
Obsession, Lust snd Perversion – Chapter 6 & 7

This chapter begins in the divorce courtroom.


Alisha walks into the courtroom. Dayle is sitting at the table with their attorney. She goes up and sits down next to Dayle and they talk like old friends. Colin has taken a seat back in the rear of the courtroom. As the judge enters the courtroom, they all stand. The courtroom is empty, except for the court reporter and a guard. The Judge reads through the paperwork on his desk and makes a short opening statement and asks Alisha and Dayle if they are both in agreement on the terms of the divorce. They both answer the judge that they are in agreement. After some further instruction on the terms of the settlement, the judge declares the divorce final and that all of the financial terms have to be completed within the next 5 days. Their attorney tells the judge that he has in his possession the check and paperwork to be signed and that he will file all the signed agreements today and will disburse the funds today also. They sign the papers and the attorney hands Alisha a check. Dayle comes over to her and hugs her and says, “Alisha, I’m so sorry for the way things turned out, I hope that we can always at least be friends.” Alisha told him that she harbored no hard feelings and she appreciated the way he had conducted himself through the whole divorce. She told Dayle to come with her she wanted him to meet Colin. When the two guys met, there was a little animosity, but nothing excessive.

They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. Dayle wasted no time in leaving the courtroom. Alisha and Colin talked with her attorney for a little while then they left. Alisha went to the bank and deposited the check. She had enough money now to complete the ranch deal and pay for the cattle she had bought. Colin told her that he had to go to the dealership and do some work and that he would see her later.

Alisha had to go see Mr. Marrs and get a closing date set……..she hoped she could get it done as soon as possible. Mr. Marrs was ready to get the deal done, and agreed to meet at the title company on Monday to close the deal. Alisha had one more stop to make in town. She wanted to begin building their new home as soon as possible. She met with an architect and started planning the new home she wanted. After two hours, they had an outline of what Alisha wanted in her new home. The architect told her that he would have the preliminary plans drawn up by the middle of the next week so she could come back by and take a look and see if it’s what she has in mind.

She went by Colin’s office and told him what she had been doing and he was elated. “I was wondering when we would get started, I’ll go with you next week and we can see if we can get the house just the way we want it.” Everything was coming together. Christmas is getting close and she feels this will be the best Christmas she has had for a long time. She needs to go by the office and take care of a few things then she will go home. Hopefully, Colin will be there when she gets there.

She needs to get back into running to occupy her time and get her mind off of her problem. The best time to run is out at the ranch, there are several trails she can run close by the office. She could change clothes up at her folks house and shower when she is finished. The best thing to do is get some running clothes out at the ranch and set a time in the morning and just do it. She has always loved to run out at the ranch. She almost always sees wildlife, plus, it’s just a beautiful place.

As she drives home, Alisha gets a call from Justin. He tells her that he has found another calf killed. Again, it looks as though a mountain lion did it. Alisha tells him that they need to set out several wildlife cameras in the area and see if they can catch a picture of the cat. It might help them to figure out where the cat holds up. Justin told her that he will get it done at first light. As she pulls up on the driveway, Colin is getting home. They go in and fix dinner together. After the dinner dishes are finished, Alisha settles in a chair and reads a book she started a few days ago and Colin is working on something he brought home with him. Soon its bedtime………..both are tired and they go to sleep quickly. In the morning, Alisha has packed up some clothes to run in. No time like the present to get started.

As Alisha arrived at the office, Justin was talking to Bob about finding, yet another, dead calf. It also looked like it was killed by a big cat. Bob has decided to call in the Federal Trapper to see if they can catch this killer. One of the guys thought he caught a glimpse of the cat a couple of days ago, but it was moving so fast he didn’t get a good look at it. Now everyone carries a gun when they’re on the ranch. You never know what a cat like this one will do. She goes up to the house to change clothes and take a run. As she comes down the steps, she thinks that maybe she needs to take a sidearm with her. Alisha is a deadly shot with a handgun or a rifle. Bob taught her to shoot when she was 12.

