Sex Story Author: | ClockworkOrange |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Roquette was the only one there when I got there. "Hi, Karen!" he smiled. "You've had some background in |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, BDSM, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Boys/Teen Female, Cheating, Cruelty, Cum Swallowing, Discipline, Domination/submission, Erotica, Female / Girl, Female Domination, Female solo, First Time, Girls / Female, Girls domination, Group Sex, Humiliation, Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Romance, School, Spanking, Teen, Threesome, Toys, True Story, Virginity, Voyeurism, Written By Women, Young |
— Monday
When I got to school on Monday, it was a pretty normal day, I thought.
I was wearing a red plaid dress and a white blouse. It was a pleasant
enough day for mid-September; in the low 70s and partly cloudy. It
was two weeks into my junior year. My name is Karen.
But when I got inside the front door, I had to push my way into a big
crowd. I asked someone what was going on, but didn’t have time to
listen to their answer. “Karen Wagner, right?” a guy said. I nodded,
and he grabbed my arm and swept through the crowd with me. I didn’t
know who he was, but he took me to the principal’s office. The
principal met me at the door. The crowd was kept back a few feet from
the door, but it was very loud.
I didn’t know him, I’d said “Hi” to him in the hallway, but I knew who
he was, of course. I was surprised to find he knew who I was.
“What’s going on?” I asked him. “Hmm. Yes.” He coughed, seeming a
little nervous, but then smiled at me. “You’ve been selected, Miss
“For what?” I was mystified.
“We’ve had a change in policy for the school,” he told me. “We’re
going to pick a few students each week. Here, this will explain
further.” He handed me a pamphlet.
I glanced at it, then blushed; it had a picture of a nude man and
woman on the cover. But the principal had given it to me… right in
school… it seemed pretty weird.
“You can review that later,” he told me. “It explains a new program
we have, where we will select a few students each week to attend
school in the nude. You will not be permitted to wear any clothing
this week during school hours, except shoes and socks if you wish.
Could you please undress now?”
I blushed very hard. “You want me to… to take off my clothes…
right here?”
“It’s a mandatory program for you, Miss Wagner. I can have a couple
of gentlemen assist you if necessary to ensure your cooperation.” He
glanced behind himself. There were a couple of burly men waiting
there. “You have 2 minutes as of now.”
I didn’t have any choice, clearly. I gulped very hard and very
nervously, but as quickly as I could manage, I started taking off my
clothes. The crowd mostly cheered, aside from some of my best
friends. No one stepped forward to help me.
One of the burly guys stepped forward and began picking up my clothes.
“Hey, where are you going with those?” I demanded wildly.
“You won’t be needing them,” he told me.
“You’ll get them back at the end of the day, Miss Wagner,” the
principal told me. “Please come to school appropriately attired for
the rest of this week.”
“B-but…” I was terrified! “You said I could have my shoes and
He nodded, and the burly man dropped them on the floor.
“Go ahead and put them on if you wish,” the principal told me,
smiling, and I sat on a bench and did so. It didn’t help at all, I
had goosebumps all over.
The principal looked at me unsympathetically. “There’s a list of the
other special rules for you in the back of the booklet,” he told me.
“Now, you’d better get to class. Have a nice week!”
I dashed to the bathroom first, just to get away from the crowd, and
sat in there reading the pamphlet. I read it through several times,
feeling dizzy about it. The program was actually approved by the
school board and the state!
There was a list of rules, as the principal had mentioned. One was
that I would be required to stay in public areas of the school, except
for three bathroom breaks per day, of no more than 5 minutes. I’d
have to use the boy’s locker room for gym class. I wasn’t allowed to
cover myself with any type of clothing, books, a backpack, or even my
hands during school; if I did so at any time, my hands could be tied
or handcuffed behind me!
“Come out of the bathroom now, Karen,” the female assistant principal
told me. I hastily flushed the toilet and came outside. Once again
there were lots of cheers from the crowd of students. Including some
of the girls.
I had to try to move through the crowd to get to class. It was hard,
because it seemed like everyone wanted to stare at me. I finally got
there, but I was 10 minutes late. A few others followed me into
“Hmm! I guess I can see the reason for the delay,” the teacher said.
