Newfound Lake
Newfound Lake
Sex Story Author: | Professor_Chaos |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “I hope with money?” she asked. He handed her two bills, a 100 and a 20. “This |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Female solo, Fiction, Humiliation, Job/Place-of-work, Male / Female Teens, Male/Teen Female, Romance, Voyeurism |
Prof: Here’s a summer story. Long, lots of build-up, and even more sex. Please leave comments and feedback as that’s partly why I’m writing. This is also a test story for me, if you don’t speak up about liking it, it’ll be my last post on this site.
The main characters, Evan & Jane are in the 21-22 age range, though it was never specified in the story. All Characters engaged in sexual activity are 18+
Newfound Lake
Evan made his way into the busy kitchen to grab another beer. His friend Zack had convinced him to come out to one last party before he went away for the summer. Evan wasn’t really sure why, as Zack ditched him within 15 minutes to talk to some girl he had been wanting to bang. It must have gone well because he was on his own for the rest of the night, which he was used to by then. Normally he wouldn’t be feeling as awkward as he was but every year he found himself more ready to leave his hometown and everyone in it behind.
On the way to the backyard, he saw a semi-familiar face go by him, glancing up and giving a small smile like she always did. He had known of Jane since 1st grade, all the way up through high school. The college he went to was big enough that she could be going there too as far as he knew. He saw her at most of the parties he went to and they had quite a lot of mutual friends. For whatever reason, they had never said more than a sentence to each other; maybe a few paragraphs if he counted the 5th-grade school play.
Jane always seemed to be on the move, heading to some other more important thing where no one else was invited. He had always thought it was a little funny that a girl could be nicknamed ‘hippie’ while appearing to be so stuck up. They had even managed to not speak at the office supply store that they worked at during college. The same one that Evan had just been ‘laid off’ from. He followed Jane, realizing that they finally had something to talk about.
He made his way out the front door, hoping she hadn’t left yet. There were only a handful of partiers out front and soon he found her sitting alone at the far end of the porch, face buried in her phone. He hesitated for a few moments as a strange childhood nervousness gripped him. He had a small, quick crush on her when they were 14, nothing at all serious, but to Evan, Jane had always been unapproachable.
She had dirty blonde hair halfway down her back that was usually straight or pulled back into a ponytail; always a bit messy as she was always running her hands through it. The hippie label was probably due to her style of dress as she seemed to have specific tastes that evolved to include some more regular clothes now and then. That night it was tight tan work pants and a yellow shirt with flowers all over it that looked like it had been passed down from the 60’s. All of these details would leave many guys to believe that Jane was more approachable but he didn’t see her that way. In his opinion, the most unattractive quality about her was how aware she was that she looked like a model without having to try.
Jane lit up a cigarette and noticed Evan walking towards her. She resisted an eye roll, as she didn’t have the greatest opinion of him either. He had always seemed to have this arrogance about him that only she noticed. He was wicked involved in school and even made people, like her, look bad at work. Evan was a classic overachiever, which was only made worse by her friends never having a bad thing to say about him.
He had hooked up with a few of her friends over the years, which disgusted her as they would gush about him as if he was god’s gift or something. Evan was definitely hot but everything about his personality came off as fake to her. She felt justified in her assumptions about him as she considered herself to be a great judge of character; except when it came to the guys she dated. He would probably end up being a future serial killer, as too many people liked him, it just wasn’t normal.
Despite all of her reservations, she offered, “Want one?” in reference to her cigarette.
“No thanks, I don’t smoke. Cigarettes at least,” he said casually. Jane took it as moral superiority.
“Normally, neither do I but it’s been a struggle lately.”
“So you got laid off too, huh?” he asked her, as that was the only reason he had for their interaction.
Jane laughed bitterly. “I don’t know anything about layoffs. My ass was straight fired like a week ago,” she explained.
“Seriously? What happened to you?” he asked.
“You first, why would they let wonder boy go?”
“Wonder boy?” This was easily the longest they had ever talked alone. Evan wondered if maybe there was a valid reason for his avoiding her over the years that he had somehow forgotten.
“Sorry, why did you get laid off,” Jane asked more politely. Maybe Evan rubbed her the wrong way but he wasn’t who she was really upset with.
“I got a voicemail telling me they were making employee cutbacks; getting rid of all the part-timers. I ran into Bill when I went to grab my last check.”
“I always liked Bill,” Jane interrupted.
“Yeah same, anyway he managed to keep his job. He told me that fucking goon, Chad was behind the layoffs right after he was promoted to manager. Bill overheard him talking about replacing everyone with his buddies and ‘hot chicks’.”