As she leaves the headquarters area she is looking at the scenery and feeling the fresh air in her face. She always loved the mornings on the ranch, everything is fresh and smells so clean, the dew sparkles on the grass. The sun is so bright today, no clouds in the sky, just a beautiful San Luis Valley morning. She thinks about her addiction and the problems it could cause her if anyone ever finds out about it. She knows that her mother will do her best to help her through it and the fact that she, herself, is a psychologist should help. She stops on a ridge overlooking the ranch headquarters and takes a breather. She thinks that she should come up here and take a picture, it would look good in their new house.

Alisha continues on, enjoying the beauty of the ranch as she runs along. Every time she runs out here, she always sees something she has never noticed before. Like this morning, she notices a grove of aspens with a large rock outcropping hidden back in it. The colors surrounding the shape of the rock are just beautiful. She notices some movement in the aspens. It could be a young deer, there are several in this area. She only saw the movement for a moment then it was gone. She is looking at the snow up on the high peaks above the ranch. Soon the snow will be covering all of this area and she won’t be able to run up here till spring.

As she follows the road through the aspens, she catches more movement off to her left. As she looks to see what it is, she sees it is a mountain lion and it’s crouched down in the tall grass. Alisha is not one to panic, she has been raised hunting and being around the wild animals on the ranch. She keeps an eye on the area where she last saw the cat. It’s time to turn around and move away from this area. Most of the time a cat won’t attack a human, but there is always a chance it will. It has to be the cat that’s been preying on their cattle. Alisha pulls out the .45 caliber Sig Sauer and carries it in her hand as she runs along. She sees more movement on a parallel path to her, going in the same direction. Alisha has become somewhat anxious about the cat stalking her, but, she is aware and has the 45 ready to fire. She hasn’t seen any more movement in the trees or grass and thinks that the animal turned in another direction. As she looks in front of her, she sees the cat coming out of the trees directly at her. As the big cat leaps at her she fires three shots……..the cat hit’s the ground in front of her and rolls into her, knocking her to the ground. Alisha rolls when she falls, keeping the cat in her view. The lion is still moving, trying to get to its feet, she comes up on one knee and fires two more shots. Both bullets rip into the lion’s head and it falls, flopping in uncontrolled spasms. She knows that the cat is dying, but she is still wary till it is completely still.

Alisha’s heart is racing, she can hear it beating and feel the blood pulsing through her body. She sits back on the ground, trying to catch her breath, not completely believing what just happened. She was thinking how lucky she is that she hit the cat on the fly.

She hears a vehicle coming up the road, just beyond the next patch of aspens. It has to be one of the cowboys that worked there coming to investigate the shots and sure enough, it’s Justin and her dad, flying up the road. They see her sitting alongside the road and rush to her. As they get out, they see the body of the mountain lion lying about ten steps from Alisha. They could see she was still visibly shaken as they went to her.

“He came out of the trees at me………..I pulled up and shot and shot……..he…he just fell then tried to get….up and I shot him again. I was so scared……..Alisha broke down and started crying, putting her head on her knees. Bob knelt down beside her and kept telling her everything was alright, the cat was dead.

Justin had been looking the cat over………”Damn Bob, she put three shots in his chest, below his neck and two in his head.” Bob took the gun from Alisha and dropped the clip. “Five shots gone, damn Alisha that’s some good shooting, I guess I taught you well.” Justin smiled and commented, “I hope I don’t piss her off anytime, I wouldn’t have a chance.” He and Bob laughed a bit as they helped Alisha to her feet and into the truck. Alisha was still crying, the reality of what had happened sinking in. That cat could have killed her if she had not been armed. He heart was still pounding. “Dad, I want that bastard’s hide tanned and tacked on my wall……….will you take him over to Daniels and let him mount it?”

Bob told her he’d have the guys come back up here and take the cat over to the taxidermist.

When they got back to the office, Alisha told them she was going up to the house, change and go home…… She needed to compose herself. Alisha went home, showered huddled up on the couch and watched tv. In a little while, Colin came in. “Your Dad called and told me what happened, I had to come home to see how you are……….you doing ok?”

“I’m fine, just a little shaken up, I just can’t get the vision of that cat jumping at me, his eyes looking through me and his mouth open……..those teeth……….”

Colin sat down by her and held her. “I can only imagine how terrified you were….sounds like you are a good shot.”

“Yeah, and I’m gonna nail that cat’s hide to my wall!”

