Sex Story Author: | Krejik |
Sex Story Excerpt: | So she had come over looking slutty? That was nice. The girl liked to show herself off. I wonder how |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Cheating, Cum Swallowing, Exhibitionism, Fiction, First Time, Male/Female, Male/Teen Female, Masturbation, Pregnant, Romance, Virginity, Young |
I am Jason, a mid thirties married man living in suburbia. My wife Tiffany and I have been married for almost ten years. We have no kids, she never wanted any. That sounded great when I was younger and I didn’t mind when we bought the house in a great neighborhood. It’s easy for us to manage our money and do all the things our friends can’t. They have kids and all the trappings involved. Still as time goes on and Tiffany still puts work above everything else I wish we’d had a kid or two.
Let me explain a little. I work at home most of the time. The company I work for is based out of town. They have projects and send them to me when their regular guys can’t handle it. Sometimes it’s just they have too many other things they are working on, sometimes it’s too complex for their regular teams. The company has about fifteen IT guys. Half are probably about as skilled as most teenagers. The other half are better but still not at my skill. Sure they have a degree, I have several degrees and a natural knack for computing.
Needless to say I don’t get out much unless Tiffany wants to go somewhere or I surprise her with a vacation away somewhere. Sitting at home, as nice as it is in our house, can get boring. Sometimes I listen to the radio just to hear other people talking. It’s times like this that I wish we had kids.
My neighbors are mostly ten to thirty years older than me, and besides asking me which phone or computer I think is best for them they don’t really talk to me. Many have kids, some even grand kids. Some days I sit by our pool and listen to the multitude of buses and kids as they pass my home. If we had kids I wouldn’t be alone right now, I always think.
It was a cool spring and one Tuesday night we had high winds blowing a cold front through. I ran out and folded up the patio umbrella and shoved it into the shed. Damn it was cold out. Less than an hour later I heard a loud crack followed by smashing sounds. I looked outside but couldn’t see what the noise had been, it was pitch black out.
I went back to my desk and burned the midnight oil on my computer. It wasn’t until noon the next day that I discovered what the wind had done. I walked out back to find a huge branch from my back neighbor’s tree had fallen and broken our fence. This was no little branch, it was half the tree! About a foot and a half diameter and probably twenty or more feet of tree branches laying in our yards and my pool.
I surveyed the damage and it was relatively mild. Mostly limited to part of the fence and one unlucky patio chair. I made some calls and by the next morning had a guy cutting up the branches and taking chunks of tree and fence out of my yard and pool. He said the whole tree needed to be chopped down because it was now in danger of falling the rest of the way down.
“Well I’ll give them your information. But I can’t tell you to cut down someone else’s tree,” I told him. He just laughed and nodded. I could tell he wanted to just do it anyway since he was here. He may even have gone over to ring their bell, I don’t know.
Now I needed someone to fix the fence. But why should I pay for that? It wasn’t even my tree. Damn branches were leaning over my fence and leaves always littered my pool. I was relieved to think I wouldn’t be picking up leaves this fall. Later I was relaxing by the pool when my neighbor finally came out.
He was in his early forties but He looked closer to fifty. He had more grey hair than brown. He was about average height and fit, not the bulky daily gym routine look but certainly not a couch potato either. We talked and in the end he convinced me the whole length of fence needed to be replaced anyway might as well do it now. Since it was our mutual fence I’d pay half.
I didn’t want to pay anything but the fence was about five years past due to be repaired and now it really did need to be replaced. Most the support beams were cracked or loose in the ground. Might as well. He said he’d take care of the arrangements and let me know before he did anything.
Friday, still no estimate for repairs and still a big hole about ten feet wide between our yards. I had come out late for my daily swim. Before getting in the pool I noticed a field of bare legs in my neighbor’s back yard. I walked around my pool to allow myself a little more time to eye the beautiful scenery. There were three pairs of lovely legs. As I worked my way closer I noticed they were all in bathing suits and facing up, sunbathing.