Jane looked thoroughly embarrassed when she admitted, “I didn’t know anything about that, but I’m not surprised.” She gave him a calculating look before she decided to tell him her story. “I was kinda dating that goon for almost a year. By the way, that’s a great deion of him, goon, I’m stealing that. So, I found out like a week ago that he’d been seeing a couple other girls while we were supposed to be exclusive. I dumped him right away. Later that night, he posts on my wall that HE’s breaking up with me, and to not bother coming in to work again.”
“Damn, that’s fucked up,” he said. He figured she was one of those girls always going after the assholes but at least she didn’t put up with their shit.
“You wanna know what’s even more messed up? I hate social media. It just seems like a waste of time to me, no offense to anyone else. I only created an account because Chad said it made him feel more comfortable dating me,” Jane was definitely still in the anger stage which was understandable.
“I hope you deleted it then,” Evan said.
Jane looked up at him and actually smiled. “Right after I saw the post.”
“You manage to line up another job for the summer?” he asked.
“No, everywhere I’ve tried is already full up before June. I’m totally screwed. I need to be making money all summer before I go back to school. What about you?”
“I don’t know about anything around here during summer. I’m usually away until September.”
“Let me guess, you and the fam vacation in Italy every summer or something?” Jane said with a smirk.
Evan almost became defensive until he realized that maybe Jane was just teasing him. “Who the hell do you think I am? I’m away every summer because I’ve had a job up north since I was 15,” he explained.
“What job?” she asked, clearly desperate.
“My uncle has this restaurant on the lakeside. It’s usually three times as busy during the summer, so I go up to help out,” he explained.
“Wow that actually sounds pretty cool,” she admitted.
Evan hesitated before he made the offer, “Look, he’s always telling me to bring along a friend or two to help out for the summer. You’d get free room and board. I know we don’t know each other that well but you definitely seem desperate.”
“I am but would I have to stay up there?”
“No one’s gonna force you to do anything, but it would be a waste of money going back and forth. It’s almost a 4 hour round trip.”
“Yeah, that would be a total waste. So we’d be living in a house with your uncle? He’s not the pervy one, is he? Everyone’s got a pervy uncle.”
Evan laughed before saying, “No he’s not. Actually, I have a pervy aunt instead. But also, I have my own little apartment above the garage so, yeah.”
Jane gave him a questioning look and asked, “So I would be living alone in a house with your uncle?”
Evan chuckled and said, “He’s not usually alone himself if you know what I mean. But the second floor is all guest rooms and as far as I know, no one else is going to be staying there this summer. You’d have the floor to yourself and your own bathroom.”
Jane thought for a moment when she suddenly had that sick feeling. “I’m not gonna owe you anything if I do this, right?” she asked awkwardly.
Her question almost went over his head. “What no way! Don’t get me wrong, you’re an attractive girl but when I go up there, I like to keep my options open. You know, cute locals, girls on vacation looking to have as much fun as they can before they go back home. I’m sure if you wanted to hook up too, you’d probably have way more options than I would.”
“I’m sorry, I had to ask. Some guys-”
“Some guys are fucking creeps,” he told her.
Jane smiled, nodding in agreement. “When would we be leaving?”
“I’m leaving Wednesday, but you could head up a week after if you wanted.”
“Nah, if I’m gonna do this, I need all the money I can get.”
“You have my number right?”
“Why would I have your number?” Jane asked, confused.
“The employee call sheet at work? That’s why I have yours.”
“Oh,” she giggled. “Text me, can I get back to you about this?”
Evan pulled out his phone, looking for her name. “Yeah just let me know by Tuesday night.”
“Will do,” she said, looking at her phone to ensure she got his text. It vibrated in her hand but instead of a number, she was surprised to learn he was already in her phone listed as ‘Kiss-Ass’. Jane held in a laugh, having no memory of when she had gotten his number in the past.
The text said, “Since I already admitted you were attractive, I hope you won’t take this the wrong way. You’ll make a killing at this place in tips. I’ve seen it plenty of times.”
Jane looked up as he walked back into the house, his hand up above his head waving goodbye.
The next day, Jane called her friend Maria to get a bit more information on Evan. She was leaning towards going though it wasn’t as if she had much choice. A few years back, Maria and Evan had gone out for a few months. They didn’t as much break up as decide they’d be better friends than anything else. At that point, the only thing Jane wasn’t sold on was Evan but she knew her friend would take care of that.
“Heya, what’s good? How are you holding up?” Maria asked in reference to Chad.
“It’s looking like I’ll survive another year. I think I may have found a job for the summer,” she said, avoiding the guy conversation.
“Awesome, what is it?”
