
Oops, I Fucked My Cousin.

In that dark decade known as The Seventies, two young cousins explore and explode.

Author’s note: The characters in this story do not have an actual age listed. If you want them to be eighteen, then they’re eighteen, if you want older or younger, based on your own personal preferences, then feel free to adjust your mental image as you like. When I wrote the story, situated in the time period that I chose, the characters felt between twelve and fifteen years old in my head.

AUTHOR’S NEW NOTE: The full, expanded, version of this story is now available on Smashwords dot com under the title “My Virgin Cousin”. There will be a followup story called “My Virgin Cousin’s Horny Mother” cumming soon.


Oops, I Fucked My Cousin.

Chapter One

I didn’t mean to cum down her throat, but she had me balls deep and it just felt so goddamn good that I couldn’t help myself.

It was the Autumn of 1973 and her parents had to go out of the country for several months, I can honestly say that I have no fucking idea why they left, it was too damn long ago and my memory ain’t what it use to be. But I’ll never forget that first night, or the many nights after.

Jenny and I had always been sort of friendly enemies as we grew up. I had issues with my mom and sometimes her mom, my Aunt, would do her best to make me feel included in family things. That was all well and good, but sometimes Jenny would get jealous of the attention that her mom gave me and do her best to get me into trouble.

Most of the time things were good between us though; I was a few years older than she was and I tried to look out for her like I was taught to. When my mom told me that Jenny would be staying with us for a while, I was happy, and pissed at the same time; happy that my little cousin would be around more, but pissed that she had to stay in my room with me when she was. Our house was tiny and there just wasn’t any room for her to stay anywhere else.

Puberty had molested me hard a few years before, and since there wasn’t any internet back then, it took for-fucking-ever to jack my cock to a satisfying climax while I remembered the photos of topless natives that I’d seen in a few National Geographic magazines. Having my cousin in the room each night was going to really curtail my fisting time. At least, that’s what I thought until the first night that she was actually there.


Jenny and I went to the same Junior/Senior High School (it was all mixed together in our small town), but she was bused in from across town while I just had to walk a few blocks to get there. Because of her long ride each morning, she was used to going to sleep and getting up earlier that I was so she went down before I did that first night.

An hour after she she went into the bedroom, I followed and found her out like a light on the new bed that my parents had stuffed into my room. It was late fall, almost Thanksgiving actually, but our house had a weird heating system that sometimes turned my…our…bedroom into a sauna. That night was one such night and she had fallen asleep on top of her covers wearing a long t-shirt for a nightgown.

I had always slept in my underwear and I refused to change that habit just because she was there; we’d grown up together so she’d seen me in my skivvies hundreds of times over the years. I didn’t realize that puberty would make things a whole bunch different, and a ‘hole’ lot better.

Our house was furnished in the classic ugly-seventies style of shag carpet and avocado green appliances; my bedroom was no different. I stripped down and settled on top of my covers to read a book for a while so I could get sleepy. I hadn’t paid any attention to her when I came in and I continued to ignore her until she let loose with a tiny snore and wiggled around for a bit before settling back into a deep sleep.

The sound caused me to glance over at her and I saw that her legs and settled into a wide-open, floppy sort of pose, with one knee cocked up and the other kind of kinked sideways. I ignored her some more until I got thirsty and went to get a glass of water. As I passed her on my way back in, I saw that her t-shirt was pulled up and I could look right between her legs.

For some reason, she wasn’t wearing panties that night and the evidence of her own journey into puberty was staring me in the face; I froze and stared.

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