
Papa and Megan-Cabin at the Lake, Part I

The third part of this story is broken down into three parts. I realized that 35000 words is a lot to consume in one sitting. This part is entitled Papa and Megan-Cabin at the Lake, Part I. The story line has been set and will not be changee, so please refrain from giving your suggestions as to alternate story lines. Also, I have tried to edit my work carefully but make no claims to its accuracy, so please read, enjoy and comment, but keep your insults to yourself.

With three weeks to go before we had to send our grandkids back to Chicago, that didn’t leave a lot of time to waste. We were driving back from the airport where we said good bye to Tanisha. Marty, Megan and Bobby were all sitting there not saying a word. I was trying to think of something fun, isolated and completely possible for us to do. Somewhere I could find the time to be with just Megan, alone, for extended periods of time without causing any suspicions. That would also mean the Marty and Bobby would be left alone, but that worked into our favor. Then it came like a thunder bolt, the Harvey’s cabin up at the lake!

It was perfect. Jim and Marge Harvey were always trying to get us up to use their summer cabin at Lake Jenny. I don’t know if they wanted us to buy it or what, but every spring they would encourage us to use it as much as we would like. We had been up there a couple years ago and had enjoyed it immensely, but we never took the time to repeat the visit. This year we had not heard from them, but I would not hesitate calling them as soon as we got home.

“I’ve got an idea,” I said, breaking the silent. “How about checking and seeing if we can use the Harvey’s cabin this week?”

“Oh,” exclaimed Marty, “what a wonderful idea. They are always asking us to use it. Are you going to call them? Oh, George, what a great idea. Kids, some friends of our, Marge and Jim Harvey have a beautiful little cabin up at Lake Jenny, north of town about an hour or so. It is right on the lake and very secluded. Oh, it would be perfect. Maybe we could get it for more than a week. George, you or I could commute up and back from work. George, you have to give them a call this afternoon right after we get home.”

I was excited, but Marty was ecstatic. I hadn’t seen her so excited for a long time. It did start my head spinning, think of the possibilities of being alone with my beautiful granddaughter and I’m sure Marty was contemplating the same with her grandson. Anyway, I could hardly wait until we arrived home.

I called our friends and was told that the cabin was available until the end of June, so we started making plans to go up this Friday. I checked in at work on Monday morning, got my work approved and my assignment for the next part of the on going project. It would take me until mid-June to complete, so I was free to work at home the entire time. With my laptop, I could work at the lake as well as at home.

Marty, on the other hand, would have to commute to the lake when she wanted to come up. That was a bummer for her, but it was wonderful for me. Now, what could I think of to keep Bobby busy and away from Megan and myself? I didn’t mean to sound like I didn’t want him around entirely; I just wanted him to be actively having fun with someone else once in awhile. Maybe a friend could come up with us, but who? All of his friends live up in Chicago, except, maybe Josh. Josh Wimmer and Bobby used to be great friends when they lived down here. I bet they haven’t seen each other in a couple years. I wonder if Josh would like to go to the lake with us. It would take some convincing to talk Marty into it but I’m sure, after she thought about it, she would agree that, at least when she had to be in town, it would give Bobby someone to play with.

After much negotiation, a reintroduction and a whole lot of planning on my part, we worked it out to where we would leave our house Friday after Marty got off work. The four of us would go up to the lake that evening and we would all spend the weekend at the cabin. After which, Bobby would go home with Marty on Sunday and spend Monday and Tuesday with Josh at his house and Marty would pick them up and bring them up to the lake Tuesday evening after work. Josh would stay with us through Thursday night, and then go home with Marty on Friday. After work on Friday, Marty would come back to the lake and we would all go home on Sunday. It sounded confusing but it allowed ample opportunity for Megan and I to spend time together alone. That was the point behind all of this is the first place.

“I think the turn off is right up here,” I said to Megan as I craned my neck to see around the curve in the road. “Yeah, here it is now,” as I slowed the car and made the turn into the lane to the cabin. I was driving my car and Marty and Bobby were following in Marty’s. Megan and I had made all sorts of plans for the coming week, but none more important than Sunday evening and Monday when it would be just the two of us. We were so excited that it was hard to keep our hands to ourselves, especially so no one could see our movement. We did happen to get a few opportune strokes and touches in, but for the most part, we just made our plans and talked.

We arrived at the cabin and Megan ran down to the lake to check out the view. “It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed. “Papa, come see.” I got out just as Marty and Bobby pulled up and stopped her car.
“Bobby,” I said, “go down where your sister is and see the lake,” I said. “Gramma and I will take the first load in and you two can help us later.”

Marty and I started unloading the cars as the kids played near the water’s edge, skipping rocks and splashing water on each other. On the third load, I yelled to the kids to come help us. The four of us made short work of the rest and we finally sat down to rest in the living room with a soft drink each.

The Harvey’s cabin was a nice cozy cabin with one bedroom down with a bath for the main floor and two bedrooms up with another full bath for both rooms. Bobby would take the buck room while Megan would take the one with a double bed. There was also a loft upstairs that opened to the downstairs living room. There was a dining area off the kitchen that opened out unto a covered porch running the full length of the cabin in front. The front porch looked down over the lake, which was about a hundred feet down the pathway. It really was a nice set up that the Harvey’s inherited from Marge’s parents several years ago.

