Only If You Want
Only If You Want
Sex Story Author: | BashfulScribe |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “You need to stop watching so much porn, dude. I think it’s giving you unrealistic expectations of tits. You’re gonna |
Sex Story Category: | Authoritarian |
Sex Story Tags: | Authoritarian, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Domination/submission, Drug, Erotica, Exhibitionism, Female exhibitionist, Fiction, Masturbation, Oral Sex, School, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Female |
Had the schoolkids of Hazelwood High ever met Phil Love and Olivia Wilde, no one would have guessed that the two would be friends. ‘Incongruent’ didn’t do them justice – whereas Phil was a groomed, well-dressed, preppy fit Student Council President, Olivia was one with the shadows. A baggy hoodie, messy shoulder-length black hair and a quiet disposition was enough to suit her. The only thing she would ever be president of was Council of People Who Didn’t Want to be President of Anything.
And yet, in their final year, as if an act of divine inspiration, the two happened to click. It was nothing large at first – Phil was returning a textbook he had borrowed from the school library, when he spotted her sitting alone on the library’s barely-used couch.
Something about her struck him. He couldn’t see her face, but her body language was practically yelling, “Not interested.” She was hunched up, her relatively small frame contained in a much smaller shape than needed. Phil loved a challenge – perhaps it was the easily-seen lack of availability that made him want to try.
He may have been popular, but he was still in high school – new encounters were still slightly awkward for him. It took him several half-steps forward before he finally cleared his throat.
Then once more. She remained unmoved, not looking away from her book. Phil huffed inwardly – now that he began, he couldn’t back down, even though he had no clue what compelled him so strongly to do this in the first place.
“Nice book.” he began. “Carrie, huh? What’s it about?”
The girl was silent for a few seconds. “A girl with special powers that hurt people, which she doesn’t use until the people at her high school annoy her too much.” she said with a surprisingly low, surprisingly calm voice. She lowered the book, allowing her brown eyes to stare holes through Phil’s.
“Woah.” Phil found himself muttering out loud. He ran a hand through his short red hair, almost nervously. As Student Council President, he was used to enjoying a position of inherent power over other students. Whenever he didn’t have one, he would seek one – it was pretty much his hobby. Having a girl, much less a girl who had a misleadingly cute and innocent face – beautiful brown eyes, black hair framing her cute, childish face perfectly, and what he bet would have been a beautiful smile – reject his advances was a new sensation to him. It was a sensation that only made him want to try harder. “Do you relate to the character?” he attempted to joke.
She shrugged. “A bit.”
Phil waited for her to elaborate, but it was clear that wasn’t going to happen. “How?”
“She’s a shut-in like me.”
“A shut-in? You mean like shy?”
She put the book down. “I’m not shy. I’m introverted. I’m fine having this conversation and I’m fine being myself in front of you. I just like being alone.”
A beat of silence followed. “Am I intruding?” Phil asked, figuring he should at least be polite.
She stared at him for a couple seconds. “No. If you have nowhere you need to go you can take a seat if you’d like.”
Phil smiled to himself. To him (and he was willing to bet money this was true for her too), this was a game. A game he was all too happy to play. Wordlessly, he sat beside her as she resumed her reading.
“So…” he began, noting he had a lot less confidence than usual. “What’s your name?”
“Olivia.” she replied immediately.
“Olivia, great.” Phil nodded his head. “Do you know who I am?”
“How many times has ‘I’m student council president’ worked as a pick-up line for girls?” Olivia asked, looking him dead in the face. She then smiled sweetly, the first time she did so to Phil, sending a shiver down his spine. “Or is this purely a friendly thing that you do to guys too?”
Phil liked to believe he was a guy prepared for anything, but as he attempted to spill any of several less-than-truthful answers out of his mouth, barely any came. “N-no, it’s nothing like that.” he sputtered.
“Really?” she asked, challenging him. “You don’t just want me to go out with you or have sex with you or something?” She now had her book down and was intently looking him in the face.
Phil had no idea what to make of this girl. She wasn’t confident, she was just direct. If hey knew any better, he may have even said forward. “I just want to get to know you.” he replied, a little less confidently than he wanted.
“I’m sure ‘nice book’ tells you all about me.” she rebutted. She never scoffed, never spoke with a sassy tone, she just kept it even and almost monotone the whole time, whereas Phil was struggling to even approach the same level.
“Well, okay… What’s your favorite color?” Phil asked.
Olivia shot him a look. “Blue.” she replied as she got up.
“Oh, do you have to go?” Phil asked, noting her sudden change as she reached for her backpack.
“No,” she replied as she left. Just like that, it was over. Phil sat for a while longer, collecting his thoughts. The whole school knew him, and appreciated him, and yet here she was. He reasoned to himself that she was part of the introverted community that didn’t care about the extroverts of the school – maybe even a kingpin figure in the introvert community. Presuming they had a community, if they could bother to meet up and talk to each other enough to form one.
Whether it was intentional or not, Olivia Wilde had now won over the interest of Phil Love. And Phil always got what he wanted.
Phil had finished up with everything he had to do that day, a bounce to his step. Things were going well in his life. He had recently gotten to go to the Halloween dance with his dream girl, and nothing was standing in his way, for once. He didn’t want to jinx things, of course, but then again, what was there to jinx? He was the top dog, the head honcho. There wasn’t a student alive in the school who had more power than him.
Phil opened his locker, absentmindedly whistling to himself. He checked his watch – 4:12pm. He let council off early today, knowing how much they’d appreciate it, and him. The council looked up to him, and liked him as a leader. Some days Phil was more humble, but god damn, it felt good to have power.