Colin laughed and told her that it appeared that she had already nailed his hide……they both laughed. Alisha was shaken, but she would be ok. “Tell you what, let’s go down and see that architect and see if he has anything done yet…..it’ll do you good to get out.”

She agreed so she changed out of her sweats and they took off to see the architect. Colin
decided to spend the day with her, just to keep her company. The rest of the day went well, they went out to dinner then went home. Alisha was still tired so she went to bed and went to sleep quickly.

The next days passed quickly. Suddenly it was the day to close on the ranch. Alisha had looked forward to this for some time, now it was reality. The closing went smoothly and by nightfall, she was the proud owner of the Marrs Ranch. There are several things that have to be done over there that have to be taken care of………she would start at that tomorrow. She also has an appointment with her Mom right after class. She didn’t look forward to seeing her classmate, Jim. She hoped that he didn’t think he was going to get to fuck her again………..it won’t happen.

Class went smoothly. Jim was absent, which relieved Alisha. The appointment with her mom went smoothly, they made good progress. Alisha felt really good when she left and went out to the ranch. She stopped at the office and asked her dad and Justin to go with her. When they got to the Marrs Ranch, there was a moving van out front of the house loading. All of the equipment was lined up for the auction coming up next week. Marrs had let all of his help go. They would have to hire two more people, but that wouldn’t be till spring. Mr. Marrs had told Alisha that he had all the maps of the property and she should stop by and he’d give them to her. They went down and checked out the out buildings and the corals. Everything looked good, she had bought all of the livestock on the ranch and they were all in the winter pastures near by the corals. Justin got a good introduction to the ranch from Bob and Alisha. They told him what needed to be done here, he could bring some of the guys over here later and they could get started. Alisha was happy today, she had put the thoughts of the cat behind her and was working toward getting the new ranch going……..this was going to be great.

She looked up toward the main road and sees Colin’s car coming. She had told him to come out and they would pick a place to build their new home. When Colin got there, he was happy to see Bob and they talked for a while. Bob and Justin took Alisha’s truck back to the ranch and she and she and Colin left in his car. Alisha took Colin to a place on the ranch that she liked. It sat up on high ground and overlooked a large meadow with a river running through it. You can see the foothills behind the meadow. Colin looked at it and fell in love with the spot. “You sure know how to pick a building site, Alisha, I love this place.” So, it was settled, this is where they will build their home.

The next day they went to their architect’s office and told him that they had selected the building spot. He told them he would go make an inspection of the proposed building site and let them know. All they needed to do now was find a contractor. Alisha knew of a guy she had gone to school with that had an excellent reputation in building. His name is Melvin Rogers, his office is only a short distance from the architect’s office, so they walked over to see him. When they got there and consulted with Melvin, he told them he would be happy to build their home for them. He needed to go out and look at the building site, so, they all got in Alisha’s truck and drove out there. When he saw the site, Melvin told them it was a perfect site. It had good solid footing and was on high ground, in case the river flooded. Melvin set out a few stakes and told them he would get the blueprints and come out and survey the area. He just needed to know which way the front of the house faced. They all went back to Melvin’s office and drew up the contracts for the construction. Melvin had called the architect and found out that he could have the blueprints the next day…..he was ready to start.

Alisha and Colin were very happy with the way things were going. Their next stop was at a well driller’s office. He told them he would get the permit for the well and get started on it very soon. It should only take about 5 days to get the permit. He told them he would go out with the contractor and find out exactly where he needed to drill the well so he could put the exact location on the permit application. Colin and Alisha drove home, very happy with their decisions. The memory of the mountain lion had faced away. When they entered the house Alisha was dancing around in a great mood. Colin was very secure in his decision to marry Alisha, he thought to himself what a lucky guy he was to have a woman like her love him……..he would do anything for her, he just wanted her to be happy and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her……..it was going to happen, even though he didn’t know it at this time.

He went into the kitchen to get a beer from the frig. He was opening it when Alisha entered the kitchen……….totally naked. This was something that Colin did not anticipate. He sat his beer down as she jumped into his arms and kissed him. Colin was getting excited. Alisha had a body to die for…….all the perfect dimensions in the right places. She started removing his pants as he was getting out of his shirt. His pants fell to the floor and he stepped out of them as he felt Alisha removing his underwear and her hungry mouth taking his manhood completely inside it. He had an erection, but Alisha was making it harder. He knew that her giving him head was not going to last long…….he was starting to feel a big load of cum building up way down inside him……..the pleasure she was giving him was driving him to the edge…….perhaps he should slow her up………………….too late here it comes. Colin took her by the sides of the head and pulled her to him.

