Not my Redheaded Sister
Not my Redheaded Sister
Sex Story Author: | Hard93 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | It was getting harder on me, and I found myself dreaming of MJ many nights. MJ had |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Romance |
Not my Redheaded Sister
Written by Hard93
Let me start by saying your honor, in a few months I will graduate from high school. I have completed my classes this semester. Although I do not think I will continue with my education not that I really need. You see I am independently wealthy, and have enough money to live extremely comfortably, unless something goes wrong with the economy.
I guess that really does not matter except for the fact I can support the three of us, if that is one of the deciding factors in this case that is the only reason I pointed it out. I know there will be several other factors you will consider; I hope I can satisfy all your questions.
I guess I should begin at the beginning of the story; it is long so I hope you do not mind this may take an hour or more. You are deciding the rest of our lives so I hope a few hours is not too much to ask.
Judge Michaels shakes her head and I began my story.
This all started like most things my father and mother have me, I was a bit unexpected and came early in their life. Mom and Dad just turned eighteen when she found out she was pregnant, they had just join the military and Mom decided to leave the military and raise me.
Before I was even born, Mom lost my father. He died on active duty thirty-two days before I was born. Mom named me John B. Benfield after him, but since he was deceased, I was not stuck with Junior. My grandparents passed before I knew them. When I was about two years old, Mom began to date again. Before my third birthday, Mom married him and I had started calling him Dad. I was so young, and he was the only Dad I known as mine.
My birth mother died only a few months into their marriage. A car wreck where a truck missed the stop sign and struck my mother, she died instantly. Dad been doing good taking care of me, but I did miss a Mom around the house. Dad’s cooking could stand some improvement.
I just started preschool, I was five years old when I met the woman who is now my Mom. That is also when I met MJ, you see MJ is Mom’s daughter. MJ and I hit it off on the first day we met. We were both five and seem to be connected at the hip whenever we were together. We were young and had no idea what sex was we just liked each other. By the end of the first week of preschool MJ and I were best friends. You could not find one of us alone, even at naptime we would put our mats together. Mom and Dad met one afternoon as they come to pick us up. MJ and I had been planning, as they talked MJ and I, accidentally, bumped our parents into each other.
All MJ and I were planning on, was to get the two together so MJ and I had more time together. Maybe we were hoping they would start up a friendship, and hang out together so MJ and I would have time away from school together.
They say the best-laid plans often go awry. Before MJ and I knew it, my Dad and her Mom were dating. MJ and I loved the time together, no matter what we did from watching a cartoon to walking through the zoo. It was on one of our excursions that our parents had the two of us hold hands; I am not sure why we were hardly ever more than four feet apart anyway. When MJ and I took each other’s hand, I know things changed between us. Beforehand we were just friends, best friends but as soon as MJ’s hand was in mine, we were more.
It was middle of the fall that year, MJ’s Mom was a realtor, I think Dad was selling cars at the time, dad got stuck at the office and asked MJ’s Mom if she could pick me up too. After he called the school office and explain what he wanted they allowed MJ’s Mom to take me home. I did not mind because I love spending time with MJ.
MJ and I had a project we were working on, we had to collect leaves from different trees and tell something about them. We just finished when Mom’s phone rang, Dad was calling explaining he would be on his way in about half an hour and ask if she would like him to pick up something for dinner. MJ and I both noticed how her Mom changed talking to Dad. She smiled a lot, giggled at things he said. We both knew they really liked each other, she seemed happy even after the phone call ended.
We were both very happy, because our parents have been sad for a very long time. MJ and I went into the living room to watch TV and we snuggled together on the couch. About forty-five minutes later Dad was there with two pizzas. MJ noticed the two of them first then she got my attention, we watched as they kissed.
Our parents were too busy to notice us watching them kiss, MJ and I were learning fast or maybe old memories came to surface. When they went into the kitchen MJ turned to me with a smile, she leaned in and I follow my instincts. Our first kiss I was only about five and a half years old, and MJ had turned five a few days before. What had started at the zoo with us holding hands went to the next level with that kiss. MJ and I knew we were more than just friends from that moment.
