MY Twisted Little Hobby!
MY Twisted Little Hobby!
Sex Story Author: | Castlequeen |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She hugged me again, and cried a little, which was just what I wanted, and I knew I was close. |
Sex Story Category: | Authoritarian |
Sex Story Tags: | Authoritarian, Bi-sexual, Coercion, Domination/submission, Fantasm, Female / Girl, First Time, Job/Place-of-work, Lesbian, Non-consensual sex, Rape, Reluctance, School, Virginity |
I’m 42, divorced, and have a great daughter who’s going to start her senior year in high School in a few days. Great, right? Well, I teach algebra at the school, and she can’t be in my class, so she’s on her own. I’m sure she’ll ask for help if she needs it, because that’s what I do, help the students as best as I can. I also use the students for my hobby.
Seducing, if not outright raping hot girls.
Shocked? Don’t be. I go both ways, and finding a great guy isn’t as easy as you might think. I am divorced with a daughter, after all. So after the divorce, I resigned myself to being a bit lonely, until I realized that a whole host of attractive young ladies were at hand. Sure, there’s a few that will certainly be dykes, but the hard core dyke isn’t what I like with women. I like them feminine, sweet and hotter than hell. Risky? Yes, but the rewards are worth it. I’m careful, I choose one girl, usually of the exact same type every year, go forward with my plan, and then get rid of her at the end of the year. No, nothing permanent, just cut them loose and have a fun summer, and then pick a new one at the start of the school year. It’s worked very well, and I have some outrageous sex as a result.
How do I do it? I pick the right type. High school girls are very self conscious, and very emotional, and I use that. The type is easy to spot, short on confidence, short on friends, short on self-esteem, and preferably geeky and nerdy. I’m like Henry Higgens, I can take that and mold them into hot little sex kittens and then have a great time with them.
I’m also not stupid, I do nothing at my home, I use a friend’s place. She owns a lovely home that has a mother-in-law cottage. She lets me use it in exchange for some nice pics of my little playthings. She prefers college girls who only pretend to be teenagers, but loves to see the real thing from time to time. How on earth can I get away with it if I have to force the girl? Easy, so very easy. My word vs. hers. If she’s lacking in confidence, I know I can convince her that it’s hopeless. I’m good at this. Maybe it’s sick, but I just don’t fucking care. I get lots of hot pussy. Lots, and I love it!
School starts, and I start to look over my targets. There’s a quite a few hotties this year, and many of them will provide masturbation fodder if nothing else. I settle on three likely targets and start to investigate further. Half the time, my own daughter provides info without having any idea why. One is a sweet, and adorable Asian girl, who is clearly worried about her grades from Day One. She’s got domineering parents is my guess, and her desire for superb grades rubs girls the wrong way, and so she appears to have few friends. The next is a plain jane type who has no fashion sense whatsoever and is quite awkward, my experienced eye can see that a bit of work, she’ll be a knockout, but she has zero confidence in her looks at all. I’m guessing she has no female role model around, possibly living with a father that couldn’t care less. The next is a bit more of a challenge as she appears to be sort of a Goth type, but doesn’t have the attitude. Wants to be the cool, disaffected loner type, but doesn’t have the guts to go for it. All three have great potential. I just have to decide which one I really want to get naked with and set my plan in motion.
I settled on Evie, the plain jane type. She had my class last, which made it very easy to befriend her. She was the last to get up and leave, making it incredibly easy.
“Evie? Have you got a few minutes?”
“Sure. Uh, what’s up?” she asked shyly.
I gave her a big smile.
“Oh, nothing serious, just wanted to see how you like the class so far, and how you think you’re doing, stuff like that.”
She looked thrilled that I even asked. Perfect!
“Well, I love the class, you’re a great teacher, you make it, uh, fun somehow.”
“Good to hear, but how do you think you’re doing so far?”
She looked downcast.
“Well, I like the class just fine, but I don’t know. Algebra isn’t easy for me. Sometimes I get sort of…lost in it?”
I gave her my best big smile.
“Well, if you ever need any help, just ask. I do plenty of tutoring after classes. I’d be thrilled to sit down with you and help you if you need it. I love to help my students do their best!”
She looked amazed.
“Really! Just let me know, and we’ll set up a session.”
“C-c-could we set one up now?” she stammered.
“Certainly! I have none going right now due to the school year being so new, so any day of the week works for me.”
“Um, would tomorrow work?”
“Of course, dear. I have a few things to do right after class, but we can meet up at 4:30?”
“Uh, yeah, that would be great. Meet you here?”
“No, sweetie, meet me at my office. I’ll give you the address.”
I wrote it down for her and gave her directions and she was happy as could be. She showed some brains in class, but she obviously had no street smarts or any idea what a conniving bitch I was!
The next afternoon, she showed up at my secluded studio and I got right to work. Oh, yes, I’d also gotten out of my rather plain attire that I wear to class and gotten into a pair of short shorts that showed my legs off to their best advantage. I also had a barely there tank top on. I keep in very good shape, and I’d see if she noticed my different look. She did.
“Your place is nice, and uh, wow, you look so different than you do in class.”
I smiled.
“I hope that’s a compliment, then.”
She looked guilty.
“Um, well, yes, I guess in class you have to follow rules as far as wearing, um, stuff that, uh, looks kind of…um, pretty. Or sexy.”
This girl was going to be sooo easy.
“Well, gosh, thanks! I try to look my best. You look really nice, too!”
She blushed immediately. I’d bet no one had ever complimented her before.
We went through the basic help she needed, and then we started talking. I was right, no mother, and a barely there father conspired to keep her woefully uneducated as far as being cool, stylish or sexy. We even got into the “talk” stage as he hadn’t really even given her much info there, and she seemed mighty grateful for it. She was starting to give me some hero-worship vibes, which was perfect.