She had her hands on his balls gently caressing them as he felt the first rush of cum blow out the end of his cock and into her mouth. Alisha moaned and he felt her tongue working his cock over as he continued to ejaculate into her mouth and down her throat. She swallowed all she could, the rest ran down her chin and dripped onto her tits. Colin, feeling super horny, bent her over the kitchen table and slid his throbbing cock past her pink outer lips and deep into her hot, wet pussy. Alisha screamed with delight as she felt his big dick drive deep inside her vagina and bump into the end of her cunt.

The pleasure of being inside her felt so good. He was banging her with long, deliberate strokes. The head of his cock would almost come out of her, when he reversed and pushed it all the way inside her again. She felt his balls bang against her clit when he was all the way in, it felt so damn good that she was beginning to cum, the contractions were gigantic, her stomach muscles were so hard they hurt………the orgasm totally engulfed her from head to toe. She was almost paralyzed, she couldn’t move, just could only lay there having one of the most fantastic orgasm’s she had ever had……..and to top it off…….Colin was filling her with hot sperm at the same time. He fell over on top of her, his cock still pulsing and throbbing inside her. She felt his warm cum running down the inside of her legs.

When Colin regained his strength, he raised up off of Alisha’s back and pulled out of her, his cock softened and is hanging down limp. “Looks kinda like a dead soldier there,” she said giggling. Colin grinned at her and said, “Dead soldier my ass!” Alisha took off running with Colin hot on her tail. He caught her at the edge of the bed and tackled her onto the top of the bed. Colin pinned her shoulders down and pushed his way between her legs. They were both laughing very hard as he pushed inside her again……Alisha’s eyes rolled back in her head as Colin started to fuck her again. She wrapped her long legs around his ass and pulled him deep inside her……her arms wrapped around him also. Colin was pounding her pussy hard, wanting to cum again. He felt Alisha beginning to cum, her pussy tightened around his cock so hard he could hardly move in and out of her……….then he blew his load………again……both of them moaning and groaning n ecstasy as they writhed around on the bed, both having the most fantastic orgasms that they had had in quite a while. Alisha was truly happy. They fell asleep in each other’s arms and slept soundly all night……….dreaming of their life together.

Morning came slowly to Colin and Alisha. It took them a while to wake up and get around to starting their day. It had been quite some time since Alisha has had a sex experience like this. She is totally satisfied. The thoughts of the encounter with the lion came rushing back to Alisha. In her mind she could still see the eyes of the lion looking intently at her as he leaped at her, his fangs glistening as he opened his mouth, ready to tear into her. She shuddered as she showered and thought about the experience. She knew it was going to take some time for her to get those visions out of her head. She had to change her attention from the attack…………suddenly she felt Colin’s hands on her breasts. That shocked her back into reality rather quickly. Colin had entered the shower, without her hearing him, and had eased up behind her. She could feel his rod against her ass, trying to find the entrance to one of her pleasure centers. She bent forward slightly and leaned against the wall. She felt Colin’s cock enter her again. It slid in all the way and she felt his balls against her outer lips, his swollen member going in and out of her wet pussy. It only took a few strokes and she began to cum……….then she felt that warm, filling sensation as his cock began to spew it’s hot load over her insides. “Now that is what I call a quickie,” he told her as he pulled out of her. She continued her shower and then washed herself out. Colin was out of the shower and drying off……..Alisha was not far behind………she had class this morning then had to see her mom again. She knew she was on the right track, she would kick this obsession.

Class went quickly and so did her appointment with Anne. During her appointment, Anne told her a lot of things that caused her to be obsessive with sex. Most of it is caused by Alisha’s need for affection. Evidently, while she was growing up, she never felt like her parents gave her the attention or affection she desired. Alisha had some problems believing that, her parents had always went out of their way to show their affection for both the girls, but Alisha evidently did not think that way. She had always thought she had to fight to get their attention and approval. That really wasn’t the case, but Alisha believed it. Bob had always thought the sun rose and set in Alisha. He always was teaching her something or another, like shooting, riding, roping or some other ranch life type job.