I swam for a little bit. Every time I reached the pool closest to the fence I would lean up to peek over. Damn, been too long since I’ve seen a woman much less three. My wife rarely let me see her change and the twice a month she dedicated to me was always in the dark. I could feel my trunk swell at each glimpse of those smooth legs.
I went inside and grabbed a beer. I drank half then worked up a plan to talk to the ladies. Only one could be the wife of that old man so that left two that might be available. Hell for that matter I wasn’t available, I didn’t really care so long as I could get a closer look at those fine bodies.
I walked out, making sure they heard the door. I walked casually by my pool sipping on my cold beer. Then, I took a deep breath and walked up to the open fence.
“Hello,” I called out loudly. Maybe louder than I had intended.
All three sets of eyes shot open and turned to me. One girl saw me and leaped up and ran inside. I couldn’t help watching her small figure as she ran. Very nice. When she was sadly out of sight I turned to the other two.
“I haven’t heard anything about when you guys are going to patch this opening up,” I said trying to be casual. I wanted to walk into their yard but even without a fence I felt like it was still there blocking me.
Neither one said anything. “Well, I must say I am enjoying the opportunity it has provided to meet you ladies.” I said as smoothly as I could manage.
One of them stood up then, the other looked ready to run. She was trying to be casual covering herself while not looking like that was what she was doing. The brunette walked straight to me, I watched as her hips swayed more with each step. She moved as if she was trying this for the first time. By the time she reached me she had it worked out and my body was reacting on its own. As she got closer I realized that wasn’t a bathing suit, she was wearing a regular bra and panties.
“I’m not sure, my father has been trying but some people want to charge him just to come look at it,” she said smoothly.
My mouth went dry as my eyes finally moved up her legs, up the outline of her panty line and continued up her wash board abs, around her small perky breasts, up to her thin smooth neck, then up to grinning red lips and finally to piercing blue eyes. Did she say father? Another quick breath and glance at her body and I realized too late my hardon was for a teen.
I forced myself to look this girl in the eyes. Immediately I regretted it. I caught her looking down at my bulging trunk. My wet swim suit clinging to me only emphasized my tool. Too late to hide behind the fence. I was standing boldly in the middle of the opening where I had intended to show off my body to three mature women.
“Do you want me to tell him anything?” She asked, when I didn’t speak.
I worked moisture back into my mouth. “Nah, just let me know if you hear anything,” I managed to say.
She nodded, glanced back down at my swollen member trying to ripe through my shorts. Then with another knowing smile at me she turned and slowly swayed back up to her friend. She waved her inside and I watched both pairs of tight little asses disappear. Without thinking I rubbed my swollen rod, fuck it had been a long time since I’d gotten that excited. I got back in the pool and let the cool water relax me.
After a few minutes I had almost forgotten the young girls when they came back out, playing loud music. I looked over the yard to see them dancing about to the music. The girl that had run was wearing a t-shirt and short shorts. The modest girl that stayed in the lawn chair earlier had only added a shirt to what she had on before. But, the bold sexy young thing that I spoke to was wearing the same bra and panties.
They dance for several songs then stopped to laugh and giggle with each other. The music had stopped too.
“We should jump in his pool,” I heard one voice.
“It’s not his pool she wants,” another voice said.
“He was hot for an old guy,” the first voice said. I was sure that was the girl I had talked to earlier but their voices had that same squeak of excited little girls.
“I think he’s still in the pool,” the third said. She had to be the shy girl that ran. She sounded like she was going to run again.
“No, he’s long gone by now.” She first teen said.
“Don’t sound so sad, you’ll see him again,” the second voice teased. “In your wet dreams!”
“Haha, you would dream too if you’d seen his penis the way I did. Oh my god!”
They burst into laughter. When it finally died down they were whispering and giggling. I was starting to get cold sitting in water and not moving. Despite the cold, my dick had sprung to life with their talk. What the fuck is wrong with me? Those girls were just that, girls. Why couldn’t I get my dick to stop popping up?
