
My Sister Ashley chapter 5

Moving forward

It had been months since I spent the night at Oriana’s house and summer was in full swing. Being seniors we got out of school much earlier than the rest and took full advantage of that fact before we had to go to college. Parties, get-togethers, road trips, and all sorts of other fun filled activities were rampant. Things had calmed down quite a bit between all of us, Ashley had respectively kept her distance from me and Oriana and I only saw each other once or twice due to family excursions and such. And so it was one picturesque summer morning I asked Oriana to come over, intending to spend the day hanging out, just spending time with each other. I was sitting in the living room under the breeze of a fan in a pair of light weight shorts and a t-shirt when the doorbell rang. I sluggishly got up and opened the door.

“Hi Tim!” Oriana greeted me brightly when the door opened to reveal her standing on the stoop in a light blue spaghetti strap tube top and a pair of tiny white shorts. She was standing with her arms down behind her back and rocking back and forth on her tips of her toes.

“Why hello, come on in.” I said making a grand sweeping gesture with my hand beckoning her enter. She bounced into the living room and pulled her shirt away from her chest rapidly a few times attempting to create circulation.

“Whew it’s hot out there.” She said.

“Get ya something?” I asked gesturing towards the fridge after watching her enter and closing the door. A mischievous smile played over her sultry lips.

“How ‘bout a tall drink of water.” She said sidling up to me and kissing me passionately on the lips. I wrapped an arm behind her back and pulled her closer to me, savoring the lingering heat still radiating from her body. My father chose that moment to come up from the basement where he had been working out; trying to keep his aging body in shape. Oriana noticed him before I did and slowly pulled away from me.

“Hi Mr. Donovan!” she said cheerfully, waving at him.

“Oh hello Oriana. Tim.” He said nodding at me, the corner of his mouth quirking ever so slightly.

“Dad,” I said nodding curtly, “what’s up?” He wiped his forehead with a towel and strode into the kitchen, fishing out a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Your mother isn’t feeling well today, so I want you two out of here. Your sister has been moping around for days now; she needs to get out of the house. Go to the beach or something I don’t really care but your mother needs some space so plan on staying out the whole day. Hell, take Oriana if you want.” He said between large gulps of water.

“Um alright Dad. I’ll go get Ashley.”

“I hope Mrs. Donovan feels better.” Oriana piped in.

“I’ll pass that along sweetheart, have a good day.” He said before turning and heading in the direction of the shower after another tight smile in my direction.

“The beach!” Oriana squealed, “I haven’t been to the beach for soooo long!” I chuckled and went into my room to get my bathing suit and then to Ashley’s room, Oriana following close behind. The door was closed and I knocked before cracking the door open and peeking in, Oriana was leaning against my back on the tips of her toes trying to see past my shoulder. Ashley sat on her bed typing away on a recently acquired laptop; she stopped and looked up as her door opened.

“Ashley get your stuff together, we’re going to the beach.” I said.

“We?” she asked cocking an eyebrow.

“Yeah, you me and…” I trailed off as Oriana pushed past me and stood in the doorway.

“Me.” She said. The smile that slowly formed on my sister’s lips was similar to the expression on a tiger’s when it was about to be fed.

“Well then,” Ashley purred, “it’s bound to be a good time. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready to go.” She said closing her laptop and rising from her bed dressed in a giant t-shirt and most likely nothing else. I grabbed Oriana’s hand and pulled her away, back into the living room.

“Do you really want to go? You don’t have to you know.” I said cautiously.

“Don’t be silly we planned on hanging out today and that’s what we’ll do, just somewhere else.” She responded cheerful as ever. ‘Sure that’s just what’s going to happen’ I thought to myself.

“Alright why don’t you go home and get your things I’ll call when we’re ready to go and I’ll pick you up on the way.” I suggested.

“Sure.” She responded and headed out the door blowing me a kiss on the way out. This was going to be interesting. I gathered up a cooler and made lunches for the three of us, just some sandwiches and snacks really. I put on my sandals and threw my trunks and a few towels over my shoulder; I would get dressed in one of the changing stalls when we got there. I gathered up two beach chairs and a large umbrella and stashed them in the trunk of my car. A few minutes later Ashley appeared wearing a white and blue sundress and sandals, she had a tote bag in one hand and a towel in the other.