“Well, I’d be going up north to some lake and working at some restaurant. I guess I’d be living there too but I’ll probably come back home once a week, at least.”
“That’s cool, where did you hear about this?”
“Evan,” Jane admitted.
“Evan, who,” Maria asked, not thinking it was the same one.
“The Evan you used to fuck,” Jane said bluntly.
“Oh…Go, Jane, good for you girl. He’s a great fuck and you guys will be at the lake all summer. This sounds just like one of my naughty novels.”
“Eew, absolutely no way in hell. I am not fucking him. I learned my lesson from Chad. I’m never having sex or dating anyone I work with, ever.”
“Fuck, relax. I didn’t mean anything by it. What is your problem with Evan anyway?”
Jane sighed, “I don’t have a problem exactly. I just always got a fake vibe about him. I can’t really explain what it is but it’s like he’s holding back or hiding something.”
“Maybe that’s because you don’t really know him at all. And you’re wicked paranoid,” Maria gave her honest opinion.
“Well, that’s why I called. This whole thing sounds perfect. The only part I’m not sure about is him.”
“Okay, so you’re at least giving him a chance finally,” Maria said.
“To be friends, possibly, yes,” Jane clarified.
“Hmm, well he’s a really nice guy but not like too nice where people take advantage of him, you know. He’s smart, and charming, and sexy-”
“Rein it in Maria,” Jane said, rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, he’s really cute too but you already know that,” she teased.
“UGH!” Jane feigned anger.
“In all seriousness, I always thought you two would get along. You have more in common than you’d think,” she said before Jane got too pissy.
“Like what?”
“Uh-uh, if I tell you, you won’t get to know him yourself. That’s how you make friends, dear,” Maria assured her.
“Thanks, mom, so to clarify, what you’re saying is that Evan and I have the potential to get along well enough for me to practically live with him for a couple months. And, if my body turns up skinless floating in a river, it’s your fault?”
“If that happens, it’s your own fault for dating the guys that you do.”
Jane called Evan the next evening to tell him she was down to go. She got his opinion on a list of things to bring, learning the first thing they had in common; the outdoors. He told her he was bringing his camping gear, bathing suits, and a bunch of things that made it sound more like a vacation than work. When she asked, he told her it wasn’t a sweatshop and they would have plenty of time off. He even gave her an official invite to come with him to any parties or things his friends were doing.
Wednesday came and Jane hopped in her car to head to Evan’s place. She pulled up directions on her phone and when she saw how far away it was she said, “You’re fucking kidding me.” Evan lived less than 5 minutes by car from her. She wasn’t too surprised to see Evan’s mom and dad standing outside, waving as they drove away. She did recognize that the week before, she might have called him a pansy because of it, but it was actually kind of sweet.
She followed in her car, blasting her music and enjoying the ride. To her annoyance, just as there were mountains and trees all around, she received another random text from Chad. This one read, “If you want your job, you better text me back.” She immediately deleted it, throwing her phone into the passenger seat. She turned her music up even louder, ensuring she wouldn’t potentially hear the vibration.
A series of quick bright flashes caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. “It better fucking not be,” she said out loud. Grabbing her phone she saw it was, in fact, him again. “Did you block me?” it read, causing Jane to laugh. She deleted that one too and almost threw it into the back seat, instead she called Evan.
“Hey, that’s still you behind me, isn’t it?” he answered.
“Yeah, right here. I was just bored and thought I’d see how entertaining you could be,” she said playfully. Maria telling her she was glad she was giving Evan a chance kept playing in her head until she had decided to do just that. While she owed him no sexual favors, she did owe him for letting her join him on this much-needed experience.
Evan went with it. “Um, okay. Wait, are you trying to say you’re not in love with this view right now? I’m always surprised when I make it up there without crashing because I’m gawking at how awesome nature is.”
Jane looked around because it really was an amazing scene. “Magnificent is more like it. But really I decided I should get to know you better. You’re gonna be the only person I know up there for a while. Besides, how else are we supposed to wingman for each other if we can’t communicate?”
“Ah, but you’re assuming I need a wingman. This lake, it’s my turf.”
“Oh, we’re getting cocky now are we?” she teased, though he did seem off somehow.
“A little, I feel so different when I’m up here. It’s like, back home I’m not the real me, but here, I am,” Evan admitted.
Jane was silent, realizing that she was right all along, but wrong in thinking he was being fake to trick people. “Thank you for telling me that. It explains a lot honestly,” she said.
“You’re welcome? Oh, check out this log cabin looking place on the right. They sell fireworks, weird little toys you can only find up here, and other random cool stuff. It was one of my favorite places on the way to the lake as a kid.”
