
My Stepsister

There may be some spelling and grammar errors as I’m not the best proof reader so if you see any drop a comment and I’ll correct it.

Moving to a new town and a new school is one of the hardest things a teenage girl can do, to leave behind every friend I have made and have to start all over again, to make new friends, get used to the town, the school and the teachers. All of the things I would have to do just to regain a sense of normality was staggering and intimidating but the fact that we were having to move because my mom had remarried made things even more intimidating so when we arrived at our new home I was terrified.

Mom walks through the front door to a house that is more like a small cottage like she has lived here forever. We are greeted by a girl, she looks like she is the same age as me but that is where the similarities end, she has long wavy naturally blonde hair, bright blue eyes, tanned skin that looks natural and not like it has been sprayed on and a body that any girl would kill for, she is tall and skinny with long legs, a flat stomach, a cute round face with a large smile and what look like D cup breasts all wrapped up in a pair of short shorts and a bright pastel pink tank top.

We couldn’t be any more different as I was short with some fat on my stomach, small B cup breasts, long straight black hair and green eyes, while she seems to be perky and happy I am more lets say moody and usually dress in dark clothes, most people would probably call me a goth.

The girl runs towards us with a huge smile on her face and wraps her arms around both me and mom at the same time pulling us into a big three person hug, I’m shocked and more than a little bit uncomfortable, I don’t even know who this girl is yet she is hugging me and my mom with a huge smile on her face like we are best friends he hasn’t seen for a while.

“I’m Adrianna, your sister.” The girl says practically bouncing up and down in excitement with that huge smile still plastered on her face.

“Sister?” I ask confused and shocked, mom had never mentioned anything about a sister and this is not the most pleasant way for someone who isn’t generally fond of people to find out they are going to have a new sibling.

“Yes sister, did I not tell you that?” Mom asks before rushing on and not giving me any time to answer her, “well you’re the same age and will be attending the same high school. Oh you’re going to be sharing a room as well, how cool is that?”

I’m getting annoyed with mom because she hadn’t told me that I was going to have a sister let alone that I would have to share a room with said unknown sister, I really didn’t like this sudden turn of events but Adrianna seems all too pleased about it.

“Oh we’re gonna have so much fun.” She almost squeals linking arms with me and dragging me off towards god only knows where as I look back at my mom using my eyes to plead with her to save me from this insanely cheerful girl.

Mom doesn’t save me though and I get dragged through the small house, up a flight of stairs and into a large bedroom with two beds set up in it but I cant focus on anything because the room is painted in blinding shades of pink and everything in the room that can be pink is pink. I hate this so much, I don’t like having to share my personal space and I definitely don’t want to have to share a horribly bright pink room with this borderline insanely cheerful girl.

“So what do you think?” Adrianna asks looking even more excited than before, something I would have thought impossible.

“It’s urm, pink.” I tell her trying to inject some fake cheerfulness into my voice and facial expressions because in reality I wanted to tell her I hate it, that it is too bright and pink and the opposite of what I like but I also don’t want to start off on the wrong foot.

“I know, amazing right, it’s perfect.” She says in that aggravatingly cheerful voice.

I cant stand this girl, she is treating me like she is my best friend and has been for ages but she doesn’t even know my name, she hasn’t even asked me for it yet and that is annoying me too.

“Chelsea, Adrianna can you girls come and help me bring in some of these boxes.” Mom shouts from downstairs.

“Coming mommy.” Adrianna calls out before bouncing out of the room.

The rest of the day passes quickly with the three of us bringing in boxes of mine and moms possessions and then sorting them out so we know what rooms they need to go to, the whole time Adrianna excitedly talks about how much fun we are going to have and how we are going to be the best of friends, mom also has a smile on her face but I cant help but think that this is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

When night rolls around and it is time for bed because we have to get up early in the morning for school, the thing is I cant sleep, I’m just so wound up about everything that has happened today and how I hate all that is happening and how I already hate this girl who is now my sister. I pace around the bedroom we share mumbling almost silently under my breath about how annoyed I am and how I hate this situation I am now in.

Adrianna grunts in annoyance and rolls out of bed, I stop pacing and turn to face her wondering what she is doing as she advances on me with fire in her eyes, I don’t know what she is going to do but I actually feel a little afraid. Adrianna stops in front of me and while I’m still trying to figure out what she is going to do she reaches forward and pushes me against the wall of our bedroom, I gasp in surprise and the moment that I do Adrianna lunges forward and her lips meet mine. I’m stunned into silence by her actions and I don’t know what to do or think as her lips leave mine.