Alisha knew she could beat this thing because she had a guy worth fighting for. She was supposed to go look at cattle this afternoon, they needed another 300 head to get the herd to the size they would need. She needed to drive over to Pagosa Springs to look at a herd that was being sold. There are 150 bred 1st calf heifers, all from top blood lines. Justin is supposed to go with her to look at them. Hopefully, they will be back by dark. She meets Justin at the office and they take off. Alisha always liked to drive over to Pagosa, it was a beautiful drive. They talked about everything on the way over. Justin brought up sex and asked if Alisha still wanted to have a no-strings attached relationship, now that she was going to get married. Alisha really didn’t know what to say…..on one hand, she wanted to beat the thing, but, on the other she really did like fucking Justin……and ……..she knew he meant nothing to her. She told him that if she got the urge to get laid, she would let him know.

He told her that he really did enjoy sex with her, she is so beautiful and sexy. Words like these, really did turn her on. She could feel herself getting wet as they talked. “Well,” she said, “it might be ok to get it on once in a while, might keep us both sane.” Justin laughed and they continued their conversation. As they neared Pagosa Springs, there was a small lodge just outside town. Alisha was getting really hot and knew she wanted some cock. “What say we pull in here and get a room and screw for an hour or so……..then we can go look at the cattle.” Justin jumped at the opportunity……”Hell, I’ll even pay for the room,” he said. Alisha wheeled in and Justin went inside the office to get the room. In 5 minutes they were in the room and getting naked. Justin was hard as a rock and wanted to fuck her badly. Alisha felt the same way. She got on the bed on her back and spread her legs.

“Ok, big boy, bring that big cock over here, mama needs it.” Justin didn’t waste any time mounting her and sliding into her wet pussy. Alisha was moaning and moving her hips around in a circular motion, then pushing her pussy to him, trying to get all of him inside her. Justin was slow fucking her, long steady strokes. Alisha wrapped her legs and arms around him and pulled him close as they moved together, feeling all the pleasure they could. They must have fucked for the better part of an hour before they both had their orgasms, simultaneously. Alisha’s pussy clamped down on Justin’s cock and started milking the cum out of him. It seemed to her that his orgasm was everlasting, she could feel the hot spurts of cum hitting the back of her vagina……and it was making her cum more and harder. Finally, they both had finished and were just laying there feeling each other. Justin pulled his cock out of her. Alisha could see the threads of cum hanging from it as he stood up. She knew that her pussy was full of his cream, it was starting to run out and down her ass. She got up and went to the bathroom and pushed his cum out …..she couldn’t believe how much there was…….damn, she should have had him shoot it in her mouth so she could have savored the sweet taste of him before she swallowed it all. Oh well, some other time, they needed to get out to the ranch and look at the heifers. In a half hour, that’s where they were, talking like nothing had ever happened. It amazed her that after getting laid like that, thoughts of getting fucked again, really didn’t even cross her mind. Oh well, she just might not be able to shake this curse, it might go on for ever……….right now she didn’t care, there were cattle to look at and to be bought.

When she saw the cattle, she was highly impressed with the herd. It was a very young herd of cattle, mostly 3 and 4 year olds. There are actually 156 head. Alisha haggled with the owner for the better part of an hour. He was a handsome man about 40 years old that was selling out his ranch to move to a lower altitude because of his wife’s health. They continued to try to strike a deal on the cattle. There was one other herd they wanted to look at while they were over here. There were not as many and the herd tended to be a little older. As the time passed, Alisha told Justin that he should go look at the other group of cattle before it gets late. She told him she trusted his evaluation. Justin left and went to meet the other rancher.

Alisha and Terry continued their negotiations………..Terry asked her if she would like a beer or a drink. She accepted, so Terry brought out a bottle of Sausa Tequila. They negotiated and did shots. After about another hour, they were only a little way apart, but neither would budge and they were getting a little drunk. Terry poured another shot and said, “Alisha we’re only a little ways apart. Tell you what, due to my wife’s health, I haven’t had sex in about a year. If you have sex with me I’ll accept your offer.” Alisha shot down her tequila and smiled at him. “Well Terry, I need to see what you’re bringing to the……table.” Terry smiled at Alisha and stood up, unbuckled his jeans and let them drop. He stood there for a minute or so.

