Newly weds love nest
Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they’d been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.
Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden.
“Hello,” a cheery voice called out.
They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a happy face and was smiling as he approached the low boundary wall which was just a couple of feet high and really only a marker rather than any sort of wall providing privacy.
“Are you moving in,” he asked.
Rob introduced himself and Yvonne, and told the man, whose name was Tony, that they were about to be married and would be moving in after their two week honeymoon.
Tony immediately congratulated them on their forthcoming marriage, and offered to help with anything they wanted in regards to their house moving or collecting the mail, etc while they were away.
Rob took up this offer by asking if Tony would let the delivery men into the house the following day.
“Of course,” Tony had helpfully agreed as Rob gave him the key.
Thanking Tony and saying goodbye, Rob and Yvonne wandered off, hand in hand, towards their car. “He seems like a nice old guy,” Rob said, “it’s good to have good neighbours.”
Tony, after this brief encounter, had hidden himself behind some thick bushes and spent time gloating over Yvonne’s short skirt which flounced around when she walked, and which came to about, half way up her lovely, young thighs. He leered lecherously at her lovely small breasts which bulged lasciviously beneath her tight little top.
“A brand new bride. Mm, I’d love to teach the little bitch all about her duties in bed,” he lecherously grinned, “such a lovely, sweet and innocent looking little thing too, and obviously so very much in love. Ah, I’d like to fuck her and pervert that pure love of hers.”
As soon as the happy young couple drove off, Tony himself went to his car and drove the short trip to the hardware store. “Hello,” he said to the person serving, “I’d like a duplicate key cut to match this one please.”
* * * *
The following day, Tony was there to let the furniture delivery men into the neighbouring house, then, as soon as they were gone, he entered himself to check just what his sexy new neighbour had in the way of goods.
He took just a cursory look at the small amount of furniture, but when he noticed the baggage that looked as if it may contain personal things, he took much greater interest.
He opened the first trunk and quickly closed it up again when he saw that it was mainly linen and odds and ends.
The second case was much more interesting to him. “Aha,” he gloated when he saw that it contained personal clothing.
He was very careful not to leave any sign that the contents had been disturbed. He carefully lifted each pair of Yvonne’s sexy little panties out one at a time and studied them admiringly.
A couple of delicate little camisoles had him grinning and muttering filthy words as he then moved onto the sexy little, nylon half-slips, sexy lace topped stockings and lovely little lace trimmed bras.
Going back to Yvonne’s panties he took his already hard cock out and began stroking himself until his cum began to dribble out. He lecherously smeared a small amount of his cum onto the gussets of all of the pairs of panties, then made sure to pack all of the underwear away so as to look undisturbed.
Tony spent some time looking through a couple of photo albums and paying particular attention to those photos of Yvonne at the beach in her tiny little bikini. He also found a number of most private love letters that the young couple had exchanged at various times. He read all of Yvonne’s personal thoughts that she had recorded in her diary which was packed away at the bottom of the trunk.
Having checked out everything of interest, he took the photo albums back to his house and spent some time scanning the photos of Yvonne onto his computer.
Having done that, he went back into his neighbour’s house, carefully packed everything away so that it looked untouched, and locked up the house.
Later that day, Rob arrived and thanked Tony profusely for letting the delivery men in and locking the house again.
“That’s quite ok, that’s what neighbours are for,” Tony said cheerily as he handed the key back to Rob. “I hope that the delivery men left everything clean and tidy,” Tony added. “I didn’t like to go inside your house myself.”
“You’re too fastidious,” Rob laughed. “You could have gone in if you’d wanted to.”
“No, no,” Tony replied, “your house is your own private domain and I wouldn’t want to appear to be nosey.”
“What a nice old guy,” Rob later on told Yvonne. “We’re lucky to have a neighbour like him.”
* * * *
Soon, the young married couple returned from their honeymoon. Tony kept an eye out for any sign of his sexy, young neighbour, and perved on her from his window at every opportunity. At night he sat slowly masturbating as he looked over the photos of Yvonne which he had on his computer.
It was just two days after their return that Rob had to recommence work. This left Yvonne at home by herself as she had moved from another city and had not yet been able to find work locally.
Tony knew that he mustn’t push himself too much onto his neighbours, he just called out “hello” if he happened to be working in his garden when he saw Yvonne, and only a couple of times in that first week, talked to her across their boundary wall.
