Sex Story Author: | TAMPERER |
Sex Story Excerpt: | We were both getting off on the jets. Afterwards, Sharon asked if I’d had someone go down on me yet. |
Sex Story Category: | Erotica |
Sex Story Tags: | Erotica, Exhibitionism, Female exhibitionist, Female solo, Female/Female, First Time, Incest, Lesbian, Male/Female, massage, Masturbation, Teen, Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Female, Toys, True Story, Young |
Rach told mom she wasn’t feeling well, and was skipping dinner and going to bed early. I felt guilty, thinking I pushed her too much at the mall. I checked the webcam; she had left it on, so I at least knew she wasn’t mad at me. With her computer still on her bedside table, I could see her hair splayed across her pillow. Her face was turned away, so I couldn’t tell if she was sleeping, or just not moving much. I couldn’t stand the thought that I had caused her pain. I went to her door; opening it silently, I crept through, and closed it behind me.
Rach was lying in her bed, wearing one of my old t-shirts as a nightgown. “Rach? Are you O.K.? I asked as loudly as I dared; wanting to keep this visit from our mom.
She shifted in bed, and groggily lifted her head. “Hey” she said long and dreamily.
Taking that as a sign I was welcome, I went to her, and sat on the edge of her bed, near her feet. “Mom said you were sick” the concern evident in my voice.
“I was just so tired. I’ve never cum that much, or that hard in my life” she continued dreamily.
Feeling relieved, I put my hand on her calf, the closest part of her body, and, giving it a squeeze, said “I’m glad you’re O.K.”
“You got my message?” she asked, waking up a bit more.
“Yep” I chirped, “I’ll try to live up to your trust in me.” I finished, smiling.
She sat up, and pulled down her sheets. “See?” she said lifting up her shirt, clearly happy to have our toy on, and eager for me to appreciate her for it.
“I should have woken you up that way.” I kidded, pulling the remote from my pocket, where I had decided it would live forever.
“Please no more tonight” she said, exhaustedly flopping backwards, not bothering to pull up her sheets, or pull down her shirt. “My whole body aches like I ran a marathon.”
“Do you want a massage?” I asked, then added “no funny business, I promise” Showing her the remote returning to my pocket.
“That would be wonderful” she said luxuriously stretching.
Swimming being a co-ed sport, I had given, and received many massages from girl teem-mates at meets, so I had developed a pretty good technique. After turning her over, and having her remove her shirt, I gave her a full body, deep tissue massage. Rach ooed, and groaned, clearly enjoying it. If I spent a little extra time on her butt, no one could blame me. When I was done, she gave me a big hug, and pulled me down to lay with her.
“Stay for a while, please” Rach cooed, dragging out the “please” like a kid asking for candy.
I spooned her. Rach held my arm to her with both of hers, and nestled back into me, like I was a big teddy bear. I was proud of myself that I refrained from growing a woody. It was nice to just lay there, skin on skin. With the smell of her hair so sweet, I fell asleep to blissful dreams.
I woke up with a start, panicked that I had overslept. I glanced around the room to find a clock. Finally spotting it, I saw it was 5:30am. Practice was starting right now, I thought, starting to freak. I endeavored to sooth my distress, rationalizing that I was way ahead on my attendance quota, and I would do extra running today to make up for it. Gently slipping from Rach’s bed, I locked the door just in case mom was collecting for laundry, (the only time she came upstairs) and returned to Rach.
When I woke later, it was to Rach’s panicked whisper “Jake…Jake…you’re missing practice.”
“I know” I said yawning “it was worth it.”
“You aren’t going to get in trouble?” she asked doubtfully. “Oh, Coach will ask me why I wasn’t there.” I said blithely. “Should I tell him?” I asked, smiling at Rach.
She punched me lightly in the chest. “Maybe you should” she said smiling back, and laying back down, putting her head where she had just punched me, she laid her leg across mine, and slid it slowly up and down.
“Now don’t start something you don’t intend to finish” I joked.
We laid there a while, quietly. “Jake?” Rach said, breaking the silence; concern in her voice. “I don’t know how long we can keep this a secret. I keep wanting to tell someone how happy I am.”
“Well” I said thinking, “it has to stay a secret from mom and dad. Is there anyone who you really, really, really trust?”
“You” Rach offered.
“Well I already know.” I said, smiling in spite of myself.
“I think I can trust Sharon. Besides, she told me about stuff she did with her cousin.” Rach mused.
I tried to think of Sharon’s cousins. I had met some at her pool before. The only boy cousin I knew, Timmy, was two years younger than me, making him 12. “Timmy?” I asked skeptically.
“No, Denise.” Rach answered.
“Wow!” blurted from me, remembering Denise. She was older, maybe 18; a tall and skinny blond girl with a tattoo on her hip (I had masturbated to her also). “I need to spend more time over at that pool.” I said joking (mostly joking).
She shoved me with her hip, silently telling me to watch it. “I think you should tell her then.” I offered.
Rach sat up, “Really?” she asked, both incredulous and hopeful.
“Well you know about her and Denise. You’ve got insurance” I said, still trying to imagine Sharon and Denise.
“That’d be great” she said, and I realized, Rach wasn’t asking for advise, she was asking for consent. It was our secret, and she didn’t feel right telling someone without us both agreeing to it. “Do you want to tell someone?” she asked, a bit nervous.
“Sure” I said, “I’ll tell Denise” I added, earning me another push from Rach’s hip. “Why did Sharon tell you about Denise?” I added, still picturing them, and eager to for more info to help the images swirling through my brain.
“Oh…Well…She…um” Rach trailed off. I sat up too, my curiosity peaking, and turned to face Rach. I noticed she was looking down at her hands, obviously embarrassed.
“Rach?” I said, trying to coax her past her embarrassment. “She was telling me how much fun it was with a girl, she umm, wanted to, have…fun with me too.” Rach said, finishing quickly, still looking down at her hands.
“Really? Did you have ‘fun’?” I asked, my excitement showing. She looked up at me, and smiling a small smile, nodded her head.
“If you tell me about it, I won’t have to use one of my slave hours to get it out of you.” I said, lecherously. Rach giggled, embarrassed and maybe a little exited to share it with me.
“O.K., Let me see.” She said, clearly getting ready for a story. I laid back down, and settled myself for her tale. Rach lay on top of me, straddling my left leg. Setting her hands on my chest, and her chin on her hands, she looked at me, clearly interested in my reactions, and started her story.
“About two years ago, we were in her Jacuzzi.
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