Oh So Friendly Part 2
Oh So Friendly Part 2
Sex Story Author: | wordytom |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I beat a thirteen year old ass until it was purple. She screamed and cried and snot flew from her |
Sex Story Category: | Bi-sexual |
Sex Story Tags: | Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Discipline, Erotica, Female / Girl, Female exhibitionist, Female/Female, Fiction, Girls / Female, Incest, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Spanking, Threesome, Young |
Oh So Friendly Part 2
I left home to attend Texas A&M and study animal husbandry and business administration. I enrolled in those courses by chance. My original choice was to get a liberal arts degree just so I could say I had a college degree. Then I met a young woman named Colleen. She took me to bed, learned I knew how to make sex last for an hour or more and was interesting to talk to. She invited me to room with her.
Not long after we began to room together Colleen pulled a fast one on me. She had a slut kid sister who was barely eleven. The sister came to spend a week end with us and Colleen dared me to fuck the girl. I undressed and told her, “If she blows me I’ll fuck her.” Then I added, “If she can take me.” I had inherited Dad’s cock size and it kept growing till I had eight inches that was so thick more than a few women passed on me. I took my clothes off.
“I was just joking. You save that for me.” Colleen got jealous.
Little Anne had a sweet, very fuckable face. Right then the face was all twisted up in well justified anger. Big sister said little sister could fuck Mark and then backed out when her bluff got called. “That’s not fair, Colleen.” Annie looked mad enough to spit nails.
I told her, “Look, I believed you and Annie believed you and then you just proved you are a real chicken shit. Besides, I have more than enough for both of you. Colleen, you are always opening your mouth at the wrong time and then you wonder why people get pissed at you so much. You have a reputation here at school.”
She lost her temper and yelled, “Go ahead and fuck her, see if I care.”
“Sis, I want to do it with him while you do him. You know, both at the same time. I want to do it with you and him both.” She had a hurt expression on her face.
Colleen finally realized she had been a real jerk about the whole thing and gave in. She said, “Well, I get his cock.”
“Can I suck it a little first?”
“Hey, isn’t anyone going to ask my permission? After all, it is my penis you are sharing between the two of you.”
“Shut up,” Colleen said. “This is between Annie and me.
“Yeah, you stay out of this,” Annie said. They laughed at me and Colleen got undressed.
Annie started to suck my cock and Colleen sat on my chest and eased forward until I could lick her pussy. She started to moan and had her first orgasm in seconds and built up for another one. Finally I could not wait any longer and cum in Annie’s mouth.
“That was as good as Daddy!” Annie exclaimed.
Colleen cum one last time and got off my face. She told Annie, “You stop that talk right now.”
I cut in before Annie could get a fight going. “Your sister is right, Annie. If the wrong person heard you, you could get your dad in a lot of trouble.”
Colleen tried to do damage control. “Well, I don’t want you to think we…”
“Colleen, I already know your dad has had sex with both of you girls. That’s you guys’ business. Incest is a sincere way to say, ‘I love you.’ Besides, I had sex with my mom and my sister a few times.” Now there was the understatement of the year.
“Well,…” She did not get any further.
“Colleen, how old were you when your dad messed around with you for the first time? No bullshit now.”
“Well,” she started, her face was flushed a bright pink.
“When she was a baby, just like me,” Annie exclaimed. “Mama used to get pissed at him. She said he should wait until we were at least eight.” After I had my eighth birthday Mama quit bitching. She liked to watch Daddy and us fuck. She just thought he should wait a little is all.”
Colleen frowned at her little sister and then she looked at me. “Well, what happens now?” she asked.
“We finish fucking and maybe go to some hamburger place and eat something besides each other.” Colleen shut up and we enjoyed each other for the rest of the afternoon. She and Annie had never experimented on each other. I got them to try.
After I cum in Colleen I told Annie, “You like cum. Lick it out of your sis.”