Jane listened, learning plenty about her new/ old friend. He pointed out anything he knew something about, somehow making it interesting to her, no matter the story behind it. It was easy to tell when they arrived at the lake, even though it was easily seen because Evan started talking faster trying to keep up with the number of stories he had. Not only was he apparently his ‘true self’ but also a kid again.
Evan saw the sign in the distance. “Here we are,” he alerted.
The sign read Lake House Bar & Grill. Jane felt stupid for not realizing that it was a large lake house, thinking it was just a name. She briefly considered if that was where she would be staying when they continued past the dirt parking lot to a second lake house with a garage that had to have previously been a barn. Evan told her she could park in the garage with him and he hit the button he always had in his truck to open the door for them. The barn-garage legally belonged to Evan. He had paid for it by doing odd jobs and other things related to the restaurant’s business over the years.
Evan and Jane both stretched after the long drive. Jane walked out to check the whole new situation while Evan watched, happy to see her look of surprise.
“I thought you were overselling this place but now I actually think you undersold it,” she said. Classic rock could easily be heard from the Lake House and Jane began walking towards it almost as if hypnotized.
Evan saw something white on the door to the other house. “Wait, follow me,” he said, heading towards it.
As they got closer, Evan could tell there was a note on the door, probably for him. Even closer, the music was quieter, allowing them to hear the sounds of frantic sex going on inside.
The note read: “Evan, if we’re still doing it, slam the door when you come in. Sincerely, You’ll See.”
“Evan,” Jane said to get his attention. “It’s sexy mystery time,” she continued excitedly.
They stepped in, slamming the door as instructed, and the sex stopped. Evan cleared his throat so they knew what they had heard, sounds of fumbling followed. The mystery girl said, “He’s here!” in such a way that Evan thought he must know her. A young brunette girl appeared from the hallway past the kitchen, wearing nothing but panties and a huge grin. Her hair was in shambles and her body glistened with sweat. The girl ignored her messy, nude state.
She screamed, “Evan!” before she ran across the room and jumped into his arms.
“Lisa,” he stated, more in understanding than surprise.
Evan actually swung her around a couple times as she giggled. Jane was pleasantly surprised as she had never seen anything quite like what she had just walked into. Putting her back down, he took a step back, looking her over. “Lisa you still look real fine. And sweaty,” he winked at her.
Lisa blushed, and Jane stared at Evan thinking, “Who are you?”
“Thank you, and yes. Mike really knows how to fuck. Guess it runs in the family,” she commented. That was when she noticed Jane was there. “Shit I’m sorry, I’m with Mike, there’s nothing going on between Evan and me,” she explained to her. She made no new effort to cover her body.
“No worries, Evan and I are just old friends. I do, however, agree with him that you look damn fine. I’m Jane by the way,” she told her, glancing at Evan.
“I’m Lisa, the hostess slash bartender at the House.”
“So you and Mike finally happened. Congrats, Lisa,” Evan said.
Lisa giggled, “Yup, and I lost track of how many times he rejected me, but I never gave up.”
A man walked out from the hallway where Lisa had come from. He had shaggy brown hair and a trimmed beard. He was shirtless and wore jeans, looking as if he had just woken up. He walked right up to Jane with his hand out. “Don’t worry, I washed my hands. Name’s Mike, Jane right?” he said.
Jane laughed before she shook his hand. “Great to meet you and thank you so much for this opportunity,” she said.
“Any friend of Evan’s blah, blah. You don’t have a problem with her being half naked do ya?” Mike asked, gesturing to Lisa.
Jane glanced at Lisa, who put her hands on her hips, smiled, and looked towards the ceiling in a pose. She chuckled and said, “No not at all, but I have to know why you would reject a woman like her so many times.”
Mike grumbled before he began, “There’s a 17 year-”
“SIXTEEN!” Lisa corrected him.
Mike glared back at her comically while Lisa just innocently batted her eyes at him. Turning back to Jane he compromised, “16 and a half year difference between us. This place is different during summer, but it’s still a small town. Things get spread around quickly. Owning a business while people think you’re some creep taking advantage of a 19-year-old could lead me to have to move. Though I love her and she’d be coming with me.”
Jane said, “I personally have no problem with you guys. I mean you look like Evan’s older bro, not his uncle so it’s just not weird to me. What about…Sorry, it’s none of my business,” Jane shut her mouth.
“No, it’s okay. Speak your mind,” Lisa urged her.
“Do you guys experience any backlash? I’m asking in case this is supposed to be on the down low or something.”
