

Please read the chapters in order. it would be redic to have to explain everything over and over. Thanks for all the encouragement. i am thankful so many of you like the story. for those of you who keep asking if this story is real, i will tell you that some parts are real. You’ll just have to wonder at which ;o


I woke slowly from my cum induced nap. As my brain hazily reconstructed reality around me, I realized Rach had already gotten up and left. I glanced at my computer, thinking she (and frankly Lidia also) might be doing something worth watching. My hopes sank; Rach’s room was empty.

The clock read 6:32, and I realized I might be missing dinner. I threw on some shorts, and a t-shirt, and wandered down to the kitchen. Mom was making dinner; the girls were nowhere to be seen. Trying to pass it off as idle conversation, I asked “Where’s Rach and Lidia?”

Mom looked over her shoulder as she fiddled with something over the sink, and said “They’re on the patio”, before turning back to finish whatever she was doing. After Rach’s confession, knowing that their giggling and whispering weren’t at my expense, I decided being around the girls might be cool. I decided to grab some chips and salsa to bring out back, wanting an excuse, or at least a pretense for interrupting them with my arrival. A minute later, a bowl of Salsa in one hand, and a bowl of chips in the other, I went to join them.

As I approached the screen door to the back yard, I could see they were talking closely. Prepared to see Rach dressed in her usual, around the house getup (something comfortable like pajama bottoms and some tank), I was surprised to see she had put on a dress; the same green one she had worn to church that memorable last Sunday. Lidia must have found the energy to unpack, because she also wore a dress, different from the peach number she had on at the airport; it was white, and loose, only fitting to her body where it gathered under her chest.

I backed the door open, and turned to see Rach and Lidia had stopped their conversation, which was not surprising, and also saw they were each holding a glass of wine, which was surprising.

“Hey Big Bro” Rach greeted me brightly. I glanced at Lidia, fearing she would be in on the joke. Her expression, neither shocked embarrassment, nor knowing smile, set my mind at ease.

“Hi Jake.” Lidia added her greeting, smiling sweetly at me as I set the food on the little table between them.

“Hi” I returned, making sure to take both of them in with my smile. I grabbed another chair, and pulled it over in front of them, trying, as I reached for the food, to make it clear that I wanted some chips too. “Where’d you get the wine?” I asked as I sat.

“We always have wine with dinner” Lidia answered, “I think your mom is trying to make me feel home.” Her voice was light and melodious; her accent lending it a musical undulation.

“Cool” I said, managing to hide the wince at how lame I sounded. Why was I such a tool around girls? With Rach, it was easy; I could be smart, and funny, maybe even charming. So why did I have to turn into an idiot any time a pretty girl smiled at me.

“Mom said I can have some too” Rach chimed, rescuing me from continuing my plunge into retardation.

Realizing, as I turned a grateful look to my sister, that she had said ‘I’, not ‘we’, and about to be embarrassed further by being too Young to drink with them, Rach rescued me again by handing me her glass. “I really do love you” I thought, staring into her eyes as I took the glass; hoping my eyes could say what I could not.

I took a drink, and tried to relax. I knew most of my moron-ity stemmed from my nervousness, and wanted, more than I can possibly explain, to come off, if not charming, at least bearable. “What’s with the dress?” I asked Rach, feeling that my comfort level in her direction gave me hope of not embarrassing myself.

“We dress for dinner also” Lidia answered. My eyes, forced by manners, turned back to her. She continued “Rachel found what I am wearing, and got dressed also.” She looked away from me to smile at Rach in appreciation, and I felt the burden of her attention lift in relief.

As often happens when one is trying to come off as relaxed, and confident, I found myself filling, what, in my addled mind, I feared to be an uncomfortable silence, by saying “you both look very nice.”

As I silently berated myself, Lidia reached over and touched my hand, where it laid on the arm of my chair, and said “you are sweet”. Her touch was innocent; a simple gesture of friendship, but I still felt an electric shock run up my arm to my chest, where it hovered, burning away my composure.

“He is sweet” Rach agreed, laying her hand on my other hand. Her touch was not so innocent. A secret squeeze, as she withdrew her hand, and a wink of the eye concealed from Lidia, left no doubt that she meant more than friendship.

We talked for a few minutes. I say we, but really they talked. I lingered on the edge of their conversation; only diving in on occasion, when I felt the need to not be rude. Rach seemed to understand my discomfiture, and took up the slack.
I was beginning to get in the groove. Feeling no pressure to carry the conversation, I relaxed somewhat; making it easier to be myself. Then, my nice, safe, little corner of the conversation was forced to expand.

Lidia, seeing the wine glasses were empty, rose to fill them from the bottle my mom had strategically kept in the kitchen. Rach, being the good host, insisted on getting the wine, and left me there alone, the weight of an inevitable, uncomfortable silence threatening crush me.

