Sex Story Author: | senorlongo |
Sex Story Excerpt: | It turned out that he’d lied to everyone. He had stage IV lung cancer where the disease had spread to |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, Oral Sex, Romance |
I was at work the following morning reviewing some bookkeeping for a small electronics firm when my phone rang. “Tim, Mr. Reinhardt wants to see you at two o’clock this afternoon. Be on time—he only has fifteen minutes.”
“Okay, Cheryl—any idea what he wants?”
“Sorry, I can’t say. Just be here on time. See you then.” She hung up as I wondered if Simon Alcott had said anything to our boss. I wasn’t worried. I had an MBA and had recently passed my CPA exams. I was sure I could find another job if necessary. I’d take my laptop with me—just in case.
I was busy the rest of the day and I had barely remembered to check my watch. Shit! It was 1:58. I jumped up, grabbed my jacket in one hand and my laptop in the other, taking off at a trot to the elevator. Luckily I was able to get on just as someone was getting off. I rode up three floors, slipping into the jacket as I did. I exited with only thirty seconds to spare and stepped up to Robert Reinhardt’s secretary exactly ten seconds early. She used the intercom and told me to stand by the door. It opened a few seconds later.
“Thanks for coming, Tim,” our CEO said. I was surprised to see a smile on his face. He shook my hand and led me into the office. We sat around a coffee table. There was a small couch and two upholstered arm chairs. “How do you like working for Ted?” He was speaking about my immediate superior—Ted Sumner.
“I think he’s the best boss I’ve ever had. I love working for him. Everybody in the department feels the same way.”
“It’s great that you’re so loyal. What do you think he has to say about you?”
“I hope he’d say I was a hard worker, reliable and cooperative, a good team player, and a good leader for my group.” I had five junior accountants who reported to me.
“Interesting…not the exact same words, but the exact same meaning; what I’m going to tell you now is for your ears only and I’m telling you this only because Ted has given his permission.” I was concerned. What on earth was he going to tell me…and why? “Ted has submitted his resignation effective at four o’clock this afternoon. He’s sick, Tim…stage III lung cancer. It doesn’t look good for him. The reason you’re here is very simple. He’s recommended you as his replacement and I agree. Have you given any thought to getting your CPA?”
I smiled although it was incredibly hard. Ted Sumner had been a friend and mentor since I had joined the firm. He was closer to me than my own father. “Yes, sir—Ted suggested I study for it almost a year ago. I took the exam back in March and learned last week that I had passed.”
“Congratulations…that’s wonderful—the only good news I’ve heard all day. What are you making now?”
“Eighty-eight, sir.”
“Well, that’s three things we’ll have to change. You’ll have a new title—Vice President for Accounting and Audits. You’ll have a salary of $130,000 and, as management, you’ll be eligible for a year-end bonus, and, obviously, you’ll need new business cards. Oh yeah, stop calling me ‘sir.’ Vice-Presidents here call me Rob or Robert—take your choice.”
“Yes, sir…I mean Robert.”
“We’ll have a formal announcement at ten Monday morning. Why don’t you bring that beautiful wife of yours to the ceremony? In fact, take her out to eat at an expensive restaurant and charge it to the firm.”
“That’s great advice…uh, Robert, but I don’t think it would be right. I’ll pay for the dinner myself.”
He smiled at me briefly then remembered that he had an important meeting. “We’ll go over everything after the announcement. We’ll get the custodial staff to move your stuff to Ted’s office whenever you’re ready.” He rose and I joined him. We shook hands and I left.
“Congratulations, Tim.”
“Thanks, Cheryl, but I wish it could have happened some other way.” I wanted to run to my office and call Jennie, but I knew I had to make another stop first. I had tears in my eyes as I walked to Ted’s office. Knocking on the open door I walked in just as I’d done hundreds of times before. This time I closed the door behind me.
“Ted…I am so sorry. I don’t know what to say. Everyone wants advancement, but I don’t want it like this.” He motioned me to a chair as he’d done so many times before, but would never do again.
“Thanks, Tim—I knew I’d see you right after your meeting with Robert. I have nobody to blame but myself. I can read and my doctor probably told me a thousand times to stop smoking, but I wouldn’t listen. I’ll have all my stuff out of here this afternoon so you can move in on Monday.”
“No, Ted…it’ll be a while before I can come in here—hopefully, a long while.”
“Thank you, Tim—you’re one of the finest people I’ve ever met—but I think you’ll be here much sooner than you think.” I looked at him much more closely than I ever had in the past. I could see the lines and other signs of strain in his face. I saw for the first time how much weight he had lost. I knew then—in that instant—that I’d lose my friend too soon.
I rose and Ted tried to shake my hand, but I hugged him instead. “Thank you, Ted…for everything. You’ve had more of an impact on my career than any other person.”
“Thank you again, Tim, but we both know that’s not true. You’ve made your career, not me.” I hugged him again and left before I broke down completely. I did that once I was in my office and had closed the door. I wept for more than a half hour and would have continued had I not seen the futility of it. I knew I’d mourn Ted for real and finally all too soon. Picking up the phone I called Jennie.
“Hi, sweetheart—don’t cook anything tonight. We’re going out to eat. I’ll tell you all about it when I get home.”
“Are you okay, Tim? You sound kind of congested.”
“Yes and no, Jen; I just got wonderful and horrible news all in the same minute. I’ll explain once I’m home. I will tell you that I wasn’t fired, but that’s all until we get together, okay?” She agreed, telling me how much she loved me and I told her the same before ending the call.
