
Our Vacation

Trying something a little bit longer.

My wife Sheryl and I went on vacation to Finland for our ten year anniversary. Sheryl was a beautiful redhead, pale white skin, freckles all over, bright blue eyes, a nice ass, and firm C cup breasts. Though she and I were always very much in love, there were times when Sheryl would let her redhead temper get the better of her and she could stay mad at me for days.
We had planned two whole weeks to travel Finland and see the sights. It was near the end of the second week and we were in the capital spending our last few days before our plane trip home when it happened. We were walking around downtown when a man with a clipboard approached us. After a semi-complicated conversation in his broken English we realized that he was asking us to be on a television show, some kind of game show. My wife seemed excited by the prospect of being on tv and I didn’t really want to see the museum that she had scheduled for that afternoon so we agreed.
The man led us into the office building that we were in front of and into a studio on the third floor. The set looked elaborate with tables and chairs and lights, but we didn’t get to look at it for very long before we followed the man into the backstage area. There he introduced us to the producer and one of the stage hands, a very pretty, young blond woman named Heather. They took us to a dressing room and explained the show to us, or tried, their broken English and thick accents made it hard to understand exactly what they were saying. It sounded like some kind of newlywed game, but we weren’t positive. My wife and I eventually got the premise though when Heather did a pantomime of removing her clothes. Apparently the show was a kind of strip poker, where the winners ended up with expensive prizes and the losers ended up naked on television.
I looked at my wife reluctantly, this was crazy, we’d never done anything experimental like this, being naked in public, much less on television. Sheryl was looking as hesitant as I was, but the sweet talking producer kept showing us the prizes we could win, Heather kept smiling at me flirtatiously, and they both kept telling my wife how beautiful she looked and to not be embarrassed. It wasn’t until they offered to pay us for our appearance that my wife and decided that we had to talk it over. The producer and Heather left us so we could talk about it.
“Do you want to do this?”, Sheryl asked.
“It seems kind of out there”, I replied, “but it is a lot of money they’re offering us”.
“Plus look at the prizes they have. Some of these are worth more than our whole trip”, my wife said. “What’s a little nudity to win these”.
“Nudity on public television though. Tons of people will see us”, I argued.
“Oh there’s no guarantee that we’ll end up naked and besides it’s tv in Finland, nobody we know could possibly be watching”.
We spent a few more minutes talking it over, but we decided to give the show a chance. My wife seemed excited about the prospect, but I was kind of anxious about the show. The producer was happy that we decided to go on the show, and left us with Heather to get ready for the show. The first order of business was for us to sign a bunch of forms. We must have done that for a good half hour and by the end we had no idea what we were signing anymore.
Then Heather explained that it was time for us to get to wardrobe and makeup for the show. “What do we need that for?”, my wife asked. Heather explained that makeup had to be applied for the cameras to make sure we appeared correctly, and wardrobe had to ensure that we were wearing clothing appropriate to the game. My wife talked to Heather as we were lead to another room, this one looked like a dressing room, inside was a woman with all manner of makeup and brushes.
Heather introduced us to the makeup woman and left us however my wife and I found that the woman didn’t speak any English and couldn’t speak to her, so we had to get Heather back to translate for us. I poked around the wardrobe while my wife spoke with Heather and the makeup woman.
“Apparently they have to make sure that we have the correct amount of clothing on, that way each contestant has the same number”, Sheryl explained to me. “They’d also like to spruce up our wardrobe a bit… something better for television”, my wife finished. I raised an eyebrow, but Heather answered me by holding up some lingerie. “They want us to look sexy for the cameras”.
I shrugged, we’d already come this far. Heather and the makeup woman stayed in the room as my wife started to get undressed. I followed my wife’s lead and started getting undressed, we both hesitated when I got down to my briefs and my wife was wearing only her bra and panties. The makeup woman said something, Heather shook her head and explained that our under garments were “horrible”.
A pair of silk boxers was thrown at me and the girls began helping my wife strip off her bra and panties. Once my wife was naked they sat her down in a chair and started applying make up to her. Heather instructed me to keep on the boxers, my pants, and my shirt, just three articles of clothing for the show. I didn’t get much attention after that. Heather and the makeup girl spent a lot of time fawning over my wife, telling her how beautiful she was, even as they applied makeup to her breasts and thighs.
They then dressed my wife in stockings, sheer black panties, a lacy black bra, and a short pink dress. After that they left us in the room, Heather said they’d come get us when the show was ready. My wife and I sat and talked, had some water, we were both anxious about the show. Our nervousness was obvious, but I had to admit that all dressed up as she was, with the makeup, my wife looked really hot; I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Soon enough Heather came into the room and waved us out, it was time for the show.
The game had already been explained, we both knew how to play, so Heather took us right out to the side of the stage. From where we were we could see the stage, the host, the audience, and two other couples already out there. The host introduced us, waved his arm, and we were pushed out on stage. My wife and I fumbled our way to our seats, and once seated the game began.
“Today the men will be stripping first and the women will be answering”, the host said. Everything was being translated for us on a small monitor in front of our seats. The game progressed, as described, and my wife was actually doing well. I was down to the boxers, one of the other men was naked and his wife was down to bra and panties, and the last couple was in the same state as my wife and I.
More questions went by and the mostly naked couple was to lose their last article of clothing. “Would you like to double down?”, the host asked them. My wife and I exchanged a look, neither of us knew what that meant. The couple hesitated, but finally decided against it. The woman stood and removed her panties, wearing only her heels and stockings, her pussy clearly visible for all to see. Cheers and hoots came from the audience, they were cheering the woman on and she seemed to be enjoying the attention. For a minute she paraded around the stage, at the direction of the host, teasing the audience; even my wife and I were smiling and getting into it.