“You swim, Jake?” Lidia offered, leaving me with no choice but to give more than a monosyllabic response.

“On a team, yes” I answered, my mind grasping unsuccessfully for anything more to add.

“Rachel says you are very good” she added kindly, giving me the respite I needed, to make my brain and mouth work together.

“We compete by age” I explained, “I’m a lot bigger than the other guys, so I’m just lucky.” I finished awkwardly, willing Rach to come back and rescue me from myself.

I looked up from scooping some salsa on a chip, and was sure I saw Lidia blushing through her tan. Her ears, and the flat of her chest burned crimson, and she had averted her eyes, looking to the kitchen door expectantly. She wanted Rach to come back and rescue her as well.

Something rolled over inside me. She was just as nervous as I was, maybe more so, now that I had inadvertently drawn her attention to my ‘size’. I felt the burden of my anxiety evaporate. Somehow, knowing she was embarrassed, put us on the same level, and I no longer felt the need to ‘try’. My only goal now was to try to rescue Lidia from the morass of nerves I had just found my way free of.

As I asked her about her home, showing her my interest by asking follow-up questions, I couldn’t help but be reminded of several girls I knew. They had done the same thing I was doing now. In drawing me out, they were trying to retard the nervousness that was blocking a closer relationship. I felt embarrassed that my nervousness was so easily recognized, and grateful that they cared enough to help me out. I also considered that maybe they were attracted to me, and berated myself for being too busy freaking out to notice.

They heady feeling that those girls, and possibly Lidia as well, were attracted to me, had a life changing affect. I banished forever, my nervousness with girls. I could feel my cock growing with my confidence, and found that, strangely, it no longer seemed a burden, to hide, and worry over; it only served to demonstrate my self confidence. ‘Why should I be embarrassed’ I thought, looking down unabashedly at the growing bulge straining against the right leg of my shorts, ‘this gloriously blatant sign of my sexuality is an asset”.

I was pulled back from my musings as Rach came back from her long absence, holding two glasses of wine, and the huge brandy snifter dad had gotten for closing some deal at work. “I got you this cause you’re so much bigger than us.” She said, oh too casually, as she handed us our drinks, and resumed her seat.

It was so obvious to me now. Rach fed on my embarrassment; not cruelly to demean me, but to voyeuristically feed on the sexual energy it supplied her. All the times in the past week (god has it only been a week) that she had put me in a position to be embarrassed by my cock; she was gorging herself on my mountain of discomfort.

I turned to see the effect Rach’s comment had had on Lidia. Her nervousness was blatantly obvious as she fretted with her glass, avoiding looking at either of us. I looked back to Rach, who was watching her intently; Lidia’s discomfort fueling her carnal engine.

Rach would have to adjust to my, newly found, freedom from the embarrassment my massive bulge used to bring me. Hopefully, our combined assaults on other’s sense of propriety would give her the excitement she craved.

Seeing the piteous state Lidia was in, and feeling responsible for my part in Rach’s assault, my guilt reared. Perhaps Lidia would be an ideal target for me to redirect Rach’s need to tease, but her first day so far from home was not the time. Knowing my presence gave Rach the ammunition to continue her attack on Lidia, I excused myself, saying “I’d better get changed for dinner too” as I stood.

That seemed to pop Lidia out of her internal struggles. She looked up to me smiling, and offered “You do not need to dress.” Glancing down at my clothes, she continued “You are wearing fine.” I noticed as she finished, and looked back up to my face, that her smile faltered; a hint of confusion and maybe panic flashed in her eyes.

I walked into the house, wondering at the strangeness of her expression. Possibly, she had seen my bulge, but that didn’t quite fit. Passing it off as trivial, I hid the brandy snifter (Rach having obviously snuck it to me) in a part of the kitchen mom was not likely to notice, and went upstairs to change.

By the time I came back down, the girls had come in, and having set the table, sat together at the back of the booth, talking quietly, waiting for our mom to finish making dinner. Not wanting to intrude, I went to help mom with the last of the dinner prep. I couldn’t hear what the girls were talking about, but their conversation was evidently very serious. My attempts to catch an eye, to smile friendlily, found no attention.

When I helped mom bring the food to the table, they finally suspended their huddle. Rach looked to me as I sat. She had that innocent look of hers that, all too often, hid her evil mind’s true nature. I looked to Lidia; her innocent smile was easier to believe. It occurred to me, however, that her smile could have been just as put on as Rach’s. The only reason I could see through Rach’s deceptive innocence, was that she wanted me to.

We had just started eating when Rach spoke up “Mom, we’re out of wine.” And before our mom could respond, continued “don’t worry, I get more.”

We didn’t usually have wine, and I wondered idly where we kept it as Rach slipped from the booth and left the kitchen.

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