
My Sister and Her Friends (Part 2)

Now for the sex…

(Part 2 of our story continues with David making some progress towards becoming a man, he’s been kind of a pussy. Please check out part 1 , but as a quick reminder we have with us today: David, an 18 year old college freshman. Vickie, his hot older sister who’s a senior at his college. Vickie has had our boy handcuffed a few times which pisses him off, but she also gets his rocks off so there’s some mixed feelings about that. We also have Vickie’s friend Vanessa of the H-cup who isn’t fat and yes, there is such a thing, (she’s real, trust me!). Vanessa and David had a rather wild time but no fucking. Then there’s Michele, the final gal of the trio, the love of his life.)


—Friday, after the titslapping and cocksucking adventures at Vanessa’s house.

I guess I drove home from Vanessa’s house. I might’ve floated. The afternoon seems like a dream… I molested Vanessa’s gigantic tits, came in her mouth… twice! And spanked her pretty fucking good. And not just a regular ass spanking, I spanked and slapped her tits, and she loved it!

She wouldn’t let me fuck her, or lick her pussy, either. I could have forced the issue, but she did threaten to kick my balls. These instructions not to fuck me came from Vickie, my sister.

I don’t know what to think about her right now. I mean, yeah, she’s apparently trying to make a man out of me, which I appreciate, but she’s also doing this dominant thing on me and I’m not liking it so much.

When I got home, Mom made me dinner, I showered and went back up to the college to hang with a couple guys from my accounting class in their dorm room . We’re just barely friends, but it’s better than hanging with Mom. Vickie was out on a date.

The dorm was pretty cool, wish I was setup like that. Well, maybe. I mean you have a lot of freedom, but you also have a roommate who may or may not be a douchebag. Anyway, we hung with a few gals, too. One gal, Cheryl, was showing a bit of interest in me, but Chad (my new buddy) was interested in her so I distanced myself from her. Bro’s before ho’s and all that. Only, we didn’t say this back then. Plus, she seemed really excited about accounting. I fucking hate accounting but I have to take it. Who gets excited about accounting?

I got home pretty late. Vickie was home but her door was locked. Yes, I checked. But she forgot to lock the door from our adjoining bathroom. I tiptoed in… I could hear her lightly snoring and could smell the booze and cigarettes on her. Form the glow of her clock radio, I could see about half a boob peeking from her flannel pajamas. She was sleeping hard on her back.

You’ve all seen ‘Animal House’, right? Pinto is looking at the passed out chick, and an angel and devil appear on each shoulder, each with conflicting advice as to his next course of action. I had a similar experience for a few moments, but then a third guy showed up; we’ll call him the Flim-Flam man. Flim was like, yeah, you could jump her bones and get it over with. But wouldn’t it be much better to do something to pay her back for all the humiliation she’s caused me? Do something with some style? Do it when she’s sober so she’ll remember it forever? I asked Flim what the plan he was, he said he was working on it. Alright, no Grand Scheme tonight then.

But, I couldn’t just walk away. I had a semi going and it seemed like a good time to at least leave her a message of ‘hey, you don’t know what’s coming next’.

I reached over and carefully unbuttoned another button, then another. Her breathing didn’t change. I unbuttoned the last one, and gently opened her flannel top, exposing her breasts. God damn they were nice. And I sucked them last week. Yes I did, sucked them good. And she jacked my cock off with them, with her beautiful tits… and she likes to suck them, too… and so does Vanessa… Nessa and I had a tongue fight on her big fucking nipples… the nipples that I slapped and spanked and squeezed and bit and sucked hard and kissed gently… and I saw Michele’s gorgeous tits, too… and Nessa’s hairy cunt…and I made Nessa cum so hard she cried some tears of joy… what a freaky bitch, that Vanessa… and she watches her mom suck dildos with her mom’s cunt juices on it… and I forced her to say she wanted to eat out her mom…

Jesus fucking Christ… I leaned on the bed and shot load after load of hot cum on my sister’s tits… three shots… four shots… stroke stroke fucking faster… five shots… any more? Nah, just drips on her sheets…

That will be something nice for her to wake up to!


I woke up Saturday around 11:00. Didn’t hear anything in the house. Rolled on my stomach and humped the sheets for a few moments, thinking of Vanessa watching her naked mom masturbate… rolled on my back and came all on my chest and stomach. Ahhh…

Vickie was still asleep… too bad! I wanted to catch her reaction to the dried cum on her tits and jammies.