“Well that shut you up.” She says moving back to her bed and climbing under the covers, “now go to sleep.”

I stand there stunned and in shock from what has just happened, I reach up and touch my lips they feel bruised from the intensity of the kiss, I had always imagined that my first kiss would be magical and romantic with a boy that I was madly in love with, not like this, not with a girl and definitely not with a girl who is my stepsister.

I sit on my bed confused, why had she kissed me, why does it feel like my lips are tingling, why is my head spinning and why does my chest feel tight, I don’t understand it, I feel angry and confused and scared. I lie in bed unable to sleep and just look at Adrianna wondering what the hell had just happened and how I am going to survive in this place, I haven’t even met the man who is going to be my stepdad yet but if he is anything like Adrianna then I don’t know if I actually do want to meet him.

A week passes by quickly and I discover that Adrianna is a big deal at our all girl high school which isn’t surprising because with an overly cheerful personality like hers I would be more surprised if she wasn’t super popular, this is just another thing that highlights the massive differences between us because I was still pretty much friendless. Adrianna tried to be my friend and would always invite me along with her and her friends but most of them are like her and are bubbly, overly cheerful people that moody old me cant stomach for more than a few minutes at a time but that wasn’t the main reason I avoided her.

The main reason I avoid her is because of what had happened that first night, that kiss, I can’t get it out of my mind, every time I think about it my stomach clenches because I’m not sure how I feel about it, on one hand I feel like Adrianna had stolen my first kiss like some kind of violation but on the other hand I want it to happen again because I’d never felt like I had when she had kissed me.

I tried to put the thoughts of the kiss out of my mind and just focus on my school work and getting through living with and sharing a room with Adrianna who doesn’t seem to have any chill and is constantly bouncing around like a mad girl. I have actually started to wonder if there is something wrong with her because no one can be happy and upbeat from the moment they wake up until the moment they fall asleep, it just feels unnatural.

Its been almost one week since my mom and I moved into this house and this morning she had finally explained why her new husband wasn’t here after me asking her daily, she had told me that he was travelling abroad and helping to teach children in less fortunate countries and wouldn’t be back for a long while. Adrianna had been sitting at the table with us eating breakfast when mom had told me this and it was the first time I had ever seen her not happy and she had stormed off to our shared bedroom much to my annoyance because I have homework that I have to do but I don’t want to go anywhere near her because the idea of an annoyed or upset Adrianna frightens me.

I eventually head up to the bedroom I share with Adrianna because I do have to get the homework done before tomorrow, I walk into our bedroom and see Adrianna lying face down on her bed but a second later she moves and looks up at me. I feel a little afraid when she looks up at me because she has the same look in her eyes that she had the first night we had met, the night that she had kissed me, I wonder if she is about to do it again if she is about to kiss me, thinking about whether or not she is going to kiss me again has my head spinning and my stomach doing flips, I don’t know if it is something I want to happen or not though.

I quietly walk over to the small desk next to my bed, take my homework assignments out of my bag and sit at the desk ready to start working but I’ve hardly written a paragraph of my essay when Adrianna speaks.

“Did that make you happy earlier Chels?” She asks using the abbreviation of my name that she has started calling me that I hate so much, her voice is low and sounds aggressive which scares me just like the look she has in her eyes does.

“What do you mean?” I ask her confused, she seems really pissed off but I don’t understand why or what she is talking about.

“You just had to mention dad didn’t you, you just had to keep pushing, you couldn’t let it go.” She had stood up when she had first started speaking and had walked towards me as she spoke until she is standing next to me and glaring down at me.

“What…” I start to speak but I cut off with a cry of pain as she grabs a handful of my hair and yanks on it pulling me to my feet.

She doesn’t let go off my hair as I lurch to my feet trying to take the pressure off of my scalp but instead she drags me over to my bed where she finally let’s go of my hair and grabs my shoulders before pushing me hard and making me fall onto my bed landing hard on my back, she follows me down and crouches over me with her arms and legs on either side of me trapping me on the bed underneath her. I can feel my heart racing as she glares down at me with those bright blue eyes that are usually filled with happiness but are now filled with a dark expression that I can only think looks like anger.

