
Nikki & Grace_(1)

This is the story of Nickki and Grace and their many adventures. As with any story if you want to understand why some things happen then you need to know the background.

Chapter 1: Daddy tells us about your first girl friend.

It was a glorious Saturday afternoon Paul was swaying slowly back and forth in the hammock that his two daughters and his wife bought him for father’s day. With an ice-cold beer in one hand his eyes closed and earphones listening to the baseball game Paul was a happy man. Soon that was interrupted by his two daughters Grace who was 15 and Nikki who just turned13. The girls looked so cute in their summer dresses and flip-flops. They jumped up on the hammock landing on Paul wanting his undivided attention as they stole his beer and his headphones and asked, “Daddy can you tell us about your first girlfriend – Pleeeeaaassse?”

“Oh come on guys you heard it so many times before it doesn’t change. I just want to relax on my day off – have a couple of beers and listen to the game, okay?”

Nikki lifted her dress a little to reveal that she wasn’t wearing any panties which exposed her prepubescent pussy to her father and said, “I know you like playing with this daddy – if you tell us again you can play with it all you want, okay? It always seems to make you nice and relaxed, right?” Nikki is a young girl but even though she just turned 13, it was as if she was 13 going on 25.

Not to be outdone Grace took her fathers hand and then began to gently suck on her father’s middle finger very seductively and slid it down the top of her dress and moved it around her nipple of her left breast. “Yeah daddy, you can play with these too if you want but we want to hear it all, okay?” Then Grace saw her mom come out on the deck. She was naked and she had a towel for sun bathing and she began rubbing oil on her skin. “Hey mom will you tell daddy to tell us about his first girlfriend?”

“Come on Paul you know the girls aren’t going to give up until you tell them, they like hearing your stories.”

“Okay. I was a junior at Bishop Eustace High School. I had lettered in three different sports soccer, swimming and baseball. I was a good athlete but when it came to the ladies daddy wasn’t so good. While most of my teammates had girlfriends most weekend’s daddy went solo. Daddy wanted to have the same things the other guys did –
Girls who wanted to have sex. Daddy was confused and didn’t know what to do so I looked for help from an unlikely source and swallowed my pride and went to pop-pop to ask for some advice.”

Grace smiled at Paul, “I like this part when you talk about pop-pop he’s so strict and you aren’t daddy/”

“Now, to say that daddy and pop-pop have a normal father son relationship isn’t even close to normal. Pop-pop is an ex-Marine and a damn good one at that. Pop-pop was and is to this day a model soldier, who believed in Semper Fidelis always faithful. To pop-pop it was more than just a motto, to become a Marine is a transformation that cannot be undone, and Semper Fi reminds all Marines that: Once made, a Marine will forever live by the ethics and values of the Corps. Pop-pop demanded the pursuit of perfection from me, knowing that perfection is unattainable by anyone but will help that person to achieve greatness. That’s what pop-pop wanted from me greatness.

Daddy was so nervous to talk to pop-pop about how to meet girls and have sex with them
but he was really cool. He listened to me and my little dilemma then he decided for just this one time to let his tough exterior down a little bit and share with me some of his secrets. He told daddy the best place to find horny and sexually frustrated girls was at church, which was the place where he met mom-mom. .

Armed with this new information Pop-pop suggested maybe joining the church’s youth group that should help me find a suitable young lady. Daddy thought about it for minute, the group met on Saturday nights and all the kids would be very close to my age. So, why not at least give it a try? That Saturday night I very nervously climbed the stairs at the church’s school and heard the dull noise of the many kids talking down the hallway. As I entered the classroom daddy took a deep breadth and scanned the room for a little bit then noticed quite a few faces. There were some kids from the neighborhood and some of my buddies that I had played sports with.

Sitting together at one table was Mike Phillips we played on the same traveling baseball team. Mike was the star pitcher for Cherokee High School. Next to him was the famous John Radwell of Shawnee High School, whom was without a doubt the best soccer player in the state. John moved to the next town over about three years earlier and I didn’t see too much of him. Then next to him was Rich Dillulo probably the best quarterback that Holy Cross High School ever had. Daddy walked over to the table and tried to be as cool as he could and said, ‘Hey what’s up guys? Why didn’t you tell me that you guys were coming here? You guys were keeping this a secret trying to keep all these young sexually deprived girls all to yourselves?’ When they started laughing daddy wasn’t so nervous anymore and I knew my friends would help me.

Then Mike turned to daddy and said, “Don’t look now but guess who’s checking you out?

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