Things seem to move quickly, and our parents spent almost every day together. They would leave us more to ourselves spending time with each other. Maybe that is why they never noticed, that MJ and I kissed often and cuddled together on the couch. Having MJ in my arms even at that young age was heaven for me. MJ and I never did anything more than kiss and cuddle together.
One day our parents have been spending a lot more time than normal, they normally give us an hour or an hour and half together before one of us would have to go home. We were at MJ’s house that day; a small two-story home with two bedrooms upstairs, the bigger her Mom used and MJ’s bedroom was just down the hall from it.
We were curious and after I show had gone off wondering why Dad had not come yet to collect me and take us home. We started looking to the house, after going upstairs; we heard sounds coming from her Mom’s bedroom. Opening the bedroom door silently, we saw them on the bed entangled in each other’s arms and legs. Even at five years old, we knew they were doing something we were not supposed to use that word describing it.
MJ’s eyes got large and she turned from the room. MJ ran to her room and thrown herself on the bed and begin to cry. I soundlessly shut the door followed MJ quietly as I could. Seeing MJ cry for the first time broke my heart. I crawled onto the bed and cuddle close to her caressing her back. I kept telling her, “Everything will be fine.”
After a few moments, MJ asked me to get her some tissues. I quickly returned with a box. I handed MJ a tissue, and watched as she dried her eyes. MJ was looking into my sad eyes and asked, “John do you love me?”
I begin smiling as I said, “I love you, more than anybody else.”
MJ begin to smile. With a determined look in her eye MJ asked, “John will you marry me?”
In the blink of an eye I answered, “Yes of course I will. I always thought I was going to be the one to ask.”
Giggling MJ moves forward stopping she said, “Now you do not have to.”
I moved in and kissed MJ. From that moment on, I looked at MJ and me as a couple. Not just boyfriend and girlfriend, we were engaged in my mind and heart. It was way, after dark when our parents found us. MJ and I were cuddled together on her bed both of us have fallen asleep. We were actually in bed together; we still had our clothes on. We just stretched out together looking into each other’s eyes until we fallen asleep.
The next morning I nearly panicked when I woke up by myself, until I realized I was in my own room. The night before almost felt like a dream. The more I thought about it, the more correct it seemed to be, MJ and I fit together so well.
When I came down to the breakfast table like normal a bowl of cereal awaited me, and the milk. Dad was there looking at a small closed black box in front of him. He had not even notice me, until I started crunching away at the cereal. He looked from the box with a smile he said, “You really like MJ and her Mom?”
With a smile I said, “I love MJ. I do like her Mom.”
Dad had a puzzled look for a moment but he said as he turned to look back at the box, “I am going to ask Carol, to marry me.”
MJ’s Mom is name Carol. About couple of weeks ago, she asked if I would start calling her Mom. I did not really mind, but I guess it was a big hint to my Dad. Once I finished eating mouthful of cereal, I asked, “Would it still be all right if I married MJ?”
I think that got Dad’s attention, his mind definitely was not in the room before. With a shocked expression Dad turns to me, his expression turns to one of amusement, as I shoveled another large spoonful of cereal into my mouth. Dad was suppressing his laughter as he stated, “You are a little young to get married.”
Finishing them mouthful, I said, “MJ is my girlfriend, and we are going to get married. We have not set a date yet, so I guess we can wait until we are older.”
Dad could no longer suppress his laughter at the situation. The woman he is contemplating marrying will be my mother-in-law by MJ and my plans. That is something that definitely is not normal, but what in my life is.
Once Dad controls his laughter, looking from me to the box then back he says, “MJ will have to wait thirteen years before she can get married. Many things can change during that time. In thirteen years the two of you may not want to get married, I am not willing to wait and find out. John, you and MJ need to change your plans, because you are going to be brother and sister.”
I looked at my Dad and said, “We are not changing our minds. MJ and I love each other. We will get married.”
Dad and I go back and forth for five minutes until he sends me to my room. I laid there in my pajamas looking at the ceiling. I know Carol and Dad make each other happy, but I love MJ and would do anything for her, if MJ wants to marry me, I will do that.
I hear laughter from downstairs, both my Dad and Carol. My door creaked open and MJ came in. She looks at me a little sad and she said, “Mom says we cannot get married because we’re going to be brother and sister.”