As Phil walked down the hallway, going towards the east exit, he noticed something odd. His whistling didn’t sound right. He stopped whistling while keeping up his pace for only a moment, to realize why – he was in the music hallway, and someone was in the main rehearsal room, playing the piano. Unable to vanquish his curiosity, he walked up to the room’s door and peered in through the window.
A girl was sitting at the piano, facing away from him, playing some piece he couldn’t recognize. He could recognize the girl though – Olivia.
The piece she was playing felt curious. Literally, if music could embody curiosity, this was the piece. A little bitter and sad, but mostly a feeling of unnerving atmosphere with a feeling to drive on. Each note felt surprisingly perfect, and each second would have pulled any on-listener into the song more. Phil found himself smiling at what he was hearing, despite it being muffled through the walls. He couldn’t help himself as he opened the door and entered.
Upon hearing the door open, Olivia abruptly stopped and whirled around to face him, an uneasy look on her face.
“Didn’t mean to startle ya.” Phil confidently remarked as he walked in, shutting the door behind him.
Olivia didn’t say anything. She just stared at him, her expression not changing.
“I take that silence as ‘I know students aren’t allowed to stay in band room after four.’” Phil broke the ice as gently as he could.
“Are you a hall monitor too?” Olivia finally said something.
“Nah.” Phil replied. “Besides, with the way you acted, I’d say no hall monitor has stopped you before.”
He was hoping Olivia would smile at that, but instead, she simply got off the bench and reached for her backpack.
“Hey, wait.” Phil interjected, taking a couple steps forward. “I, uh…” He waited until Olivia took her gaze from her backpack and stared at him. “I really liked what you were playing. What’s the name of the piece?”
Olivia stopped reaching for her backpack as her gaze fell back to the piano. “I haven’t given it a name yet.” she finally said softly.
“You’re kidding.” Phil replied, breaking into a grin. “You’re fucking kidding. You made that?! You’re talented!”
“Thank you.” Olivia simply said back.
“I know this kinda sounds strange, but would you… would you keep playing it?” Phil continued.
“Aren’t I not allowed to keep playing after four?” Olivia asked him, no trace of accusation in her voice.
Phil blew a raspberry. “Who’s gonna find out? Who’s gonna care?”
Olivia stood uncomfortably, before dropping her shoulders. “Okay.” she said, almost to herself, as she sat back down and began to play. A few notes in, she hit a wrong note.
Phil softly walked over to the stool near the drumset, conveniently close to the piano, and sat down. “Are you nervous?” he asked her.
“Yes.” she immediately replied.
“I don’t know what it is you want from me, and I’ve never played this in front of another person before.” she replied, in a mixture of timidness and aloofness.
Phil opened his mouth to immediately retaliate to the first point, with something like, ‘What do you mean, what do I want from you?’ when he suddenly thought to himself. What did he want from her? He knew she piqued his interest, but that was before he got to dance with Nicole Baker on Halloween. Still, just one dance didn’t mean they were a couple… did he want to take a chance with seeing if he could do something with Olivia? He didn’t even have to date her or anything, he could just be open to her and ask if she wanted benefits later. He read somewhere once that shy nose-in-a-book girls were the horniest and kinkiest… a sex story told him that, but hey, why would they distort the truth?
“You’ve already played it in front of me.” Phil found himself saying. “I’d like to hear it again, is all.” He rediscovered where he was sitting and gestured to the drumset. “Hell, I could even give you a metronome if you want.”
“You play the drums?” Olivia asked.
Phil nodded confidently. “Have been for the majority of my life. I assume you’ve been playing the piano for a while?”
Olivia nodded. “Since I was five.”
“Show me what you got then.” Phil challenged her, looking her straight in the eye. His foot found the foot pedal and he began to give her a 4/4 beat, at 100 beats per minute.
“That’s the exact time scale I was using for the song, wasn’t it?” Olivia asked him.
“If my ear is correct.” Phil nodded.
Olivia moved her hands to the keys, nodding in focus to the beat, and began to play again. This time, her work was flawless, and the anthem of curiosity filled the room. Phil felt it too – he was getting more curious for this girl by the second. As the girl played on, he felt himself getting more and more into the music – before long, he was humming his own parts to go along with the song. As he did so, Olivia’s eyes met his and she gave him a gift, something it was clear she didn’t give often – a genuine smile. It looked almost alien on her face, but Phil thought he preferred this new face he was seeing. Emboldened by her reaction, he turned his hum into a full-forced choral accompaniment. Phil wasn’t sure if his baritone was the best singing voice he had ever heard, but it helped that he was just going ‘ooh’ for a note, and not singing words. Besides, Olivia didn’t seem to mind.
Too soon, the piece had ended, leaving nothing but Phil and Olivia to stare at each other. Phil knew he was going to have to be the one to break the silence, when suddenly Olivia spoke up.
“Did you actually care about my music, or did you see this as an opportunity to talk to me again?”
“What?” Phil was visibly taken aback. “No, I absolutely am here for the music. I’m not like… I’m not…”
Olivia cocked an eyebrow. “You have some kind of interest in me.”
“No, no. I promise. I mean, I’m with someone else now. She and I went to the Halloween Dance together.”
Olivia tore her gaze away from him to look down at the piano’s keys. “How romantic.” she muttered, almost to herself.
Phil chuckled, if nothing else, out of a lack of anything else to say. “I mean, I guess? I dunno, it’s…”
Without further warning, Olivia stood up from the piano and picked up her bag.
“Hey… did I say something wrong here?” Phil asked, almost exasperatedly.
“No, but I feel like you’re lying. I don’t really like it when people aren’t straight to the point.” Olivia responded.
“So what, you think I have this big crush on you?” Phil challenged her.
“No, but there’s something. Something hidden. And if you’re not going to be straight with me, I don’t see this conversation continuing.” Olivia said, a little quickly.
