grabbed her by the ass and put my fingers inside her bottoms at the leg hole. She squirmed and commanded me to take them off. Being obedient to the command, I pulled the ties and as she raised her hips, slid the bottoms off. She jumped down and had my trunks down to my ankles in a flash. Then positioning my cock skyward, she mounted me again, this time riding my throbbing cock. I put my arms under her legs at the knees and pulled her up. Taking one of her hands, she positioned my cock at the opening of her vagina and then, slowly, lowered herself down on my waiting cock. It took her breath away for a moment, but she soon was moaning out loud as we started raising and lowering her pussy onto me. With each plunge downward she would let out a little shriek, then rock up and thrust herself down again harder and harder. I asked her, “Does it hurt?”

“Oh, no, Papa. It feels great. It feels deeper than ever, oh, I’m about to cum!”

With that she began frantically pumping her hips up and down on my cock as her octave rose in her throat. When she climaxed, she shuttered briefly then slowed her assault, then, exploding within, she rammed her pussy down on me as a shot my cum deep into her vagina. I could feel her twitch from within and then she sprayed her juices all over my mid-section. Going limp, she clutched my neck and hung there for a few moments as she came down. She slowly slid off of my now limp member and stood on the ground with buckling knees. We found a place to lie down, still in each other’s arms.

We dozed there for awhile and when we awoke we kissed again tenderly. Running to the water’s edge, Megan, removed her cover-up and top, then we plunged in the cool water… After swimming for a while, we made it back to the shore, retrieved our swimsuits and decided to walk back along the lake and forsook the trip to the store.

When we arrived back at the cabin, no one was there. Marty and Bobby must have gone for a walk or something. Megan came in and was about to say something, when I heard an all too familiar sound coming from our bedroom. Megan and I froze for a moment. Then looking at each other, we heard it once again.

“Oh yes, Bobby! Push it in deeper! Oh my god, Bobby, you do that so good! Now harder, deeper! Yes, oh, yes, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, AHHHH!” Marty’s voice was at a shriek when she exploded into a climactic orgasm that shook the windows.

“Oh, Gramma, I’m going to cum too!” exclaimed Bobby.

“Take it out and cum in Gramma mouth!” she commanded. “Let me taste your sweet tasting cum. Oh yea, ummm, that tastes go good.”

After standing there listening to this, I looked at Megan and walked to the door, knocked gently and said, “Marty, will you and Bobby come out after you’ve had a chance to calm yourselves and clean up. Honey, I love you both very much. Megan and I will be out on the porch waiting when you come out. Take your time, but the four of us need to talk this thing through.”

“Oh my god, George, no! Say you didn’t hear that! Oh no, oh no. George?” she waited for a response, then adding humbly, “I’m so sorry, George, I’m sorry.”

“I know, Honey, I’m all right. We are all right. We just need to talk,” I said.

“Ok, George, give us a few minutes, Ok?”

“Take all the time you need. We’ll be outside on the porch.”

As Megan followed me out, she looked at me with horror in her eyes. Sitting down she asked, “What are we going to do?

“Well, we can do one of three things. We can pretend that we didn’t hear what we heard and therefore pretend that nothing is going on between them. We can call them out and accuse them of everything we are doing and keep our little arrangement quiet. Or, and I think this is the most logical and beneficial, we admit their relationship. We will mutually have to keep the family secret and we can carry on as a foursome instead of a twosome.”

“I see you logic, Papa. Yes, I can see where that is the only choice we have at this point.” Smiling at me, she got out of her chair, put her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss. “You are so great,” she added. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Sweetheart, but it’s not over yet. Just play along and we’ll see how it turns out. There is may be prison time in it for us.” I winked at her to indicate that I wasn’t being totally serious.

About a half-hour passed and I began wondering if I had misjudged Marty’s loving spirit. The screen-door open and out walked Marty and Bobby trailing her to take a seat in the remaining rockers. They both looked like they had been through hell. Their eyes were red and swollen; their clothing was wrinkled and thrown on. And they had the look of two school kids walking into the principal’s office. I took one look at them and, despite myself, burst into laughter.

“I’m sorry,” I said, trying to control myself, “but you two look so pitiful, I can’t help it.” And again broke into laughter again.

Marty slapped my thigh, grinned sheepishly and started to cry all over again. Bobby soon followed suit and they were sitting there crying their eyes out.

“Marty,” I said, “I know what you must be going through. I didn’t mean to overhear what went on in the bedroom. I didn’t want to know, but I do know what you must be going through,” I repeated. “I know that you love Bobby very much and that you want the best for him. You want to protect him from the pain of growing up in a cruel world of ridicule and abuse. I know how you feel about being ashamed of your cardinal love for your grandson, how you didn’t want it to come out. Bobby, I know how all you wanted was to experience the joys of making love with someone you could trust totally. Someone you could ask any questions to and you would get the answers you needed without the ridicule that comes with someone else’s agenda.

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