It was algebra. I took my seat, getting only a little relief from
staring eyes. There were less people in class, but most of them spent
most of the class looking at me. My chair felt cold on my bare
I read the brochure again during class. I had to cooperate with
teachers who wanted to have me assist with instruction. That was
going to come up in biology class, I was sure. I blushed, but read
on. I was to consider myself on display for any student who wanted to
examine me, and cooperate in letting them look me over.
I jumped; the teacher was looking at me. “Yes, Mr. Dennison?”
“Come up here, please.”
I walked nervously to the front of the class.
“I was told we can have you help with classroom exercises.” He smiled
at me, not unpleasantly, but as interested in my status as the other
“I guess so,” I nodded, blushing. I heard a few titters.
“We might as well, since everyone is looking at you anyway. Face the
class, please.”
I did so. God, it was humiliating!
“Does anyone have any suggestions of an algebra problem involving Miss
Wagner?” he asked.
Half the class raised their hands, and Mr. Dennison had me write all
of their suggestions on the white board.
Calculate the volume of my breasts, and percentage of my total body
Determine total mass of breasts among students in the school
Number of hands which could feel my breasts, buttocks and inner thighs
at once
Coefficient of friction of my vagina
Equations calculating how long it would take me to have sex with every
boy in my grade, and in the school, based on different assumptions
to be entered as variables
Calculate distance from my lips to my throat, then based on statistics
about penis sizes, determine how many boys in the school I could
“deep throat”
The suggestions were getting more explicit. Finally Mr. Dennison
stopped taking them, and told each student to work on the problems. I
had to remain in front of the class, and he measured my body himself
to provide the data for their equations.
Finally the class was over with. Again I had to venture into the
hallway, where I was the subject of scrutiny as I struggled to pass
through the crowd.
I found out there were 3 girls from each grade who were required to
spend the week naked. The following week, a new group would be
A couple of the girls were enjoying the attention quite a bit. One
freshman girl, though, was even more freaked out than most of us, and
had to be taken to the hospital. The word I head was that she’d have
to complete the week like the rest of us, then serve another whole
week later on. Wow…
My next class was history. There wasn’t much the teacher could have
me do in that class. She did sternly warn the other students that
they were to pay attention to the class, and not to me. She also
kindly moved me to the back of the classroom, so I got something of a
break in her class.
My third class of the day was gym. We were in the pool, so I had to
leave my shoes and socks in the men’s locker room, being jostled and
ogled by the guys, then I had to go out to the pool, completely naked
now. The teacher had us all doing strokes for the first half of the
class, then as normal we had free time for the 2nd half, which meant
we had 20 minutes to do whatever we wanted before we were to go shower
and get ready for our next class.
During free time, I was chatting briefly with one of my friends,
Cindy. She was nervous because of all the attention I was getting
from the guys, so she swam away from me. I started to swim away, too,
but one of the guys caught me by the arm. His name was Mike. I
didn’t know him very well.
“Hi,” I said nervously, but smiled at him anyway.
“How do you like running around naked?” Mike asked me.
I blushed. “It’s pretty embarrassing,” I told him. “It’s going to be
a long week!”
He chuckled. “You’ve got a nice, pretty bare ass,” he said. “Would
you mind pushing yourself up on the side of the pool so it’s above the
water line, so a few of us can admire it?”
I blushed even harder. “I think you can see me fine without that!”
“I heard you have to do stuff like that, when requested to do so” he
“I thought so, too,” another guy said. “Hey! Mr. Roquette! Doesn’t
she have to pose for people?”
The gym teacher swam over. “What did you want her to do?” he asked.
Mike explained briefly.
Mr. Roquette looked at me and sighed. “It’s tough getting used to all
of this, isn’t it?” he asked me.
I nodded, embarrassed.
“I’m afraid you have to do it,” he told me. “You have to cooperate in
any way anyone wants so they can look you over.”
I gulped, but pushed myself up on the side of the pool enough so my
buttocks were out of the water.