Phil sighed, smiling to himself with indignation. “Alright, great.” he uttered. “Well, can I have the pleasure of sharing another conversation with you in the future?”
“Only if you want.” Olivia replied, almost out the door by that point. She was sure to turn off the lights in the room and shut the door behind her.
She was definitely a weirdie. But hey, that just made her stick out in Phil’s mind more. He just sat in the darkness, with the music still playing in his head, thinking to himself.
Being a senior of status, Phil had a strict routine and strict methods of keeping up that routine, to make sure he always kept up his end of the status quo. This meant being polite even in the face of looking two-faced (unless he was sure he could get away with it) and keeping his allegiance to the other high-ups at the school.
This meant high-fiving or fist-bumping other higher-ups in the hallways as he went from class to class. This also meant he chose who to elevate, but he could only do so sparingly. Apart from avenues like Student Council, if the Student Council President gave anyone his time, that eventually meant his time would no longer be valuable. His popularity would diminish, and soon after, his reputation.
He wasn’t sure who refused to say hello first when he and Olivia passed each other in the hallways. All he knew is that eventually, after locking eyes in the hallway, one would look down, and then the other would follow suit. Phil never looked down, except now. At the same time, Olivia was queen of one group and one group alone – herself. She was a nobody, perhaps governed by nobody, but with no status. It was inconceivable that Phil would socialize with her at school, not when he had his more popular friends to socialize with.
All of these truths were running through his head as he stared at the lunch table where Olivia Wilde sat, alone (though probably not lonely). He turned his head to face the lunch table where his friends sat – hooting and hollering. He gazed back at Olivia, and something snapped. The blatant energy of the student council table suddenly lost its appeal. It had no subtlety, no delicateness, no anticipation. Secretly hoping no one would see him, he swallowed his pride and approached Olivia’s table.
“Hey.” he said with warmth surprising him. “Can I sit here?”
Olivia looked up from her lunch with surprise in her eyes. “Uh, yeah.” she replied slowly, clearly caught off guard.
Phil broke out into a grin. “Great.” he replied as he took a seat. “I didn’t think you would say yes.”
“Why?” she asked, innocently enough to fool anyone. Phil knew her games by now.
He smirked. “Because, I was kinda stammer-y the first time we talked, and I feel like I just annoyed you the second time.”
“I wasn’t trying to be mean. I just didn’t think either of us would get much out of our conversation.” Olivia replied.
“Not one for small talk?” Phil asked, relaxing his posture and taking a hold of his burger.
Olivia shook her head. “If you told me something you never told anyone before and left, that’s a better conversation than small talk for twenty minutes.”
Phil stopped chewing and thought, mainly about anything he could say that was an absolute secret. A weird surge of adrenaline consumed him as he thought what many schoolboys his age was the unthinkable – he would be completely honest. Not like ‘honest,’ like actually honest. Not the honest people liked to hear.
Phil swallowed his bite of food. “I like a challenge.” he began, surprising even himself. “When I saw you there, at the library, hunched up like that, it only made me more curious. I’ve had my fair share of girls but more often than not they fall into my arms and spread their legs pretty well immediately. I kinda see it as a sport – y’know, ‘can I do it?’”
“What is ‘it’?” Olivia asked calmly, digesting his confession way better than Phil ever intended.
Phil shrugged. He now realized he knew the whole time why Olivia was such a stubborn image in his head. “Win you, I guess?” he answered.
“You’re avoiding the question by being vague.” Olivia pointed out.
“I want to know what it’s like to…” Phil gulped. This was it. “…have sex with a girl when she’s not just drunk at a party or really receptive to 2am Facebook messages.” That was the moment when he expected her to get up and leave the table.
Olivia did no such thing. “There’s not that many of those.” she pointed out.
“I find my fair share. So, yes, you’re attractive to me. I’m not looking for a girlfriend though, I just… I just want you.” Phil was sure this was what every guy his age didn’t want to say to every girl his age the proverbial fuckboy was stringing along, and to be honest, this moment of self-reflection kind of frightened him. He knew everything he was saying was uncomfortably true – not just for her, but for an unfortunately large ***********ion of girls at his school he was now almost afraid to look in the eye.
Phil expected Olivia to pause and give that dramatic silent treatment to him for a few seconds to fill the air, perhaps even leave immediately and completely emasculate him. It wasn’t often Phil gave all of the power in the situation to someone else, not the least of which to a girl, and most definitely not a girl nobody had heard of at the school. But instead, she spoke immediately. “So that’s what you want from me?”
Phil swallowed. He hadn’t been this nervous in a long time. “Yes.”
“And what can you offer me in return?”
Phil practically fell out of this chair. Again, the girl didn’t exude confidence in the slightest – she wasn’t teasing, she wasn’t toying with him. She was almost calculating.
Nevertheless, he tried to put on his confident face. “Well, I’ve never heard any complaints from the girls that I’ve been with. If you wanted to do this with me, I’d be down for anything.”
“‘Anything’ isn’t specific.” Olivia pointed out. “Do you have any kinks?”
Phil’s mind was racing, his heart beating. This girl had another level of experience, maybe even more experience than his own. He was rapidly losing the high ground, and unlike some girls that tried to take him down a peg, she wasn’t even openly trying to one-up him. She just had an uncanny talent for stripping away his exterior for the world to see. And he only could barely see it, but she wasn’t even doing anything to manipulate him – she was just asking him to do it to himself. He didn’t even want to dare asking the stupid question of ‘Wait, are you serious?’ or ‘Do you want to have sex with me?’ because knowing the little he did about her, that would be a one-way ticket to him losing his chances with her forever.
“Yeah, a few. I really enjoy dominating – have you ever done real dom/sub stuff before? Like with rope?”
“Yes.” she nodded.