Even though we just had mid-terms, the year ain’t over and we have this big, stupid biology project due at the end of the year. I gotta go to the campus library and use some of the reference books, no Interwebz back in ’87!

I go to the second floor of the library where all the reference books are. There’s almost nobody in the library. Most people are taking the weekend off after the Mid-terms, it seems. Coming up the stairs, I see a gal wave to me.

She’s got dark, shoulder length hair tied in a pony tail… but a few of the front strands are hanging down, framing her luscious face. The face of an Angel. The face of one of my sister’s best friends, Michele.

In my sister’s latest little torment/game, she had me handcuffed to the bed, naked with an erection, and brought in Vanessa and Michele to tease me. My embarrassment was supreme. However, Michele could see this and pretty much put an end to it and got everyone out. The fact that Vickie came back and titfucked my cock was nice (ok, it was fucking awesome!), but still, embarrassment stings.

I muster up some courage and saunter over.

“David!” she whispers. “What are you doing here? Trying to graduate early?”

“Ha, yeah definitely,” I whisper back. “Got that freshman bio project, ya know? Need to tun in the next progress item…”

“Ah yes, Professor Digby’s famous project. How long will you be here?”

“I dunno… couple hours at least, I guess…”

“Good, me too. Um…” She was thinking hard about something. “I need to concentrate and so do you, but come talk to me when you’re done, okay? It’s uh… it’s important… to me…”

“Yeah, sure. I’m gonna go spread my shit, uh, stuff over in the science section. See ya…”

Now what was that all about? What important stuff does she have to talk to me about?

I struggle to concentrate and study my shit. I’m supposed to be making notecards in order to write my big paper. I thought I would get 30-40 done today. After 2 hours, I’ve got 5. I cannot fucking concentrate.

I gather up my books and papers and shuffle over to Michele to see what’s so important. It’s quiet in the library, of course, but the nearest person is about 100 feet away. She invites me to sit down; she’s on the end of the table so I sit 90 degrees to her on the side.

“David,” she begins, her voice barely above a whisper. “I just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay, and to tell you that I am really, Really sorry about the other day in Vickie’s room.”

I blush. God I hate it when that happens but I can’t help it.

“Apology accepted. Thanks.” And I start to get back up.

“No, wait!” she whispers.

“Look,” I say, raising my voice. “I know she’s got you all in on some grand plan…”

“Shhhhhhhh!!!” The obnoxious mouse girl 100 feet away is pissed.

“I know”, I begin again, whispering. “Vickie’s got you guys all teasing me…”

“No,” protests Michele. “It’s not like that. Vickie does want you to… grow up to be a man… we all want to help you, David… Vanessa and I love Vickie like a sister and she, Vick, adores you…”

“She adores me so much she has to tease and embarrass me, and set me up with Vanessa but puts out strict rules on what I can and can’t do. That’s bullshit. That’s not love, or kindness, it’s just her being a bitch and I’m not taking it anymore.”

Michele bows her head. “I don’t agree with her methods. I thought we could just talk with you, tell you some stuff, give you help with girls and how to talk with them. You’re such a great guy but you are so painfully shy… correction… you WERE so shy… you don’t seem so shy any more.”

“Yeah, well that’s because I’m pissed. I’m not some plaything…”

“No of course you aren’t. The issue is… Vickie is the most sexual person I’ve ever met, or heard about, or read about. So she has great intentions, but the she struggles with this… this sex-devil inside her. She has taught Vanessa and I so much about sex… but she doesn’t know that much about life. That’s kind of my area, so I’m trying to help her come to terms with this.”

“Sex-Devil?” I ask. What the fuck?

“Well that’s what we call it. She just gets overwhelmed with sex thoughts and, well sometimes there’s no stopping her. The thing is, you seem to have a similar sex drive, but you’ve been repressed so long you don’t know how to let it out. It’s mostly your mom’s fault, and Vickie’s too. Since you were young, you grew up with kind of bitchy chicks. You learned to only respect women, you never learned that your own wants and needs are important. You don’t have to subordinate your feelings for a woman’s sake. Or for society’s sake. But you’re making great strides… I talked to Vanessa last night…”

I couldn’t help but grin at that. Vanessa. Mmmmmm. Vanessa… “She told you… everything?”

Michele looked around the room, nobody was paying attention to us. She lightly slapped her own tits a couple times and whispered “more… more…” She grinned.