“Gonna change there?” I asked squinting in the sun before putting on my blue reflective sun glasses.

“No sense in causing an accident now is there?” she said playfully as she passed by me and got in the back seat. I laughed and got behind the wheel digging out my cell phone at the same time. Dialing Oriana’s I told her we would be at her house in a few minutes. The drive over was short enough and when Oriana appeared locking the door behind her, she was wearing the same outfit as before but now carried a large tote bag with her as well. Instead of getting in the passengers seat she climbed in the back with my sister, both were wearing those overly large dark sunglasses that obscured their expressions from my vantage point up front. I pulled out of the driveway and headed for the highway, almost immediately they started chattering away like birds and I could barely follow their conversation, so I tried to tune them out and concentrate on the road. I did however catch a few snippets and what I heard only made me cringe, “Really, that many!”, “Oh I bet he did!”, “You did what?”. I sighed and focused on the road. It was a thirty minute drive to the coast and mercifully they quieted down about halfway through the trip. The sun was baking hot and by the time we got to the beach parking lot we were all sweating. We got out of the car and reveled in the breeze coming off of the water. Thankfully there were only twenty or so cars there so it wouldn’t be too crowded. They started off without a backwards glance, chattering away excitedly, leaving me to carry everything.

The parking lot ended in a strip of dunes and small trees about twenty yards deep offering a measure of privacy to the beachgoers. I had to stack the chairs on the cooler and tuck the umbrella under my arm in order to make my way along the path to the beach itself. Finally breaking into the open I stumbled forward to where the girls had apparently marked out our spot off to one side near a rock outcropping. Dropping the stuff I took a moment to look around for the first time today. The beach was relatively small, off to the left there was a small snack shack and changing area with showers. In that direction the beach ended at a jagged cliff that rose about a hundred feet in the air. The sand continued straight out for about a hundred yards or so before it was met by the sparkling blue sea. The beach was actually part of a large bay so the water was incredibly smooth. Boats and jet skies could be seen tearing around out in the bay. A large sandbar sat eighty yards out in the water and being low tide at the moment, was completely exposed with only a tiny strip of blue separating it from the beach proper. Off to the right a good distance away were a lot of huge boulders and rocks that marked the accepted end of the beach in that direction but behind the rocks was a cove where small boats were at anchor.

I set up the chairs and umbrella and laid out the towel I was going to lay on, when they announced they were going to go change. Already eyes were starting to track their movements as they headed off to the changing rooms. I followed when they were about halfway there, out of the corner of my eye watching more than a few male eyes chasing after the girls. I grinned to myself; I would have done the same in their place. I stepped into an empty stall and quickly changed into my black swim shorts with blue tribal designs that ended just below the knee. I rolled up my clothes into a ball and walked back out into the scorching heat and took off my shirt realizing that I hadn’t yet. I looked down at my flat hairless chest and winced, almost blinded by the farmers tan I had going. I had hesitated in taking off my shirt, worried that the scars on my back might attract unwanted attention. I hadn’t seen them recently but the last time I did, maybe a month or two ago, they looked like a set of ribs, three or four inch lines extending from my spine, ten of them. They hadn’t smoothed out and were still raised and bumpy, ugly things. My thoughts were interrupted by an arm linking with mine as Oriana pulled herself close to me.

“Like my bathing suit?” she asked quietly. She was wearing a two piece light green bikini set that seemed to fit her like a second skin. Her smooth, pale skin glowed and her black hair formed a stark contrast.

“I don’t know what’s hotter, you or the sun.” She blushed and looked down at herself before looking back at me.