“Hold yourself just like that, please!” Mike told me, chuckling. He
and several other guys were right behind me. A few others stood in
front of me, looking at my bare chest. I blushed, looking up at them,
but remained in that position.
“That’s enough, I think,” Mr. Roquette told the boys, and also me. I
was straining to stay as I was. I slid into the water, relieved; I
was getting pretty tired!
I got to swim around a little, then Mr. Roquette blew the whistle and
we had to get out of the water. I had to go into the boy’s room and
shower with them; most of them took off their swimsuits and showed off
their erections to me and to each other.
“Am I at least allowed to towel off?” I asked Mr. Roquette nervously.
He smiled. “I think so. Just don’t cover yourself for long with the
I nodded and toweled off quickly, then borrowed a hairdryer and
brushed my hair, with the guys watching me as they got dressed.
I put my shoes and socks back on, and stepped back into the hallway,
feeling more nervous once again. The boy’s locker room was full of
guys, but at least it wasn’t the whole school.
“Karen!” Mike pushed through the crowd to catch up to me.
I shivered a little. “What do you want me to do now?” I asked him
He grinned, a little embarrassed but shrugging it off easily. “I
didn’t make the rules. I can walk with you to your next class if you
I started to turn away, but he was about the only person who had
talked to me all day. “Uh — all right,” I nodded. After a moment, I
added a polite, “Thanks.”
He grinned again. “It might be me next week. Are you getting by all
“Well… it is *awfully* embarrassing.” I blushed. “I don’t have a
lot of choices about it.”
“I’m glad you had to do it. You’re very pretty, Karen!”
I glared and started to stomp off.
“Hey! Come on, would you rather I was sorry I get to see you without
clothes? Be reasonable. A lot of girls will have to do it this year.
You’re the one I most would have wanted to see like this, that’s all.”
I stopped, still blushing hard. “I… sorry. It’s very difficult.
I’ll try to be nice.”
“You’re always nice,” he told me. “Come on, let’s be friends.”
“All… right.” I smiled a little.
“I’m still going to enjoy looking at you, though,” he said cheerfully.
“I can’t stop you,” I sighed.
My next class was the one I’d been dreading the most; biology. As I
expected, the teacher took the opportunity to discuss female
physiology, using me as a model. She was young and pretty herself;
the boys often asked her questions intended to embarrass her. She was
good natured about it. Her name was Miss Hooker, which added to the
“You might be interested in knowing that, during the course of the
year, some of the teachers might be, uh, shall we say ‘invited’, to
teach without clothing occasionally,” she told the class. “What a
school system, huh?” She smiled, blushing a little herself.
The boys all began joking.
“We’ll use such opportunities for tests,” she added. “Study hard; you
wouldn’t want to come up short on any of those questions, would you?”
She grinned again.
Her attitude was impressive. But then, I assumed she’d never actually
been in the position before; the position that I was now in; sitting
on a stool, completely naked, in front of a class and having my body
pointed at for a study aid.
She discussed secondary sex characteristics, pointing to my breasts,
pubic hair, and others, and discussing them thoroughly. I was glad
I’d shaved under my arms. At least one thing had gone right for me
that day.
Finally the class was over with. It was lunch time. A group of my
friends gathered around me and didn’t let anyone disturb me while I
ate. It was the only real break I had that day. Of course, they
questioned me in detail about my day, and how it felt to have to stay
naked through school, and what I planned to do about the following
day and the rest of the week.
“Somehow I don’t think they’ll let me just stay home sick for the rest
of the week,” I said, and explained what I’d heard about the freshman
“So you’re just going to *do* it?” Helen asked me. “Come to school
naked all week?”
“I don’t have any choice at all,” I pointed out angrily. “None!”
After lunch, I had English class, then government. They went as the
rest of the day had gone. My government teacher couldn’t keep his
mind on class, and kept making Freudian slips as he tried to watch me
while teaching the subject.
Finally, it was the end of the day. I went to the office to ask for
my clothing back.
“Ah, Miss Wagner. I kept hoping someone would send you in here for a
spanking,” the principal joked.
I blushed. “I just want to get my clothing,” I said.
“Oh. Sure, of course. You will remember to leave it out of the
school for tomorrow, won’t you?”