Alisha could see the huge bulge in his boxer briefs. Terry slowly pulled them down to his knees. A giant anaconda of a dick jumped out…….it had to be 12 inches long and very thick. Alisha’s mouth watered when she saw it and she could feel her crotch getting wet. “That’s a real nice tool you have there Terry, I think we have a deal,” she said as she removed her boots and stood up. “Now, Terry, here’s what you get.” Alisha removed her jeans and blouse, stood there for about a minute as Terry was kicking out of his jeans and removing his shirt. She slowly removed her bra then her thong. They stood there in the afternoon light just looking at each other. Terry moved up to her and kissed her. Alisha then went down to her knees and took the end of his monster cock in her mouth and slid it in as far as she could take it. There was still 4 inches of cock to go when she had to pull back. She spit in her hand and started jacking him off while she took about 5 inches into her mouth. She gave her a little pre-cum spurt or two which she lapped up like a puppy. Terry was a very muscular guy and strong. He lifted Alisha up to her feet, sat her up on the table, spread her long legs and slowly inserted his cock into her pussy. She could feel her vagina filling up with his cock as he pressed deeper into her until finally his balls were on her ass. She had been up on her elbows watching, but when he was all the way in, she laid back and put her feet up on his shoulders, enabling her to take more of him inside her. He reached around her legs and grasped her tits and began to squeeze them gently and roll her nipples between his thumb and index finger, meanwhile gliding in and out of her wet pussy.

Alisha felt wonderful as she thought to herself…….this fuck just made me $35,000. She was glad that she had sent Justin to look at the other herd…….she hoped that he would take his time and not come back too soon. Terry was slowly fucking her, both of them moaning on every stroke. Terry looked down at her, “Alisha, do you ever take it up the ass?” Alisha smiled back at him and said, “I take it any way you want to give it.” He grasped her calves and pulled his cock out of her. He spit a big glob of saliva down on her pussy and with one hand grasped his cock and smeared it down her crack. He put the head of his dick at her ass hole and began to insert it. Her sphincter muscle was tight and the big mushroom head of his cock was having trouble going in. He rubbed the head in her pussy and lubed it again, then went back to her ass. This time the mushroom head spread her ass and went in. Ever so slowly did it go in, stretching her ass to its limits…….then……..it was all the way in. She could feel his balls against her ass cheeks as he slid in and out. She pulled her knees to her chest and he grasped the backs of her thighs and continued ass fucking her…..it felt good, especially when he inserted his right thumb into her pussy and rubbed her clit with his other fingers.

Alisha could contain herself no longer, she had to cum and cum she did along with a few strong squirts that hit Terry in the navel and ran down. “I didn’t know you were a squirter, Alisha, this is even more than I bargained for.” He pulled out of her ass and put his cock back into her pussy and started to fuck her hard, all of a sudden wanting to cum and fill her. For the next 15 minutes he gave Alisha the fucking of her life. He would fuck her in the pussy for a little while then switch to her ass then switch back till finally his cock erupted in her like a volcano. She thought, ’he was telling the truth when he said he hadn’t had a piece of ass in over a year…………………it feels like he’s dumping a gallon of semen in me . Terry was pumping cum into her like a well. At one point he pulled out and Alisha saw long, thick squirts of semen shoot up onto her stomach and tits. He put it in her ass and fucked her some more as he continued to fill her to the brim with his hot jizz. When he finally stopped erupting, Alisha had cum all over her body……there was cum on the floor and the table. It was running out of her holes like a dam had just broke. Terry stood there, for a moment, just looking at her, lying naked in his cum with it oozing out of her. She raked up a wad of cum from her stomach with three fingers and licked it off. It tasted good so she raked up more and more, swallowing all she could get.

Terry’s cock had went limp when he pulled out of her, but, watching her eating his cum aroused him and his cock began to harden again. She ran her three fingers up her pussy then let a glob of sperm run onto them. She took that to her mouth and licked them like an ice cream cone. Terry couldn’t take it any more and put his cock inside her again and began to pump her rapidly. He looked at her smiling and asked, “Do you want this load in your mouth?” Alisha hungrily nodded yes.

