New drug
My name is Cassandra, I am a connoisseur of psychedelics. I have spend years chasing the perfect high. Seeking that greater understanding of things beyond this world.
I am thin and almost flat chested, I keep my red hair short so I don’t have to bother with it much. I survive on an inheritance from my parents they knew I could not be trusted with cash so an executor pays the bills and basic foods are delivered to the house. I work at McDonald’s to generate cash to support my habit. I have done every mushroom you can name, PCP,LSD, you name it.
Lately I have been trying new synthetic drugs, chasing the perfect high to get me farther out there. As I was getting off work my dealer texted me to meet her. I drove my hunk of junk car to the shady gas station we always met up at. I pulled up next to her equally shitty car with the two drivers doors facing. “What you got?” I asked. “Something new.” she said “It will take you to other worlds, nothing like this has ever existed.” Oh man she knew how to push my buttons, “ how much?” “A hundred bucks.” she said. “Bit much isn’t it?” I haggled. “You get 5 for 100 it’s a good deal.” She has never sold me anything not worth the price so handed her 5 twenty dollar bills. She handed me a small package. “Don’t take them till you are home, don’t take more than one, and take them in order they are marked.” She drove off.
Tucking the package in my pocket I drove the speed limit so I would not get pulled over. Once on my garage I tore open the package and dump five glowing red pills into my palm. Floating and spinning around inside each of the pills where what look like flakes of gold. I found the movements mesmerizing. Each pill had white dots on it, apparently this is how they were numbered. One for one, two dots for number two etc. Shaking my head I realized I had been staring at the pills for a good 20 minutes I got out and headed in side.
They did, in fact, glow in the dark. I was so excited I had to stop, and work on my breathing. I located the one with a single white dot and put the others back in the bottle. I had the next 2 days off so close to 50 hours free time, plenty of time for a trip. I swallowed the pill with half a bottle of water, and sat back to meditate.
In my experience it would take 20 minutes or more to start feeling it so I tried to keep my mind open and neutral. I had just gotten comfortable and felt Zen, when the temperature of the room shot to what felt like 100⁰. I felt myself being shoved forward like I had been hit by a car I opened my eyes and saw what looked like a tube or tunnel rushing at me, or was I rushing towards it? I felt like I was pinned to a wall behind me that was shoving me forward faster and faster. I could no longer see the room only the rainbow tie dye patterns of the tubes wall. Well, I thought, now I know what a bullet feels like.
I was begining to have sensation reactions like when I did extasy.
I could feel my nipples get hard as a rock. I was aware of every inch of my skin and where my rippling clothing rubbed my skin. Wait, my clothes were moving? A warm wind was blowing in my face moving my clothes and hair. The end of the tunnel was approaching and I was slowing down. I tumbled out of the mouth of the tube into a soft surface and the tube vanished. I was in the middle of a huge crowd of people out side on a dark night.
A bass so deep it could only be felt and not heard, was thumping and a strange techno song was filling the air. I lay on my back gathering myself and saw a night sky I did not know. A small green moon with an ocean hung in the sky.
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