Damn, he thought. “It’s my go-to. I’m into a lot of the rough stuff – rope, choking…” Phil went on, not adding that these were mostly done in his head. He hadn’t actually had any true experience with rope, and only choked a girl once, but figured anything he could say to impress this girl, he should say.
“So you’re offering to have sex with me?” Olivia clarified, showing nothing on her face.
Just as Phil was about to say yes, a blaring sound cut into the conversation. The PA bell had rung to indicate students should be heading to their post-lunch classes. All around the cafeteria, students were getting up to go to classes. Phil’s eyes shot to Olivia, who was also putting her lunch back into her bag.
He was too used to these kinds of clichés as it was. Phil wasn’t going to let this girl get away that easily. “Hey.” he quickly piped up, laying a hand on her arm. “Stay. Let’s skip third period together.”
Olivia looked at him for a few seconds before a small smile (not one of happiness, more like a smile of confidence) crept up on her face. “Yeah, alright.” she replied, sitting back down. Phil promptly opened his bag and took out his chemistry book out.
“This way, it’ll look like we’re just studying together.” Phil reasoned. Olivia nodded, putting her arms down onto the table. “And the answer is yes. That’s what I’m offering. Do you accept?”
Olivia’s small smile returned to her face. “I do.” she replied in an even tone. “Are you saying we do it at school?”
Having sex on school grounds was one of those things that a lot of boys Phil’s age fantasized about, and even liked to claim they did, but at least as far as he knew, very few actually did. “Do you have a particular place you like to do it the most?” Phil asked, both genuinely curious and also trying to imply he had experience without necessarily lying.
Olivia’s trademark serious look returned to her. “I want you to take the lead.” she stated.
“What do you mean?” Phil asked her, caught yet again off guard.
Olivia held up her hand across the table in response. “Take me by this hand to the best place you know, then show me how much you like to take charge.” she replied simply, a little too simply. If Phil hadn’t known better, he would have said a small mischievous smile crept up on her face as he stood up and packed his chemistry book away.
On the outside, he was determined to keep his cool. On the inside, he was panicking. Even after he assertively took her hand and started to lead her out of the cafeteria, he had no clue where to go. Location after location at the school flashed through his head until he arrived at the one place he knew best, the one place he had the key to – the student council office, room 203. His hand drifted to his pocket to make sure – his key had been swiped once before.
Still walking, he turned to Olivia and grinned. “I have a place in mind.” he told her. She said nothing, and only nodded, as the two made their way out to the hallway.
Phil was still more nervous than anything. This was a bit of a first for him. Plus, he was skipping. He would have had to come up with an excuse later. As he walked, he shook his head to free the clouds of doubt from his mind, and picked up the pace, his gaze falling to the floor.
“Yo, Phil!” Phil’s head shot up when he suddenly heard a voice calling for him, down the hall. His gaze met that of Matt Schneider, a preppy Grade 10 who shared a seat on the council. Out of instinct, Phil let go of Olivia’s hand immediately, and she almost fell to the floor.
Phil wanted to tell her he was sorry, but something made him hold his tongue as Matt approached. “Matthew, my man!” Phil welcomed him enthusiastically, completely switching gears. “What can I do for ya?”
“You know the fundraiser forms you’ve been looking to get?” Matt asked, a little smugly. “Guess who’s gotten them approved, stamped, and in your office?”
“No way!” Phil was completely into this conversation by this point. “How’d you manage that? You magic, bro?”
“I do what I can.” Matt replied confidently. “Anyway, I wanted to let off some steam and skip class this period, so since you owe me a favor…”
“You got it, dude.” Phil shot back, enthusiastically patting Matt on the back. “No problem.”
“Thanks.” Matt replied. He then turned his gaze to Olivia, then to Phil, then back to Olivia again. “Break a leg.” he said, winking, giving Phil his own pat on the back, then leaving.
Phil was chuckling to himself as Matt disappeared out of sight. “Sorry about that.” he said to Olivia.
“It’s interesting how you talk differently to him than to me.” Olivia noted, one eyebrow raised.
“Well, I mean… we’re both on the council.” Phil replied lamely. “You gotta keep up that image, you know what I’m sayin’?”
“What image do you think you keep up with me?” Olivia asked, almost challenging him.
Phil thought to himself, only staring at her, before he broke out into a chuckle. “I dunno.” he finally said. “You’re really hard to read.”
“You seem to care a lot about reputation with him.” Olivia observed. “With me, you’re like a whole different person.”
Phil started walking to the office, preparing his rebuttal, and gazed behind him to see an unmoving Olivia with an arm outstretched. Rolling his eyes, he trudged back to her, grabbed her wrist, and kept walking. “If you’re looking for honesty, I’ll give ya honesty.” he replied, a surprising amount of heat in his words. “If you want me to just be a pathetic guy looking for sex, fine, here he is.”
“I never said you were pathetic.” Olivia pointed out.
“You implied it.”
“I made you be honest with your intentions. You chose to add ‘pathetic’ yourself.”
Phil stopped walking. “What the fuck are you trying to say?” he asked, the heat in his voice building, as he took a few steps towards her.
“That you have to grapple with your own words, not mine.” she replied, not taking a single step backwards but notably not looking too confident.
Phil chuckled, then laughed. He backed away, his arms up in the surrender position. “You know what? I don’t need to have sex with you. I don’t need to prove anything to you.” he finally said.
Olivia said nothing. She simply looked at him, waiting for whatever he would say next.
“Oh, go fuck yourself.” Phil waved his hand at her in a ‘go away’ motion before stomping off. He would be out of her line of sight entirely before Olivia finally walked away herself.
It would take until the next year for the two to converse again. Of course, the moment of the botched quickie was in November, so it wasn’t that long a time, but when one is in high school, even the two months since the November interaction feels like forever, and indeed it did to Phil.