“Mopey little Chelsea, always looking so sad, you drive everyone at school crazy with that look, you make them thing you’re so innocent but damaged, the cute girl who can do no wrong, who needs looking after and protecting.” She spits the words at me with spittle flying from her lips and landing on my face, I can feel myself close to tears but I don’t want to cry and give her what I think would be satisfaction at seeing me cry in fear and hurt from her words.

“But it’s all an act isn’t it so that when you do act like a bitch people just write it off as you having a bad day or something but that’s the real you isn’t it? You’re a spiteful bitch, you couldn’t bear seeing me try and be happy all the time so you just had to do something about it and dad being gone was an easy target wasn’t it?” Adrianna is practically shouting now but I can see and feel the tears falling from her eyes and merging with the tears leaking out of my own eyes.

“No I just…” I trail off nervously as Adrianna lowers her face closer to mine.

I think about telling her to get off of me and that she has it all wrong, that I hadn’t meant to upset or annoy her but every thought is wiped from my mind when she lowers her face completely and kisses me. The kiss is almost the same as the last one but with a big difference the last one had been intense and left me feeling like my lips were bruised but this kiss is a kiss of pure anger and it physically hurts me, I gasp in pain and shock but Adrianna takes this as an invitation and plunges her tongue into my mouth violating me and making more tears pour from my eyes. My head is spinning from the kiss because I know that a strange part of me had wanted her to kiss me again but I hadn’t wanted it to be like this but another part of me hadn’t wanted her to kiss me again at all either way I find myself pushing my head up and my lips further into Adrianna’s.

Adrianna pulls up out of the kiss and glares down at me all tear now gone from her eyes and replaced with a viciousness that I had only seen once before, the last time she had kissed me. I feel fear and panic as she moves one of her hands from her side and places it on my throat before lightly applying a small amount of pressure, I can feel myself shaking and I wonder if it is in fear of what she is going to do with her hand on my throat or if it is from a lingering perverse pleasure I have gotten from her kiss and her pinning me down on my bed like this.

After a few tense moments of Adrianna’s hand around my throat and me shaking in either fear or excitement or maybe even both Adrianna suddenly takes her hand from my throat and moves off of me and the bed to stand beside the bed glaring down at me.

“You didn’t ask about dad to upset me did you?” She asks quietly, I cant seem to find my voice so I shake my head, “god I’m such a fucking idiot.” She says quietly, I can now see tears falling from her eyes again, I want to move and wipe away her tears but I don’t think I can move and even if I could I would het the chance because a split second after the words have left her mouth Adrianna runs out of our bedroom.

I lie on the bed for a while after Adrianna runs out of the room, my head is spinning from confusion because on one hand I hate Adrianna, the things she had said to me today have just enforces my idea that her sweet cheerful personality is all just a front and underneath there is one seriously messed up girl that I wish I never had to see again in my life. On the other hand though my stomach is doing flips and my crotch is tingling and begging for me to touch it just like my lips that again feel bruised but are begging for the touch of Adrianna’s lips.

I lie on my bed agonising over these things I’m feeling about Adrianna eventually my feelings beat my sense, I lift up my hips, pull my dress up over my hips and slip my hand into my panties, I’m not new to masturbation and have done it before to boys and celebrities that my friends and other girls at my previous school thought were good looking but it always felt wrong thinking about these guys while I brought myself to orgasm. I hadn’t touched myself since moving here because I hadn’t had the chance to because of sharing a room with Adrianna but I am certain that she wouldn’t be back for a while and after what had just happened between us I am majorly turned on.

I know I’m turned on but I hadn’t realised how turned on I am until my hand comes into contact with my pussy and I feel how wet and sensitive I am, I let out a moan almost as soon as I touch my pussy and then I lose all sense and start to rub all over my pussy quickly and furiously before plunging two fingers deep inside myself with one hand and rapidly fingering myself as I bring my other hand down to my pussy and start to rub my clit. I arch my back and buck my hips up into my hands as orgasm hard to a mental image of it being Adrianna’s hands touching me and not my own, I even have to bury my face in my pillow to stop myself calling out her name.

I have the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had with wave after wave crashing me and making me bury my face further into my pillow to stop my cries of pleasure from reaching the ears of my mom or even worse Adrianna.

When I finally come down from my orgasm I lie there panting and trying to catch my breath while silently cursing myself, Adrianna and the world because my orgasm had brought with it an understanding, an understanding that I would much rather had stayed unknown, that I want Adrianna, my stepsister to fuck me.

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