“Thanks farmer boy but you haven’t seen the competition yet.” She said arching up and kissing me before gesturing back at the changing stalls. Ashley had just emerged, squinting in the light before putting on her sunglasses again and looking over at us smiling. My jaw was not the only one that dropped. She had on a tiny black bikini top that lifted her large breasts and separated them slightly; creating the most amazing cleavage I had ever seen. Unlike me she had a full tan; she always had ever since we were young, even though I had seen her quite naked lately I could only really appreciate it outside and compared to others. Her bikini bottom was likewise incredibly small, both leaving very little to the imagination. She just radiated sex and she was well aware of it. Oriana was between me and the beach and with a sneaky look down turned to Ashley, frowning.

“Looks like you win Ashley. You get first dibs.” She said solemnly. A feral grin formed on my sister’s lips, she looked at me and then scanned the beach reveling in the stares she was getting.

“Might want to hide that Tim.” She said as she started walking back to the chairs. I finally became aware of the fact that my dick had started to push against my shorts. I cursed under my breath and calmly placed my rolled up clothes in front of my crotch. Fortunately most of the beach’s attention was focused on Ashley sauntering back over to her chair. When she got there she threw a grin over her shoulder at us and bent from the waist to pick up the towel lying on her chair then sat down. I fancied I could hear an audible gasp from all the guys watching her.

“I bet you’re not the only one.” Oriana giggled and strolled to her own chair drawing an equal amount of stares. I chuckled again and walked over to my towel and got out a tube of sun block and applied it myself and sat down on my towel.

“Could you do me Tim?” Ashley asked indicating the sunscreen. I looked over at her and managed to keep a straight face as I handed the tube to Oriana.

“Oriana will.” I said. They both grinned and cast glances at the beachgoers. Ashley presented her back to Oriana and squeezed a generous amount of sunscreen into her own hand before handing the tube back to Oriana. Ashley then started to rub the cream onto her front, going way slower than she normally would have if she wasn’t being watched. She was careful to spend time rubbing it into the tops of her breasts and opening her mouth slightly, seductively. Meanwhile Oriana started rubbing the sun block into Ashley’s back, shoulders, and neck. Next Ashley moved to her legs which she extended out and leaned forward to rub in the cream down to her ankles giving whoever was watching an almost unobstructed view of her tits.

Now finished, it was Oriana’s turn; she looked over at me then turned her back to Ashley. Oriana rubbed her front and legs quickly but thoroughly, not as interested in pleasing the crowd as Ashley was. Ashley however, took her time rubbing it into Oriana’s back and shoulders almost massaging her. She leaned over and whispered in Oriana’s ear while slowly sneaking a hand around her back and down her side seeking her thigh. Oriana started breathing harder and it took a second for her to come to her senses, slapping Ashley’s hand away before it could venture further.

I watched all of this out of the corner of my eye; my main attention was paid to watching the people watching them. One man, who was maybe twenty something and with his girlfriend, was caught with his eyes riveted to Ashley, suffered under his girlfriend’s furious glare. The girls drew looks from the other sex as well, most of whom had the ‘I’m jealous and if this weren’t such a public place I’d fight you’ kind of look on their faces. I was pleased to notice that there were really only seven or eight people who actually watched for any length of time, most were just cursory glances and then went back to watching their kids or just gazing out to sea. Oriana and Ashley weren’t the only girls on the beach, they were just the hottest.

The girls finished up and sat back in their chairs soaking up the sun and relaxing. I lay on my stomach for now, for um obvious reasons but after ten minutes or so rolled over onto my back, I had done this for maybe an hour before I heard Ashley announce she was going to go cool off. I turned my head and watched as she stood up and stretched, another show, then grabbed Oriana’s hand and pulled her along behind her. They ran down to the water and started jumping around, playing like little girls and splashing each other. I sat up and fished a water out of the cooler when a figure detached itself from a group of guys my age and strode towards me. I focused on him and wasn’t surprised to see why he was the one the group had sent to investigate.
He was thin, his body cut with well defined muscles and skin darkened by an almost constant life under the sun. He had long blonde, almost platinum hair that hung around his crystal blue eyes. There was a tattoo around his right bicep depicting waves with the Latin word vita written over and through the waves. He had on white shorts with red flowers and a pair of well worn sandals.

“Yo brah mind if I sit with you for a sec?” he said in what could only be described as a surfer’s accent.