Rolling onto my side to look at her I said, “Dad told me the same thing this morning. He has a box he keeps looking at I think it has a ring in it.”
MJ said, “It did. Your Dad asked Mom almost as soon as we got here. She said yes already. When I asked if it would be still okay if we got married that is when they started laughing.” MJ jumps onto the bed and slides next to me she begins to cry. Between her tears MJ says, “My Mom has forgotten my Dad. She is going to not let us get married it is not fair.”
It is a long time that MJ and I stayed together on my bed before our parents even looked for us. I guess they were going to let us cry it out and then break it off, but that did not happen. As MJ cried I told her, “We only have to wait thirteen years until you are old enough. We can do that. Just because they get married does not mean we cannot.”
MJ does not say anything she simply cuddles into me and I wrapped my arms around her and give her a kiss. She cries on my shoulder a little longer but we both fall asleep. When we wake up is to giggles from MJ’s Mom.
MJ looks at her and begins to cry again with her head on my shoulder. Carol asked, “MJ why are you crying?”
MJ looking at her says, “You forgot my Dad.”
Carol takes a sharp breath in before she sits on the bed and rubs MJ’s back. Carol says, “MJ I will never forget your Dad. I see him every time I look at you. I have been very lonely, and you need a Dad. John’s Dad is a very good father, and we both need him.”
They leave us gave us some more time, I do not know if they hoped we would change our minds but we never did. We just decided not to bring up the subject anymore. We did not agree with them, but we knew we were not going to change their minds too.
They got married like they planned, I was Dad’s best man, and MJ was the maid of honor. It was a small wedding, maybe a dozen people there. MJ and I stay with her grandmother while they were on the honeymoon. Nine months later, our baby sister was born. I liked MJ’s grandmother and sorry to see her pass a year later.
That left the five of us, MJ and I when we started first grade they separated us at school, one more reason to dislike being brother and sister. We lived fairly close to school and usually got home around three thirty. Until we were, ten we would go to a neighbor who watched us until Mom or Dad got home.
Our neighbor moved, and Mom found a sitter for us. Vicki was about sixteen when Mom hired her. Mom made Vicki promise she would not let anyone in the house until Mom or Dad got home. I think that lasted about a week, until Vicki brought Charlie over. Vicki introduced Charlie as her brother, and he just needed a place to stay because it was raining outside. We like Vicki so we did not say anything. Besides that, Vicki did not keep a very good watch on us and MJ and I would sneak into one of our bedrooms. That way we could kiss for a long time.
We knew once the TV came on Vicki and Charlie would be too engrossed in it to pay attention to what we would do. We normally tell them we were doing our homework in our rooms. MJ and I were both very good students and often finished our homework well before we came home. Having different teachers and being in different classes occasionally MJ would be ahead in the subject, or I would. We were in the fifth grade, and some of the subjects were getting harder. One of the reasons Vicki was hired she volunteered to tutor us. We normally did not ever bother her, but there was a science question, and MJ thought Vicki could answer it.
It was about two weeks since Charles started coming over, as we walked down the stairs we heard familiar sounds coming from the living room. MJ had her hands over her mouth to keep her giggles under control, sneaking around the corner into the living room we stood there silently watching the two have sex. He played with her breast with her shirt up to her shoulders and her bra nearly as high. Her skirt was around her waist. His pants were down to his knees. Charlie’s butt bounced up and down, and Vicki made a moaning sound each time he was on her.
MJ pulled me from the room and we try to be quiet as we went back to her room, but with the way those two were I do not think they would notice. Once inside MJ closed the door something she normally does not do. I looked at MJ and she pulled me over to the bed. MJ practically whispered when she asked, “Would you like to see what I look like. I will show you if you show me.”
I have to admit I had been wondering about the difference in a boy and a girl for a while. I know MJ had softer areas of her chest than I did, but I have never tried to fill them like Charles was filling Vicki’s chest. Seeing Charles and Vicki I did not get to see much of her other than one of her breast in his hand. I was still very excited, and my young cock was as long and hard as it had ever been. I did not just want to see MJ’s chest I wanted to touch it too. My head was shaking yes before I even realize I was.
