Sex Story Author: | TAMPERER |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I’m cool with you guys together.’” Rach rolled her eyes to emphasize how unconvincing Sharon’s words were. |
Sex Story Category: | Authoritarian |
Sex Story Tags: | Authoritarian, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, Female exhibitionist, Female solo, Female/Female, Incest, Male / Female Teens, Male/Teen Female, Masturbation, Teen Female Solo, Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Females, True Story |
Sorry I left the story hanging. You’ll be glad to hear I have the last four chapters ready to post.
As for what comes next, I have done some work on MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT (THE SCHOOL YEAR). If you’d
rather I skip ahead to after high school, please let me know so I can put my effort where you want it.
[Please read the earlier Chapters before continuing here]
I woke up lazily, my surroundings, and my glorious new life gradually coming into focus. As I lay reveling, I felt
my dick rise from me in response to thoughts of Rach filling my mind. I lifted my head and smiled at my waking
friend. I looked past my still naked body, past my hovering cock, and checked my computer. The cam was still on
from last night, but all it showed was Rach’s empty room.
I remembered Rach’s plan to go to Sharon’s at 10, and glanced over at the clock wondering how late it was. Seeing
9:25, I shook off the last of my morning haze; eager to get started on what I knew was going to be an interesting
I grabbed the swim trunks Rach had me remove the pockets and liner from, and threw them on, laying my already
anticipating cock across my hip. Luckily, my length put me well past the opening of the pocket, otherwise, the six
inches of escape slashing across my pelvis would be imposable to avoid. I scooped up a t-shirt and headed for my
door, pulling it on as I walked down the hall heading downstairs to the kitchen where I guessed the girls would be.
“Good morning” I said cheerily to the room as I swung the door open.
“Morning sleepy head.” Rach said brightly, turning in her stool at the island, to smile at me.
Rach was wearing one of my t-shirts. Ordinarily, her small body would have been covered nearly down to her knees,
but looking up from her little feet, where they dangled happily, I followed her bare legs up to her scrunched up
shirt. I saw a momentary sparkle and knew she must have her metallic blue bikini on.
I looked over to Lidia, sitting next to Rach at the island, and returned her smile as I walked over to them. Lidia
also had on one of my t-shirts. Unfortunately, even with her longer body, the shirt did a much better job at hiding
her. Unlike Rach’s tom-boy, casual posture, Lidia sat straight backed, legs together and crossed, my shirt tucked
under her like a dress. My brief glance gave no hint of what was beneath. I stifled my frustration with a silent
reminder that my patience, today, would almost certainly be rewarded.
I asked “What’s for breakfast?” as I reached the island, leaning against it beside Rach, and looking down at their
empty plates.
“We just had fruit” Rach said, smiling up at me.
As I asked “Any left?” I felt Rach’s foot slide stealthily against my leg.
“There is much” Lidia interjected as she slid off her stool. “My seat for you.” she added, smiling invitingly as
she rounded the island heading for the fridge.
I offered a “Thanks Lidia” as I stepped around Rach to Lidia’s offered stool.
While Lidia gathered fruit from the fridge, I looked over to Rach, intending to share my lewd interpretation of
Lidia’s offer of her ‘seat.’ I could see immediately that Rach was practically vibrating with excitement. I
gathered that she had a secret, and whispered “What?” with urgency, knowing I had little time before Lidia rejoined
Rach smiled deviously at my question, and then looked away to Lidia, clearly enjoying leaving me to stew. Rach took
every opportunity, while I ate, to reinforce my impression that she held a secret, shooting me teasing looks of
knowing whenever she could sneak them by Lidia.
Rach’s little game managed to wind me up thoroughly. As I wolfed down the last of my fruit, Rach slid down off her
perch to stand between our stools, and blatantly rested her hand in my lap. With a ridiculously obvious grope, she
gave me a look that said plainly ‘I knew I could get this out of you’. Before I had a chance to recover, Rach let
go, and the girls were gathering up their towels. I wanted to get her alone so I could get it out of her, but
realized I had already lost my chance.