“So, basically, David, I mean… holy shit!”

“Shhhhhh!” hushed the brainiac.

“Shhh yourself!!” I replied. “So… you’re not, like, disgusted or anything about me?”

“Gosh no,” replied Michele. “I’m impressed as hell!”

“I haven’t spoken to Vickie about that yet, she was passed out when I got home.”

“I don’t think she knows. Vanessa went with her mom to visit their Gran.”

“Wonder what she’ll say. You know, Vickie wouldn’t let Vanessa fuck me. Oh shit, I mean, um, make love…”

“You can say anything you want David, I’m very far from being a prude! But… Vickie wants to be your first…”

“But she keeps telling me it’s wrong, then she handcuffs me… jacks me off… and calls me pervert…”

“Yeah, I know… like I said, I don’t really agree with her methods. But look at the results. You’re walking tall, you’ve got confidence in your step, you’re talking to me for, like, the first time ever and you are looking me in the eye. You never, ever did that before.”

“I know. I feel really good about myself. But I want this humiliation shit to stop. I’ve been afraid to stop it, though, because… because…well…”

“Go ahead, say what you need to say, David.”

“Alright fine. Because I feel like a fucking sex monster and I need to… I need to get fucked. And I’ve watched… I’ve watched Vickie for so long and I… I really want to fuck her and make her cum a million times… and she’s jacking me off now and that’s fantastic and I don’t want it to end…”

Michele put her hand on mine.

“David, she loves you. I don’t mean romantically. I mean she has deep love for you that will never go away. There’s almost nothing you could do to make her stop loving you. She’s your sister. You feel the same way about her. That’s fine!”

“Thank you, Michele. I’ve needed to talk about this. But there’s nobody who could even begin to understand…”

“I know, David. I know.”

“In spite of all her good intentions, I still want to get back at her. Some way good. I uh… I jacked off on her in her sleep last night. But that’s not exactly revenge.”

Michele giggled. “No, not exactly! I’ll tell you a secret, though. My dad’s a cop, you know. He’s got handcuffs in the house. Vickie didn’t want to use those cuffs. She and I went to the magician’s shop downtown to buy those handcuffs she uses on you…”

“Huh? you mean…”

“Yeah. They are trick handcuffs. There’s a button on there to press and they release.”

Very interesting…

“Say, uh, Michele… do you think I could borrow a set of your REAL handcuffs?”

“No problem at all, sweetie. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Yeah, turnabout is fair play! I’ll talk her into cuffing her with her handcuffs that she thinks are trick, but they’ll be real ones, instead. Then… holy shit…” My mind filled with dark thoughts.

“Ok, Michele. Will you help me with one last thing?”

“Sure! Anything!”

“I think… I think I kind of understand how to… fuck. I’ve been practicing for years, ya know? But… um… I want to… I want to lick her and make her cum. And I want it to be great and I don’t want to fumble around and mess up…”

“David, you are such a good guy. I would love to give you some tips… oh… you mean now?”

“Yeah, if you don’t mind. Vickie’s going down soon, and I want to be ready.”

“Ok. Um eating pussy. Well, every woman and every situation is different, of course. It’s not like a cock where you just rub it and cum flies out. But a good way is to start slow… Don’t just dive headlong into her puss and start chomping. Assuming you’ve done other foreplay, start with her stomach. You can trail your tongue downwards… slowly… get closer… then divert at the last moment and go down one of her thighs. Then switch over to her other thigh and go back up. One thing I like, is to look me in the eye once in awhile while you’re doing this. That lets me know that you’re into this. And it’s very sexy.

“So back to the pelvis… you know, mix it up a bit, kiss her here, there, so she doesn’t know where you’re going, exactly. The teasing is part of the build-up. But then, you’re there. Some guys make the mistake of diving for the clitoris and just beating it up. For a great orgasm, you’ve got to involve the whole pussy.”

“Ok,” I interrupted. “And the clitoris is, where, exactly?”

“It’s up in the folds… um… I can’t really show you here… oh! Duh! We’re in a library!”

We get up and she leads me to the section with the medical books. We find Gray’s Anatomy. Nobody can see us back here in the racks, we’re further away from the studying bitch. We flip through the pages… there it is. The vagina, in all of it’s clinical glory. Great diagrams. Michele sets the book on a shelf at the end of the rack.

“So, here it is. Except, your sister shaves her pubic hair.”

“Uh, really? Why? And uh, how do you know?”