Terry kept fucking her faster and faster till she could see on his face that he was going to cum again. He told her, “here it comes,’” as he pulled out and she slid off the table to her knees and took the end of his cock in her mouth just in time to feel the rush of hot cum begin to fill her oral cavity. She swallowed all she could, the rest ran out of her mouth and down onto her tits. It ran off her tits down her stomach and onto her shaved pussy. This load wasn’t as big as the first one, but there was plenty. When he stopped cumming, she scraped up all she could from her pussy to her tits and ate it too. She stood up and said, “Terry, that was one good fuck. I hope you felt like you got your money’s worth…….now, where’s your bathroom, I have to get cleaned up before Justin gets back.” He pointed to a door across the room. He watched as she walked away from him, he thought, ‘ that is one damn good looking woman and one hell of a fuck.’

Alisha jumped into his shower, washed off and pushed out all of the cum she could. She dried off and went to find her clothes. Terry had picked them up and laid them on the back of a chair. She had brought a handful of folded toilet paper with her. When she put the thong on, she put it in to catch the cum that was still slowly running out. She got dressed and kissed Terry again. While she was getting dressed, he went to his office and got a bill of sale, filled it out and signed it. Alisha was writing him a check when he returned to the dining room. “Well Terry, do you think it was worth it?” He just smiled and said, “You’re damn right it was worth it! Want to knock off another $10,000?” Alisha turned and looked at him…….”I don’t know if we have time or not, what do you have in mind?” Terry grinned and chuckled, “How about a blow job?” Alisha grinned at him and told him to get his pants down and bring it to her, she’d do it.

Terry walked to where she was sitting, undoing his pants. Again his huge cock appeared. Alisha thought to herself, this guy is giving away money today and I’m more than happy to take advantage of this deal……..he must really be horny. She took his cock in her mouth and began to suck him off. She had his balls in one hand, squeezing them gently as she stroked his cock in and out of her mouth. Terry told himself that he wasn’t going to blow his wad too quickly, he wanted to enjoy this…….as long as possible. However, he didn’t know about Alisha’s expertise with a cock. She felt his cock get harder, she knew that he was close, so, she pulled her old trick………..she slipped her forefinger up his ass about 4 inches and rubbed his prostate. When Terry felt this, he exploded in her mouth, there was no holding back.

Alisha slurped up his cum as fast as he shot it in her mouth. With her finger up his ass and her lips on the head and her other hand jacking him off. Terry was soon drained of semen and completely worn out. When his cock stopped jerking and ejaculating, he pulled his pants up and went back to his office to get another bill of sale. Alisha wiped off the few drops of cum that had escaped from her mouth and licked them off her fingers. She tore up the check she had written and wrote another one for the adjusted amount. Terry soon returned with the signed bill of sale. Alisha smiled and said, “Terry, it’s been a business doing pleasure with you…..and it sure was fun.” They sat and talked till Justin got back. She told Terry she would make arrangements with the trucking company and would let him know when they would arrive to load the cattle. Terry still was reeling from the fantastic sex he had just gotten. He would remember this afternoon, with Alisha, for a long, long time……….and yearn to have her body again.

She and Justin left Pagosa and headed home, it would take a couple of hours to get there……….Alisha felt terrible. She had betrayed Colin twice today. Would she ever be able to overcome this obsession? Could she continue to hide it from Colin? What would Colin do if he did find out? So many questions, she knew she had to keep it all to herself and not reveal it to anyone……she would overcome this……..and she would do it soon. Her mind wandered back to the events of the afternoon, Terry’s huge cock buried inside her, shooting his hot cum into her………and the feeling she had while it was all happening………damn she loved being fucked and enjoying the taste of a man’s cum. She knew she was not much more than a whore……but, a very rich whore.
Alisha and Justin arrived back in Alamosa at about 7 pm. Alisha dropped Justin off at the office then went home. Colin had dinner ready when she got there. “It’s been a long day honey, do you mind if I catch a shower and get comfortable before I eat?” Colin could see she was bushed and told her he’d keep it warm till she got there. She went to the bathroom, stripped and got into the Jacuzzi tub and turned it on. The jetted hot water felt good shooting against her. She laid back and closed her eyes and remembered the fucking she got from Terry. What a cock, she thought, I don’t remember a cock completely filling me like that before. The hot water felt good. She picked up the bar of soap and gave herself a good bath. She douched and cleaned out the remnants of cum that Justin and Terry had left earlier. She was tired and really just wanted to sleep, but, she was hungry also. She got out of the tub, put on her robe and went to the kitchen. Colin had steaks ready. He kissed her as he helped her be seated.