She giggled and got busy. “Sis, I want you to do me too.” That was the first time they went sixty-nine with each other. At first Colleen was hesitant. She kissed the eleven year old’s pussy and then flicked her tongue experimentally up across her clit. Finally she stuck her tongue in and began to aggressively eat Annie’s pussy. I sat and watched them for almost an hour. Colleen had the cleanest pussy in town and they both had tired tongues.
We went to the T Texas Taco Place and had burritos, Mexico’s answer to the hamburger. There was a bulletin board by the entrance that offered things for sale, apartments for rent and a notice there was an opening for two life guards for the Girls’ Camp just outside Dallas. I remember Brenda told me about that camp. It was a place to park rich kids with problems. If Daddy had enough money he could arrange to send his “troubled daughter there rather than to a juvenile lock up.
“You game?” I asked Colleen.
“I can’t swim,” she told me.
“It doesn’t matter, the water is only four feet deep. The life guard’s job is to keep the little bitches from killing each other.” I told her what Brenda had told me.
“How old was this Brenda?” Colleen asked.
“She was ten at the time. I was thirteen and had sex with her and her two sisters and their mother. Okay?”
“You still like young girls, don’t you?” she asked. For some reason she was trying to pick a fight with me.
“Yes. I love real young girls and have had sex with a lot of them.” I looked at Annie. “Colleen, You watched me have sex with Annie, your eleven year old sister. I watched you go sixty-nine with Annie, your eleven year old sister. You have been fucked by your dad and so has Annie. Now what sent a bug up your ass?”
Straight talk was something Colleen had trouble handling. She always wanted to sound like goodie two shoes and never take a stand on anything. She also liked to snipe at others for some reason. “I’m confused,” she told me.
There, now it was out in the open. She told me she went to Sunday school and learned to be a good little Christian and have Jesus love her. Afterward the preacher used to eat her out ever chance he got. Then she would go home and have sex with her father while her mother watched and go to school and learn it was bad if an adult ever touched young girls on their cunts.
“Fuck Jesus,” I told her. “I always bet that if he came back to earth today he would tell everybody that he was misquoted all the way through the New Testament. Mary was about thirteen or fourteen when she had him. That means she was twelve or so when she got knocked up. In turn I figured that meant those little girls of that time were all having sex real early.”
I told her my thoughts and Annie said “Yeah! Ever body fucks!” That night I fucked Annie while Colleen watched and she thought it was great. It was a job to get into her without hurting her the first time. Their dad had a seven incher that was about average in girth. (Like I already said, I love to have sex with young girls.)
When we went to sleep Annie lay on top of me and rubbed her bare pussy against my half hard cock. The next morning I woke up with the head buried inside her pussy.
Colleen watched as I started to fuck Annie from underneath. Two thrusts and she woke up. Four thrusts and she sat up and started counter movements. Annie moaned when I cum inside her.
“My turn,” Colleen said.
“Lick me out first,” Annie told her older sister.
Colleen licked up all of my cum I had spilled on me and turned to her sister and gave her a good tonguing. We spent the day fucking and licking and loafing.
I drove Colleen and Annie to their parents place. As soon as Annie was dropped off we went by Girl’s Camp, that was its official name, “Girls’ Camp.” The idea was to make it sound nondescript and bland. We filled out applications and left them. Two days later we were called back and hired. We had our summer jobs all lined up.
I had already switched majors so we took the same courses. Then Colleen and I requested and got to share quarters on campus at Girls’ camp. This meant when we were off duty we could study together. On duty, we worked together as a team. She and I sat on opposite sides of the large shallow pool and watched for trouble. It was not long in coming.
Two girls about thirteen years old tried to divert my attention and two more sidetracked Colleen. I shoved the brats out of the way, jumped into the pool and slapped two girls on the sides of their heads. They were trying to drown an eight year old who had reported them for forcing her to have sex. Colleen jumped in and helped the little girl out of the water. She was hysterical. Colleen hugged her close and comforted her.