“Somehow I doubt if I’ll forget,” I said, and started to get dressed.
“You’ll have to go outside to do that,” he told me sharply. “Did you
read your booklet at all?”
I blushed again. “Oops. Sorry.” I hurried out of his office and
went outside into the parking lot. I sat down in the grass and took
my shoes off so I could start getting dressed. Several students
stopped and watched me do so.
When I got home, no one was there, as usual. I tried to do my
homework, but it was hard to concentrate on it. What was I going to
tell my parents? “Hi, Mom, Hi, Dad, I spent the whole day at school
bare naked. How was your day?” My dad was pretty conservative… so
was my mom, for that matter.
So by dinner time, I hadn’t said anything about it. When we sat down
at the table, I had decided not to bring it up because I didn’t know
what to say.
“You seem quiet tonight, Karen,” my mother said. “Are you feeling
“I’m fine,” I told her. My little brother Jimmy, who was 13,
chattered away about sports, and my dad talked to him, so that got
us through dinner.
When we were done eating, I went to my room claiming I had schoolwork
to do. A short time later, there was a knock on my door and my mother
came in, followed by my dad. They closed the door.
“What’s wrong?” my dad asked in his firm but friendly way.
“Oh, Daddy!” I leapt over at him, and he hugged me and held me.
“When I got to school, the *principal* made me strip *naked*, and I
had to go to all my classes without my clothes on!” I blurted out,
He held me for a while, until I settled down, then he had me explain
what had happened. I was shocked when I glimpsed his face; he didn’t
seem upset at all!
“I know,” he told me. “We — your mother and I — asked that you be
signed up for it. We thought it would be a good experience for you.”
I couldn’t believe what he was saying! I looked at my mother, and she
was nodding!
“Settle down and listen to what we have to say,” Dad continued.
“You had… you *asked*…” I was gasping.
“Do you want to hear about it?” he asked me.
“No!” I said wildly. “No, I want you to get me out of it!”
“That’s not going to happen, dear,” my mother said soothingly.
“Listen to your father, please.”
I didn’t really want to, but finally, after several deep breaths, I
sat down again and listened numbly.
They thought I was too shy, they told me. Not adaptable enough. And
the world was changing. When the state law was being considered, they
had investigated it and surprised themselves when they discussed it;
they were both in favor of it. It wouldn’t hurt me at all to loosen
up, break out of my mold, and try something adventurous for a change.
“We’re in favor of it, dear. You’ll have to give it a try this week.
We might sign you up for it again later on, too,” my mother said,
smiling at me. “Would you like me to drive you to school tomorrow?”
“No!” I said angrily. “I’ll just enjoy the experience again of
stripping in front of hundreds of people, right outside the school!”
They left after that, and I didn’t see them again until they wished me
— Tuesday
When I got up in the morning, I tried to think of a way to get out of
going to school. Then I remembered that freshman girl.
I showered, then nervously picked out some clothes that I could remove
without much fuss. I wore blue sweat pants that unzipped at the
bottom, and a pink short sleeved sweat shirt.
I walked to school, avoiding the other students. Even going to
school, I felt awfully conspicuous.
I went to the main entrance. There was an old mailbox there, with a
sign above it, “For use by nude students”. Several guys were hanging
around there. I had arrived early, hoping to avoid the large crowd
from yesterday. It would be better to undress in front of a small
crowd and then go inside, I thought.
The guys were watching me and grinning. When I turned around, I heard
comments. “I think she’s going to do it now!” “She’s got a great
body, doesn’t she?” “Best tits in school!” “She looks scared!”
“Yeah, she’s shy. Makes it cute to watch her.”
I was very nervous, and took a couple of deep breaths, wiping my hands
on my pants. If I didn’t want to strip in front of a crowd, though, I
had to go ahead pretty soon, though. I gulped hard and faced against
a wall, and kicked off my shoes. Then I hurriedly pulled off my shirt
and then pushed my pants down and off, my face *blazing*, and dropped
my clothes into the box. I was wearing nothing but socks! I went
back and got my shoes on, then rushed to the door to go inside.
