
Next doors not so little girl part 1_(0)

As previous stories seem well received, I have written up another (s) exploit. I have had a number of comments about the language, some of which makes no sense to our colonial cousins, sorry about that but I write in English English not US English

Mervin & Pat were my next door neighbours, they two children, Noel, who was about 17 ½ and Lizzy who turned 16 just two weeks go. I only know because I helped out with some pretty awesome decorations and lights for her 16th birthday. Lizzy was what I guess to be a typical 16 year old, always slopping about in jeans and casual tops. I do recall she looked quite stunning at her party in a tight top and short skirt. She had longish, well over shoulder length auburn almost red hair, she was slim and quite leggy, about 5ft 8. Whilst I have always appreciated she was an attractive girl I had never really thought of her in any other way that the daughter of a friend.

As neighbours we all get on really well, as a bit of a DIY enthusiast, I’m often helping them out with odd job.

I’m divorced and a few month shy of my 50th. I have a girl (well woman really) friend. We don’t live together but meet 3-4 times a week staying at hers or mine at least 3 nights.

This story starts one Saturday, Mervin & Pat were taking Noel for his first of a few planned trips to see his choice of university. They left at about 7 in the morning and were expected home about 6pm.

It was about 9.30 and I’d just stepped out of the shower when the doorbell went.
Normally I would have ignored it but as I was expecting a parcel, I slipped on a robe and went down to see who it was.

I opened the door to Lizzy. “Oh I’m sorry! She stammered. I’m doing a project at school and remembered you saying you have a lot of history book, I wonder if you had anything on British kings and queens?”

“It’s Ok, I assured her. Come in. you’ll find some in the study, if not on the bookshelf upstairs on the landing. Help yourself while I get dressed”

Thanks she called out as she went down the hall to the study, I went upstairs. After brushing my teeth, I went into my bedroom to get dressed.
I was searching out some clothes when I heard her coming up the stairs.
“Any luck” I called out
“I have one that might be ok, mind if I check the bookshelf out”?
“Sure, it’s just to the right of the top of the stairs”.
I had put my underpants on and was just getting shirt from the wardrobe when Lizzy walked in
“Can I borrow ……………………..” with shirt in hand I turned to see her in the doorway. Oh I’m……. sorry”
Holding my shirt in front of me I assure her it was OK.
She made no move to leave but instead looked around the room.
“You have so many pictures in your house, these cartoons are really nice” she said looking around.

“Thanks, they’re some of my better items I replied.
I was still standing there in just my pants with a shirt (fortunately on a hanger) in front of my waist.
“I didn’t know you had a tattoo” she commented
“wha……. Oh that, it was a statement I made when I was 40. (It was only a small cartoon character on my shoulder) I thought I could be rebellious but I was only brave enough to have a small one done”

“40! I don’t believe it”
“Sure am, and that was a few years ago”

She now turned to look at me almost scrutinising me. “Well you look a lot better than my dad” you’ve kept yourself in shape. (he was pretty rotund to say the least)
“Why thank you kind lady”. I replied with mock bow

“Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to finish getting dressed”
“Oh don’t mind me, I’ll just study your pictures” she grinned. She stood hands on hips as if daring me.
I don’t think so young lady” I replied, with what I thought was a firm tone.
What’s up, you shy?” she countered
“That’s got nothing to do with it” I told her. It’s would say at the least, inappropriate”
“Why, you’ve got nothing I haven’t seen before”. she countered quickly

“Seeing Noel in the bath when you were six is not quite the same”
“Oh I’ve seen him since then, and don’t forget I’ve had a couple of boyfriends” she grinned.

I was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable now. There was I standing almost naked I front of an eye-catching girl and I wasn’t sure if she was flirting or if it was just innocent banter.

“Look I really think you should let me get dressed”.
“Like I said, she smirked, I’m not stopping you.”
Ok, I’ll just brave it out I thought. I took the shirt of the hanger and started to put it on.
“Like I said you’ve got a good body” she commented
“Thank you” was all I could manage as I struggled with the shirt.

“Have I”? she asked
“Have you what” as I managed to get my arms in the sleeves.
“Got a good body”?
“I guess so.”
“You guess so! don’t you know or don’t you think I have? She sounded almost hurt
“No, no I mean yes, you have a good body” I assured her. I now looked at her properly for the first time. She was wearing a short (cropped) tee shirt top, tight low cut jeans and sandals. There was about 6 inches of flat bare midriff showing.
For a fleeting second I thought shit she’s hot!.

I tried to concentrate on looking for a pair of trousers. As I flicked through the wardrobe she spoke again.
“You also have a neat nice arse”
“Ok, missy….. I really do think it’s time you went” I said firmly.
“I only said you have a nice arse, and it true” she beamed. I can’t help it if you keep showing it to me”

“Look, I think this has gone far enough” I said firmly. you really should leave”.
“But I’m only paying you a compliment, I like looking at your body, and I could tell how you were looking just now, you liked looking at mine!” I’m sure she almost pouted. I didn’t know what to say.
“Well? Didn’t you”?
“Like looking at my body, you did, didn’t you?”
Oh hell, where was this going, I was starting to feel uncomfortable now.

She slowly ran one hand across her chest and over her flat stomach. And with what I guess she assumed was a sexy voice said “I bet you’d like to touch my body”!
I was right she was hot. And she was making me feel uncomfortable.

“Is that a stiffy I see in your pants” she grinned. She was accurate, I was feeling a lot more uncomfortable now, and seeing her making provocative poses was making my cock grow.

“Right you have had your fun, now I really think you should go. This really isn’t appropriate”.
“Why because I’m 16 and you’re………….”
“Yes a lot older” I answered quickly
“Oh, so if I was older or you were younger it would be OK then”?
“That’s not what I meant”
“Oh I think it is”, she countered. If our ages were different I’m sure you would be only too please to be standing here half naked with me”
“OK. I asked again, what is it you want” I asked firmly, you’ve made me feel uncomfortable so are you satisfied”?

“You might feel more comfortable if you took them off” she said pointing at my pants.
“You know that’s not going to happen” I assured her.
“Aw go on, you show me yours and I show you mine” she giggled
My cock twitched
“There, she pointed, you know you want to”

“Look Lizzy, your 16, your very pretty, why don’t you go and find a boy of you own age to tease”.
“I’m not teasing you she said firmly, I want to see what you have in there”. She said point at my crotch.

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