Forced to stay in the pool I listened to the girls talk hearing little pieces here and there. They were talking about boys, maybe me and whatever they’d heard about boys on TV and from friends. Fed up with my wood, I reached down and began to rub one out. Their voices seemed to cheer me on. In less time then it took during sex I was cumming. I couldn’t stop a grunt as I blew a load into my swim shorts.
Their voices stopped. It was silent for a minute, I froze. I’m a grown ass man why am I hiding from teenage girls. Besides this is my yard I’m not doing anything wrong.
“What was that?” The shy girl asked, I could just imagine her trembling, ready to run.
“Go look!” The other girl said softly.
“Ok, wait here.” My fantasy said.
My eyes searched the fence line to see if they were coming to investigate. It had gotten darker and I could only make out the silhouettes of the girls. Could they see me? I ducked down lower into the water.
“Let’s just go inside and watch a movie.” I could hear slow footsteps in the grass.
“Ooo, I know just the one we should watch.”
There was a pause as they seemed to try to decide what to do.
“Fine, you two are no fun!” Then there was a slew of noise as the three girls retreated through the darkness.
With that they all went in. I scrambled out of the pool and ran inside to warm up. Inside and safe I tried I take my mind off the girls especially the bold blue eyed beauty. I got on my computer, no projects to work on… I started to play a game but kept day dreaming of her. I gave up and went to a porn site to get me off again. I watched a few of my usual style videos, it wasn’t long before I found myself watching a barely legal video with a blue eyed blond that helped me rock my balls off. Finally I was spent and went to bed.
I woke up around noon. My doorbell was ringing. I got up naked and pulled on some gym shorts. I stumbled to the door. Surely who ever had rang the bell was gone by now.
I opened the door to see her. She smiled at me, her eyes going down my body. I took the time to look at her too, in a tight red top with a little black mini skirt. My sleeping giant began to twitch awake.
“Can I help you?” I asked, trying to focus and not think of this little girl as anything more than my neighbor’s daughter. Images of the blue eyed blond from my porn snuck into my mind and popped me to full mast.
She had a small grin, “um, I’ve heard you are good with computers?”
She lifted a laptop up to me and asked, “can you take a look at it? It’s not working right.”
“Sure, what’s it doing?” I asked taking my mind off her body and looking at her laptop. It was pretty new had a camera and mic on it and was a decent model. In fact it was probably more computer power then a teen girl could possibly need.
“Just… I don’t now, it’s acting weird and slow and stuff.”
I smiled at her, “ok I’ll take a look and see what I can find.”
“Thanks, uh… I’m Jessica.”
“Oh sorry, hi Jessica I’m Jason.”
“Jason,” she whispered to herself. “Can I get it tomorrow?”
Oh I’d love to give it to you now, Jessica! I thought. “Get what?”
She smiled and looked down at my shorts. I casually put her laptop between her and my pole. She looked back up and blushed, “my computer?”
“Oh shit, yeah. Uh sorry… I, just woke up so I’m not all here yet.”
“Uh it’s almost one. I mean, sorry I’ll be going…” She turned and swayed away.
I stared at the point where her legs disappeared up her skirt. It took me a moment to realize she had stopped and turned back looking at me. She was smiling again.
“I almost forgot, my dad wanted me to tell you, there’s going to be two different guys coming to give him an estimate Monday.”
“Thanks, Jessica.” I closed the door so she wouldn’t see me staring at her anymore. I breathed heavily for a minute. God damn she’s pretty.
I looked down, my erection wanted more attention but my mind remembered her laptop. Curiously, I sat down to work on it. I hooked it up to my equipment and started to diagnose it. I couldn’t find any major faults so I began scanning for viruses and spyware. I changed a few things and did a general cleanup on her computer. I downloaded some software updates for her operating system. But I found Nothing that would explain her vague problem.
I started to check things downloaded in the past month. Expecting to find some virus or spyware, nothing significant there. I looked into other files that were changed or created in the past month. She had a few files so I scanned through them. Nothing. There were four pictures taken after midnight, early this morning. Curious I opened the first one.