“I just know. I told you, she’s brought Vanessa’s and my own sexuality up several notches…

“Anyway. This shows it all closed up, that’s pretty much how it looks normally. Start here at the bottom, and lick slowly… slowly up… don’t press to hard, you’re just licking the outside right now…”

“Don’t I want to stick my tongue in there?”

“Patience, young man! It’s not about your enjoyment, it’s about hers. This is all about her.

“Keep licking up to the top. See this area? the clitoris is under this bit of skin. So you’re just licking the outside for now. Do this a few times, whatever you feel. 3 times. 10 times. Mix it up. Lick up and then lick back down. Then, finally, press harder with tongue, right down here, just up from the base. Separate her pussy lips. The heat you will feel from this is incredible.”

I looked at Michele with a sideways glance. She’s done this before. She’s eaten pussy. Most likely, she’s eaten Vickie’s pussy.

“‘Scuse me for a second,” I tell her. I reach into my pants and adjust my raging cock. It’s getting hard, but it’s pointed downhill. That won’t work for me. It’s also a bit juicy with some pre-cum on it. I pull out my hand, which has some pre-cum on my palm. Michele sees it. I lick it up. “Ok, sorry, all better.” I move closer and am now pressing against Michele a little as I try and investigate the diagrams of cunts. My hand just naturally rested on her hip. Right on her pantline. She turned slightly, then went back to the book. My thumb and forefinger are now resting on her bare skin, beneath her sweater.

“So, um. Holy shit. I mean, uh… now, she’ll be getting pretty warmed up. You’ll be tasting her juices. Have you… did you get to taste?” I slide my hand up her back a little. her skin is so soft and warm…

“Yeah. Vickie put her fingers on my lips with her juices. And I got some of Vanessa’s too. It was kind of weird, but interesting, too.”

“Well, you’ll be drenched in it. And, this is the moment of truth. She’ll know if you don’t like it or are grossed out by it. And there won’t be any cumming if you pull back and say ‘How was that?’ Stay in there. Tough it out. It’s an acquired taste. You’ll learn to like it. You’ll learn to love it. Then you’ll crave it.”

“I’m already craving it…”

“Yeah, I can see that… So now… just go exploring in there. Push your tongue in as far as you can go. Get your hands involved, too. Spread her legs, spread her lips. Work your way up here…”

“The mysterious clit.”

“Right. the magic button. The man in the boat. Sometimes direct contact with it can be fantastic, sometimes it an actually hurt the gal. You’ll have to see. It’s okay if it hurts her for a moment, just change tactics. It’s not the end of the world. Lick around the top, lick all the skin… everywhere… the exploring is the fun part. Take your time.” My hand has now slid down to her ass. I’m cupping her goddamn ass cheeks. My cock is pressing against her thigh as as she stands slightly in front me, pointing to the pussies in the book.

“At some point, though, you need to get down to work. Um… what works with me… is… oh god I didn’t think I would do this!” She blushes to a beet red.

“So you get the idea, David… I’ll see you…”

“Whoa no!”

From across the room, I get “SHHHHHuuush”-ed again.

I push Michele’s back against the stacks of books. My hands are around her waist.

“Finish it. What works for you.”

I lean into her, my cock pressing right against her crotch.

“If you take… two fingers…”

“Yes… two fingers…” I plant the tiniest of kisses on her neck. Working my way all around.

“Right… um massage the pussy with them…”

“You mean, massage your pussy, right? Not the pussy. We’re talking about what works for you.” I continue to kiss her neck. Her breathing quickens

“yes…” she whispers. “My pussy… coat your fingers with her juices. I mean, my juices. Slide up inside me… fuck me with your fingers… at the same time, you’re still licking me up a little higher, around my clitoris and… oh god David…” she moans as my cock-filled jeans press hard into her crotch and rub up and down.

“Keep going, Michele. Tell me how to eat your cunt,” She’s actually panting a little bit.

“Um… haha!… so yeah… get a rhythm going, but you can speed it up and slow it down, too. And don’t forget to look up at me once in a while.”

I pull away from her a little bit, and I look directly into her eyes.

“Yes… like that…”

I keep staring into her eyes. My hand slides down… inside her sweatpants… and panties… and I find a very hot and very wet spot. I massage the lips. “Keep going…”

“David… don’t… um… I don’t mean that… just…”

“Keep talking, tell me how to make you cum.”

