
No Escape – Chapter 1 – The New Paradigm

Horny college junior looking for love is ambushed by intergalactic Femdom.

It was early summer, just a few weeks after the spring semester ended. Life was good for young, horny college juniors with three months to do whatever they damn well pleased. Merrick cruised down the highway, the top down in his 2020 Ford Mustang convertible. The car was a high school graduation present from his parents; one he probably wouldn’t have received had he not gotten a track and field scholarship to attend university. He was studying Communications, the major infamously chosen by those who had no idea what they wanted to do with their lives.

Merrick’s studies were the furthest thing from his mind as the wind coursed through his short, blonde hair. The light of a beautiful sunset reflected off his shades. The once blue sky was fading into passionate shades of yellow, orange and red. Merrick’s athletic, 5’10 body was best at running and jumping sports, but it was his summer job as a lifeguard that paid the bills. That’s how he kept gas in his tank, fueled his blistering metabolism and furnished his new apartment; the first he’d ever had.

It was at the beach, under one of those brilliant cerulean skies with a just a few wispy patches of white cloud, that he’d met his new girlfriend, Keiko. He’d spotted the Asian beauty working at one of the snack bars by the shore. His guesses about her predicament would eventually be confirmed; that she was a few years older than him, already out of school and worked at the bar as a side hustle to help make ends meet.

Merrick flirted with her a few times and the dutiful clerk seemed amused, if not outright interested. She replied with the requisite polite smiles and brief banter, hurrying their transactions along. That kind of response would be enough to make some give up, but not Merrick. He was determined. The smitten young man kept going back for more snacks and drinks every chance he got. He watched closely and noted the time that Keiko started and ended her shifts.

One day, he waited along the path to the parking lot in the least convincing ambush ever. When she came plodding up the trail in her flip flops, exhausted from a long day of work, Merrick lowered the book he was pretending to read and fired up the small talk. Keiko rolled her eyes and walked right past him, seemingly annoyed. Still, Merrick persisted.

He chatted her up all the way back to her car as Keiko gave only curt, sometimes mocking, responses. At that point, he mentally prepared himself to get shot down, but Merrick wasn’t about to waste this unique opportunity. Even though it didn’t seem to be going well, he asked her out. The aggravated Asian whirled around, placed her hands on her hips and stared daggers at him. Her mouth opened and, just when it looked like she was about to tell him off, her demeanor shifted.

Keiko’s lips drew to a close as she studied him earnestly. It was as if she’d suddenly remembered or realized something. She reconsidered her response. Merrick didn’t understand her sudden change of heart, but he didn’t care why it was happening. It was a ray of hope in the darkness. Then, with a more pleasant smile then she’d ever flashed him at the snack bar, she accepted his invitation.

Since then, they’d been on two dates. The first took place at one of those adult arcade spots where you could eat dinner, drink beer and spend a hundred dollars winning your loved one a three dollar stuffed animal. The second was at an indoor rock climbing facility where Merrick could show off his well-toned body. To her credit, Keiko did surprisingly well. The thin young woman was stronger than she looked.

During these outings, Merrick didn’t exactly feel sparks fly. So far, it felt more like an awkward friendship than a romance. There weren’t any longing gazes on Keiko’s part. In terms of affection, she’d offered him only a peck on the cheek at the end of their second date. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to keep Merrick pursuing her a little while longer. She’d mentioned growing up in a highly religious family, so it was possible she was a slow starter when it came to intimate matters.

Would tonight be any different? They had a classic ‘dinner and a movie’ date planned for this evening. Perhaps Keiko would lower her inhibitions in the theater, a setting famous for couples necking and groping each other. Merrick intended to pick the most boring movie on offer and hope for the best.

That was all on Merrick’s one-track mind as he coasted down the freeway. Classic rock flowed from the speakers of his sports car, competing with the gusting wind around him. The first hints of chill entered the air as the sun dipped lower in the distance. Merrick stepped on the accelerator and the engine roared, propelling him toward an exciting and uncertain future.

* * * * *

“Thank you” Keiko said as she handed her menu to the waiter.

“Thanks” Merrick said with a nod, doing the same.

He turned back to the elegant woman sitting across from him and smiled. Merrick took a sip of his ice water as he studied her up and down. Keiko looked amazing in the form fitting red satin dress. It showed off her slim curves wonderfully while leaving her arms bare at her sides.

The deep crimson garment made her wavy, jet black hair stand out even more as it tumbled halfway down her back. It didn’t expose any cleavage, but the tight piece of eveningwear was far less modest than the outfits she’d warn on their previous dates. By contrast, Merrick almost felt underdressed in his simple button-down and slacks.

