
My Sister Sees Me, Then Teaches Me Part 1

My Sister Sees Me, Then Teaches Me Part 1

This is a true story and this happened to me, not so long ago. And I love my sister for it.

Cassie was a young girl, 13 years old, short blonde hair, beautiful auburn colored eyes, small body, small-budding breasts, and on the brink of puberty. She wasn’t prepared for what was happening to her but her sister Jasmine was there to help her through it all. Jasmine was 16 at the time, she was quite more mature than Cassie and her figure clearly stated that. Jasmine had long-sleek black hair, breasts fitting of a woman at the age of 20, auburn colored eyes as well, and was quite a bit taller than Cassie. Jasmine had already gone through puberty at an early age and now felt confident of herself, although she may have had her doubts and conflicting thoughts about her self-esteem but that was normal for any girl at the age of 16.

As Cassie began to go through puberty, her sister noticed things changing about her. The way she acted, the way she looked almost as if she was hiding something from. Jasmine knew that the flow of hormones was making her little sister into a woman and the transition was a bit troublesome but her sister seemed to act more unusal than most girls at her age. Cassie would stay in her room for long periods of time, not making any noise, hiding under the covers, not making a sound, and whenever she did come out her demeanor was very closed as if she was embarrased or shameful of something. Jasmine passed this off as her sister having a difficult time going through puberty and comforted her and tried to talk to her as much as possible but to no avail, Cassie seemed to distance herself even more. Their parents never noticed anything different, Cassie’s mom always convinced her husband that Cassie was just struggling going through puberty so they labeled Cassie as just growing up and never bothered to approach the subject of why she was so hidden from everyone.

Weeks passed and Cassie stayed the same. Always locked in her room, hiding under her sheets, but now at night Jasmine could hear odd moaning and then crying coming from Cassie’s room. At school Cassie looked and acted as if everything was well and interacted with her friends quite gaily but when she returned home, she seemed completely different and she just went back upstairs to lock herself away. Jasmine knew how it felt to be going through what her sister was going through and she left her alone for quite some time so she could sort things out on her own because that’s what she needed when she went through puberty. But as time progressed, Cassie became more desolate to and oblivious to everyone until one night.

It was a friday night and Cassie and Jasmine’s parents walked into the living room where Jasmine was sitting, watching television and they told her that they both had to go out of town for a few days on an emergency business call. They asked if Jasmine if she would be alright with her sister alone until Sunday when their aunt would be over to check on them and she assured them that everything would be fine so they left that night. Jasmine’s parents didn’t go up to Cassie’s room for fear of worrying her with their departure so they left the news of their leave with Jasmine. A little while after they had gone, Cassie came downstairs to get something to eat and then asked “Where’s mom, I need to talk to her?” and Jasmine replied “Oh, I meant to go up and tell you but mom and dad had to go out of town for a few days on an emergency business trip.” and Cassie responded “Alright.” and began to walk back up the stairs. Jasmine replied quite quickly “Hey, you know if you need someone to talk to, i’m always here.” and Cassie responded “No, that’s okay. I just needed to ask mom something.” And she walked back up the stairs quite light heartedly as if she was relieved to know that her sister was there for her if she needed her.

The hours passed and it was almost midnight and Jasmine decided it was time to go to bed so she turned the television off and headed upstairs. She began to walk down the hall as she got up the stairs and when passed Cassie’s room, Jasmine could hear soft moaning coming from the room. Jasmine decided to check on her sister and as she peered in, all she could see was her sister tossing and turning. It appeared that she was having a bad dream and didn’t dare wake her for fear of scaring her even more so she exited the room unoticed. As Jasmine prepared for bed, changed into her nightie, brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and made a few phone calls. She thought she heard sobbing but passed it off as old creaks of the house but when she returned from checking that all the doors and windows were securely locked, she could tell that the sobbing was real and she knew where it was coming from.

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