My Sister Ashley chapter 4
My Sister Ashley chapter 4
Sex Story Author: | Von Armand |
Sex Story Excerpt: | For a brief second she wasn’t completely focused and I used that to free my hands. Her eyes went wide |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Fiction, Incest, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Females |
PLEASE READ: Again, what happens at Oriana’s house is fictional, meaning I made it up, so don’t give me shit about it. I don’t want to hear ‘oh that’s impossible, no such thing blah blah blah’. But uh if it is I want to know about it lol. Enjoy!
I resigned myself to defeat and went limp, I wasn’t going to help them. All clothes had been removed and Sarah resumed pushing her pussy into my face; though to her chagrin she wasn’t getting the whole experience. Ashley however was going to town on my cock and I had to restrain myself from bucking my hips to drive my dick further down her throat. Although on one occasion I did when she wasn’t expecting it and made her gag slightly, just one tiny victory in an un-winnable situation some would say.
“Ashley, get off and help me pick him up.” Sarah commanded. My cock was freed from my sister’s mouth and I was roughly hauled to my feet. When I was standing they backed off ever so slightly and I jinked to the side and for a brief second I thought I could make the door (although what I did when I got there was still undetermined) that hope was dashed when both their naked bodies crashed into mine and I was crushed to the floor under their weight.
“Where ya going Tim?” my sister breathed into my right ear.
“Yeah, don’t you want to stay and play with us?” Sarah whispered in my left.
“No god just leave me alone!” I moaned. “Why don’t you just go fuck each other?”
“We were going to. But who do I find when I get here but my ol’ buddy Timothy. And you’re such easy pickings, that at least I, couldn’t pass up the opportunity.” Sarah said cheerfully, the way she said ‘ol’ buddy’ made my skin crawl.
“And besides Tim you took my strap-on remember? Sarah doesn’t have one, what were we supposed to do?” Ashley added.
“He took your strap-on?” Sarah asked incredulously.
“Yeah that, and all my other stuff.”
“Oh bad move Tim.” Sarah said mockingly. Mind you they were still lying on top of me, pushing themselves into my body. They stood me up once more after they finished grinding and taunting me, Ashley wrapped her arms around my chest, pinning my arms and held me tightly to her so I was facing away from her. She then flopped back onto the bed so I was lying face up on top. Sarah stood menacingly over me and pulled her fingers out of her pussy where she’d had them completely embedded.
“Ya know Tim; I was mighty disappointed when you broke up with me. It took me days to get over myself.” She said looking up, as if trying to recall the exact emotions she had experienced at the time.
“Ha, I wasn’t. I was sick and tired of hanging around with a cold hearted bitch like you. It took me all of five minutes to get over it and move on.” I sneered.
“He’s got you pegged Sarah.” Ashley laughed. Sarah bared her teeth in a feral smile leaned down and shoved the hand that hadn’t been embedded in her pussy, as far as she could into Ashley’s. Ashley shrieked and gripped me tighter, threatening to crush the life out of me and forcing the breath out of my lungs. Sarah’s smile broadened as she withdrew her fingers. She held them up to us and I realized why Ashley had screamed like that, blood coated the tips of two fingers like badly applied nail polish and for the first time I noticed how viciously sharp Sarah’s fingernails were.
“Yeah he does, doesn’t he?” She said looking directly into my eyes and almost absentmindedly, licked her fingers clean. Ashley buried her face in my neck and started whimpering. Her grip on me fluctuated and I considered trying to break free but felt that my presence was helping her slightly. Sarah ignored her completely; she was totally focused on my cock.
“You’re bigger than most guys I’ve seen, I feel even worse about letting you dump me.” She said, her gaze never wavering. I didn’t respond and she got up onto the bed and poised herself above my cock balancing on the balls of her feet. I smirked and before she could do anything else I shot my leg out and I felt it connect with the back of her foot. She lost her balance and dropped, right onto my cock which became completely buried in her tight cunt. She tried to speak, something witty I’m sure, but all that came out was a series of guttural noises. For whatever reason Ashley chose that moment to let go of me and I took it. I grabbed Sarah and threw myself forward using the momentum to hurl us to the floor. Quickly before she could recover I grabbed her under the arms and hauled her to her feet then pinned her between the wall and myself running on pure adrenaline. Her head cracked up against the wall and she slumped forward for a second before coming to again. I had fallen out of her and I quickly plunged my still rock hard cock into her pussy, way faster than could have been comfortable. She gasped then found the breath to scream.