It was locked! The school door didn’t open for students until 15
minutes before classes began. I couldn’t go in for another 10 or 15
I went back over to the box, hoping to get my clothes back, but the
box was locked.
I cringed, looked at the guys. They were grinning, having a great
time watching me.
“I thought I’d be able to go inside,” I said feebly.
“So what’s the big deal?” one of the guys asked me.
“Now I have to stand out here, bare naked, until the doors open!” I
cried out angrily.
“So? You’re going to do it all day anyway,” he said reasonably.
I stared.
“We’re getting a few minutes of a private show. It’s not that big of
a deal, compared to the whole rest of the day. Is it?”
“I guess not,” I admitted slowly. “I didn’t expect it, though!”
He smiled. “We’re not going to hurt you, we’re just going to enjoy
watching you. Okay?”
I shrugged helplessly, and braced myself to wait outside with them for
the school doors to open.
“Mind if I talk to you?” one of the boys asked me.
I shook my head.
“I’m Dennis,” he introduced himself. “You’re Karen Wagner, I know.”
I nodded, blushing a little. “Nice to meet you, Dennis.”
“It’s nice to meet you!” He smiled, and we chatted about the ordeal
the school was making me go through.
The principal opened the door. “Ah, some eager students, I see,” he
I dashed into the building, with the guys right behind me. A school
bus was just pulling up to the door to let out a load of students.
“Miss Wagner?” the principal called, and I stopped reluctantly.
“I see you’re ready for school today,” he observed.
I blushed. “I don’t have any choice about it,” I reminded him.
He nodded and smiled. “That’s true. But I wanted to ask you to be as
cheerful and open as you can today. It’s a treat for all of us to
have such a pretty girl going naked around the school, but it’s
absolutely wonderful when you smile, and are friendly and nice. Will
you try?”
I swallowed. “I’ll… do my best,” I told him nervously.
“Great. Thanks!”
Dozens of students were streaming past by then. So much for my plan
to get into my classroom before being exposed to everyone in the whole
“Remember to let people look at you,” he reminded me. “Show me a nice
pose right now, please.”
I gulped, but nervously set my feet apart, then intertwined my hands
together behind my head, thrusting my chest out.
He smiled. “That’s nice!” He looked me over for a couple of minutes.
“Try this one, too. Keep your feet apart, but bend your knees and put
your hands on them, bending forward a little.”
I did as he directed me. “Like this?” I asked.
He nodded. “Turn around now.”
I did so.
“Stay still,” he said, and I obeyed. “Hmm, yes, that’s good. It
gives people a chance to look over your fanny.”
I stayed still, but felt nervous. I couldn’t see behind me. Someone
could grab me from behind, and I wouldn’t even know who it was!
Finally, the principal chuckled. “That’s enough for now, Karen.
You’d better get to class.”
I hurried down the hallway, and got to my algebra class just as the bell
was ringing, and went to my seat.
“Did everyone do their homework?” Mr. Dennison asked. “I didn’t
expect you would, of course, Karen,” he told me, but everyone else
had. “Why don’t you come up here, and you can work the problems on
the board, with the help of the class.”
He had me write each problem on the board, then answer it by writing
an equation that solved it. I made repeated mistakes. The class
chuckled as I calculated my breast size to be 78% of my body, the total
breasts in the school to weigh more than the moon, and 94 hands to be
able to explore my body at a time. I had to make corrections
according to the instructions from the other students. I did better
on the other questions, though the subjects were all humiliating to
me. I blushed all the way through class.
History class, once again, was really a relief, as the teacher was
sympathetic to me. Once again, she let me sit in the back of the
classroom, and didn’t call on me to answer any questions.
I ventured into the hallway, very nervously, and hurried to my next
class, which was gym. I almost went into the girl’s locker room,
but then remembered I was supposed to use the guy’s. I sighed and
went in nervously.
We were doing tumbling that day, so I had to leave my jewelry in a
locker. Several of the guys were just getting changed into their gym
One guy, Pete, grinned at me. “Not much changing to do for you, is
“Not much, no,” I said, smiling timidly, and hurried out to the gym.
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