Rach asked “Ready?” brightly to the room, and headed for the back door.
I added my distracted “uhu” to Lidia’s excited “Yes”, and brought up the rear as we made our way out and across the
back yard.
Rach sprang up and onto the fence like a monkey, threw her towel over, and followed it, deftly climbing over and out
of view. I offered Lidia a hand to help her climb. With a smile and a “Thank you”, she took my hand and stepped
onto the bottom rung on the fence.
She let go of my hand after a moment to free herself to climb. As she got to the top, I got a good look up the
shirt that had hidden her until now. I had just enough time to see a strip of white from her new bikini peeking
from between her legs, before she turned and smiled down at me. I realized she had caught me ogling, but pushed
back against my instinct to feel ‘caught’. Knowing how things had progressed last night, I let myself relax, and
smiled back unashamed.
I followed the girls over the fence, seeing, as I landed, that they had waited for me. We walked around the side of
the shed, and up into the pool area together. Sharon was nowhere to be seen. Rach led us to the lounge chair/beds
and we offloaded our towels and stuff. I ended up with the chair between the girls, and pulled off my shirt as I
sat down. I was facing Rach’s side, and did nothing to hide my interest as she bent over to arrange her stuff. I
watched as she straightened and pulled up her shirt.
Her body was held firm by the blue metallic material of the string bikini. It gave the illusion, as it pressed
itself to her chest, that her perfect breasts were larger. It gave no illusion below however, where the material
slipped its way into every crease and fold. The sun sparkled off the shiny suit as Rach lowered her arms, and her
eyes found and locked intently onto mine.
In an instant we were connected. All thought of wheedling the secret from her evaporated in that moment. Our union
made my need superfluous; her knowing was all I needed. Rach flicked her eyes over my shoulder conspiratorially. I
could tell by the excited grin she shared with me, that she was eager to experience my reaction.
I turned to my right as I stood, stopping three quarters of the way around (ostensibly facing the pool) to
camouflage Lidia as my true target. I could see out the side of my eye that Lidia had bent over her chair facing
away from me. The view of her white bikini curving into the crease of her ass was amazing. I was momentarily at a
loss as to was supposed to be so surprising…until she stood up.
I followed the smooth sweep of dark tan up from the hint of her ass-crack at the top of the bikini bottoms. Her
skin flowed, unmarred and unobscured, up the gentle curve of her lower back, along her sleekly muscled torso, to
where her hair, parted at the nape of her neck, swept in front of her shoulders.
In the moment it took me to realize what was missing, Rach apparently crossed the three or so feet that had
separated us, because just as I was about to turn to share my amazement with her, I felt her close to me. Her
breath in my ear shocked me as she hummed softly “Apparently they don’t wear tops in Italy.”
I felt a surge from Rach’s uneven breath in my ear; both her obvious excitement, and her want to share it with me,
were heightened by my understanding that her excitement was not from her own desires, but from sharing in my
arousal. I had just an instant in that thought before another stimulus competed for my attention.
I knew the trunks I was wearing gave Rach all the access she could want, but I still managed to be surprised at the
sensation as her hand slid into my left pocket. Inconveniently for Rach, I had laid my cock along my other hip,
away from her. I had to silence myself as she, undaunted by my ‘position’, reached across me; her fingers
slithering menacingly around my cock.
Rach’s hand on my cock cranked forcefully, pushing me down along my thigh. With a rough pull, she bent me through
from one leg of the trunks to the other. Before I had time to adjust to my predicament, Rach upped the stakes. I
felt my trunks pried away from my left hip. With another rough pull, I felt the cool air of freedom as Rach yanked
me through my left pocket. Her unequivocal possession of my cock was demonstrated by her merciless grip on the half
of my shaft she had just exposed. I just had time to gasp silently before I caught Lidia turning around out of the
corner of my eye.