He was happy that she seemed quite relaxed in talking to him, and was in two minds when she told him that he reminded her of her grandpa. He took some comfort though when she added that perhaps Tony wasn’t quite that old.
Tony had, right at the start, hatched a plot that he was going to try out. He’d gone to the local charity shop and searched around for old magazines of the type that would appeal to a young girl like Yvonne. He’d bought a pile of these magazines, and had them ready to use just as soon as he thought the time was right.
It was towards the end of the second week, after he’d talked with his lovely, young neighbour for some time out in the garden, that he decided he should put his plan into action.
In chatting to her earlier on, Yvonne had indicated that she got a bit bored at home alone all of the time.
Tony, seizing on this opening, had told her that his daughter, (fictitious of course,) had left lots of old magazines in the house, and he mentioned that he’d pass them on to Yvonne.
He now selected a few of the magazines that he’d bought, and next time he saw Yvonne hanging out some laundry, he went out with them and gave them to her, saying that there were heaps more if she wanted them.
Careful not to rush things, Tony, a couple of days later, passed on another few magazines, deciding that with the next lot he would “test the little bitch out.”
It was a Monday morning and the magazines were ready in a small pile on Tony’s kitchen table. There were half a dozen in all, but this time, towards the bottom of the pile, he had slipped in a porno magazine, one on the cover of which, was a lovely picture of two girls sucking on a big cock.
His nervous excitement grew continually as he kept watch out of his window, for a sight of Yvonne in the neighbouring house. Finally he saw her going out of her back door to put a bag of rubbish into the waste bin.
Tony picked up his pile of magazines and going outside, he called out in his usual friendly manner over the little, low boundary wall.
“Hello Tony,” Yvonne said smilingly, having become accustomed to their friendly and innocent, little chats.
Tony passed the little pile of magazines to her, and, after a brief, friendly chat they each returned to their own homes.
“Fuck!” Tony muttered to himself when back in his kitchen, “if only this leads somewhere.”
The couple of hours that he waited seemed like an eternity, but then he decided that it was long enough and he went out, stepped over the low dividing wall, and going to Yvonne’s back door, he knocked with his knuckles.
In a moment Yvonne opened the door, and because of her easy, friendly manner, Tony assumed that she hadn’t looked at the magazines nor found the porno book amongst them.
He now put on an act of great embarrassment as he explained to Yvonne that he thought that another magazine, one that must have gotten mixed in by mistake, might be in with the pile that he’d given her.
“What is it?” Yvonne asked quite innocently.
Tony put on a wonderful act of embarrassment. “Well, um ….. this is so embarrassing ….. it’s …… well, um, something that you might find disgusting …. . He then blurted out that it was a sex book with rather crude pictures.
Yvonne blushed noticeably when she heard this, and it was her turn to show embarrassment.
Tony told Yvonne that he would hate it if Rob should find her with it – “what would he think!” he exclaimed – “he would get the wrong idea completely, and all because of a simple mix up.”
Tony then told Yvonne that if she could have a look and if the offending magazine was indeed there, if she could just bring it over and toss it onto his back step.
Yvonne with great embarrassment assured him that she would do that if she found the book.
Tony once more was all apologies, and with that they parted with Tony grinning to himself as he walked back across the garden towards to his own house.
Time went on, and Tony began to be happy in the thought that Yvonne must be having a good look at the porno magazine before bringing it back. If she’d been shocked or disgusted, she probably would have come immediately and flung it over the fence.
Eventually, after some three quarters of an hour, he saw Yvonne through his window. She quickly hurried across the garden, lightly stepped over the wall, and had gone to the step and put the magazine down before fleeing back to her own house.
Tony had been quite right in his estimation of Yvonne’s actions. She had been so very embarrassed when Tony had mentioned the porno magazine. She’d hurried back inside her house, but had immediately, and very eagerly, taken up the pile of magazines and shuffled through them until she came upon the magazine in question. She’d felt a rush of excitement when she’d seen the cover picture of the two girls sucking and licking at that wonderful, big, hard cock.
Yvonne had felt her lustful excitement rapidly rising as she turned the pages and saw cock after cock fucking girl’s mouths and pussys. Her hand had groped at her own pussy and soon she was masturbating freely as she almost drooled over the wonderful pictures in the magazine.
Yvonne twice brought herself to a climax while fantasising about herself sucking all of the wonderful, big cocks in the pictures. She had then thought of the need to return the magazine to Tony. She was again seized with great embarrassment, and had dabbed cold water over her face so as to look not so flushed.