MJ lifted her shirt showing her training bra, and then she slid her bra up as Vicki’s bra had been. MJ was beautiful to me, not nearly as big as Vicki was, but that did not matter to me. MJ let me look for a long time it seemed like, and then she slid her bra in place and straightened her shirt. I knew it was my turn and MJ did not want to see my chest. I unfastened my belt, and then my jeans and let them slide down my legs, I pushed my underwear down, and my cock jumped when it came free of them.
MJ’s eyes widened at the site of my cock. It was the first time she saw it ever. She was mesmerized by me as I had been by her. I stayed frozen in place and MJ seem to move without realizing. Her hand touched me and it felt so good to have her hand there. Her fingers wrapped around my eleven -year-old cock before she ever realized what she was doing. As soon as she did, she pulled her hand back quickly. Looking into her suddenly shy face I said, “We are going to get married remember, it belongs to you.”
MJ smiles then again she raises her shirt and bra. This time I do not hesitate my hand touches her breast for the first time. Her small nipple hardens and MJ moaned at my gentle touch. Her hand reached and she again touched my cock and I to moan in delight.
Our bliss is broken, hearing Mom screaming from downstairs. MJ and I quickly straighten our clothing, although we find nothing wrong with our exchanging caresses. We know Mom does not like us to do any more than hold hands. She found us kissing once when we were just five, she punished us then explained that a brother does not kiss his sister on the lips. If I kissed MJ like that again, I would receive another timeout, probably all day.
We did not want to see what kind of punishment she would give us, finding us touching each other like that. She was very angry from the shouting downstairs; it would not be a good time to push her. After MJ and I were dressed we quietly checked, and Mom was still talking angrily at Vicki, so MJ and I went to our own rooms to wait a little longer. Mom came up knocked once and walked in, I was at my desk finishing my homework. Mom actually was relieved seeing that I was okay. I was not excited at that moment; I was too worried about what was going to happen next.
If Mom asked, did I know what was going on downstairs? I would have to tell her, I am a terrible liar. Thankfully, Mom only asked if I would like pizza for dinner tonight. I shake my head yes, and turned back to my homework.
She said, “Come on now, you can finish that later.”
At MJ’s door Mom knocks again and go straight in MJ is on her bed listening to her music with earphones in, Mom walks over and lays a hand on her shoulder and MJ jumps. MJ pulls the earphones as she turns to Mom. MJ asked, “Is dinner ready yet? I think I dozed off listening to my music.”
Mom repeats, “We’re going out for pizza.”
MJ brightens and says, “That is great I miss pizza, we have not had any in a few weeks.”
MJ and I would add a new topping to our pizzas occasionally also remove a few. That day MJ ordered for us, it was her turn. MJ ordered Canadian bacon, banana peppers, mushrooms with extra cheese I smile thinking that sounds great. Our baby sister got a personal pan with just cheese. Mom and Dad got the normal pizza, peppers, mushroom, red onion, and ham.
We slide in together, MJ and I always set next to each other, and I was in the edge MJ between my little sister and me. Kimberly was nearly six years younger than I was. I was eleven at the time that would make her five years old.
I am not certain if what MJ and I did or saw earlier today had turned her on, but she was acting a little different. Whenever Mom and Dad were not paying attention to us, MJ would reach over and rub me. First, it was just my leg, but she got bolder when no one noticed by the time the pizzas arrived MJ was rubbing my throbbing cock.
I reached over and rubbed MJ between her legs just as she was doing me. When my hand met her jeans, I noticed that they were damp. Not understanding why, I pulled my hand back and MJ did the same thinking I noticed Mom or Dad about to catch us. Curiosity made me raise my hand to my nose I was wondering MJ had wet herself. The scent that met my nose made me even harder than I thought was possible.
For the first time in my life I smelled what arousal on a young girl smelled like, that it was MJ’s arousal made it all the sweeter. Maybe it was instinct that told me what it really was, at that point, what I pictured in my mind was MJ on the couch and me over MJ, her legs wrapped around me and driving deep into her. I needed it really so badly that I went to the restroom, and quickly masturbating getting a release but not the one I truly wanted.
On our trip home, Mom mentioned to Dad that she was going to have to find another babysitter, because she fired Vicki today. Dad was inquisitive to why and Mom said, “I caught Vicki and her brother having an incestuous affair. If I were their mother, one or both of them would be going to military school tomorrow.”