Luckily, I was already facing away from Lidia enough that, without drawing attention, I was able to turn the slight
bit more need to keep Rach’s current possession of me hidden. Relieved that I had managed to keep the five inches
or so of this ludicrous exposure hidden from Lidia, I looked exasperatedly over my shoulder at Rach, who continued
in a quiet, but scolding whisper “These aren’t the trunks we picked out.”
I think it bears mentioning here that it never occurred to me to use my own hands, and remove hers. Somehow, the
complete amazement I suffered every time she took hold of me overwhelmed any instinct to be in control. It was like
a training collar.
I knew Rach well enough by now to recognize this as her attempt to use the threat of embarrassing me to encourage me
to obey her. For a moment I considered letting Lidia see. With only a little turn, I could turn the tables too;
making Rach’s hand gripping my cock an embarrassment for her, and maybe convincing her that embarrassing me was no
longer a fruitful endeavor.
My cooler head prevailed. I reminded myself that exposing Rach and my relationship to Lidia was both of our
decision. If, how, and when were all decisions that not only needed to be shared, but were crucial to get right if
there were to be any chance of us not having to sneak around all year. In any case, the slightly absurd, and
undeniably unflattering sight of my cock jutting from my pocket wasn’t how I wanted to present myself.
“I’ll go change.” I whispered over my shoulder in supplication.
With a parting squeeze, Rach let go of me and pulled the trunks back over my cock as she withdrew her hand. Re-
covered, I turned back toward Lidia, her smile easing any worry that Rach’s stunt had been noticed.
“I forgot my new suit.” I offered, trying to sound more motivated to get it than I was.
“That suit is good.” Lidia said, gesturing to my trunks as she turned her body to face me. I had a brief moment of
taking her in; the same long tan torso, topped by the slight teardrops of her breasts that I had marveled at last
night at the drinking fountain. As I finished up to her face, she smiled thankfully at my appreciation.
I broke away before our moment could be noticed by Rach. “I’ll be right back” I broadcast over my shoulder to the
two of them as I jogged back around the shed, heading to retrieve my new suit.
I remembered, from when I had tried it on at the store, that it was revealing. It still made me kinda laugh as I
pulled them on in front of the mirror on the back of my bedroom door.. The thin clingy fabric made it look like
nothing so much as if someone had glued my cock to my hip, and then painted them both blue. The head was so on
display that I could easily make out the ridge where it stood proud of the shaft. The combination of cling and a
total absence of any pressure, presented me so vividly, even the webbing of veins along the length of my shaft
showed in detail.
I shrugged my shoulders with a grin as I took in the presentation. All three girls had seen my cock in the flesh
already (although Lidia thought her view secret), so there was no need to be worried even without my newfound
confidence. I just hoped for Lidia’s sake, that my display didn’t make her too much a target of Rach’s
embarrassment fetish.
I headed back, the burning flutter in my throat and chest propelling me to hurry. As I made my way back around the
shed, the pool came into view, and I could see that Sharon had joined the girls. They lay there facing away from
me, three in a row (Sharon having taken my chair in the middle), on their stomachs.
As I climbed the small incline to the pool, their asses came into view. Rach’s legs were spread wide; her feet
dangling over the sides of her lounge. Undoubtedly Rach had foreseen the view I would have as I returned, and was
having fun with me.
It took me until I was rounding the pool, and had changed angles, before I saw they were talking. I couldn’t make
out their hushed tones, but I imagined Rach was having fun with them too. I decided to get the suit business out of
the way, and walked right around to the head of their chairs.
Rach, her chair closest, noticed me first as I passed into her line of sight. “Hey Jake” she crooned loudly. It
was an obvious signal for the others to shush. Rach was making sure I knew I had been the topic of their
As Sharon and Lidia lifted their heads to me, Rach propped herself up on her elbows. I realized, just as all three
sets of eyes fixed on me, that Rach was topless. Her breasts were unmistakably free; suspended between, and nestled
by, her forearms. I glanced back over the three of them and realized they were all topless.