“Oops, looks like you’ve lost control Sarah.” I whispered slowly, deliberately punctuating each word with a not to gentle thrust of my hips. She still didn’t seem to have the ability to speak, her mouth was hanging open, pain or pleasure (I couldn’t tell, but knowing her they were one and the same) written on her pixie face. I continued pounding her mercilessly before I felt myself reaching that point. I pulled out and let go of her, she dropped to the floor in a heap and I reached down, a sadistic grin tearing across my features and grabbed her head in both hands. Her eyes popped out as I shoved my cock down her throat, she gagged horribly and tried to pull away. I kept a tight grip on her though and pumped a few times for good measure before I blew my load. She started choking as I pulled out of her face. She coughed and cum dribbled down her chin before she fell over on her face, her whole body twitching every few seconds. I picked up her shirt and wiped myself off, then looked back at Ashley; she had curled up in the fetal position clutching at her pussy. I could see a touch of crimson on the outer area but nothing else. I stooped and pulled on my boxers before making my way to her bed. I sat next to my naked sister and stroked her hair.
“You going to be alright?” I asked.
“What the hell was that about?”
“How the fuck…should I know? She’s fucking crazy! Been like that…since you two broke up.”
“Yeah.” She sighed, “Look, help me to the bathroom okay.” I let her lean on me and brought her to the bathroom where she asked me to leave her alone. I returned to her room and snatched up my clothes. Sarah was still lying facedown on the floor, though she wasn’t twitching anymore.
“You realize you brought this on yourself, you didn’t have to come over here.” When she made no response I continued, “You’re not fooling anyone.” I could see the side of her face and I watched as one corner of her mouth pulled back in half a smile.
“You still want me Tim.” She stated bluntly in what I assume was her sexiest tone of voice. I’m sure she could feel my eyes on her and she loved it, she was always an attention whore.
“No, I really don’t.” I laughed acidly. She brought herself into a sitting position and pouted.
“Why not?” She asked pouting like she really didn’t know. I tried not to let my eyes wander and kept them locked on her astonishingly green eyes.
“Think really hard and maybe, just maybe you’ll figure it out.” I said and left before she could respond. I stalked into my room and put on some fresh clothes then lay on the bed.
“What does Oriana have that I don’t?” I looked up and wasn’t surprised to see Sarah leaning against the door frame, still naked.
“Gee I don’t know a heart maybe.” I sneered.
“That cuts me deep Tim.” A grin spread onto my face as Ashley slid silently behind Sarah and held up her index and middle fingers close together, they had been coated with something that glistened, a savage grin on her face.
“And plus she’s got bigger tits than you.” I laughed. Sarah smiled evilly and made to step into my room but Ashley clamped her other hand around the back of Sarah’s neck and slipped the two fingers into Sarah’s ass. The face she made was priceless, a mix of shock, surprise, pain, and something akin to nausea. Ashley pulled up with those two fingers and forced Sarah onto the tips of her toes.
“Where do you thing you’re going Sarah dear? We’re not done yet.” Ashley cooed. Sarah squeaked as Ashley pulled her back and marched her back down the hall to her room. I heard the door close and then a thump accompanied by a few crashing noises. I could only imagine what was going on in there. I lay back and listened to the noises, there were a couple audible moans and a scream, Sarah’s if I wasn’t mistaken. Finally after about twenty minutes the sounds ceased and I couldn’t help myself but to investigate, I grabbed my cell phone off of my desk and headed for Ashley’s room. I opened the door and smiled; I quickly took a picture with my phone and put it back into my pocket before they could see. They were both sprawled on her bed, Sarah on her stomach and Ashley lying across Sarah’s legs on her back, both were naked and both were breathing heavily. I also noticed something sticking out from between Sarah’s sculpted ass cheeks.
“Is… is that a flashlight?” I asked, shocked and awed at the same time. They both looked up at the sound of my voice.
“What, this?” Ashley giggled, poking the light part (the only thing visible); Sarah moaned and buried her face in the sheets when the flashlight was moved.