Running back from Tony’s back door, she felt relief that he hadn’t appeared. She now felt a longing to still be looking over those pictures, although she knew that she’d needed to return the magazine before her husband came home and found her with such crude material.
* * * *
The next day, although he longed to find out what Yvonne’s attitude towards him would be, Tony made himself scarce even though he saw his neighbour several times during the morning.
It was late in the day when, knowing that he couldn’t stand be kept in suspense any longer, he spied Yvonne going outside to bring in her laundry.
Going outside and putting on a casual air, Tony cheerily called out to Yvonne who showed herself to be quite flustered and shy in talking to him after the business of the previous day with the porno magazine.
Tony again apologised about “yesterday’s embarrassment”.
“You didn’t tell your husband I hope,” he asked her, “he wouldn’t have been too happy if he thought that I was intentionally giving you that sort of thing.”
Yvonne, with continued embarrassment, assured him that she hadn’t said a word to Rob about the incident.
“Anyhow,” Tony said boldly, and determined to test Yvonne a little, “I suppose a young thing like yourself would probably like those sorts of pictures,”
Yvonne, already looking rather flustered, now blushed bright red, which Tony quickly realised could be interpreted in any way.
Yvonne stammered in absolute confusion, “no …… I don’t.” She was so embarrassed that she only wanted to get away, but in her mind she desperately did want to see more of those wonderful photos of lovely, lovely cocks that she had looked at the day before.
Tony knew that it would be best to not push things any further, so he casually said goodbye and they each turned away to go to their respective houses.
Tony couldn’t really decide whether his scheme had been of any value or not, but he decided that, because Yvonne had not ignored him and cut him absolutely cold, perhaps there had been some value in the exercise.
On the following couple of days, Tony made a point of going away for the day just to put a little time between he and his neighbour. On the Friday morning however, he greeted Yvonne when he saw her that morning. She seemed a little embarrassed and reserved still, but Tony got her talking about Rob, and about their honeymoon away, and soon she was chatting in her former happy way.
Tony let her chatter away, just making a comment or asking a question here and there to keep her going. Finally, when she said that she should be doing things rather than standing around enjoying the sunshine, Tony knew that it was time that he push her back to where he wanted her.
“OK,” he said, agreeing that it was very pleasant standing talking, but that he too had things that he should be doing. They’d just been talking about her husband’s work, so it was natural that Tony should make a further comment concerning him. “You didn’t tell Rob about that magazine did you,” he once more asked.
“No, no, I didn’t,” Yvonne answered, lowering her eyes in embarrassment, although Tony thought that she didn’t display the extreme shame that she’d formerly exhibited.
“I wouldn’t want him to know, even if you both like to look at that sort of thing,” Tony continued, determined to press ahead.
“No,” Yvonne murmured.
“No you won’t tell him?” Tony questioned.
“Yes,” Yvonne now murmured.
“No and yes,” Tony chuckled, “you have me completely confused, and he gave a laugh which seemed to ease the tension with Yvonne.
“No I didn’t tell him, and no I won’t tell him,” Yvonne said, suddenly looking up and smiling slightly.
“Aha, now I know,” Tony laughed, and Yvonne gave a giggle.
“It’s not that you shouldn’t enjoy looking at that sort of thing,” Tony continued, “but Rob might get jealous if he knew that you were looking at other men in those sorts of situations.”
Yvonne now suddenly became shamefully embarrassed again, and just murmured some reply before saying goodbye and hurrying into her house.
Tony was uncertain how to proceed, but went home pleased that Yvonne was at least showing less embarrassment, and she had indeed told him that she wouldn’t mention the matter to her husband.
Yvonne, for her part, had great feelings of guilt when Rob was fucking her that evening – guilt that she had a secret from him, and guilt that she’d so much enjoyed looking at the lewd pictures in the magazine.
The succeeding days, being the weekend with Rob at home, Tony once more made himself scarce in order to give the impression that Yvonne didn’t see much of him.
By Monday morning he was decided that he should keep the pressure on his sexy, young neighbour and offer her more porno magazines.With that determination in mind, he selected two magazines that had a delicious array of sluts being fucked and sucking cock, but at this stage he made sure that all pictures in the books were strictly one on on, rather than any threesome or gangbanging scenes.
Sometime later, seeing the opportunity, he slipped the two magazines into a plastic bag and went out to where Yvonne was busy at some activity.
“Hi Yvonne,” he called across the intervening lawn.
“Hello Tony,” Yvonne replied in friendly tones as she looked up from her work.