“No, go ahead…” I said trailing off.

“Trent.” He responded extending a calloused hand which I shook.

“Tim nice to meet you.”

He sat down in the sand next to me and looked from me to the girls.

“Listen brah I just gotta know…who are they?” he said with a nod towards Ashley and Oriana, still frolicking in the shallows.

“You want to know or do they want to know?” I asked grinning. He chuckled and shrugged, flicking the hair out of his eyes.

“Mostly them but I’m curious as well. I’ve rarely seen hotter babes on this coast brah.” He responded. I laughed and pulled my sunglasses down and peered over them at him.

“The little one is my girlfriend and the big one is my sister.”

“You’re a lucky guy brah,” he said extending his hand again as if in congratulation, “your sister is she…uh…is she seeing anyone?” Inwardly I was hysterical with laughter but I managed to keep a cool exterior.

“Not that I know of, she doesn’t exactly share that kind of information with me.” I said pushing my sunglasses back up.

“How old is she?” he asked confidently. I got the impression that if a forty year old woman caught his attention he would have no problem hitting on her with the most serious of intentions.

“She is eighteen, same as me. Apparently we’re twins.”

“Kewl kewl. What’s her name?”

“Ashley. And I would be careful if I were you, her boyfriends don’t always come away from a relationship with her the same as they went in.” I said as he stood up and brushed himself off. He looked at me funny for a second before turning to look back over at the group of guys waiting impatiently for his return.

“Well thanks brah.” He said shaking my hand again and striding off to the group. I saw him shake his head and point back at me then watched as the guys acted disappointed and walked off to start a beach football game. Trent however headed in the opposite direction towards the two girls who had by now calmed down and were sitting down in the water talking again. He walked right up to Ashley and sat down next to her to the astonished look on Oriana’s face. They exchanged a few words and Ashley pointed up at me and then at herself. Trent looked at me and shrugged again standing up making the ‘call me’ sign at Ashley. Both Ashley and Oriana looked over at me and even from where I sat I could see their teeth sparkling in huge grins. They got up and trotted back to the shade of the umbrella, their bodies glistened with beaded moisture and their hair was plastered to their skulls. I tossed them their towels and waited for them to finish drying themselves before asking the only question on my mind.

“So what did you say to Trent?” I asked Ashley.

“Oh he asked if I was seeing anyone and I told him I was fucking you, so I was unavailable at the moment.” She said her voice serious, her face expressionless. My mouth hung open as I stared at my sister incredulously and my stomach dropped to my feet. Suddenly Oriana broke into laughter and my mind was put at ease when a slight smile spread on Ashley’s lips.

“You should see your face!” Oriana squealed almost out of breath from laughing so hard.

“Don’t worry brah I told him I was seeing someone and that I never told you about it.” She said, mocking Trent’s surfer voice.

“Though he was pretty damn hot.” She said wistfully taking off her sunglasses and squinting after Trent’s retreating figure.

“Yeah that’s true.” Oriana added, a sense of longing in her voice.

“Oh man you two are so cruel.” I said standing up.

“Yeah but you love us.” Ashley said coolly.

“I don’t know…” I said trailing off and heading down the beach towards the rocks, intending to find a quiet little nook where I could put my feet in the water and sit. My back was turned so I missed the worried look that passed between them as they got up and ran after me.

“We didn’t mean anything Tim!” Oriana said linking arms with me.

“Yeah we were just kidding.” Ashley said linking arms with me as well so I had a stunning girl on each arm.

“I don’t believe you.” I sniffed pretending to wipe a tear away from my eye.

“Aw looks like we hurt his delicate little feelings Oriana.” Ashley said playing along. They both kissed my cheek.