“Um… you can shout out some things yourself while you’re doing this, let me know you’re enjoying this… mash your tongue onto my clit… and kind of pulse it in time with your hand strokes… keep doing that… keep doing that… yes… David!”

“SSSSHHHHHH!” from the peanut gallery. God these people should read a book or something.

I plant my lips full on her mouth so she’ll quiet down. My middle finger is up her pussy hole a little bit, (Hey, her pants and panties are still on. We’re in a library for crying out loud! Keep it down!) and my palm is pressing into her clitoris. I’m rubbing firmly, creating a rhythm, pulsing on her clit…

“I want to eat you up.” I kiss her more.

She’s melting, I have to help hold her up with my other arm.

“I’m going to fuck my sister, first, Michele” I shove my tongue in her mouth and grip her pussy hard and shake it.

“Then I’m coming for you.” I try and cram all four fingers into her pussy. They all make it in.

Michele makes this indescribably lovely face.

“I’m coming to fuck you, Michele.”

She stiffens, sharply intakes a breath, grimaces, then release her breath in little explosive gasps. She’s desperately trying not to scream. It sort of works. My fingers are soaked with her cum. She’s trembling, and buries her head on my shoulder and chest for a moment. She comes back to life and kisses me, passionately, then sweetly and gently.

“I think,” she begins, whispering. “I think you’re going to do just fine, David. Fuck Vickie. Please. Fuck her good and hard. Then keep your promise. Come and get me…”

We smile for a few moments.

“Hey, what about you? Here let me do something…”

“No,” I stop her. “I need all that for Vickie. She’s going to get exploded upon!”

I follow her to her house and pick up the cuffs, the real ones. Her folks are there and I just act like I’m picking up a book for my sister.

“Go get her,” she whispers in my ear as she gives me a hug. “Show her who’s boss.”

– – –

Sunday, I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out when I can launch a surprise attack on Vickie. My balls are so blue they are actually singing the blues… She had a date last night again. I fell asleep. Mom’s around all effing day. Guess I’ll have to wait until Friday and tell her she can’t go to class or something…

Whatever. I’m working on my Bio project again. We’ve had dinner. Mom and Vickie are having wine in the family room. Of course, Mom won’t let me have any because it’s illegal. Bitch. They seem to be into their second bottle already. They should just shut up so I can concentrate on this stupid shit.

‘Root pressure’. Who gives a fuck about root pressure? Then they tell me it’s not even a viable theory. So, they’re teaching me theories that don’t mean shit. I do NOT understand college… At least it’s quiet out there in the house. Time passes.

My bedroom door flies open. It’s Vickie. She’s got her cordless phone, tucked against her chest so the person on the other end can’t here her talking to me.

“Come here! Quick. You’ve gotta hear this!”

Ok, whatever.

She sits down on the bed and points for me to sit next to her. She talks into the phone, then tilts it between both our ears so I can hear the other person.

“Ok, Ness, sorry. Had to take a quick dump. So, start from the beginning? I’m listening now.”

“Well, he’s cutting the grass and shit, and he looks good. I swear he’s gotten taller since school started. So I wait till he’s all done so Mom doesn’t get suspicious. Then I go outside…”

“What were you wearing?” Interrupts Vick.

“That tube top, you know, the purple one? And those white shorts.”

“And panties?”

“Vickie, who do you think you’re talking to? OF course not!” They both laugh. “So I forget what we said exactly. But I teased him a little, and he yanked my top down!”

Vickie looks at me, kind of that “oh really?” look.

“Go on”, she says to Vanessa.

“Then, get this, he ASKS me if he can touch them. He’s so-o-o-o adorable!” Vanessa laughs. “But then, oh I don’t know what happened, I mean, he attacked my tits. He really loves tits. I mean really. He may have a problem or something… I’m kidding! So then we start talking dirty. i don’t know how he knew this… did you tell him about Mom? Somehow he knew.”

“I’ve never said a word about that dream to anyone, not even Michele.”

“Well, then he’s some kind of psychic or something. Wait, I’m ahead of myself. So first he talks about you tittyfucking him. He really liked that. So I sucked him while he told me that…”

“Sucked him? His cock?”

“His beautiful cock. What is it? 8 inches?”

“No, it’s only 7.”

Shit. My secret is out. I can’t believe she just told everyone that. I don’t have a giant cock. But it is bigger than 3 billion Chinese and Asian’s cocks, so there. It’s probably bigger than yours, too, so shut up.