Granted, I had seen all of their breasts. But the quantity, variety, and suddenness of ogling options caught me off
guard. My momentary gape was missed thanks to my big blue buddy, who chose, the moment he had attention, to give a
jump of appreciation. The suit was so flimsy, that I actually felt my cock peal itself away from my hip as it
Feeling their eyes on my cock, my recently awakened confidence soothed any instinct toward modesty. I stood there,
free for the staring, and looked to Rach, who slid her eyes up my body to return my look.
“Bottoms only then?” I asked breezily.
“Yep!” Rach answered, matching my careless tone.
“I’m all set then.” I returned joking, looking down at my suit. I got a charity giggle for that, but as it died, I
felt a momentary relapse of my nervousness as I caught knowing looks pass between the girls that promised another
Rach surprise. Rach’s practiced innocent smile when I looked to her for some hint, was infuriatingly unhelpful.
Feeling as if they were waiting for me to do something, I decided to retreat and regroup. I walked between Rach’s
and Sharon’s chairs to the pool edge, keeping myself from focusing on the asses I was passing, and tossed out “I’m
gona cool off.”; diving in before they had time to respond.
This was the solitude I needed to sort out my brain. So much had happened in the past two weeks, it was hard to
feel truly certain about anything. Rach and my relationship was new and exhilarating, but that exhilaration was
layered with the discomfort of not knowing what was going to happen in the future, and now even wondering what was
happening in the present.
Rachel’s relentless pursuit of excitement pulled me along. I could feel part of me eager to go; equal (well maybe
not completely equal) to Rach in my desire to push the bounds. But another part of me was continually butting in,
seeking order and peaceful predictability. It was like having a split personality.
I realized as I broke the surface, the enemy to the true order I sought was this conflict within me. The controlled
part of me, in seeking order, was causing the conflict. I had to focus on, and learn to relax into, the
understanding that my inner peace required giving up control, and the constant inner battle it caused.
I decided both my ability to let go, and my assumption of the relief and pleasure it would bring, required testing.
Rach was the perfect model of the single-minded. She had no conflict. She wanted with all of herself; no
reservations. If I could experience life the way she does, I would feel the difference inside me; the unity of my
want. ‘For today, my mantra will be ‘what would Rach do?’’ I told myself. I would seek order within, not without.
No fear. No regret.
I felt a strange sense of calm as I turned and lay back on the pool steps at the far end of the pool, my eyes
closed. My calm gave way to excitement as I reflected on the shared looks the girls had just given each other.
Without the nagging need to feel secure, whole vistas of amazing opportunities flooded through my mind. The
sensation of excitement without the tempering of worry, made me feel giddy.
Unable to contain the heady bliss, I hummed to myself “I’m gona have fun today.”
“What was that?” came Rach’s close voice, into my musings.
Yesterday I would have started at that, but today, my head laid back, my eyes closed, enjoying the cool water on my
body, and the warm sun on my face, I felt no need to react. Without complicating my head with any duplicity, I
simply repeated more clearly “I said I’m gona have fun today.”
I felt the water ripple as Rach’s body entered. I was carried up and down on the little waves she made. A perfect
metaphor of letting myself go with the Rachel flow, I thought.
“Me too” Rach spoke softly, and I felt the smooth touch of her foot slither down my leg under the water.
I turned my head and opened my eyes; not to assess, or to gather understanding, but simply because my beautiful
sister, in all her splendor, was next to me, and I wanted to take her in. She had copied me on the stairs, her head
back, eyes closed, enjoying life. I turned onto an elbow, careful not to disturb the water, and unabashedly feasted
on the sight of her.