Mike groaned, walking off to the kitchen. Lisa took over, “Everyone at work is okay with it. I’ve had a pretty obvious crush on Mike since I was a little girl, so no one was surprised. The only person who has a lightning rod up his ass about it is my father. But I don’t live under his roof anymore so he can go back up a toilet with his opinion.”
Jane and Evan laughed while Mike came back out with a cup of coffee, kissing Lisa on the head.
Mike said to Jane, “I’m sure Evan told you everything but I like repetition. I’m assuming you came here because you need the cash?” Jane nodded. “Good, you’ll certainly earn some. There will be days off which I encourage you to treat like a vacation, as that’s the point, yeah? You get your pick of the rooms on the second floor, hell no one else is going to be staying here so take a different room every night if you want. There’s a big ass breakfast every morning right here and all other meals are free to you at the House. Oh, and watch out for the bedroom facing the garage. If you leave the curtains open, Evan might be peeping on ya.”
“Why would I have to peep on her when naked girls are just popping out of your room? No offense Lisa,” Evan defended himself.
“None taken,” she said.
Jane gestured to all three of them, she said, “I have to say, I love this whole situation and I feel ten times better about this than I did a couple days ago.”
Evan and Jane unpacked before they headed to the House, what employees and regulars called the place. Jane experienced no pressures her first night, as she was only being trained. The other bartender/ chef, Scarlett had taken Jane under her wing. She had worked there since the place opened 15 years before. She was an older woman and tough as nails; Jane admired her almost immediately.
There were three other waitresses that night. Jenna, Cindy, and Blair were all very welcoming; though Blair seemed to be particularly edgy with her. Evan was running around the place, listening to Mike explain any new additions or ideas he had as they went along. As it got later and Evan was caught up with business, he stole her away from Cindy who was showing Jane her tables.
“Take a seat. What’ll ya have?” Evan asked her before heading behind the bar.
“What’s your favorite drink?” Jane asked when he was back in front of her again.
“Actually, you wanna know another secret about me?”
“Yes, in fact, I do,” she responded, playing along.
“I only drink hard liquor during the summer; here basically. And my favorite is a rum called Kraken.” He lifted a bottle up to show what he was going for.
“I’ll have what you’re having then,” she requested.
Evan poured their drinks and they touched their glasses together before taking their sips. “So what’s your impression now? Still, think someone’s going to sell you into sex slavery?” he joked.
Jane looked around with a smile on her face. “This place is better than I imagined,” she said.
Evan saw her walk into the restaurant suddenly. Jane followed his gaze to see a hot little curvy redhead scanning the place looking for someone.
“I’ll be back in a few okay?” Evan told Jane.
She nodded and he left to meet up with the girl. Jane didn’t bother pretending she wasn’t watching their interaction, spinning around in the stool. As soon as the redhead spotted him, she screamed, “Evan!” causing Jane to wonder just how many girls would be screaming that during the first week. Unlike the first girl, this one was dressed in short shorts and a see-through white shirt which told everyone she was wearing a green bra. She jumped him in the middle of a few crowded tables, something Evan seemed to be just a bit annoyed with.
“That’s Maggie. 120 pounds of bitchy, psycho, slut,” Lisa clarified from behind the bar.
Glancing back, Jane asked, “So what, is she like Evan’s summer girlfriend?”
“No way, Evan wouldn’t have it. If Maggie had her way that’s what it would be. They hook up with each other as well as other boys and girls. But Maggie will catch a girl eyeing him sometimes and she jumps all over him to scare them away.”
Jane nodded, knowing quite a few girls like that. “How bad is she exactly?” Jane asked, understanding possessive and entitled girls very well.
“She wouldn’t or couldn’t physically harm you, but she may make a face like she’s gonna shit herself,” Lisa said, giggling before she finished.
Jane laughed as well. “Should I go over there?” she asked, more hoping to be dared.
Lisa leaned over the bar to conspiratorially whisper in her ear, “Ask him what YOUR plans are tonight.”
Jane shot her an evil grin before walking off towards Evan. Lisa watched from the bar as Scarlett came up next to her. “At least she’s got balls,” Lisa said, knowing she was watching too.
“Maybe so, but if she hurts Evan, they’ll never find the body,” Scarlett affirmed.
Lisa held her fist up and Scarlett pounded it before walking away.
Jane walked right up to Evan purposely ignoring Maggie she asked him “So what are our plans for the night?” She winked so Maggie couldn’t see to assure him she was just fucking around. Maggie stared at her, offended, and made a noise like she was clearing her throat to spit on her. Jane looked at her with an expression that said, ‘What the fuck is your problem’.
“We have a welcome home party for us actually. I forgot to tell you,” Evan answered, smirking.
Maggie pushed between them. “I can just give you your welcome home present before the party then.”