Phil was gaining favor with the girl of his dreams. He had no idea how to proceed – let’s just say she was unpredictable to say the least – but at least he was getting somewhere. It was almost enough to combat his hatred of winter – the cold, the slush in the school hallways, the wind, the dead look to the trees, the fact that it only took until 5pm or earlier for it to get dark.
Still, he took advantage of the time he had in daylight. As a matter of fact, he got into the habit of ending student council early, letting the other council members off almost 30 whole minutes early, just so he could enjoy some more time outside. Whenever the council meetings were over he would almost run to his locker, get his stuff and leave.
And yet, he always took one particular route out of the school now – through the arts hallway. There was a part of him that kind of wished he would find a particular girl down there breaking the rules, though since their last time together, it didn’t look like Olivia was a fan of playing the school’s piano anymore.
A part of him felt guilty. Did he cause this? He knew he was kind of intimidating, especially since he had a bit of a reputation for making sure the rules of the school were upheld perfectly. He knew that if he could see her again, he’d want to straighten things out. He had time to think, and hey, he almost had a girlfriend now, so she could be sure his intentions were honorable.
Phil shook his head as he neared the exit for the school. He needed to get Olivia out of his head. He needed a topic. School spirit week? Nah, even the council couldn’t decide what to do for that, they spent most of the meeting bickering about it. There was no way he was going to make any progress on his own.
Phil pushed the doors open and a cold rush greeted him in the most rude way possible. It wasn’t that the day was particularly windy – in fact, it was kind of nice how still the air was. At the same time, he just hated the cold.
Something was off though. The winter normally had this staleness to the air, a kind of crisp smell. Phil didn’t smell the crispness. In fact, he smelled something quite different. A bit pungent, a bit sweet, but in a sour kind of way. A smell that he claimed to hate, but he knew it just made him curious: the smell of weed.
Phil looked from side to side to see if he could find the source. Curiously, he couldn’t, so he began to wander, looking all around him. After all, students shouldn’t be smoking weed on school grounds, that’s just common sense. Eventually, he found an area where the walls of the school cornered in to create an alley in the turf. Phil raised his eyebrows – he had heard the school had a ‘smoker’s zone,’ dubbed by the community as opposed to the teachers of course. Phil found those teachers kind of backwards – he knew students were going to smoke weed no matter what, and that it was on the school to create a safe environment for it, not pretend it would never happen.
But even as student council president, that was out of Phil’s jurisdiction. He wasn’t even sure if his own moral compass liked the fact that he planned to bust this guy for smoking, but he knew what the school’s law said. Taking a short breath, he walked confidently and turned the corner, only to be met face-to-face with a sucker punch.
A metaphorical sucker punch. As if the universe knew he was thinking about her, there stood Olivia. She was dressed in a baggy hoodie and slim jeans, her backpack was on the snow, and she was absentmindedly smoking some kind of joint, staring off into space. By the time Phil had regained his composure, she had noticed him.
Phil wanted to be smooth, to reintroduce himself and try to mend any past drama they had, but none of that went according to plan. “You can’t smoke on school property, y’know.” he firmly stated. “What you’re doing is illegal and it misrepresents the school.”
Olivia nodded, weirdly cool as a cucumber. “What if I wasn’t a student?”
“If I wasn’t a student, and I went here to smoke, would I be misrepresenting the school, or nah?” she clarified. “Because if the answer is ‘yes,’ then being on school property means you represent the school. It would suck if Hazelwood ever got ourselves a school shooter and they weren’t a student.” She took another hit before continuing. “And if I weren’t a student and you say no, you’re saying I wouldn’t be representing the school. Which means somehow there’s a moral difference between a dropout my age smoking right here and me. And that doesn’t seem very fair.”
This was, by far, the most Phil had ever heard her talk. “Look, I’m just saying that you shouldn’t be doing it.”
“And you’re going to turn me in if I keep doing it?” Olivia asked innocently.
“To whom?”
“It’s, what, past four? Basically all of the staff have gone home, hall monitors have too. Maybe the janitors are still around. Are you going to report me to the janitors?”
“Custodians.” Phil firmly stated.
“Huh?” Olivia looked at him, confused.
“Janitors only clean. The people Hazelwood employs are custodians. They work with the heating, lighting, plumbing, and general well-being of the school. Calling a custodian is like calling a judge a small-time lawyer or something. It relegates their work.” Phil was good friends with a few of the custodians at Hazelwood, and always liked to make sure they were well-respected and well-represented.
Olivia broke out into a huge smile. “Alright, I can dig it.” she replied. “Want a hit?” She gestured the blunt towards Phil.
Phil had, up until this point, only had two experiences with weed. The first was with his older brother and his friends, and the second was when he attempted to roll and smoke a joint with his friend Jeff, and ended up canoeing it. At that point it was easier for him to just write off smoking and say he wasn’t about it, but he knew the truth. And the longer he stayed silent, the more he knew he was admitting to Olivia that he wanted to try.
Eventually, the silence reached a crescendo as a smile appeared on Olivia’s face, seemingly reading his own. Rolling his eyes, he took the blunt from her and wordlessly put it into his mouth. He may have cared about upholding the school’s rules, but he was also curious, and plus, even though he couldn’t publicly go against the rules, he also couldn’t look like a square in front of the school’s population.
Phil pulled smoke from the blunt into his mouth then passed it back, blowing the smoke out of his mouth immediately. Olivia started to laugh.
“What?” Phil immediately asked.
“You’re such a square.” Olivia grinned. “You need to get it into your lungs. Here.” She readied the blunt and gestured to him. “Like this. Think about taking a slow, deep breath. Don’t stop until you actually feel it enter your lungs. You should also get a little bit of normal air to mix with the smoke.” True to her words, she took a long, slow inhale, held it in for a bit, then released it. “Like that. Okay?”