“He told me he wanted you to suck him off. Since you didn’t, I did. and Vickie?”


“That boy cums a lot!”

Vickie indicates she wants to lay down on the bed. We re-arrange ourselves so we can both here. She’s also giving me the ‘thumbs-up’, showing that she likes what I did with Vanessa.

“Yeah I know, I’ve seen it. I’ve tasted it, too.” She elbows me in the ribs.

“Yeah you tasted it, I ATE him all up… God damnit… Vickie. There’s more to the story but I have to do something now… you know…”

“No,” said Vickie. “I don’t know. say it.”

“Fuck you bitch!” Vanessa said, laughing. “I have to touch, you know, christ, you taught me!” I rise up and look at Vickie. She’s taught Vanessa how to masturbate? Cool! Vickie just shrugs and gives a me a ‘who, me?’ look.

“God I had to wear a bra all weekend at Gran’s house. Feels good to get it off… let the girls breathe… yes…mmm…”

A few moments go by. We hear some squeaking noises. Some suckling noises.

“Vanessa?… stop sucking your tits and talk to me! What happened next?”

“Oh, right. Sorry. So somehow he found about my mom. Next thing I know, he’s slapping my tits!” Vickie gives me this look like ‘what the hell?’ My turn to just shrug.

I’m kinda getting a hard-on.

“And he’s slapping them hard! And Vickie… it felt sooooo good. So-o-o-o good.” We can hear some slapping sounds in the phone.

“It’s not the same when I do it myself.”

“It never is”, replies Vick.

“Ain’t that the truth. He’s slapping me all around and I got so fucking hot and horny. Then he grabbed my cunt and slapped my tits and made me spill the beans about Mom.

“He made me… he made me admit…”

She was having trouble breathing.

“I admitted that I watched Mom masturbate… and that I watched her lick her dildo after she was done… and he slapped my tits more and I couldn’t refuse… I told him I wanted to eat Mom’s pussy.”

“You do want to eat her pussy, don’t you?”

“Yes… Vickie… yes…” we can just hear her panting.

“I can’t hear anything, Vanessa.”

Next thing we hear all kinds of juicy, slurpy noises. I unzip my pants and take out my cock. Vickie raises her eyebrows and smiles at me, but she shakes her head ‘no’.


“Yeah… yes…”

“Say it, honey…”

“oh FUCK I want to eat her cunt! and I want her to eat mine!!”

Vanessa apparently drops the phone and we hear slapping noises, and noises of Vanessa cumming, hard. I stand up, my hard cock sticking out. I tell Vickie to tun on the speaker phone. She laughs quietly, “I didn’t know there was one!” Now we can hear Nessa just fine.

“Vickie… sorry sweetie… had to be done, though. But I’m not done talking about David.”

I open Vickie’s underwear drawer. She shakes her head, then turns away so she can’t see me.

“I sucked his cock again. He came in my mouth twice, Vickie! I swallowed it all, too…”

I went ‘Pssst’ and Vickie turned to see me. I had two bras hanging from their straps on my upright cock. She smiled and tried to wave me away.

“Vickie, you can’t do this anymore. You have to let me fuck him! Please! I’m begging you!”

I found the trick handcuffs in her drawer. I piled on several more bras onto my cock, then hung the bracelets on there, too.


Vickie looked back at me. I could tell she was excited by this, but she furiously shook her head ‘no’ and pointed to Mom’s room.

I put everything back in the drawer, including her trick handcuffs.

Vanessa continued talking about me fucking her, and then talking about her mom and me in the driveway.

I left the room and I checked on Mom. She was passed out on her bed. I put a blanket over her.

“Mmmm… Mike? is that you?” Mike was my deadbeat dad’s name. We haven’t seen him in over ten years.

There’s a wineglass that’s still full on her night stand.

“Yeah, it’s me. Drink your water sweetie…” I held the wine glass to her lips, she drank about half of it.

“Thanks babe… maybe we can fuck in the morning…”

Well that killed my hard-on. My mom the fucking fat slob, the fucking drunkard. Yeah, let’s fuck. The Horror!

I went to my room, got the real handcuffs, then eased back into Vickie’s room.

Vanessa was droning on about how she wants to fuck me, her mom wants to fuck me, she wants to eat her mom etc… I think she had been hitting the wine, too.

I went back to the underwear drawer. I made it look like i was getting out the trick handcuffs, when in fact I pulled the real ones out. I jangled them in Vickie’s direction. She again shook her head, no!