Dad chuckled, “If I was Vicki’s brother…”
Mom cuts him off saying, “You would be packing tonight because you would be in the world of shit.”
Dad realizing what he was about to say would make sure he slept on the couch for the next week wisely shut his mouth. MJ and I look at each other, realizing it would be much worse than a timeout if Mom ever found us doing anything. Anything like I had pictured when I was in the restroom. That made life worse for us knowing what we wanted, knowing it was just setting next to each other. Knowing MJ wanted the same thing. Knowing if we gave into our desires, we would lose each other.
From the look on MJ’s face, I knew she felt the same, had the same frustration, the same desire as I did. It is one thing to know what you want, it is one thing to know whom you want, it is very different when you know both, and find it just out of reach. I hope that we get another babysitter that does not pay too much attention to us similar to Vicki did.
Mom hired and fired about a dozen babysitters through the rest of the school year. MJ and I both were in advance classes. At the end that school year two things occurred, Mom and Dad decided to relocate, a larger house in a better neighborhood, with better schools for the three of us kids. When Mom was checking out the new school, and doing a pre-transfer, although a better school in many ways the school did not have advanced classes available due to limited space.
MJ and I offered the option of skipping the six grade to begin the seventh grade the next year, all we needed to do was pass standardized test for the sixth grade. MJ and I both took the test, both passing them easily. We began the seventh grade year younger than most, as a result I was much smaller than most of the young men in my grade. MJ hit her growth spurt over the summer, and puberty her body changed into that of a young woman while mine was a little slower for that change.
MJ and I were both in advanced classes because of that one of the class requirements were for laptops, once capable running Office, and a few other programs. MJ got a new laptop, but because of the funds, I got Dad’s old laptop I did not really care that much. Dad had not even bothered to clean off his files from the laptop, and everything was there just as he had left it. Dad was not the best when it came to computers; he even left his password inside the case.
Maybe it was curiosity, or just because I could, I logged onto Dad’s profile. After looking around a little, I found the pictures he left on the laptop. I was surprised to find how many pictures of women he had. Most were customers of his, Dad been selling cars for years and apparently he did very well with female customers. I really did not pay much attention, to his photos, he only use the laptop for emails, almost no documents at all.
My real surprise came when I went through his Internet usage, as I said I got the laptop shortly after we moved. On his favorite files was a link to an investment company, I clicked onto it just curious. What I saw a really change my opinion of him. There was a large account in my birth name, with a very large withdrawal just before they purchased this house. From other houses in the neighborhood that were for sale, I knew the approximate value of this house. Other than a hundred thousand, about the sale price of our last home the withdrawal completely covered the price of this house.
I went all the way back to the very beginning of the account, the account started shortly after my birth. I realized my father’s life insurance was the initial deposit. Another large deposit was shortly after my mother’s death, she must have arranged for her life insurance directly deposited to this account.
Examining the account, I noticed two other things periodically he would draw out a certain amount of money, usually at the beginning of school, December 1st and June 1st. The other was the amount on the account was just a little over three million. It received quarterly dividends, and the amount should been much larger except for his constant withdrawals. The amount of money that withdrawn was far more than what he spent on my clothing, even all of the family’s expenses at that time. I arranged for 10% of the dividend payment to go into a separate account, this would be less than his withdrawals. It would give me some money of my own; at that point, I was angry.
I have total access to his laptop and his financial life. I logged on to his bank account, it did not take me long to realize he was living off me, what he withdrawal pay for his car, and every expense he had. The money he made only went to his own investment account.
I did not do anything at that point to his accounts. I did go back and change the passwords on any account having my name on them. I knew a month’s time the dividend checks paid, and from what it looked like, he did not visit the investment account in the last two years, other than to make that large withdrawal, the other withdrawals done automatically.
MJ and I had started martial art classes together, but she quickly dropped out finding them not to her taste, MJ really did not like violence in any form. That was the beginning of summer between our fifth and seventh grade. Summer was good, because MJ and I had an old woman as our sitter. She took more naps than Kimberly did. I teach Kim how to swim that year, MJ look great in her bathing suit although Mom would not get her a bikini.
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