Without even looking at Jane, he said, “Well yeah, of course.” He smiled and she popped up to kiss him on the cheek.
“Text me when you’re ready to get off,” she said before turning back to glare at Jane. She looked her up and down like she was sizing up competition before walking off.
“You are such a guy,” Jane said knowingly.
“Hey, in my defense she gives really good…Welcome home presents,” he joked.
“I’m sure she does. Is there really a party?”
“Yeah, but it’s not until Friday. It’s for you too, like a welcome to our world,” Evan informed her.
Evan didn’t need to text Maggie since she had been waiting around. Maggie wasn’t being extremely obvious but Jane still noticed they kept making eye contact more than normal.
As they closed up, Evan approached Jane. “You going to be good without me?” he asked.
“Yeah, Lisa already invited me to drinks back at the other house. I think she likes me.”
“I’m glad to hear it. I’ll either see you later or tomorrow then.”
“Hope you enjoy,” Jane teased him. She watched Maggie practically drag him out by the hand.
Maggie led him across the lot to his place. When they got to the top of the stairs, she even took his keys from him to unlock the door herself. They stepped in and she went straight for his fridge. Evan was a bit annoyed with how she made him feel like they had just walked into her apartment. Knowing what was coming, he decided not to mention it.
“You want a beer?” Maggie asked.
“I would love a beer, thanks,” he said sarcastically.
“Well, sit down,” she ordered him.
Evan complied, sitting on his couch. He was used to Maggie being bossy. He always shut her down when she got out of control, but occasionally he let her get away with it. She always showed her appreciation whenever he did.
She handed him his beer. Standing there, she chugged half of hers on the spot. She placed the bottle on the floor away from them and kneeled down between his legs. She couldn’t wait, undoing his cargo shorts. Trying to rip them off in a way that told Evan to stand back up, he did, she pulled them and the boxers down as he stepped out of them.
Maggie was licking his shaft before he even sat back down. She rubbed her face against it as he watched it grow to full hardness. She licked all the way back up, just when he thought she was going to suck him in, she licked back down again. She knew how to take care of him so he simply sat back and relaxed. She licked and sucked on his balls as she jerked him, all he did was groan in response.
Licking her way back up, she went slower as to tease him more. Evan knew that meant she was about to get to it. Sliding her hand up his sac, she circled the base with her thumb and forefinger. She smiled up at him before she circled the head with her tongue, going right down onto his length. He watched as every time she went back down, her tongue darted out ahead of her mouth licking anywhere she could reach.
“Fuck, I needed this,” Evan told her. Maggie had been giving him welcome home head for years now, sucking it just the way he taught her. He had a secret tradition that went along with it. He would save up his cum for as long as he could, usually a week’s worth, just to watch her struggle with his large load that first night. It was payback for the many times she had purposely fucked with him or pissed him off for whatever reason she had.
She pulled him out of her mouth long enough to say, “Blondie doesn’t do it for ya?” She went right back down on him so he would be less likely to respond.
It took Evan a few moments to compute what she said as she worked him ever harder as a distraction. “Jane’s just an old…uh…friend. Fuck yeah. She needed a job, so I helped.”
Maggie pulled off again, “Yeah right,” she said before going back down.
To her surprise, Evan pushed her by the forehead and pulled his cock out of her mouth. “Listen to me. These welcome back blowies were your idea. While I’m very appreciative of the things you do to me, or for me, this is just a casual thing, during summer only. I’ve said it so many times before and apparently, I have to say it again; you have a fucking boyfriend!” Evan exclaimed, highly irritated. Both of them were surprised at how fast he got soft.
“But it’s different-” She tried to protest, but stopped when Evan held his hand up saying he didn’t need to hear it again.
“I know, you’re in an open relationship, which is the only reason it’s cool that we hook up. But the simple fact that you have a boyfriend at all means I cannot take something between you and me seriously. You fuck other guys during summer you know I fuck other girls. Interrogation is not what I want to deal with my first night back; actually, I don’t want to deal with it at all during summer. So for like the 248th time, can you be okay with that?”
“Maggie sat back on her feet before saying, “I know, I’m sorry, you know I’m not always happy with Tom. If I had it my way, we wouldn’t be in an open relationship, but we are. I guess…I just get lost in you, like the fantasy that we’re together during the summer even though we’re not.”
Evan almost went off on her when she said that but he understood all too well. Navigating sex and relationships on the lake could be particularly difficult for locals. The vacationers never cared as they were always about to leave. He definitely felt for Maggie, however unhealthy her fantasy was, sometimes people needed a good fantasy to keep them going.
“I get it, Maggs. I really do,” he said as he brushed some of her red hair out of her face.
