My Sister Ashley: The Birthday Bash
My Sister Ashley: The Birthday Bash
Sex Story Author: | Von Armand |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Oriana couldn’t seem to get out of her clothes fast enough, hopping from foot to foot in her haste. Once |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Bondage and restriction, Consensual Sex, Fiction, Group Sex, Incest, Male / Females |
“Happy birthday, Ashley!”
“Well, don’t you sound excited. Happy birthday to you too Tim,” my sister purred over the phone.
“Hold on,” I held out the phone and nodded to my wife, who herded our two kids closer to the phone. As one they sang “Happy Birthday Auntie Ashley”. When they finished I handed the phone to Ari, our youngest at four years old, and watched her and Nathan scurry off to talk my sister’s ear off. Nathan was five and a half, and damned be those who dared call him five.
“When is she coming up?” Oriana asked, adorable as ever. Never really hitting her growth spurt, she was still much shorter than me. Nearly ten years hadn’t dulled her nymph like features and she was still the idol of my eye, never wavering in her devotion to the kids and me. She’d let her glossy black hair grow to between her shoulder blades and the only sign of age on her were faint crow’s feet from the stress of raising kids. She was still the little bundle of energy that she’d always been and had no trouble whatsoever in keeping up with our rambunctious children.
Nathan had been born a few years after we graduated from college, and I had found a steady, high paying job. I’d gone into architecture then contracting and made a killing locally, expansion having only just begun where we had moved. That alone had set us up for a good deal of our lives and started a hefty college fund for the kids. And the town was still spreading out and I didn’t see the work drying up for quite some time. Nathan, daddy’s little boy, had been born at two in the afternoon on a Wednesday. I’d been at work at the time and was nearly arrested twice as I raced to the hospital. He’d given Oriana the most difficulty, but damn if he wasn’t the cutest baby I’d ever seen, and delivering him had been one of the greatest things I feel I’ve ever done. Oriana had cursed the air blue trying to push him out, very nearly making the hospital staff’s ears bleed. Even though she swore she did no such thing, I remember it clear as day. Nathan looked like…well, he sort of looked like both of us really, a mixed bag of our features. He had black hair like his mother and her dazzling blue eyes but my nose and ears.
Now Ari, she had been easy, and I had been right there with Oriana when she came. Again, easily the cutest baby ever. Where Nathan had cried frequently and without remorse, Ari was almost stoically silent and only cried when absolutely necessary. The source of much confusion and debate, Ari looked exactly like my sister. Blond hair, brown eyes, a cute little nose and small, delicate ears straight from Ashley’s face. Oriana liked to joke that I had impregnated her with my sister’s jeans instead of my own by mistake.
Our wedding had been a year and a half before Nathan, and it had been perfect. During a little trip Oriana and I had taken, we stumbled upon this cliff that overlooked the ocean. It looked like something out of a movie really. It was right off the main road as well so it hadn’t been too difficult getting everything we needed up there. The weather hadn’t been perfect but if one word could describe that day it would have to be…dramatic. The picture taken by my father said it all.
The priest stood behind and between us, holding his bible low in both hands with a pleasant smile on his face. We had a hand on each others cheek, kissing passionately after the ‘you may kiss the bride’. The wind had picked up just then, causing her hair to whip behind her head like a flag, the maids of honor similarly captured. Not having much in the way of female relatives, Oriana asked Ashley, Tish, and her old roommate Sophia to stand with her. Our eyes were closed, oblivious to anything and everything. I looked very striking in my tuxedo, my best man JD standing behind me. But besides the wind tossing the women’s hair about, the background was stunning. A wispy cloud had broken up the sunlight way out behind us and sent it streaming in all directions in clearly distinct rays. The waters of the ocean were choppy that day and whitecaps were everywhere. The picture actually won us several photography contests.
Just thinking about that day very nearly brought tears to my eyes every time. Our honeymoon had also been on the verge of perfection. It was all sex, cruise ships, sex, tropical islands, and more sex. I could barely keep up with her, having to take a week off afterwards to get my strength back.
Yup, I led a charmed life.
“Pfft, I don’t know, sometime this afternoon I think, like usual.”
Giving me a wry smile, she said, “Mm, yeah like usual. I do so love your birthdays.” She stood on her tip-toes and kissed me passionately, her tongue darting into my mouth and her arms wrapping around my neck. I put my own arms around her and pulled her into me.
“Hold on Auntie Ashley, their being ewey!” Nathan observed like only a five year old could, coming up behind us.
Reluctantly breaking away, Oriana turned and took the phone from him, dispatching him to play with his sister in the playroom. “Ashley, you have always had the worst timing, I’m busy macking on your brother,” she said with a girly giggle, pulling me down to kiss her again. Ashley must have said something funny because Oriana laughed and handed me the phone while she pushed me down onto the living room couch. She wriggled into my lap and straddled my waist, playing with my shirt.
“Uhhn, hi Ashley, when are you coming up, I don’t think Oriana can wait too long?”
“Well she better wait until I get there or I’m going to go high school on her ass. I’ll be up in a few hours.”
I relayed her message to my wife and grinned when she said, “Mmm, bring it on, I can handle her any day.”