After we talked for a good bit, it was time to toss her out, and not all that gently. I wanted her to feel like spending time with me was a privilege. She looked a bit hurt when I asked her to leave, but I made sure to give her a warm hug that lasted a few seconds too long to be 100% pure of motive, and she seemed to love it, feeling reassured by the human contact.
I headed for home and hopped in the shower and masturbated furiously, and well, not only did I fantasize about Evie, but Danni, who was my daughter’s BFF crept in there a bit. She’s a total knockout, but that’s a project that may take a lot more time to develop.
My daughter and I had a nice dinner, and a normal night, and we headed to bed. Next morning was uber normal, but in between second and third periods, I saw Evie going by during break, and she gave me a big wave. Several of the “cool” girls gave her some shit for it, which was exactly what I wanted. In class, she kept looking at me, and gave me a huge smile when the knowledge I’d given her yesterday came into play and she got a point in the game the class was using to build their familiarity with their subject.
After class, I wasn’t surprised at all by her lagging behind, and sure enough, she wanted to talk. She felt she needed more help, which I was happy to give her. An hour later, we were at my place and I changed again, (to feel more comfortable in the September heat, you know), and this outfit was even more revealing. Her eyes bulged a bit when I came out of the bedroom. I smiled at her and offered a snack, which she eagerly accepted.
The algebra went well, and the talk even better. Apparently her father wasn’t big on spending money on her. I, of course sympathized with her, and made soothing noises, which reassured her I was definitely on her side. After a bit more talk, I asked her if she’d mind coming along to the store with me as I had a few errands to run, and after all, I could give her a ride home as well. She’d had to take the bus the other day.
We got to the store and I picked up a few simple items, and I saw her hungrily eye a few cosmetics. She wore very, very little makeup, and without her telling me, I knew it was something her father didn’t spend much on. I knew she did a small amount of babysitting for spending money, and it seemed like and excellent in for me.
“What do you think of this color?” I asked.
She loved it, and when I expressed an interest in seeing it on her as well as myself, she got a dreamy, far away look as she tried on various things. She was pretty enough without it, but the makeup gave a bit more sexiness to her look, especially to her eyes. I complimented her again, and she smiled, but then looked sad, my perfect opportunity.
“Tell you what, let’s get this for you. I know you like it, and it looks great on you!”
“But…you can’t just buy that for me?”
I smiled.
“Yes, I can. It’s not that expensive, and it’ll make you feel nice. Good bargain in my book.”
“You don’t have to…..”
“I want to. There’s the difference. I think you need a confidence boost, and a few dollars worth of makeup is a small price to pay to see you with your head held high.”
She hugged me tight.
“Thank you so much…I don’t get a lot of people who want to see me happy.”
“Well just count on me as one of them who really wants to see you happy.”
I dropped her off, and she hugged me again. So easy, so, so, easy.
Of course, she’d done some experimentation, and found a solid look for herself with it the next day. She looked good, and for once, some of the snotty girls seemed to give her a bit of respect. Once again class, she did well, but at the end, she missed something and I had to correct her. In front of everyone. The look on her face was priceless. I knew she’d come begging for more help. She did, and this time, after the help, we talked a LOT more, and I knew that everything was working perfectly.
I dropped her off, and then at home I couldn’t help myself. My fingers slid under my panties, and gently brushed my wet pussy lips, and I slipped a finger in just a bit, just enough to get me warmed up and then I fingered myself furiously for a few moments, and then rubbed my clit with the one hand while the other squeezed my nipples, it wasn’t as good as having some hottie suck on them, but it felt good either way! I imagined what it’d be like to have Evie naked with me, and have her beautiful mouth sucking my tits, and it was a glorious fantasy, and as it built, my fingers had done what I’d desired, and I came with a loud moan just as she got to licking me in the fantasy!
Damn. I’d soaked myself. Oh well, nothing to be done but a shower, but certain noises told me my daughter was home. She wasn’t alone, Danni was with her. Yowza. Danni was wearing an incredibly short plaid skirt, that showed off her tanned and toned legs, and a crop top that did nothing to hide her solid breasts. Perky and bouncing high, she had an amazing body, and I knew what I wanted to do with it, but that would have to wait. I needed to clean up.
Once in the shower though, I couldn’t help myself, Danni entered my thoughts, and I wondered how sweet her pussy would taste, my daughter had informed that she was a neat freak that was huge on hygiene, and that’s something I love in a girl, so I kept thinking how delicate and sweet her taste and scent would be, and once again, my fingers wandered, but in the shower, I had something else, My trusty eight inch dildo. I’d used it extensively on myself, and I’d popped a few cherries with it. Maybe it’d pop Danni’s if she hadn’t already given it up, but I knew that it’d be the first thing to ever penetrate Evie!
In and out, with a steady motion, I fucked myself, while dreaming of having Evie wearing the strap on harness, and Danni’s sweet pussy on my face, forcing me to lick her until she came, and the two of them teasing me, pushing me, driving me to the brink of madness with their constant thrusting and pounding, and Danni grinding her pussy onto my face, yelling at me to suck her dry, and I couldn’t take anymore and I came with a vengeance, but kept thrusting, giving myself three or four more orgasms! As the sensations subsided, I realized I’d been a bit vocal, but hoped it hadn’t
been noticed.
The next afternoon Evie once again needed help, but this time I took her to a restaurant and bought her a nice meal afterward, and then a trip to the mall. She protested, but couldn’t stop me from buying her a simple skirt and blouse set that looked nice on her, and then I bought her a moderately priced pair of shoes and tights to go with it that looked great on her.
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