I pointed to mom’s room, then mimed her drinking and passing out. Vickie raised an eyebrow at me.

I walked over to her bed and reached for her left hand. I cuffed it. Vickie smiled and raised both eyebrows, twice.

I raised her hand over her head, by the brass railing of her headboard. She still held the phone in her right hand, though we were listening to it on speakerphone. I took the phone and placed it right at her cleavage. It was only a few inches away so she could still talk and hear fine. I pulled her right arm up to match her left. I ran the cuffs behind the rail, then back around and cuffed her right wrist. She was in good. Handcuffed to the bed. Shackled. For real. And she didn’t know it.

I took off all my clothes, slowly. I dropped my boxers right in her face.

I picked up the phone and interrupted Vanessa, who was still going on about being in love with me and maybe she could fuck me…

“Vanessa, Hey! Vanessa! It’s David.”

“David? Oh god. I want to thank you so much for Friday and was wondering if we…”

“Vanessa, Vickie has to go now. Bye.” Click.

I threw my boxers on the ground, and stood up on the bed, towering over Vickie.

“You… are not going to tie me up anymore. We are going to fuck, and suck, probably for the rest of our lives, but we aren’t going to do it that way anymore.”

“David,” she began. “I was conflicted, I didn’t want to impose myself on you. If I tied you up, it wasn’t your fault, you know what I mean? I’m wicked, you aren’t, I didn’t want you to…”

This wasn’t exactly my plan. Okay, I didn’t have a plan at all. I was just winging it.

I drop down, and lay naked body on top of her. She’s still dressed in jeans and a blouse. Her tits are sticking up pretty nicely so she’s got a bra on, too.

“David, let me go, please. We can talk, or whatever you want to do…”

“It’s too late for that, sweetheart.”

I thought of ripping her pants off and half-raping her. I thought of smacking her like I did Vanessa. Instead, I kissed her. We had never kissed before. We have tittyfucked, and played around, but never kissed.

Her lips tasted good. She was hesitant, at first. I slid my hands behind her head and neck, cradling her. I stroked her cheek with my thumb as I slowly parted her lips with my tongue. She let out an “mmm…” as I began exploring her mouth, and found her tongue. Her whole body relaxed, she wrapped her legs around mine. We kissed for several minutes. Not moments. Minutes. Hungrily, hard, gentle, teasing, giggling, dreaming.

I break the kiss, and the embrace. I get up and sit on her pelvic area, my cock pointing skywards while pre-jizz oozes out of the tip. I crawl up to her, so she can see this fat cock coming towards her face. I stop with it an inch above her face. I stroke from the base, bring out the pre-cum so it drips onto her forehead, her cheeks, her lips.

“David, undo me, and I can…”


I take my cock, and slap her on the cheek with it. Again, and again. I rose up and maneuver around her face, continuously slapping her face with my cock. Vickie didn’t shy away from this. She loved it.

“You want to suck this, don’t you.”

“Yes Davey!”

“Call me ‘Davey’ again and I’ll buttfuck you with a baseball bat.” She sat there, stunned and wild-eyed while I smacked her lips with my hard cock some more.

“Tell me how much you want it.”

“Dave… David… I want your cock so much. I’ve dreamed about it. Please. may I kiss it?”

That’s more like it. “Yes, you may.”

I place it on her lips. She begins kissing it, tonguing my cock. I press deeper, my cock enters her mouth. Her hot and wet fucking mouth.

I can’t push down much further, though. My cock goes up, her throat goes down. Problem. I prop her head up with some pillows… yes, that’s a better angle now…

“If you let me out I could mmmpphmphmmphm…” She tends to stop talking with a dick in her mouth. I’m fucking her mouth pretty fucking good now.

Even with her limited mobility, she sucked my cock pretty fucking good. I pulled out and dragged my balls in her face. She licked them, and sucked them gently into her mouth. Jesus, THAT never occurred to me! But it felt fantastic…

I move back down to where I’m sitting atop her pelvis. Her tits want to come out. I know they do. Vickie is wearing this light pink button-up blouse. I gently undo the first button. Vickie smiles at me. I grasp more of her blouse in each hand… and RIP it apart! Buttons flying, fabric tearing. I don’t get it in one shot, so I go down more and rip her shirt again until all the buttons are gone.

Vickie lays there, her chest heaving up and down with anxiety and passion.