“Don’t fucking call me a square.” Phil said with a little more hostility than he intended as he took the blunt, and tried again. He knew the next criticism was going to be the whole coughing thing, and he already got that out of the way with his brother – he focused on taking a small hit, nothing more than he could handle, all the while making it look like he was taking a much bigger hit. It wouldn’t have hurt to impress, right?
Olivia was certainly right – it felt a lot better. The second Phil exhaled he felt his whole world light up a little bit more. Those little black spots of stars clouded his vision – the kind he was used to seeing right before he passed out as a kid. He blinked a few more times, relishing the feeling of being lighter than he felt before, and broke out into a small smile, staring at the blunt. “Damn…” he muttered, loud enough for Olivia to hear, to her amusement. “…Damn!”
“Glad you came around.” Olivia replied, taking the blunt back for another smoke. The two smoked in silence for a little bit longer, eventually sitting on the snow with Phil feeling it more and more with each passing minute, though he didn’t know how much of it was just a placebo, or how much of it was getting the chance to reconnect with Olivia.
Again, he wasn’t sure if this was just his rush talking, but he knew it at this point – she wasn’t just challenging, she was cute. Phil had always liked the skinny modest girl look, and just as his own girlfriend had kind of nailed the look with a bit more ‘artsy chick’ and a bit more ‘prep,’ Olivia seemingly had written the book on mastering the look that drove Phil crazy. Even the warm stares she gave him while high sent a tingle down his spine.
He cleared his throat, partially from it being sore from the suppressed coughs he got, partially because he knew he had to say something. “I’m, uh, sorry for how I acted.” he blurted out of nowhere.
Olivia just looked at him. “You mean asking me to stop smoking?”
“Well for that too, but just in general. The whole thing. The whole… y’know, the whole trying to have sex with you thing.”
“I didn’t mind you trying to have sex with me.” Olivia remarked.
“Didn’t mind.” Phil repeated, a small smile on his face. “Did you not want it?”
“No, I did.”
“Then why didn’t we have sex?”
“You got angry and left.”
Phil paused for a second, staring at the wall. “Oh yeah.” he replied, nodding to himself. “Well, I was wrong to do that, and I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted.” Olivia replied, shrugging.
“Wow, that quick? You’re a lot more agreeable when you’re high.”
“What can I say, I’m easy.” Olivia mumbled, partially to herself, before taking another hit.
Phil paused. “You’re hard to read.”
Olivia blew out the smoke and broke into another smile. “I’m not sure.” she coolly replied. “I think I’m really easy to read and that throws people off. Most people… well, most people in high school don’t like being open.”
“How do you figure?”
“I dunno, it’s like they think it leaves them vulnerable or something.”
“And do you think it makes you less vulnerable, or more powerful?”
Olivia looked at Phil weirdly. “Does it look like… when did I want more power?” she asked him. “I’m fine to sit here by myself. Like, forever. I can live on my own just fine. Power is for people who like attention, people who need their validation from others.”
“I think I know someone like that.” Phil nodded, smiling.
“Who’s that?”
“Nicole Baker. Do you know her?”
“School slut, right?” Olivia blew out another puff of smoke. “How ever do you know her?” she added mischievously, extinguishing the now-spent blunt.
Phil chuckled nervously. “She’s my gir- well, no, she’s not my girlfriend, but I think something is happening between us. I hope something is happening between us.”
“Are you a couple?”
“No, not yet, but I feel like-”
“Have mutual feelings been exchanged?”
“Well, no.” Phil admitted sourly. “I’m just… I’m just hopeful, okay?”
“Okay.” Olivia shrugged. “Just saying, if she gives it to you, it’s not going to mean much to her.”
“Watch it.” Phil replied, more quietly than he would have liked. “The goal isn’t even to have sex with her. The goal is to be with her, and make her mine.”
“Make her yours.” Olivia repeated to herself. “So, no more of those 2am Facebook messenger girls that line up for you?”
Phil could only lean back and chuckle nervously in response. “I, uh…”
“Dry spell?” Olivia asked humorously, smiling at him.
Phil smiled back. “Yeah.” He felt a similar rush he did before at the lunch table, a rush where her openness seemed to be contagious to him. “I feel like sometimes my reputation gets in the way. Like, ‘oh, here comes Phil, he’s the student council president, he knows everything when it comes to sex.’ It can get a little intimidating when you’re…”
“Inexperienced?” Olivia asked.
“Yeah. Double that when you’re dating… wanting to date someone who’s known by most as a slut. Because them, bam, it’s super cool that, like, she knows what she’s doing. But I don’t. You know? And to top it off, she says one thing and means another. She’s weirdly super open but super secretive, and it’s impossible to guess how she’s feeling a lot of the time.”
Olivia nodded. “I understand.” Silence filled the air, and partially out of obligation, she continued. “I don’t think you need to worry about impressing, I bet most of the time girls are as nervous as you.” Her eyes flickered down from his. “Well, maybe not Nicole, maybe she just finds sex boring at this point, but I’d find sex boring too if I didn’t find ways to just enjoy it.”
“How do you mean?” Phil asked.
“I don’t get off from sex.” Olivia openly admitted, her eyes coming back up to meet Phil’s.
“What, like ever?”
“Once or twice.” she shrugged. “Usually I just masturbate when I need to, and sex is just like an activity, having fun. My favorite part of sex is getting a guy to climax, so it’s like working towards a satisfying ending. And call me a Stepford wife or whatever, but I like pleasing guys.”
“Sucks that you don’t get pleased yourself though, huh?” Phil asked.