“Hey Sarah that looks like it’s really in there. I don’t know how you’re gonna get it out but I bet it wont be pleasant.” The look she gave me was nothing but hate and I couldn’t help but laugh a little at this situation. I sauntered over and sat down on her back, pinning her to the bed. I whistled and poked at it, moving it more than Ashley had; Sarah moaned louder and grunted out a curse.
“Jesus Ashley how’d you do that?” I asked, awed by my sister’s abilities.
“Well, it took some doing, I’ll tell you that much. And she didn’t go quietly, did ya Sarah?” she laughed and slapped her ass cheek. I noticed that both her ass cheeks were already beat red as if she’d been spanked, repeatedly. Sarah cried out and bit her lip.
“Oh god! Take it out please, please.” She pleaded.
“Maybe I don’t want to. In fact maybe you should just keep it in there.”
“And maybe I should fucking kill you Ashley!”
“Come on now Sarah, be nice.” I chuckled and put my finger on the top of the flashlight and pushed down. She screamed as it was pushed in a tiny bit more. I took a firm grip of what was exposed and pulled it free with a comical sucking noise; it was a good sized flashlight perhaps a little less than an inch in diameter. She screamed louder and as it was pulled free I caught a glimpse of her gaping asshole, I smiled and smacked her ass as Ashley had done, before standing up. Sarah’s hands shot to her ass and she curled into a ball forcing Ashley to get up as well.
“Aw looks like Sarah doesn’t like being on the other side, does it Tim.” Ashley said, crawling back onto the bed and draping herself over Sarah’s body and whispered in her ear kissing her face tenderly.
“Does it hurt Sarah?” I shivered involuntarily at her words, something in the tone of her voice sending chills down my spine. I shook my head and left the room. I headed for the living room and plopped down on the couch to watch some TV. Not ten minutes later the door opened and my parents trudged in, bags of groceries in their arms.
“Tim is that Sarah’s car in the driveway?” my father asked. My parents being my parents were very familiar with Sarah and everything surrounding our relationship.
“Um yes it is. She was hoping to stay over with Ashley, she was going to help her with a physics project and turn it into one of those girl sleepover things I guess.” I said, thinking that I needed to give them a reason for Sarah’s presence before I realized what I had just done. They exchanged wary glances, I doubt they were comfortable letting my ex stay the night in the same house as me, but if it would help Ashley with her schoolwork then they would consent. I cursed my own stupidity, without thinking I had given her an excuse to stay overnight and do who knows what.
“Oh, I guess that’s alright just make sure they keep it down.” My mother added. I forced a cheerful smile onto my face and rose to my feet, I made as if to help with the groceries but they waved me off saying that there weren’t that many left in the car. I shrugged and when they headed back outside I darted down the hall to Ashley’s room. I burst through the door and slammed it behind me. They were both standing across the room fully clothed, Sarah was scratching at her shirt trying to remove the stain I had put there.
“Apparently,” I said wearily, “you’re staying the night with Ashley. You’ll be working on a physics project and you’re to keep the noise to a minimum.” They both looked at me quizzically and then at each other.
“Oh wonderful, another chance eh Tim?” Sarah chortled. Ashley punched her arm and Sarah returned the action.
“No Sarah,” I said “no it’s not, do what you want with her, but stay the fuck away from me!” I warned. Ashley narrowed her eyes at me when I mentioned her but said nothing.
“Aw boo that’s no fun; she tries to shove stuff up my ass.” Ashley grinned in a satisfied manner and arched an eyebrow at her. Sarah shivered and stepped away from Ashley, a hand straying to her rear.
“Can I sleep in your room Tim?” she seemed sincere or at least terrified of Ashley. I barked out a laugh and said,
“That’s funny really it is, but I think that you should stay here with your little friend.” She pouted and stepped up to me, draping her arms around my neck and down my back, pressing herself against my body.
“Please Tim, I won’t try to have my way with you, really I won’t.” She begged mere inches from my face, her scent invading my senses, green eyes peering into my soul. I shook my head to clear my mind.
“Ha fat chance of that. The answer is still no.” I said forcefully. She frowned and stepped away from me. I chuckled at the look she gave my sister and left the room.