“I love you Tim.” They said in unison. They stopped abruptly and let go of my arms turning to face each other. I spared them a seconds glance and continued on, not wanting to get involved in whatever fight they were about to have. I entered the maze of boulders and wound my way through them looking for a quiet place. I turned a corner and headed down a short channel cut through the rock and waded through knee deep water to a bend that I hadn’t seen before. I rounded the bend, climbing over another rock and was confronted by a little hollow perfectly suited to me needs. There was crystal clear, ankle deep water in a rough circle under a smooth ledge that ran about halfway around the pool. The whole area was maybe six or seven feet in diameter and surrounded by solid rock ten feet in the air, I grinned, satisfied that I had found such a paradise where I could sit and be by myself and think. I had been doing that a lot lately, going off by myself and just thinking; thinking about everything but somehow nothing at all. I sat on the ledge and sighed contentedly looking up at the sky through my glass darkened vision.

“Someone should make a statue of that.” Said my sister’s voice. I was startled but quickly regained my composure and glared at her, not that she could really tell.

“Ashley you have to stop sneaking around like that.” I said then looked past her seeing nothing, “where’s Oriana?”

“Back at the chairs.” She responded stepping into my little sanctum. Her scent wafted in with her, even after jumping around in the ocean she still managed to smell like flowers. I shrugged and looked back up, watching a few puffy white clouds inch across the vast blue sky. Ashley came over and sat next to me on the ledge, her arm brushing against mine.

“Tim it’s been so long.” She said softly.

“Yep.” I said still looking up.

“Tim look at me.” I took my eyes off of the sky and turned them on her, she reached out and pulled the sunglasses off my face.

“Do you not want me anymore?” she asked, a fearful look on her beautiful face.

“It’s not that…it’s just with Oriana I don’t…” I said stopping, realizing I should quit talking.

“What? You don’t need me anymore?” she said calmly, though I thought I saw her lip quivering ever so slightly. I reached out and pulled her to me hugging her tightly, she swung her legs over and sat on my lap wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me back as she sniffled and tears spilled from her eyes. I shushed gently and stroked her silken hair.

“I don’t want to be just your sister; I liked being more than that.” She wailed between sobs.

“Sshh now, you still are more than a sister to me Ashley you know that.” I said quietly.

“No I’m not!” she wailed again and buried her face in my neck as she was wracked by sobs.

“Why would you ever think that?” I cooed.

“I’m sitting on your lap and your not even hard.” She mumbled into my neck.

“Well that’s because my sister is crying. Why would I get hard when you’re not happy?” I responded suppressing my laughter. She pulled her head away from my neck and looked at me through red, tear filled eyes. She sniffed and dried her eyes on her forearm trying to get control of herself.

“There that’s better.” I said brushing a loose lock of hair out of her eyes.

“I’m sorry Tim.” She sniffled.

“For what? You haven’t done anything.”

“Yes I have, you even said so. I’ve dragged you through so much. I should have kept it between you and me but I had to go and bring other people into it.” I was silent and she continued after a brief pause to wipe her eyes again.

“I should never have gotten Sarah involved even though I knew how you two felt about each other. And I’m sorry for pushing Oriana into it as well, I know you wanted your first time with her to be special. I’m sorry Tim, I’m so sorry.” Tears broke loose from her eyes again and I brushed them away with a finger.

“It’s okay don’t worry about it.”

“Please forgive me Tim. I’m so sorry.”

“There’s nothing to forgive Ashley.” I said looking deep into her eyes. She smiled wearily and I kissed her on the forehead holding her face between my hands. Her features softened and she looked at me with a pleading look in her eyes. She leaned in and kissed me deeply closing her eyes, her tongue hesitantly entered my mouth after a second and she became more forceful pushing her face harder against mine. She broke away for a moment panting, trying to catch her breath before plunging back in again mashing our lips together, totally lost in the moment. My sister’s soft lips against mine caused stirrings where there previously were none and she opened her eyes and gazed longingly at me, her brown eyes starting to glaze over. My cock was pushing against her ass throbbing madly, intent on being noticed.

“It’s been so long Tim.” She repeated quietly. She took my hand and brought it to her chest, slipping it under her bikini top so I could touch her sensitive nipple. I gripped it lightly between my thumb and forefinger and tweaked it slightly; she moaned softly and pushed her chest out farther against my hand. I pushed back, squishing her soft tit in my hand and massaging it with my fingers.

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