“I’ll try to back off, okay?” she told him.
“There is no try,” he joked.
“I will back off, I promise. But, just out of curiosity, what’s the deal with Jane?” she tried to look cute and innocent so Evan would know she really didn’t mean anything by it.
Evan rolled his eyes even though he wasn’t really upset. “I’ve gone to school with Jane since 1st grade and we’ve barely ever talked until a week ago. She’s desperate to make some money this summer so I invited her. And before you ask any more questions, I’m sure she’s planning on fucking her own tourists and locals, she’s not interested in me at all.”
Maggie reached out to grab his flaccid cock again, running her fingers up and down it. Evan smiled approvingly at her as she leaned forward testing to see if the conversation was finished.
With her lips wetly on his pole, she asked, “Can I keep sucking it now?”
“Please?” Evan asked happily.
Maggie giggled before grabbing his cock, aiming it back at her mouth, and sucking it in. He watched as she pulled him in, forcing her face down to push him deeper as she easily got him hard again. She actually liked giving Evan head as she was a fan of his cock. Soft, he was maybe four inches but hard it was somewhere around 7. When he got more excited, it also seemed to get twice as thick too.
She had to open her jaw a bit wider as his pleasure built up. Gripping him more firmly at the base she pulled back again to lick all around his head. He was at full strength so it wouldn’t take much longer unless Maggie decided to draw it out. All Evan needed to do was place his hand on the back of her head and she pushed herself down on him. She had never been able to deep-throat him because of his fat dickhead but it always felt incredible in her pussy.
Gagging, she backed off to catch her breath. When she caught it, her eyes shimmered with lust before dropping her face back down on him. Evan couldn’t hold back his moans of appreciation, thinking how that was the definition of head. He felt that familiar feeling while Maggie felt him thicken even more.
“I’m close,” Evan huffed out.
Maggie’s bobbing increased speed with any part of his cock, not in her mouth being jerked off. Evan’s eye’s rolled into the back of his head getting ready to blow an 8-day load in her mouth.
“Now,” he warned her. She went hands-free, sucking him as hard and fast as she could. Evan let out one loud moaning sigh as he started to cum. Maggie had to back off him a bit at every spurt, his cum filling her mouth so quickly that she had to open her lips around him to let it out. While Evan always wished she would swallow, there was something so sexy about watching it spill out of her mouth and drip down his shaft.
Maggie kept at it for half a minute after he finished. Pulling off him, she grabbed her beer, took a swig and swished it around in her mouth. Then she spat the beer-cum mixture back in the bottle as Evan had seen her do many times before.
Jane walked back into her room from her shower, dropping her towel as soon as she closed her door. It was a tradition for her at home, if her bedroom door was locked, she was naked inside. The air felt a bit stale so she opened the window, stuck her torso out, and felt the lake air wash around her damp hair and nude form. Suddenly, she realized anyone outside could see her and she looked around in a panic. Luckily, that side of the house faced away from her new workplace, and the parking lot was far enough away you couldn’t see anything anyway.
Despite Mike’s joke, she took the bedroom facing the garage as it was the furthest from the stairway, and easiest to access the bathroom. She definitely wanted to see the inside of Evan’s apartment as it was sure to have a great view, being surrounded by windows. That’s when she noticed Evan sitting on the couch with Maggie between his legs. She was about to give them their privacy when she noticed Maggie wasn’t actually doing anything and they were instead arguing. Jane wondered if he was getting shit for inviting her up there with him until she started blowing him with fervor.
“Go, Evan,” Jane cheered him on. She knew that was when she should walk away, but she didn’t, staying until the very end. Afterward, she was so horny she knew she’d jump the first cute guy that looked at her that weekend.
Almost two weeks later, Jane arrived back home for her second weekly checkup on her dad. He was healthy enough but she had been the mother of their house since she was 11. She found him at their family’s garage, where she and her two youngest brothers had worked as well. Once her dad saw her, he walked right outside into the lot towards her.
Jane sped up getting ready to hug him, when he asked, “What the hell are you doing back here?”
She stopped dead in her tracks at that. “I told you I was coming home once a week.”
“And I told you it was a waste of gas,” her dad said as he held out his arms anyway.
They hugged and made their way in towards his office. Sitting down at his desk, Jane’s dad stared at her suspiciously.
“What?” she asked, nervously that he knew about something she thought she got away with as a kid.
“Why wouldn’t you want to stay up at a beautiful lake all summer long, working, getting a tan-”
“I barely ever tan,” she interrupted.
“My point is, you’re a gorgeous young woman, and this is your last summer vacation. Yeah, you have a job, but you have a chance to have a hell of a time up there. Instead, you’re coming back down on your days off. Do you really think I’m just going to drop dead? I’m not that old.”