The rest of the evening was uneventful if not a bit awkward. However it was funny to see the way they walked, considering what they had gone through I was surprised they were even up and about, but soon night fell and my parents headed off to bed and I fully intended to do the same. So dressed in my usual sleeping garb, boxers, I tried to fall asleep and I nearly did when I got the feeling that someone was watching me. I opened my eyes and lo and behold Sarah’s face was not two feet away from mine, green eyes just staring at me.
“For Christ’s fucking sake Sarah, go to bed.” I growled.
“I can’t, not with Ashley.”
“Oh bullshit, don’t give me that crap! You can handle Ashley, stop being a pussy. And why the hell are you naked?”
“I don’t know I just am. Is that a problem?” she asked innocently. I was about to say something else when she got onto the bed and under the covers faster than I could react.
“Come on Sarah!” I tried to shove her away but she wouldn’t budge, she grabbed my hand and put it to her bare breast, although I think she meant it to be over her heart.
“I still have feelings for you Tim, why can’t you see that? All that stuff from earlier was just a show for your sister, you know that don’t you?” she said.
“Coulda’ fooled me.” I responded pulling my hand out of her grip and turning my back on her hoping that by ignoring her she would go away like some persistent bad dream.
“I never got over you; in fact, most of the reason why I agreed to come over here was to be near you again. I hoped I could talk to you alone, not necessarily like this but…” she trailed off and I looked back at her. Her lower lip was quivering and she appeared to be on the brink of tears.
“Oh god, I swear if you start crying I’m going to drag you back to Ashley’s room and give her some of her shit back, understand.” She nodded and sniffled, choking back her emotions. I couldn’t figure out what was going on, who was this girl, she certainly wasn’t the Sarah I knew, this one actually seemed human and I found myself feeling sympathetic. Of course she had been all nice and sweet when we first met and on those few dates we went on but that soon changed, she turned into the girl that I detested. I wondered for a second if this wasn’t just another one of her acts. But come to think of it she always seemed normal when we were alone, only becoming vicious and cynical when we were in the presence of others. I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t realized that sooner.
“I’m sorry I…I just…” She reached out and pulled me to her and proceeded to sob into my shoulder.
“Why is it the two biggest and toughest girls I know come crying to me all of a sudden?” I said out loud to myself.
“Because you’ve got broad shoulders.” My sister’s voice came from the doorway. Sarah jumped and tightened her embrace, whimpering a little. I looked up and wasn’t surprised to see that Ashley was naked too.
“I’ll be taking that now.” She said coming into my room and reaching for Sarah. Ashley grabbed her shoulder and pulled Sarah away from me, as she was being taken away Sarah reached out and took hold of my arm.
“Please.” She whispered, her eyes were red and tears ran down her face, there was a look of absolute terror and desperate pleading on her face and it crushed me.
“Ashley, let her stay please.” I said quietly.
“Fine but you owe me.” She said smugly, letting go of Sarah who instantly latched back onto me. With that Ashley strode out of the room, a little too quickly I thought. ‘What was that about’ I wondered, she came in wanting something but didn’t pursue it to the end like she usually does in situations like this. I shrugged to myself and rolled over again, my back to Sarah.
“Thank you Tim. And,” she said kissing my cheek once, twice, three times moving closer to my mouth, “you should have let her take me.” I tried to cry out, tried to get away but she still held onto me, making it easier to clamp her mouth over mine preventing me from making anything but a muffled noise. Fuck I should have known I should have seen this coming. Why had I trusted her, a few kind words and a feeling of intimacy, was that all it took to catch me unawares?
She had my hands pinned under her forearm and with her other hand she traced small patterns down my stomach to my crotch. My boxers stood little chance against her lusty onslaught and in no time at all my cock was exposed, her hand curled around its limp form. She started moving her hand pumping my dick bringing it to its full size soon enough. Her mouth was still over mine her tongue running over my teeth. Suddenly she brought herself up and managed to slide almost half of my cock into her pussy. She moaned into my mouth and pulled back biting my lower lip between her sharp canines, she grinned and bit down harder, a flash of pain and warm liquid spurted back into my mouth as she let go.
“Bitch!” I hissed. She snorted and pushed the rest of my cock into herself.
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