Olivia smirked. “If I didn’t know your intentions better, I’d call you a gentleman for thinking of that first.” she remarked. “It doesn’t really suck. Besides, if I rarely get off anyway, I might as well make the most of it in other ways. Maybe the guys I’ve done things with aren’t that experienced either.”
“I’d wanna believe I could do better than them…” Phil mumbled, mostly to himself, looking down.
“What was that?” Olivia asked. Phil looked back up, but never said another word, mouth open. She asked the question in her usual monotone voice, but Phil wasn’t sure if what he had just said was a faux pas or if she just didn’t hear him. Too afraid to find out, he didn’t answer.
Olivia took the silence as an answer and slowly, another smile appeared on her face. “Prove it.”
Phil couldn’t have heard that right. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” Olivia replied, standing up, grabbing his hand and making him stand up with her. “If that’s what you want to believe, let’s put it to the test.”
Phil couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but knew deep down not only that he wanted this, but for how long he wanted it. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help but open his mouth. “What about my girlfriend?” he asked meekly.
Olivia began to close the distance between their mouths. “I thought you said you didn’t have a girlfriend.” a mixture of smugness and pure seduction was written across her face.
Phil tried not to think about what she just said and how much sense she was making – it would have sucked if his mouth went dry at a time like this. Besides, as he had mentioned, he had his reputation to think about – he couldn’t show weakness, not now. Accepting the fate of the two, and giddy at the moment he wanted to happen for a few months in front of him, he grabbed Olivia by the waist and pushed her against the wall.
Olivia opened her mouth in slight shock at his actions, and Phil capitalized on this, pressing his lips against hers, both mouths slightly open. It was time to show her what he knew how to do. With one hand against the cold brick wall and the other gripping her waist ever so slightly tightly, he passionately pushed the full weight of his body against her. Internally, Phil smiled to himself when he felt Olivia respond by pushing the weight of her body back against his, the two becoming closer and closer together as she wrapped both arms around his neck, bringing him in as their tongues began to dance.
But making out wasn’t what Phil had in mind. He knew Olivia wasn’t daring him to make her cum by kissing her. After a few minutes of passionate kissing with the two tongues never staying for long in its native mouth, Phil released his grasp on her body as well as her mouth, allowing her to breathe and melt into his embrace as he whispered in her ear, “So, you want to see what I can do?”
Olivia either was completely under her spell or really knew what to do in this situation. Looking up at him with doe-like eyes glossed over with lust, she replied, barely in more than a whisper, “Yes.”
Phil smiled to himself confidently as, never breaking eye contact with her, his hand reached down to Olivia’s pants and undid the button holding them up. Internally, Phil was absolutely terrified – he was the Student Council President, he was the role model of the entire school, and here he was on school property, outdoors where anyone could see, smoking pot and undoing the fly of another student.
He couldn’t allow his mind to get clouded with such thoughts – he needed to be all charm and confidence. Phil hooked his thumbs into Olivia’s underwear and in one motion, yanked them both to her knees as he got down on his own, ignoring the snow’s cold sting on his kneecaps as he smiled devilishly, almost evilly at Olivia, glancing now at her naked exposed flower.
Phil’s smile didn’t wane – Stepford wife is right, he thought to himself. She was clean shaven so perfectly that it was clear she had done it that very day. Whether it was just good timing or she was so into being smooth that she shaved daily was up to Phil’s imagination.
She had every reason to be proud of it – Olivia’s Altar of Venus was certainly something to be worshipped. Even just looking at her slit made Phil want to touch and caress it, to find her most sensitive spots and make her moan, to insert himself inside her and claim her. But that would have to wait until another time, for now he had to prove to her, for the second time, that he was talented with the tongue.
Olivia’s hands flew – perhaps nervously, perhaps due to the cold – to her face as Phil slowly started, his tongue beginning at her also shaven thigh. His tongue trailed its way up, ensuring he slowed down at all the right points that would make her just want him more. And based on the suppressed sounds Olivia was making, this conquest was going perfectly according to plan. By the time that Phil’s tongue first reached its prize, he heard Olivia loudly and uncontrollably let out a breath of air with a quiet “Ooh.” Only not smiling due to his tongue being busy, he continued and began to drag his tongue across her slit, paying careful attention to what areas made Olivia moan the most or the loudest. He knew that his tongue would return here in time, and he wanted to make sure he had mapped her out so that next time he could be even better and impress her even more.
Before reaching the clit, Phil’s tongue danced around it a little, in order to properly tease her. If he had any kind of handle on her personality, he knew Olivia would not be patient when it came to being teased, and sure enough, when he looked up, he found that her hands were now gripping the wall, with her breath coming out in frustrated pseudo-snarls and gasps that roughly translated to ‘please, no more, lick me already.’
Not only was Phil a good ambassador for his translating skills, but he also knew how and when to arrive in style. Employing a style he was proud to say he crafted, he first licked her clitoris by curving his tongue around it, giving Olivia a sensation they both knew she hadn’t felt before from getting eaten out. Olivia’s hands went from gripping the wall, to moving around erratically in front of her with no destination in mind, to settling on Phil’s head, grabbing his hair as he began to tongue her slit with determination and effort, knowing that he was impressing her.
Encouraged by her moans and the way she was rocking her hips into his eagerly accepting mouth, Phil began to insert his tongue inside Olivia strategically, moving his hand to Olivia’s lower abdomen. Slowly, his thumb found her clit, and he began to rub her as his tongue danced a dance of love inside her, making her make sounds she wasn’t making consciously, all the while his own dick pulsated painfully in his pants. He knew that he would be winning her over soon, and when he did, he’d be sure to fuck her right after. Right here, against the school. Olivia would be begging for it, and it would be all thanks to him and his oral administrations.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans. Just as he was getting to the point where he would need to come up for air afterwards, he felt one of the hands let go of him and tap him on the head. At first, Phil didn’t react at all, but a few seconds and another forceful tap later, he confusedly slowed his pace, and then stopped entirely. Slowly, he brought his head back and faced Olivia, his face no doubt soaked with her juices. He expected to find her panting and as glassy-eyed as ever, but she was instead remarkably well-composed.
