OMG It’s the end of the world…. again
OMG It’s the end of the world…. again
Sex Story Author: | Arquillius |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I’m 6 feet tall. I weigh 158 pounds. I have very short red hair and green eyes. I like to |
Sex Story Category: | Fantasy |
Sex Story Tags: | News |
Attention readers of whatever!
Okay yeah, ‘nother notice for ya.
Okay now that the pleasantries are out of the way, you may or may not have noticed that Some of my chapters were pulled by the censor ogre of this site, so We are at a bit of an impasse! HOLY SHIT! I don’t know what to do for once!
Okay so what are we gonna do? We have two options here to get the story back up.
Choice 1: I rewrite the story in its entirety and you become my beta readers for it. It will be in an unedited format and may include spelling and grammar errors. Technically I’m already doing this, but I’ve decided to let you have it as an option. Again this will make Joshua 28 in the story and everyone in on the story will be 18 or older as listed.
Choice 2: I just take out any of the references to age and repost the story… it’ll be up to the reader to decide the ages.
So how do we decide?
Comment. Either Choice 1 or Choice 2. Also a vote. Vote up will be choice 1. Vote down will be choice two.
Note: I’ll only be taking this particular posting as the votes instead of all. Since those votes are already in play.
One more thing. I’m letting anons vote on this one as well. Post and vote as many times as the interwebz will let you.
Okay so lets get down to when and how it will be decided. On 10/31/14 or a sooner date of my choosing, I will log on and look at the votes. I will tally up the positives and the comments for choice 1 and add them up. Then I will tally up the negatives and the comments for choice 2. Then one of the two will be posted directly after. If it’s the choice where it’s just the age stuff taken out, it’ll be posted immediately. If it’s the Choice 1, you’ll get access to the first new chapters. Again, Choice 1 is a total rewriting and though I’ve promised myself to use all the characters from books 1 through three, some of their origins or back story may change.
So in a lot of ways this is like the david situation all over again, but let me add a twist. ANYONE WHO POST, YOUR VOTE MATTERS ON THIS DUE TO THIS REASON. The votes will only be made on this site. Then I will post the new story in either format to the old HF site. Why? Well because it wasn’t fair to remove the story from everywhere but let’s put it back in a format that will never see it’s loss again.
Okay so that’s pretty much covered what else to say? Oh let me explain the age reference thing in great detail…. Okay, in the original, there was a reference to their ages in almost every paragraph, believe it or not, instead of their bodies. It would go on to say “I was” then say an age or “Like many girls her age she had” Okay, I’m gonna cut those out and reword the paragraphs. Technically this would make them all atleast 18 especially with the disclaimer at the top saying “These are the ages” then putting everyone’s age. Frankly it adjusts the story a bit without changing it majorly.
So what I’m saying is, I’m not sure if you guys liked the original but I can rework it. And if you’d like new scenarios instead of the ones I thought up originally, then good, let me know. But Your vote does matter here.
Now here’s a preview of Choice 1:
My name is Joshua Timothy Swartz. My friends call me Joshua, or Josh. My family calls me Josh, or Joshy if they tend to want something.
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