“Back in a minute.” I tell her. Her bra, of course, won’t come off because her arms are cuffed up at the headboard. I go get my big camping knife.

A voice in my head says to go check on Mom. Seems like a bad idea. I tiptoe in her room, naked and holding a knife… She’s still asleep. Good. For a moment, I think of dropping my cock in her mouth. Nah… she’d probably clamp down on it and cause permanent damage.

As I’m walking down the hall back to Vickie’s room, I can hear her struggling with the cuffs. I walk in, smirking, go to her dresser and pull out the magic handcuffs.

“Looking for these?”

I turn and face her. She sees the knife and goes bug-eyed.

“Don’t scream… don’t scream…”

I sit on her pelvis again. i slide the shiny knife blade against he soft, pale skin. Up to her left bra strap. I tilt the big blade 90 degrees so it’s pointing up. I lift up… higher… higher… the blade digs into the strap… SNAP! on her skin as the now cut straps return to their unstretched length. I repeat the move on her right bra strap… stretching it up until the knife slices through the material.

“Don’t move a muscle.” I instruct Vickie.

I bring the knife down to her stomach, pointing to her breasts. Sliding the tip up ever so gently… under the fabric of her 36DD bra… I have to use my other hand to pull up the bra… her tits are squishing together… the knife blade now fully under the middle of the bra…

“Lift… and separate!”

Her tits spring back to her chest, Vickie breathes again. I lean across her and stick the knife into her nightstand.

“That’s a twenty dollar bra, you know…”

I smirk… “Not any more!”

I yank out the remnants of her cut up bra. She still has her shirt on, just wide open.

Greedily, I attack her tits with the same ferocity that I molested Vanessa’s a couple days ago. I’m not slapping them, just kneading them… sucking them… kissing them… Vickie pulls on her restraints as I push the two nipples together and lick and almost suck them both… I do love tits… I grab her left tit and push it to Vickie’s face, offering her a snack…. she greedily chomps on her nipple, drawing it completely into her mouth… god… damn… it…

I start kissing below her breasts… down to her taut belly… oh shit… her pants are still on.

I undo the button and zipper and shuck them off. She has some silky little pink panties on.

“Vick… I have to…” I reach over and grab the knife, I slip the cold blade against her skin, she shudders. I cut the panties on her left side by her hip. I pull the panties away from her mound. Vickie is watching the process intently. I slice through the crotch of her panties. I pull them out from under now, and sniff them deeply.

“Mmmmm… somebody’s excited!”

“It’s me. Oh my fucking god I’m excited! David will you hurry up and fuck me?!?” Huh… she’s begging. I like begging. I also like denying.

“Let me go and I’ll…” I stuff the panties into her mouth. She looks pissed.

“You gonna be quiet now?” She nods. I remove the panties. I slam the knife into the night stand again. I leave the panties right at her neck so she can smell them.

I go back to kissing around her pant line. I’ve settled in between her legs. Thinking back on Michele’s advice, I tease Vickie by going right alongside her clean-shaven pussy and keep going down her left leg… I look her in the eye… she’s silently pleading with me to dive in… I switch to her other leg and gently lick and caress her thighs… she squirms… I arrive back near her pussy… the scent is strong with this one.

Ever so lightly, I place my tongue right at the base of her cunt and slowly… slowly bring it up. I can feel the heat coming from her core. I’m tasting her cunt juices that have sneaked out already. I get to the top… grazing over her hooded clit…

“Oooooh David… my brother… my lover…”

I start at the bottom again, more juice now. I’m trying to go slow, but jesus it’s hard. At the top, this time, I do a slow return back down her lips. It’s easier going up, of course, the tongue is built that way. I do that for another minute or so, just going up and down but not penetrating.

Then I apply more tongue pressure and her lips separate. Jesus, I thought it was hot before, but now that my tongue is a half inch inside it’s even hotter. The slight taste of pussy juice is replaced by an assault on my tongue. Female juice, mmmm-mmmm-good. Moving up slightly, it gets even fucking hotter as I cross over her actual cunt hole. Vickie is just mewling and twisting… then she clamps her thighs against my head and pushes her cunt into my face as hard as she can. Fuck, gotta watch that move! A fellow could suffocate down here! I spread her legs slightly so I can move my head some more.

My hands wrap around her thighs and ass, and come over to pull her lips apart.

“Your pussy is beautiful, Vickie.”

“Yes…” She can’t really form sentences, it seems.

I thrust my tongue deep into her vagina, as far as I can.

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