He was about to ask Keiko about her day when she beat him to the punch.

“Hey. There’s something I want to talk to you about” she said, breaking the ice. “Something important.”

“Sure” he replied. Merrick folded his hands together and sat with rapt attention.

“I’m going on vacation in a couple weeks. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?”

“Oh! Yeah, I’d love to. Not sure if I can get the time off, since the season just started, but I’ll definitely try. Where are you going?”

“To a camp, upstate, that my friend runs. It’s a beautiful spot, but it’s also a business for her. The whole trip is kind of a package deal.”

“A package deal? What do you mean?” Merrick asked with a scrunched brow.

Keiko’s face shifted into a silly grin. “Have you ever heard of those self improvement camps for men?”

“Wait. You don’t mean those Alpha Male Bootcamps, do you?” he responded with sardonic ridicule in his voice. “I saw some clips of that stuff on TikTok. That shit’s for idiots with too much money. Or losers who didn’t get enough love from their parents.”

“No, not like that!” Keiko waved her hands in rebuke. “Well, I suppose the basic idea is the same, but the place my friend runs is nothing like those ‘back to tradition’ guys. It’s very progressive! The counselors and trainers are all women.”

“Oh. So it’s not just a bunch of burly guys yelling at you and ordering you around like some weird conversion camp for closeted gay men?”

“Not at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. It’s about women training men into better partners for other women. They promote exercise, meditation, etiquette and getting in touch with your feminine side.”

“Hmmm… that doesn’t sound too bad. A little cringe, maybe. Let me guess. You want me to take part?”

Keiko smiled innocently. “It would be a be a big help for my friend. She’s trying to drum up business and could use a few more smiling faces and testimonials for her website. It wouldn’t cost you anything and since you’re already in great shape, the course would be easy for you.”

“In other words, this a free vacation for you as long as you can rope a guy into coming along and jumping through the hoops. Is that about right?”

“Hey!” Keiko looked indignant. “I wouldn’t offer this to just anyone, you know! I’m asking you because I think it would be nice, for both of us. When you’re not taking part in camp activities, we’ll get some quality time together. We get out own little cabin. Think of it as… playing house.”

“Playing house, huh? Does our role play continue in the bedroom?”

Keiko looked away coyly before her eyes returned to Merrick. “Maybe.”

Her response was non-committal, but the wicked smile on her face was making all kinds of promises. Keiko lifted her water glass and took a sip. At no point did the impish grin leave her face.

“Interesting…” Merrick said with a nod. “With a sales pitch like that, you should be selling vacations, not snacks.”

Keiko’s eyes lit up. “So, you’ll come?”

“You talked me into it. If they won’t give me the time off, they can find another lifeguard.”

* * * * *

It was almost four o’clock as Keiko pulled her Kia Forte LX off the highway. They passed a single gas station, diner and convenience store before heading into the vast wilderness. It had been almost two hours since they left the bustling beach community for the trip up north. Both of them were eager to reach their destination and stretch their legs.

They’d chatted a fair amount along the way and Merrick had scrolled various apps on his phone until there was no longer a reliable signal. The beautiful day and inspiring scenery made up for the loss of internet in the final leg of the journey.

Just as she had in the theater two weeks ago, Keiko occasionally reached over and distracted Merrick with a squeeze of his thigh and grope of his groin. When he looked to her, he saw the first signs of sexual arousal in the raven-haired siren. Her eyes brimmed with excitement and lurid desire.

On the surface, she was demure, but deep down there was something lurking. A wanton appetite that Merrick could practically feel and wanted desperately to tap into. They’d both put in extra hours at work before the trip, so there hadn’t been time for a fourth date, but Keiko had teased him with flirtatious texts during the entire buildup to their getaway. For a woman so seemingly shy, she was a remarkably effective temptress.

“I’m sure you’re starving by now. They serve dinner around five, so you won’t have to wait long. Once we unload our stuff, I’ll introduce you to Vanya. She’ll give you the grand tour before we eat.”

“She’s your friend who runs the place?”

“Yup. I met Vanya a few years ago, when I was still in school. She used to hang out in night clubs close to campus. She’s an amazing woman. Changed my life, to tell you the truth.”

“Wow! That’s high praise. What exactly did she do?”

“It’s difficult to explain. I guess you could say, she opened my eyes. Gave me hope for the future again. Gave me hope for you guys, too.”

Merrick chuckled. “What? You mean men?”

“Exactly. I know it sounds silly, but you’ll see. She’s going to change your life too.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m sure I’ll be different person after she opens my third eye and aligns my vaginal chakras” he said dismissively.

Keiko’s warm disposition turned to stone and she shot him a death glare.


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