After a few minutes the woman and her husband left the stage, both of them still naked. The game continued with some of the lights dimming and portions of the stage rearranging, I think they even took a commercial break. The other remaining couple lost the next question and the man had to remove his boxers, but something was different. Reading the screen we learned the host was offering them a chance to double down, much as he had the last couple. The couple decided to go for it, but they got the question wrong.
I expected that the woman would have to remove her dress now too, but instead something unexpected happened. Two women came onto the stage from the side, both were wearing high heels, fishnet stockings, and dressed in tight, black, vinyl dresses. They were both gorgeous, stunning blondes with perfect bodies. The dresses were very low cut, tons of cleavage spilling out their tops, while the bottoms of the dresses were just as high as the tops were low. As they walked across the stage I could see their ass cheeks sticking out the bottom of the dresses, wiggling with each step. My wife and I watched as they both descended on the man, grabbed him by his wrists and moved him to the back of the set where they handcuffed him to the wall, arms over his head. One of them cut his boxers off of him after which the other stuffed the silk remnants in his mouth. He looked completely embarrassed standing there naked, his cock hanging clearly in view of the whole audience, handcuffed and gagged.
Both of the assistants stood right beside him, and as the game continued they would constantly tease him, moving to give him views of their asses or down their cleavage, occasionally they would run their hands over his body making his cock twitch. My cock was starting to get hard watching this, but the women would tease him just enough to keep his cock flush with blood and hanging low but not enough to make him completely hard. My wife was giving me dirty looks as I watched, she knew that I was getting aroused by it and I could tell she was getting upset with me.
Another round went by and the other couple lost, causing the woman to have to remove her dress. One of the two assistants in the vinyl dresses came over to help her get the dress up over her head. When her dress was removed the assistant bent the woman over the console she’d been sitting at, and gave her one hard spank on her ass, which the audience went nuts over. My cock jumped watching it, which my wife saw, and she glared at me again.
The other couple lost the next round and the woman had to remove her bra. Again one of the assistants came over to help, unclasping the bra from the back and then putting her hands on the woman’s tits to hold the bra in place. The woman seemed surprised, she actually blushed a bit, and just as she looked back at the assistant her hands dropped the bra was whisked away. Her tits were beautiful, perky and pink, and the assistant behind her reached her hands back up and bounced the woman’s breasts at the audience. The audience was totally enjoying the show, hoots and whistles coming loudly. I was enjoying the show too, my cock almost completely hard and obvious against the silk boxers I was wearing. My wife glared at me again, shooting me a dirty look for staring at the other woman’s exposed tits.
There was a bit of a hustle from the far side of the stage, the woman’s husband was completely hard, his cock sticking out in front of him. The assistant by him was making a show of it, holding his cock up for the audience which was hooting, but when she spanked it (making it bounce) the audience laughed. I noticed that even my wife laughed.
Then the next round came and we lost. The host asked the predictable question, “Would we like to double down?” My wife shot me a look with a smile on her face and then nodded her head yes. The question was asked, and my wife got it wrong. I wasn’t sure if she did that on purpose or not, but she had a wicked smile on her face as she watched what happened next.
From our side of the stage two more assistants came out, dressed in vinyl dresses like the others. Both of them were as beautiful, blonde, and voluptuous as the first two. Sure enough they led me to the back of the set and locked my wrists in handcuffs that were hanging from the wall. One of them then pulled out some scissors and proceeded to cut the boxers off of me. I was too surprised to be embarrassed really, but when one of them stuffed the remnants of the boxers in my mouth I started to turn red.
Embarrassment overtook me though when they noticed that my cock was completely hard. One of them spanked it, which hurt slightly, and my cock bounced. The audience was laughing, my wife was laughing, and I’m sure I was red all over.
The game continued and my wife lost her dress, getting help removing it and a spanking from one of the women in the vinyl dresses. My wife was enjoying putting on the show, though I could tell she was slightly embarrassed. The bra and panties she’d been given to wear were partly see through, especially under the bright lights and slightly soaked with sweat as they were.
The vinyl clad assistants would occasionally tease me, shoving their cleavage in my face, rubbing up against me, putting their hands on my body, or just wiggling in front of me. Both my cock and the cock of the other guy were hard, and the assistants were making sure we stayed that way.
The next round we won, and I thought that would be the end of the game. After all, the other woman only had her panties left to remove, but then lights started flashing and a siren sounded. The woman had stood up, but she was looking around confused with the lights flashing and noise going. Meanwhile the assistants were clapping and the audience was cheering. The host explained that she’d won a chance to stay in the game, but there was another challenge and this one had a penalty (though no one explained what). She could either accept the loss and remove her panties, or take a chance on the challenge.
She decided to go for it and take the chance, and she got excited when she got the question correct. A tall, muscled, blonde man came out from back stage. He was wearing tight, black, vinyl pants (similar to the dresses) and nothing else. His tanned, hairless chest had been oiled to accent his sculpted muscles. He was carrying a pair of panties, and he moved across the stage to the woman.
One of the female assistants held up a large piece of cloth blocking the view of the cameras and audience while the man helped the woman behind it. From where I was I could see what was happening though, so could my wife, and so could the woman’s husband. We both watched wide eyed as the man knelt down in front of the woman, removed her panties, slowly sliding them and his hands down her legs. His face was inches from her bare pussy as he helped her step out of them and then helped her step into the new pair. As he did so we could all see that the new pair of panties had a small piece of plastic sticking up toward the inside.
When he reached the top of her legs with the panties he reached up with one hand and parted her pussy lips, guiding the small piece of plastic inside her as he finished putting the panties on her. The host was explaining that she was being fitted with vibrating panties and would have to play the rest of the game with them on.

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