Phil rose slowly, one eyebrow lowered, his knees suddenly feeling the full force of the cold, wet hell they had sat in for way too long. “…Hmm.” he finally broke the ice.
Olivia shrugged, then pulled her underwear then pants up. “I told you.” she replied coolly. “It’s nothing personal. I’m sure you were doing a good job.”
“Thanks.” Phil replied without meaning it. He knew that the anger he was feeling was irrational and that it was just as much not her fault as his, but… couldn’t she have tried to enjoy it a little bit more?
“Plus, not every guy will even do that. Most think cunnilingus is gross and just try to go for shoving their dick inside me. One didn’t even have the brains to make out with me first.”
was beginning to feel a little better. “Sounds… dry.”
“Something tells me he was sick on Sex-Ed class day.” she quipped back, leaning against the wall. “So, why do you find sex enjoyable?”
“Well, I… uh…” Phil started clumsily. “I suppose I like the power that comes with it. I really felt like… I felt like I was in control down there, you know?”
“Mhm.” Olivia nodded.
“Even though I suppose from a bird’s eye view, I was the one on my knees and you were the one with your hands on my head.”
“Is a girl in power when she gives you a blowjob?”
“Point made.” Phil admitted.
“No, I’m serious. I’m asking you. Is she?”
Phil stared at her weirdly, but then thought about it for a second. “I guess it depends on the status quo of the situation. Like, if the guy is a nervous wreck but she reassures him she’ll take care of him or something, then she’s in control. But if he demands she gets on her knees then fucks her face…”
“Romantic.” she quipped.
“…then I guess he’s in control.”
“I like when a guy is in control.” Olivia added. “I just can’t ever ask a guy to be in control because then he’s not, you know? I think deep down all girls just are submissive and crave dick.”
Phil didn’t call himself a feminist by any means – in high school it was still considered a dirty word, after all – but even he knew that was going too far for him not to reply. “Yup, Stepford wife.” he joked.
“That’s why I’m so open.” Olivia continued, ignoring him. “I might be the one to get him to say it, but I’m not going to ask anything. I want a guy who can say he’ll do this, even if he calls himself pathetic and doubts himself from time to time.”
“Oh, shut up.” Phil replied, annoyed at her words. “I’m not pathetic. I did a good job.”
“I’m sure you did.” Olivia replied with another shrug. “So, what happens from here?”
It was Phil’s turn to shrug. “I don’t wanna stop what we’re doing. Especially if it means I get to fuck you.”
Olivia nodded coolly. “You can use my body any time you want.” she replied with too little emotion.
“I mean- I… I’m not gonna right now.” Phil stumbled to say. “Like, no offense, but after what you just said, I’m not in the mood.”
“Okay.” Olivia replied. “I wouldn’t like it unless you were really passionate anyway.”
So, she wanted domination, did she? Phil did like a challenge. “Give me your number, right now.” he told her as he got out his phone. “When we’re next both on campus and I need a good hole to fuck, you’re mine. Got it?” he practically snarled, trying to catch her off guard.
He would need practice. Olivia nonchalantly nodded and told him her number. “I understand.” she finished.
Without another word, Phil tore his eyes away from her and walked away. He had finally gotten what he wanted, and more. And even though his life was potentially going in a new direction, Phil wasn’t sure if he wanted to squander this opportunity.
One of the places that Phil felt the safest was his basement. Not safe from any threats or anything like that, safe from the expectations he knew people had of him. Everywhere else he had to be Phil Love, President of the Student Council, but in his basement he could hang out with a friend and just be another guy, hanging out with his friend, not having to worry about his behavior cutting loose affecting anything in his future.
Phil’s friend Jeff Swanson also enjoyed it for the same reasons. The two had grown up together but only really connected by high school. That said, they were so close by the end of their junior year that when Phil ran for President at the end of the prior year, anyone could have guessed he would be bringing Jeff on board. Jeff had Phil’s same concerns in mind, and the same reliefs about the basement.
“Bam! There’s one.” Jeff commented, showing Phil his phone. Phil looked over the webpage, a post from the BiggerThanYouThought subreddit, while Jeff just grinned. “That’s what I’m talking about.”
Phil was in the middle of texting Nicole, but stopped to stare at the picture of a pair of what looked like E cups on an almost impossibly small figure. “Those have gotta be fake, bro.” Phil shot back.
“Look at the shape!” Jeff argued. “Fake tits don’t look like that. Look at the… uh…” Jeff held the phone back to his face to get a reference, then shoved the phone back under Phil’s nose. “Look at the curve!”
Phil laughed aloud. “The curve? Fuck are we in, grade school? You read that online?”
Jeff shrugged and brought his phone away from Phil’s gaze. “Say what you want but I think they’re real.”
“Yeah but neither you or I will actually get to see them in our lifetime.” Phil rebutted. “So it doesn’t matter. I’d rather get the real deal, that’s why I’m texting The Queen herself.”
Jeff lowered his phone in thought. “…Ally D. goes by ‘The Queen’?”
Phil chuckled to himself. Ally was known around the school for coming in at a whopping H cup. “Nicole, dumbass. I’m texting Nicole.”
“Well, you were mentioning tits. Ally has the biggest ones in the school by far, right? Nicole’s are, like, small compared to her.”
“You just call a girl with double D’s small?” Phil asked incredulously.
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