“I really am partly homesick. Mostly it’s because I’ve always known one day Jessie would burn the house down. Maybe it hasn’t happened because I was here? Adam’s friends are worse than he is. And you’re at the garage more than the house,” she said gesturing to the cot in the corner of his office.
“You know, Adam may be a year older, but he looks to you for answers. Not only does he take after you in some ways but he picks up where you leave off, every time you’re gone,” he explained.
Jane had always gotten along better with Adam than any of her other brothers. Still, she was surprised that he had accepted her responsibilities in her absence.
“Alright, I’ll try to chill out,” Jane tried to appease him.
“Yes you will; lakeside. This is your last visit home. I’m officially kicking you outta the house until September.” Jane gave her father a look of horror and he continued, “Don’t look at me like that, I still love you. I just want you to have a life outside of this garage. Can you do that?”
June flew by as it always did. The fourth of July was complete madness for anyone that worked at the Lake House. While Mike had thrown his own party of sorts for the locals, it was a business tradition to make tourists feel like they were lucky to be in on a private event. While it was still a party for employees and their families, they were still working to an extent. Up at the lake, the 4th lasted practically a whole week; it was almost over.
It was the Friday the 6th and things were just barely starting to die down when a family of four sat in Jane’s section. As soon as she greeted them, the son Todd ignored his family, openly flirting with her. Jane kept it professional in front of them but if he made a move without them around, she was going to let it happen. The last guy she had sex with was her ex; almost a month and a half ago. She wasn’t familiar with the idea of casual sex in the traditional sense but it was going to happen sooner than later.
When she returned with their orders she noticed Todd’s sister, Rachel staring at something hungrily. Following her gaze, she wasn’t surprised to see it was Evan that had her attention. She asked the table if they were good for the time being before heading straight over to him.
“Super cutie at one of my tables has been eyeing you,” Jane told him.
He looked up from whatever he was writing at the bar and said, “I noticed, that’s not her boyfriend next to her?”
“He better not be because he’s been looking at me like I’m on the menu.”
Evan smiled, “That bodes well for both of us then,” he said.
“So, what’s the move exactly?” Jane asked, hoping he wouldn’t tease her for needing help.
“Are you asking for me, or for you?”
“Both I guess. I’m curious how you would go about it. Also, believe it or not, I’m not really a random encounter kinda gal,” she explained.
“You know you don’t have to. I mean, if you’re not comfortable.”
“I won’t go into details, but yes, I have to,” she hinted.
“Ah, I hear you. Well, there’s really nothing to do unless their parents leave and they stay here. You get ID’s on em’?”
“Yeah they’re both 24, I’m guessing twins? That would really cement our newfound friendship; bagging twins together,” Jane half-joked.
Evan chuckled, “Then chances are good they’ll stick around later than the rents. Then they’ll both come to us, that’s the move,” he said.
Jane chanced a glance back at the table and Rachel looked away to not be caught. “I can see the dude hitting on me but the sis looks so shy and innocent.”
“An innocent girl on vacation?” he suggested with a grin.
Jane looked back at him with a sly smile. “Whoa, good point,” she said. Evan gave her his own innocent shrug before heading off to do whatever.
40 minutes passed and the table of four looked ready to go. Jane was about to head over to ask them if they wanted the check when Blair, one of the other waitress’ yelled, “Hands off, fuck-boy!”
Blair was a bit of a bitch in general but tips were a great motivator when it came to a sunnier disposition. If she resorted to her out of work persona that meant someone had just messed up. Evan and Mike were at Blair’s side in a flash which only seemed to escalate the situation as the table full of young guys all stood to defend their drunk, groping friend. Voices raised fast and while only one had started the problem, the rest were just drunk enough to finish it.
Ben, who worked in the Kitchen, began his usual act when things threatened to get out of control. He came out to the group, screaming in Spanish, waving a cleaver over his head. Jane tried to play along and not giggle at the scene as she had seen it four times already since she started. It was always 100% effective as the troublemakers would leave peacefully, leaving a more generous tip as an apology. The situation played out as it always did after they left Ben would turn around and bow to everyone else in the restaurant.
In his true Boston accent, he said, “Please everyone, enjoy yah drinks n’ meals; nothin’ ta see hea.” It always drew a few laughs and a round of applause, bringing the fun atmosphere back.
Once things calmed Jane looked back at her table and saw it completely empty.
“Fuck!” she said, knowing she had just been stiffed during the distraction.
“It’s all good, I’m right here.” She turned to see Todd who had introduced himself earlier.
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