After we had our drinks, I ask who wanted to go for a walk. We still had a few hours of daylight left, about enough time to walk around the lake, as I remembered. Megan agreed to go with me, but Bobby said he wanted to stay at the cabin and Marty agreed to stay with him. Surprise, surprise! As we left them rocking on the porch they said to take our time and we responded that we would be back before it got dark. That should give them plenty of time, I thought. As soon as we turned the corner at the lake and we were sure we could no long be seen, we stopped and gave each other a warm, passionate kiss.

I reached down and fondled her breasts for a moment. She moaned as she continued to caress my mouth with her own. She sought out my tongue and we fenced with each other, as we grew more excited. My hand found the front of her jeans as I grabbed her crotch. She wiggled and pulled away with a laugh.
“This isn’t in the plans,” she said, as she grabbed my hand from her crotch and pulled me down the path that led around the lake. She was right, of course, but, God she felt so good and no one could see us. We walked along, swinging our arms as we held hands. We were like school kids, madly in love, on a walk through the forest. It was so perfect.

We stopped a few times to sit and talk. On one of those stops, Megan asked, “Papa, you know those ground rules you set back at our house before we moved to Chicago? You know, about not making me pregnant and that sort of thing? Well, you know, you can’t make me pregnant after I’ve had my period for a couple of weeks, and I was wondering if you would consider putting it in me Sunday night when we are all alone.”

I was floored. I didn’t know what to say. That wasn’t the only reason for not wanting to penetrate her vaginal channel with my penis. It was the main one, but something told me not to cross that line. After all, she was my granddaughter. She was a minor. But she was so willing and so beautiful. After thinking for what seemed like an eternity, I said, “I don’t know, Megan. Having intercourse is a big step. Once you cross that line, you can’t take it back. You are my granddaughter, you know.”

“Not really,” she said. “I’m not technically your real granddaughter. My Dad is my adoptive Dad, not my real Dad, just like you are my adoptive grandfather. So really we are not related at all. I mean I love you just like a real grandfather, but you aren’t, you know what I’m saying?”

“Yes, I know what you are saying, but I just don’t know. We’ll see,” I hedged.

With that, we continued to walk, but not with a lot of conversation for awhile. I was mulling over what we had said. She had invited me to have intercourse with her, my 14 year-old, step-granddaughter. I guess I have done just about everything else with her. My hands have been in every hole that she has and she has taken my cock into her mouth innumerable times. What seems so bad about having intercourse with her? I do love her. I want to make her happy. She is correct about her getting pregnant, I know; it is the safest time to do it. Just say yes, George. She wants it and so do you.

“Megan,” I started, “I want to thank you for offering me your virginity. I love you very much. I want to make you happy and I want to make me happy. I would be honored to accept your invitation to make you a woman.”

She screamed with joy. Hugging my neck, she leaped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waste and planting a warm kiss on my mouth. I responded by holding her rear end and returning her kiss. Our tongues came together and they passed in our mouths.

“I’ll be the best you’ve ever had. I promise,” she said excitedly. “I’ll take you all the way in me and even if it hurts, I won’t cry out or ask you to stop or anything.”

“Now, don’t make promises you don’t know you will be able to keep,” I warned her. But she was so excited; I didn’t want to put any negative thoughts in her mind. But I thought, I bet she does take me all the way in without crying out. She’s such a gutsy little girl.

As the sun was setting behind the tree line, we made it around the entire lake and were walking up the path to the cabin. No one was sitting on the porch and there were no lights on in the cabin. I stopped Megan about half way up the path and put my finger to my mouth to indicate to be quiet. I then, tiptoed up the steps and opened the screen door to enter into the living room. Looking around, I saw no one. So I went to the fridge, open the door and asked Megan in a loud voice, “Want something to drink, Honey?” She looked at me strangely, not knowing what was going on, then answered in a normal tone, “Yes please.”

About that time, Marty came out of the downstairs bedroom, flustered and her clothes disheveled. She yawned and pretended to be asleep. But after close examination of her shirt, one could tell that it had been buttoned wrong and was hanging cockeyed. She said we should go out onto the porch and watch the sunset. She was heading us to the door when Bobby came into the room from somewhere with his clothes in a similar state. I looked back at him and he flushed with embarrassment. Marty just yawned and asked, “Bobby, where have you been? I guess I went to sleep in the bedroom.”

“Yeah, me too. In my room, I went to sleep, upstairs,” he fumbled for an answer.

I turned and walked to the porch, chuckling to myself.

The family sat there on the porch until it was dark. We decided to eat a late dinner, play a few games and go to bed. Marty hurriedly went to take a shower as I said my good nights to the kids and sent them up to their rooms. Since the stairs creaked real badly, no one was walking around tonight, so any though of a late night trip up the stairs to see Megan was soon put out of my mind. I went to the bedroom, got undressed and crawled into bed. Marty soon joined me to cuddle and talk.

“Megan and I had a nice walk around the lake,” I said, trying to see if she wanted to talk or go to sleep

“Did you?”

“Yeah, she is such a good kid, she fun and nutty, so easy to be around.”

“I went to sleep in here and I guess Bobby did too, up stairs, in his room.”

I choked back a laugh, and then I asked, “How’s Bobby doing, anyway. I haven’t spent much time with him.”

“He’s doing really good. You should have seen him at baseball camp. He really is an athlete. He really is getting so big and muscular. He’s pretty strong, you know.”

“Really?” I asked. “I hadn’t noticed.”

“He really such a good kid,” she said. “I enjoy him so much.”

“Not as much as you enjoy me though. Right?”

She looked at me with an inquisitive look in her eyes, then smiled at me lovingly, and cupped my face to hers and gave me a passionate kiss. I responded in kind and before we knew it, we’re embracing each other with a passionate hug.

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