Licking my lips as she teased her hands up under my shirt, I turned my attention back to Ashley, “She says she can take anything you dish out. And you better hurry, she’s getting handsy.” Ashley swore and demanded I put Oriana back on the phone. By now she was slowly grinding her hips against my crotch and trying to undo the zipper of my cargo shorts. I handed her the phone and she listened distractedly to what my sister was saying, obviously not pleased.
“Fine, I’ll wait until you get here. But I get first dibs,” she sighed, getting off of me and wandering off with the phone attached to her ear.
“Sure I’ll just sit here then,” I chuckled to myself. Turning thirty was huge on my mind. Gone were my twenties and my wild antics of yesteryear. I was a parent now and that’s what I had to look forward to, that and growing old. This year was different though, Ashley came over every year for our shared birthday and we always celebrated in a ‘special’ way. But this year, Tish was coming too.
Despite what I had planned to do, I couldn’t manage to kick her to the curb. Instead, we had gotten closer really, becoming good friends over the years. She also kept me informed on what happened to my little soviet friends, Natalia and Sasha. Apparently, Sasha had died of a drug overdose three years ago and Natalia had moved back to the motherland, setting up the Moscow chapter of the Red Roses. I got a postcard from her every now and again, most of which I couldn’t keep around the house. Tish impressed me by quitting her P.I. job and going back to the police, this time the state police, working her way up to sergeant. She’d earned several commendations and had been shot at, at least six times, hit once. She was coming this time because she promised she would and because she said this was her last year of servitude to me and she wanted to make the best of it. Even though I repeatedly told her that she was no longer bound to me, she’d insisted.
So, this was special, and the anticipation was killing me. We were sending the kids on a sleepover with some friends of theirs, while we indulged in more adult activities. I would do that as soon as Ashley got here so she could say hi.
The hours passed slowly, made all the more difficult to bear by Oriana’s barely controlled lust. She loved my birthdays because my sister came up and she got to join in. So ever since the tradition began, she would get excited to the point where she had to change repeatedly if I didn’t play with her, so she didn’t have to sit around in wet panties.
“Oh god Tim, remember your nineteenth birthday, how much fun that was?”
“I do alright,” I smiled, gently rubbing her crotch through her pants as she snuggled up next to me on the couch, “I remember you not being able to sit down for a while afterwards because you were jealous of my sister.”
“I was not jealous!” she protested. “I merely wanted to see what all the fuss was about.”
“Sure, whatever you say sunshine.” She pouted at my unbelieving tone and sighed, rubbing her head against my chest.
“When is she gonna get here?” she asked for maybe the hundredth time.
“Jeez you’d think the two of you were married instead of us,” I complained.
“Oh hush baby, she could never replace you.”
I turned my head as I heard a car pull into the driveway. Oriana heard it too and got up, “Kids! Auntie Ashley’s here, come say hi then we have to go! She yelled off into the house.
It wasn’t five second before we could hear the pounding of little feet as they came tearing around the corner, Ari in the lead.
They threw open the door with cries of ‘Auntie Ashley! Auntie Ashley!’ even before she could raise her hand to push the doorbell.
“Hi guys!” she squeaked excitedly, as they each wrapped themselves around one of my sister’s long legs. Ashley adored my kids, doting on them like nothing else and spoiling them out of their minds. She knelt down in front of them and got a kiss on the cheek from each, before she pulled out a brown paper shopping bag she’d been hiding behind her back. Ashley was always in the know when it came to what the kids were into without us telling her. She tugged Nathan closer and held him against her as she pulled out this massive picture book, dinosaurs studding the cover. I couldn’t help but chuckle as his eyes lit up and he took the book from his auntie, barely able to lift it. Ashley looked up at us and grinned at his reaction.
“What about me, Auntie Ashwey?” Ari squeaked, eagerly eyeing the shopping bag.
“Oh!” Ashley gasped, smacking her forehead, “I almost forgot about you, Ari.”
My daughter pouted and crossed her arms, glaring at my sister.
“Well I’m sorry, but all I was able to find…” she trailed off, digging into the bag, carefully watching Ari’s depressed face, “was this!” She pulled out a brightly colored box with a flourish and handed it to the four year old. It took all of three seconds for what she was holding to sink into my daughter’s brain. Having done so, she let out a piercing scream and threw herself at Ashley, wrapping her arms around her neck and kissing my sisters cheek hard enough to bruise. I got a peek at the box and groaned, Ari had been begging us for this doll for nearly a month.
“Now she’s just gonna go to Ashley if she wants something,” I whispered to Oriana, nudging her side and motioning to the box.
“What I want to know is how she knew,” she whispered back.
“Please, an auntie knows these things,” Ashley snickered, standing up and holding Ari, who was still firmly attached to my sister’s neck.
“Mhm, sure. Now put down your little clone and say bye bye, they’re headed for a sleepover.”
“We have all night?” Ashley asked, excitement in her eyes.
“Mmhmm,” Oriana answered, equally excited. By now Ari was listening intently to what we were saying and I worried that she would think we were doing something exciting without her tonight, which we were. Ari possessed a quiet intelligence that could be quite frightening, especially for a girl her age.
