
One in a Million Ch. 10_(0)

The writer’s block….is real……naw I’m joking. It’s just your man RedThorn here to spicen up the sex stories site once again! As for my sudden and abrupt and…..unnaturally long absence. I had decided to purse my kinker side in life to help improve my writing. Hopefully you will like it and return to great story! Without further ado….R&R!!!

I felt the icepack work its magic as I held it to my abused crotch. After Jo had unmercifully kicked me in in the balls (And probably destroyed any chance I had of having kids, ever) I had woken up in the school nurse’s office where I could do little but moan in pain and do the occasional whimper.

“That’s it, just apply the ice gently and you’ll be able to walk again in about, oh I don’t know, a month maybe.” The school nurse, Ms. Cassandra joked as she came back to check on how I was doing. Ms. Cassandra has been at this school for the past six years and has seen almost everything there was to see and no longer sees anything that fazes her in the slightest.

She has short, choppy auburn hair the curls up by her ears which accentuate her vivid green eyes. Her face is short and elfish which gives her a mischievous air, which is further heightened by her ever-present sly smile. I had the pleasure of meeting her a while back when Derrick still bullied me.

“So you mean to tell me that your sister, who played on the varsity girls soccer team for two years, kicked you where it counts?” She asked her ever present smirk widening. “Remind me to never make that girl angry.” I nodded solemnly and rolled over on my back.

It was that moment that a great struck me, if I can control things my body does, who’s to say that I can’t turn off pain?

I sucked in a quick breath and let myself shift into my spectral form. Thankfully, my pain was physical and stayed with my body, leaving my mind to explore this new idea.

As I phased into my head, I saw the familiarly blazing fast thoughts and signals speeding through my head and made my way into the command center.

As I looked through the area that contained nerves directly related to my pain and pleasure section, I happened to notice a shiny bright purple button. Curious, I walked,(floated?) over to where it stood out from the rest of the console.

I looked to find if their was an inscription or something, but nothing could be found. I decided to look through my notification filter to see if it can identify it for me, but that only brought up an onslaught of question marks in my field of vision. Disgusted I closed my RPG filter and looked hard at the button.

As I looked closer,  realized that there were  words on the button, but were hidden by the intense violet light it was emitting. The words were white in color but that was all that I could tell from this distance, well that and the fact that they were almost moving as fast as the thoughts zooming around my head.

I stood in front of the button wondering what the actual hell was going on here, when the words on the buttons suddenly stilled and began to form a sentence.

I looked at the moving words with growing uncertainty and apprehension. Wasn’t this my head? I should know what going on, even on a subconscious level! But this…it literally appeared out of nowhere and looks like it was waiting for me to find it…my thoughts were interrupted as the words suddenly stilled again. I looked and read the somewhat cryptic code that was residing on the button.

The code read:

Light is Dark and Dark is Light,

Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right,

Blue is Red and Red is Blue,

Choose ‘The One’ or both you’ll lose.

I stared at the riddle with a stupefied expression for a long minute before my brain restarted. “What the actual hell? What is this?” I said aloud. I began pacing the floor (space?) in deep thought as I tried to figure out just what the hell was going here.

I took a deep breath to calm myself, but continued walking in circles. Okay, so the riddle is obviously insinuating that there is some….thing that’s inside of me, and it’s either very colorful in appearance or the colors symbolize something mysterious.

What is it though? And why is it just surfacing? Is it dangerous?
My thoughts (and my progress of wearing a ring into the floor) was interrupted by the sound of Mrs. Cassandra’s voice coming from outside of my body.

“J.P, are you okay? If you want, I can write you a pass to head home.” She asked sounding slightly concerned.

I quickly created and turned on a pain filter that would keep me from feeling pain until I took off the filter and exited my mind returning to my body in order to open my eyes wearily at the tall nurse and nod softly.

As she turned around to fill out and excused form, I was still thinking hard at work with that damned riddle. Soon it became apparent that I couldn’t concentrate completely and soon had to face the facts; In order to solve this mystery, I needed to answer some questions that already floating in my head.

I needed Jo.

I sighed and ran a hand through my short yellowish hair, wishing that for once in my life, things can relax and be normal for once.

“Here you go tiger, hope you get well soon.” Mrs.Cassandra said handing me my slip of paper that excused me from the rest of my classes today, leaving me to go home and figure things out.

I took the paper and mumbled a word of thanks, and shuffled out of the nurse’s office. I waited until I rounded the corner of the hallway before straightening out of my hunched position and walking down the hallways with purpose.

First things first, I need to get Jo to calm down and act rationally….which should be just as easy as trying to castrate a tiger with a pair of rusty scicors and no sedatives handy. I should probably go and find Ava as well, just to see if any of this has affected her as well.

As I rounded another corner I slammed into something fast and small. Without thinking, I snapped out my hand and caught whoever I ran into but the wrist. To my surprise, it was Ava who looked just as surprised to see me.

“J.P? What are you doing out here?” She asked as I released her wrist and steadied her on the ground. “I was just on my way to come see you.”

“Funny, that literally what I was coming to do.” I said with a wry grin, which she returned with a heart-stopping smile. God this little Gothic geek girl was gorgeous.

“Uh, Anyway, have you seen this? It’s been floating all  over the school.” Ava said, holding up a copy of the newspaper that I had seen before blacking out in the lunchroom and we both lost our smiles as we gauged each other’s expressions.

Ava didn’t seem overly upset about this, only concerned and maybe a little curious. She wanted to find out who did this as well. That obviously means that she had know idea about the photo actually taken, and that left me with only one other option…

“Yes, I have.” I said, sighing as I realized what needed to happen…and how badly it would suck if anything went wrong. “And I think I can figure out who took the picture as well, but first, I need your help with something.” I said looking into her warm brown eyes.

“Huh? Uh….Sure, what do you need me to do?” She asked, confused by my sudden change of conversation.

“When the end of the day bell rings, I need you to go and wait for me under the bleachers by the football field.” I explained as I watched her expression cautiously. Other than the obvious confusion that was written all over her face with a big, pink, permanent marker, but her questions would have to wait until later. “And make sure to keep an open mind about what might happen,okay?” I added tensely

“And what, exactly, might happen?” Ava asked, suspicion tinting her voice.

“I can’t tell you that.” I replied hoping that simple statement would be enough to deter her, but I could tell that I was horribly mistaken.

“You can’t or you won’t?” She asked her eyes narrowing slightly.

I sighed; she was not making this easy in the least. “I literally cannot, because one; I don’t want to scare you away and two….” I turned around and started walking in the direction of the front doors.

“Because I have know idea what exactly is going to happen either.” I said over my shoulder as I walked out of the school.


Sitting on my bed, watching the minute hand on my alarm clock slowly go around in circles proved to be the most boring thing I have ever done in my life, not to mention slightly dizzying as well.

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