It was her, standing in front of a mirror wearing a shirt, her pink and purple panties peeking out underneath. Her legs partially open to show the gap between them. I felt my shorts shift as my dick twitched.
I closed the picture. Fuck, she’s just a kid and I’m going perv and snooping in her files. I was going to shut it down… My eyes fixated on the four image files, all from last night. Each one taken only minutes after the other. She’d never know that I looked.
I opened the next image. Still standing in front of a mirror. Only this time she had no shirt. It was just the pink and purple hipster panties and the same hot pink bra I had seen her sun bathing in earlier that day . Her expression was sexy too. She was blowing a kiss and winking.
I examined every one of her little curves. They were subtle, her hips hadn’t really developed so they were almost even with her waist but there was a small bump where her hip bones had started to push out. Her breasts were small barely developing, the bra was probably a 32A, or even AA.
Her face and legs didn’t escape my sharp inspection. Suddenly I remembered there was another two images. I clicked the next one.
She had one arm across her bare breasts. Her hand cupping one small tit, her forearm hiding the other. Her other hand was holding the camera so she had crossed her legs to hide her naked pussy. A small patch of fuzz was peeking out from above her legs. Her treasure hidden. That didn’t stop me from pulling out my throbbing pole. I burst a load almost immediately without even stopping I began working my still aroused cock.
My balls had started the week off so heavy. Just meeting this girl I’ve unloaded more times in the past two nights than I had in the previous two months.
I closed the image file, my hands trembled excitedly over the next image. Each one had progressively exposed more and more of her body. The only thing left was for her to show me her little pussy. Oh fuck, I was excited. My cock twitched at the thought of the next image file.
I opened it. It wasn’t her, but it was a pussy, cat. A orange and white tabby laying on the edge of a pink bed in an adorable position. I began to laugh. Did she know I’d be looking? Did she take this picture next on purpose as a joke or was this just the random picture of a flighty teen girl. It was too perfect. I wanted to see pussy and she showed me one just not the kind I wanted.
The humor of it made it easier for me to close the files and shut down her computer. I had received a task from work a few minutes ago so pushed her computer aside. I was up late working on my work project, it wasn’t a difficult task just time consuming. By four in the morning I had decided I wouldn’t finish it tonight. I sent my co-workers an update on the task and gave them an estimated time I’d finish. Off to bed.
When I woke up I noticed the suitcases. My wife had returned from her business trip. She wasn’t in bed so she must be here somewhere. I got up searched the house. She wasn’t here? That’s weird. But then I found myself in my office and hadn’t realized until too late that I was looking for Jessica’s laptop. I thought it was here. Did I take to the living room? I’d have remembered that, but I went to check anyway since it wasn’t where I thought it would be.
I was still frantically searching when my wife walked in from outside.
“What are you looking for?” She asked.
I hadn’t realized she was outside this whole time. My body froze, every part of me went cold. I felt like she knew what I was looking for, somehow she knew about the pictures I needed to see again.
“Well?” She asked again.
“Oh sorry you scared me. I didn’t know you were here,” I told her. It wasn’t a complete lie, I really did think she had gone out somewhere.
She laughed and I kissed her.
“Welcome home.”
“Thanks. What did you do to the fence?”
“Oh you know I always wanted a bigger yard.” We both laughed. “The neighbor’s tree split in half and smashed it.”
We went out to lunch and talked about the last week apart. On our way home she said, “some skinny little girl came by this morning to pick up her laptop.” She looked at me. “She’s pretty… Young.”
“Oh yeah, her dad asked me to work on it for her,” I lied.
“Oh? When was that? You didn’t mention it earlier.”
“Oh yeah, slipped my mind. It was nothing, just optimized it and cleared out junk that was bogging down memory,” I said trying to be casual. Damn, I didn’t even copy the pictures to my computer like I wanted too.
“She looked slutty.”
“Well you know kids now a days.”
We dropped the talk about Jessica.
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