Ashley put her down and told us she was going to hit the bathroom and I decided now was as a good time as any to get the kids to their sleepover. Loading them into the car seemed easier today for some reason, despite their excitement at having Ashley up for a while. The drive was barely five minutes and I couldn’t hold back my grin as I drove home.
That all changed when I heard sirens behind me, and saw blue and red lights in my rearview. I quickly scanned the dash, seeing I was driving the limit and that there were no warning lights. Muttering curses to myself, I pulled over, the police officer pulling aside a short distance behind me as procedure dictated. Siren shut off and lights still flashing, the officer got out and strode towards me. I was busy fishing around for my information and didn’t look up until the officer was at my window.
“License and registration please,” the officer demanded politely, a female officer at that. Pulling out my papers, I passed them to her through the window, looking straight ahead in annoyance.
“Do you know why I pulled you over sir?” she asked brusquely.
“No officer, I believe I was doing the limit.”
Slowly, out of the corner of my eye, I watched her lean down and look straight at me.
A grin slowly formed underneath her standard issue aviators, “Because it’s your birthday.”
My head whipped around so fast I nearly gave myself whiplash, and I stared open mouthed at the officer, “Tish?”
“Yes Master,” she replied with a quirky little grin, pulling off her dark sunglasses, revealing her beautiful green eyes.
“Jeez, I didn’t recognize you,” I gaped incredulously.
“Well, you also didn’t look at me either so…oh and just so you know, don’t go digging around while the officer approaches the car, legally I could have had my weapon on you.” I blanched slightly and nodded, she had been intimidating the first time I saw her, but with the massive handgun at her hip and the starched uniform on her muscular frame, she was downright terrifying.
“Oh come on master, do I still scare you?”
“No, Patricia, you just worry me is all.”
She frowned at my use of her formal name and leaned on the door, a little pout forming on her sensual lips, “Well there’s no need for that, I’m here for fun. And I wouldn’t hurt the man of a one man party, now would I?”
“No you wouldn’t,” I smiled, genuinely pleased to see her again. I checked the time and grimaced, “We might want to get going, I left Ashley and my wife alone for a little too long I think.”
“I still can’t believe you got married and had kids,” she said whimsically, mostly to herself as she turned and headed back to her cruiser. I pulled out into the street, followed by Tish, and headed for home. There was quite a motley collection of vehicles in the driveway now, as Tish and I headed for the door. Tish’s state police cruiser, Ashley’s sleek Jag, my Dodge Charger, and the minivan I had used to drop off the kids, not including the Kawasaki Ninja 650R in the garage.
“Look who nearly arrested me!” I called off into the house as I led Tish in. I took a few tentative steps inside when I received no response. I just so happened to glance off into the living room and rolled my eyes.
“Oh, come on! I’ve been gone for ten minutes!” I complained loudly, Tish coming up next to me and giggling.
Ashley, standing in a t-shirt and knee length skirt, had Oriana’s head pinned between the junction of her legs and the couch. So, more or less, Ashley was kneeling on the end of the couch, my wife’s head between her legs, Oriana’s gently squirming body splayed out on the floor behind my sister.
Ashley flicked the hair out of her eyes and grinned unashamedly at Tish and me, “I couldn’t help myself, and neither could she. Hi Tish.”
Giggling uncontrollably, Tish simply waved and kicked off her boots, looking between the pair of women and myself. Ashley’s skirt covered Oriana’s head completely, making for quite an amusing sight. Noting with a groan, that the shades hadn’t been closed and the big picture window gave anyone on the street who wanted to look an unobstructed view of what was going on.
Pinching the bridge of my nose in feigned frustration I said, “Let’s at least go upstairs.”
Groaning as if in pain, Ashley pulled herself off of Oriana’s face and took a few wobbly steps back. Oriana sucked in a lungful of fresh air and grinned drunkenly at me.
“Hi baby!” she chirped happily, licking her moist lips and wiping the rest of Ashley’s juices from her face with the back of her hand.
“Are you having fun sweetness?” I asked, walking over and helping her to her feet. She nodded enthusiastically and kissed me, leaving an Ashley-esque aftertaste in my mouth.
“But I wasn’t finished!” she whined, “And now you’re going to hog her all to yourself.” Letting go of my wife, I snaked an arm around my sister’s slender waist, kissing her deeply. I still had to stand higher on my toes I noticed, not too much changed there.
“Don’t worry, there’s plenty of Ashley to go around,” I said quietly, reaching behind her and squeezing an ample cheek hard. Ashley grinned, loving being the center of attention.
“Besides, it’s her birthday too,” I added. I released Ashley and walked back over to Tish, motioning towards the stairs. She dutifully followed as I led the way upstairs.
I hadn’t taken two steps into the bedroom when I heard rushing feet and I was bodily thrown through the air onto the bed. Oriana and I had deliberately bought a huge bed when we moved into our new house. I landed square on my face, scrambling to turn over and glare at my sister and Tish.
“Which one of you did that?”
Ashley raised her hand triumphantly, beginning to work her way out of the loose skirt she wore.
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