“Well, did you get any cattle bought?” he asked. “Yes, I bought a really nice set of bred young cows, they should be a really good addition to our herd. How are things at the dealership, been busy?” Colin told her that as the holidays get nearer, car sales will increase and that things had started picking up. He told her that Bob had been in to trade trucks, he really liked Alisha’s. He had made him a cost deal, just like he did with Alisha. Bob had told him that he’d be back in a day or two, he wanted to think about it.
Colin told her that she looked tired and should go to bed. That was just what was on Alisha’s mind, the fucking she had gotten from those two guys had taken a lot out of her, plus the long drive…….sleep would be great. When dinner was finished Colin told her that he would clean up and she should go to bed. She kissed him and went to the bed room, dropped her robe and crawled between the sheets. Ooooh this feels good. It didn’t take very long and she was sound asleep.

When the morning sun broke across their room, Alisha was out of bed and off to the bathroom to get ready. The cattle she bought should be arriving at the ranch holding corals about 10 am. She had made the arrangements with the trucking company while she was driving home yesterday. Justin had the guys standing by to work the cattle when they arrived. Colin was stirring. “So what are you doing today, dear?” he asked. We will be receiving the new cattle and getting them worked today. We will keep them penned till tomorrow then move them out to a winter pasture. What I like about these cattle is that they are already AI’d by the company I plan to use on our cows next spring. It will help us get going on the new program. It’s going to be a busy day. I have to figure the guys bonuses so I can give them out next week, Dad has gone down to New Mexico to see our neighbor, Mom has gone to Denver to do some shopping for Christmas. I have an appointment at the water office this afternoon to get the water rights squared away on the new ranch. I have a meeting with the architect and the well driller. The plumber is going to show up at building site to figure out where we want to put the septic system………….everything is going on at once and there doesn’t seem to be an end to it………I’m tired already……..ha ha ha.

They kissed each other and went on their separate ways to face the day. When Alisha got to the office, Justin was there. “And how are you this morning?” he asked. “I’m great,” she said, “how about you?” Justin told her he was just about to enter the information on the new cattle into the computer. He told her that the guys were going to take care of working the cattle when they arrived, they should finish with the cattle today. “I sure did enjoy yesterday,” he told her. “Me too,” she told him, thinking more about Terry. “How are you and Cody getting along,” she asked him. “We are good, she was waiting on me when I got home last night……….she stayed the night. We’re getting a little serious.” he told her. Alisha laughed and grinned at him, “and you were off fucking me yesterday…..that’s real cool.” He looked at her sheepishly, like she was getting on him for it. Alisha told him she was just kidding, “Hell, she was talking about us three having a threesome sometime, think you could handle two of us?” Justin smiled and told her he would sure like to try. “We just might have to give it a try one of these nights.”

Alisha thought she would try to see if Colin had any desires to have threesomes or swap women……….it would sure be cool if he had those desires too. She will figure it out.
Alisha told Justin she had to go to town and would be back later. He should get the guys started working the cattle as soon as they arrived. Justin said he would take care of it, not to worry. As she left the office, she saw the trucks arriving. She wished she had made the appointment with the water office a few days later, she would like to have helped work the cattle.

When Alisha got to the water office, she had to wait to see the District Water Superintendent. As she sat in the front office waiting, she thought back to Pagosa and Terry. His cock intrigued her. It was so big and had felt so good inside her, especially when it was pumping her full of hot cum. As she sat there, she felt moistness between her legs. Just the thought of that fuck made her hot. Her mind was wandering. She wondered if Colin had any impulses to get some strange. She didn’t know exactly how she was going to find out, but she would. The secretary told her that Mr. Goodwin would see her now. She went into his office, he got up from his desk and came around to greet her.

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