“I’ve only got a minute,” Tony said, stepping over the wall and pretending to be in some haste. “I realised that you would have enjoyed looking at that magazine I inadvertently gave you last week. Here’s a couple more for you, but make sure that you return them before Rob gets home. Just leave them on my back verandah if I’m not about; I could be a bit late. Must rush now, I’m already running late, Bye.”
Tony had rattled this off without a breath as he’d thrust the magazines into Yvonne’s hands, and had then hurried back to his house, not giving Yvonne a chance to say anything, and thus assuaging the embarrassment that she began to experience.
Yvonne’s embarrassment had risen rapidly as she heard Tony’s words, but he had been in such a hurry, and had thrust the bag into her hands so rapidly that she had no time for her shame to take hold. Now she was thrilled – more of those gorgeous men to look at. Her hands trembled as she held the magazines and hurried inside.
Going into the bedroom she tipped up the bag and the two glossy magazines slid out to show lovely, wonderful pictures of men with their lovely, big, hard, erect, magnificent cocks fucking mouth and pussy.
Yvonne’s hand immediately went to her pussy, lifting her skirt and slipping beneath her panties. She gloated over the pictures, slowly turning the pages, sometimes going back to compare some gorgeous cock with another on later pages.
For an hour or more Yvonne went back and forth through the magazines. She fantasised about being fucked, both pussy and mouth, by all of those wonderful cocks. It wasn’t until she realised that her husband would soon be home, and that she needed to do a number of things, before she thought to return the magazines to her neighbour. It was then that she began to experience feelings of shame, but it must be said that these feelings were very much dampened down by the lustfulness which she was still experiencing.
Adjusting her skirt and smoothing her hair, Yvonne lightly skipped across the lawn, over the low wall, and dashed to the verandah of the adjacent house. She dropped the bag with the two magazines onto the verandah, and dashed lightly back to her own house, thankful that she’d not encountered Tony.
It wasn’t much later that Tony arrived back home, and, going straight to the back verandah, he smiled as he picked up the magazines and entered his house. Once inside, Tony carefully leafed through the pages of the magazines. Scattered through the pages he had left a dozen or so tiny little pieces of black cotton thread, and now, searching carefully, he found only one, which indicated that Yvonne must have indeed spent time going through the pages.
Tony was pleased the way the day had gone. His method of delivering the magazines had worked wonderfully well, and to celebrate, he opened a bottle of his best wine.
Yvonne on the other hand, almost felt herself blush when her husband arrived home, and later on, when they were fucking, she was tormented by guilt, and vowed that she’d not do that again.
* * * *
Tony had minimal contact with his neighbour over the next few days. It wasn’t by choice. He found he had business matters to attend to, then he had a need to be out of town. He was frustrated by these interruptions, but, after several days of not seeing Yvonne, he considered that it was probably a good thing in the long run.
It was Friday before he was free to once more pursue Yvonne. He selected a single magazine from his extensive collection, and slipped it in a plastic bag.
He went out, placing the bag on the small boundary fence, just across from Yvonne’s back door, then got a selection of gardening tools from his shed, and went right down to the back of his garden, away from the house.
He’d planned exactly how he was going to approach this new test to see how far Yvonne would go, and now he began work while awaiting his deliciously, sexy prey.
It was quite a while before Yvonne appeared, and Tony was getting hot and tired. He’d constantly kept an eye on the neighbouring house, and now saw Yvonne come out and go into her garden.
He worked on for a minute or two, then seeing his neighbour picking an armful of flowers, he straightened up and, leaning on his shovel, called out a greeting.
“Hi Tony,” Yvonne smiled, “gosh, look at the amount that you’ve dug. It must be hard work.”
Tony replied that it was, but said that he wanted to get it all done so as to plant seedlings. He went back to work digging the soil, then, as if he’d almost forgotten, he straightened up and called as Yvonne continued with her flower collection, “by the way Yvonne, there’s another magazine I left on the wall for you. Just toss it on the verandah when you’re finished with it.” He then immediately went back to his work with his back half turned towards where Yvonne stood.
The ploy of not giving her a chance to say anything, had worked well with Yvonne on the previous occasion, and now Tony used it again, this time with the test that she had to actually go and take up the magazine herself.
Tony didn’t dare look in case he scared her from picking up the porno mag, if that was indeed what she would now do. Instead, he kept working and digging diligently for some further half an hour before again straightening up and stretching his tired back.
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