I grabbed the two little bitches by their hair. Both were about fourteen, and forced them up and out of the pool. Then I beat the ass raw on the first one while I sat on the other one. “Pull your bottom down,” I commanded the other one. When she did not move I jerked it down and beat her bare ass until she was raw. There were big purple marks on her butt when I was finished.
“Pull your suit up, you’re ugly,” I told them both. I hated people who forced other people in any way, especially where sex was involved.
The next day I was fired. I went back to the apartment I shared with Colleen and sat alone to decide my future. Colleen wanted to stay and work. I considered whether or not to remain in school and then changed my mind. That adventure at Girls’ Camp hit me in my emotions. I had never been violent toward anyone before then.
My thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. I yelled “come in” and a big guy did just that. He was a stranger who had rich cattleman Texan all over him. “You the boy that beat my little girl’s ass?” he demanded.
“I am the man who beat your little girl’s ass because she and another girl tried to drown an eight year old little girl. They were going to murder her and if you carry this to court I will testify to just that.”
He laughed, “Hold on there boy, I don’t intend to see you blab my business (He pronounced it “Biddiness.”) in any damned court room. I wanted to thank you.
My little Charlotte is a changed girl. She begged me to take her home. She promised she would straighten out. Boy, you put the fear of god in her little breast.”
I shook my head. Only in Texas… “Well, glad to have been of service. However I need to go job hunting. I got fired and I need a job.”
He laughed, “That’s just it, I want to hire you. I told my cousin the judge to order her released into my custody and I want you to baby sit her and her sister. That other girl’s daddy wants you to ride herd on her and her two sisters. Both our families are very close.”
Some times there is a need for total honesty. I felt this was one of those times. “Look sir, I don’t even know your name. But much as I need the job, I would have trouble keeping my pecker at home if I was in constant contact with all of those girls. They are too damned beautiful and I am too horny.”
That rocked him back on his heels. “Well, how do I say this and not sound like an asshole?” He pursed his lips and finally said, “Ain’t none of them virgins and lately they seem to be way too much interested in other girls, if you catch my drift.”
“You are hiring me to fuck your daughters?” This was too much.
He thundered back at me, “Hell no I ain’t payin’ you to throw your dick in my babies.” Then he stopped and thought. He got a shit eating grin on his face and said, “Well hell, I guess I am at that, sort of.”
“Let’s start all over. Now you thanked me for beating your daughter’s ass and then you offered me a job. Please, just tell me what my duties are to be.”
“Well, what we want to do is have you come on out to our little ranch up in Utah where we have a feeder operation. You will ride herd on eight young Texas ladies ages nine through fourteen. You will be paid a hundred dollars a week for each child. You will teach them to act like civilized young ladies who don’t take shit off of no one.”
Then he added when he saw I was about to turn him down, “You get ten thousand for each one a daddy would be proud to take to the Lone Star Ball.”
He paused and added, “If you have to beat their little asses ever morning and fuck them all ever night, do it. Me and the other daddy want results. We give you one year from today to get the job done. What do you say?”
“I need a helper. The young lady I came out to the camp with. You want too much from one man. What about expenses? I’ll need petty cash for whatever.” We talked for a couple of hours and I locked the apartment and left with him.
Colleen was waiting at the front gate for me. We stopped and she got in. “What is going on?” she asked.
“You and I have a job to ride herd on eight overactive girls for one year. It is our job to turn them into Texas debs who are real lady like, who can kick ass when necessary and don’t take shit from nobody.” She snorted and I laughed. “It is a challenge.”
“Where are we going to perform these miracles?”
“Utah, up in the mountains. We will winter in and bring little ladies back out in the late spring.” I told her about the bonus I had been promised and offered to split it with her.
That evening we spent the night in a bunk house with sight spoiled brats that had records of violence and other crimes including arson. They were not overwhelmed with the idea.
“Fuck you,” a girl I did not know yelled at me. “I grabbed her hair and dragged her over to a bunk.
I bent her over and told Colleen, “Pull her shorts down.” Colleen jerked them down.
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