Her hair floated around her face, the sun on it framed her in gold. The soft skin of her neck swept gracefully from
her chin, in an arc, to a small notch at the base of her neck. A trace of water pooled there, flickering in the
sunlight like a diamond pendant. Below that sparkle, two perfect tan teardrops, gently cradled by the water, moved
slightly with each ripple of the surface; the small pink of her nipples, islands remade with each breath she took.
I would say I spent a while soaking Rach in. It’s hard to tell for sure. I completely lost track of space and
time. What finally ended my reveling was my growing need to touch her.
I laid my hand on the soft skin of her stomach under the water, and spoke with quiet earnestness “You are
A smile played across her face, and I felt the warmth of her hand cover mine, holding me to her. She turned her
head and opened her green eyes to look up at me. “I’m all yours” her low earnest voice welcomed.
It seemed hollow to repeat the same declaration back, but i felt such need to express to her how completely I was
hers, that I knew the only way to do justice to the ferocity of my conviction was to demonstrate it to her.
“I want today to be perfect for you.” I said with quiet sincerity. “All I need to be happy is your smile. All I
need to be excited is to see excitement in your beautiful green eyes.”
Rach looked up at me with a smile that crinkled with emotion. I went on before she could respond. “I know you.
You’ve thought about today; about what you want. There are schemes and strategies bouncing around in that beautiful
head of yours. I know you like ‘surprising’ me, and catching me off guard. I like that too. But maybe sometimes
it would be exciting sharing what you’re thinking with me. I’d love to help if I could.”
Now that I had offered one half of me, I gave what was left. “I do like your surprises too. If that’s more fun for
you, I could still help. You could think me as your slave today. Tell me to do whatever you want. No explanation
necessary. That way, I can help even if you want to keep me in the dark. I trust you. I know whatever you decide
will be perfect.”
I could tell, as Rach’s expression shifted to bemused thoughtfulness, that she was considering . I gave her as much
time as she needed. I didn’t even need or expect a response. For her to know that I truly was hers had been my
only goal.
I looked away from Rach, not wanting to make her feel the need to answer, and glanced out across the pool to where
the girls had been laying. Sharon was nowhere to be seen, but Lidia was there. She was sitting up, facing the
pool, each leg hanging off opposite sides of her chair at her knees, over-challenging her suit’s crotch’s abilities
to cover. Traces of bright pink flashed like beacons along the edges of the white separating her slender dark
thighs. Her long, sinuous torso rose up from her hips; the oil she had put on made her dark tan skin glint on any
curve the sunlight caught.
I had that feeling as I looked at her, that you get when you sense someone has turned away to keep from getting
caught staring. Was she looking at me, enjoying the sight? Or was she looking at us, brother and sister, wondering
if we are what we are? Or was she just curious about our conversation. I let myself dwell on the possibility she
was enjoying the sight of me; a new sensation I had just begun allowing myself to experience. It was so
intoxicating, I was sure I could become addicted to it; an image of the lifeguard Jackie watching me strengthened
that feeling.
I was pulled from my wandering by “You are perfect!”
Rach’s voice was so soft, it took until after I had looked down to her before I worked it out in my head. She lay
in the same position. Only her expression had changed. The little crease in her brow as she looked up at me gave
me the impression that she was wondering at me.
“We make a good couple then, ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Perfect.’” I said smiling down to her.
She laced her fingers through mine on her belly, squeeing my hand as she spoke tremulously, “We do make a good
I would have been content to stay frozen there, basking in the warmth of that moment. But Rach seemed to have come
to some decision. She sat up smoothly, holding my hand tight to her as she did. I sat up also, squeezing her hand
back to let her know I wouldn’t let go. If this is how she wanted to let Lidia see us, I wanted her to know I was
ready and willing.
She turned to me, our hands slipping away from her stomach to float together between us. Her eyes twinkled with
mischief. “Sharon wants to spy on us. She invited us to stay over tonight. She was trying to be all casual about
it. She was saying things like ‘you guys don’t have to sneak around over here’ and ‘you don’t have to worry about me
seeing anything.
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