After checking my client files I placed another call. This time I spoke for almost a half hour before agreeing to an early appointment tomorrow morning—Saturday–at his business.
I left work early that afternoon, noticing that Ted’s office was closed and dark. The elevator was almost empty as I rode down the eight floors to the parking garage. My ride home was silent. I couldn’t even stand listening to the radio. I needed the embrace of my wife. She was waiting for me at the door dressed for dinner in a sexy black dress.
Jennie could see instantly that I was in distress so she took my briefcase and led me to the couch where she held my cheek to her breast. I couldn’t help myself—I broke down immediately, my tears staining her dress. I didn’t care and neither did she. Finally, my tears ended and I sat up. Jennie ran to the kitchen, returning a moment later with a damp dish towel that she used to wipe my face.
“The horrible news first,” I began. “Ted has stage III lung cancer.” Jennie gasped. She knew Ted and his wife Sharon well. We had even sat for their two kids while Ted and Sharon had taken a long weekend as a second honeymoon. “Apparently, they expect the worst. Ted told me he didn’t expect to live long.” I saw tiny tears form at the corners of her eyes.
“Can there be any good news after that?”
“There shouldn’t be, but there is—Ted recommended me to replace him. Robert agreed; Vice President for Accounting and Audits, 130K plus a bonus. The news will be released at an announcement ceremony—10:00 Monday morning. I’d appreciate if you could join me and smile for the photos even though I know just how hard it will be. Why don’t you change your dress and we’ll go out to eat?”
“Why don’t you take yours off and let me eat you?”
“That would be a great idea any other time, but for the first time in my life I’m not in the mood. I hope you’ll understand.” She laid her hand on my left cheek and her cheek on my right. She stayed like that for several minutes then rose and pulled me up. I followed her to the bedroom like a zombie. She placed me near the bed and removed my clothes. Once hers were off Jennie placed me into the bed and pulled the blankets over us. She stayed there with me all night holding and soothing me with her body. Just before falling asleep we agreed that we had to move on. We’d mourn Ted when he passed, but we still had to live our lives as best we could.
We were up early Saturday morning drinking coffee when I told her about my final conversation with Simon Alcott. “You know I’m afraid of guns. I don’t think I could ever shoot someone, even someone I hate like that awful Simon.”
“I know. That’s why we have an appointment with one of my clients at 9:30. He’s a dog trainer; he trains guard dogs. I doubt that Alcott would have done anything if you’d had a big German Shepherd around.”
“I’ve never had a dog, before. What if it bites me?”
“She won’t. She’ll be a part of our family, but one who will follow orders. I don’t know yet if we’ll be able to fuck on the floor like we’ve done, but we’ll see. C’mon, we have a half-hour drive so we need to dress.” We did and were out the door by 8:55, arriving at Karl Kline’s Kennel right on time. Not for the first time did I wonder at the company’s initials—KKK.
Karl met us as soon as we left my car. He liked me…a lot. I’d shown him how he could expand and get Uncle Sam to pay for it. I knew I’d do his accounting and his taxes until he died. Karl was a short man, but he had a big personality. He was gregarious around people, but his real element was with animals. The dogs rushed to the front of their caged areas wagging their tails eagerly as he approached. We stopped about two-thirds of the way down the aisle in front of a beautiful dog with light tan fur and only a hint of black on her shoulders. She was a two year-old spayed female.
“Kneel down, Jennie and let her smell your hand. Don’t be afraid; she’ll love you. Heidi is a very gentle dog and will be until you give her the command to attack. I’ll go over all the commands with you—yes, even the attack commands.” He opened the kennel door once Jennie was on the floor. Heidi rushed out to her master, but when he pointed to Jennie she approached carefully, sniffing Jennie’s hand and then mine. She licked Jennie’s hand and then her face when Jennie began to pet her and scratch her ears. Jennie looked up at me with a smile on her face.
We spent the entire day working with Heidi and Karl until we knew all her commands then returned again on Sunday, taking her home with us once I had paid Karl the $4,000 he had requested. I knew he was giving us a break of at least $3,000 and probably much more. Jennie walked Heidi around our property several times while I set up her water dish in the kitchen and her bed in our room. Our backyard was already fenced so that area wasn’t a concern. As it turned out the front wasn’t either. Heidi heeled next to Jennie even when several cars and a truck passed. Jennie rewarded her with a biscuit once she came into the house for the first time. Jennie and I sat on the floor in front of the couch and we weren’t surprised when Heidi curled up next to Jennie, her head on Jennie’s leg.
Jennie and I made love that night, but in our bed. Heidi was curious, but that was all. She went to lie on her bed at the foot of ours completely ignoring us as Jennie first took me deep into her mouth then straddled me to surround my cock with her hot pussy. “Thank you, Tim…I love Heidi and I agree with you.
Nobody will mess with me while she’s here. I only wish we’d had her when that asshole first showed up.” I pulled Jennie into a long kiss and we went swiftly to sleep despite our terrible concerns for our friend Ted.
We went to the office Monday morning where I received the congratulations of the staff. We smiled for the pictures and I shook Robert’s hand about twenty times, all of which were recorded for posterity. All of Ted’s personal property was gone from his office, but I couldn’t make the move—not while Ted was alive. That dilemma was resolved sooner than I wanted or prayed.
Ted passed less than three weeks after resigning.
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