My Rocky Relationship with Sheila–Part 3 of 4
My Rocky Relationship with Sheila–Part 3 of 4
Sex Story Author: | senorlongo |
Sex Story Excerpt: | The caterers provided some waitresses to serve the drinks, the sandwiches, and hot dishes. Everyone congratulated us. Some even wondered |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Cruelty, Fiction, Oral Sex, Romance, Slavery |
I had planned to be rid of Sheila, but it was not to be. Nan and I were watching a football game one Sunday evening when the phone rang. I could tell from the Caller ID that it was the police.
“Evening Tom—Sergeant Perkins here; we have your wife in custody for DUI. She was picked up on Main weaving all across the road. Want to come down and bail her out?”
I was on a first-name basis with a lot of cops. I had convinced Mary Ann to donate thousands of dollars of electrical equipment to the Police Athletic League when they wanted to renovate an old warehouse, turning it into a gym and classrooms for our town’s kids. I had personally inspected the premises with the cops and made suggestions as to what would work out best. They changed a community eyesore into a marvelous facility that served hundreds of kids every year.
“There have been a lot of changes in my life since we last spoke, Jim. Sheila and I will be divorced soon. She no longer lives here and she’s no longer a part of my life. I’ll come and get her tomorrow morning, but only because that’s what my new fiancé would want. Let her cool her heels overnight. It’ll be good for her.” We spoke for a few minutes longer, basically about the allegations against my soon to be former wife. He said he’d leave a note of explanation for the day sergeant. I ended the call and returned my attentions to Nan.
“I’m glad you’re doing this, Tom. I think it’s the right thing to do. I also think we should go to bed. You’re going to get up early to take care of her.” She turned off the TV, pulling me behind her to the bedroom. We cuddled in our new queen-sized bed with Nan spooning in front of me, her tight little butt pressing against my cock. As though she could read my mind she turned and whispered, “Not tonight, darling—we need to sleep. However, tomorrow….” She kissed me and placed my hand on her breast. We’d slept naked our first night together and had never seen any reason to change. I loved the sensation of her soft smooth skin against mine.
We were up at six, showered by 6:15 and finished eating a light breakfast by 6:45. I left Nan to clean up the dishes and make the bed, chores I normally shared while I drove to the police station to bail out my wife. I was shocked when I first saw Sheila. Her clothes were filthy and her hair was a mess with something grimy clotted in it. I stood by silently while her possessions were returned to her. Taking her arm I led her out to the street.
“Since when have you been drinking? You never drank when we were together. You’re lucky you didn’t kill someone.”
“Please don’t lecture me, Tom. I don’t need a lecture.”
“Apparently you do. Look at you; you’re a mess. Where are you living? You need a shower and change of clothes before you go to work.” She directed me to a nearby boarding house. I guessed that most, if not all, of the other residents were students at one of the nearby universities. I waited in the car so I could drive her to work. I gave her cab fare so she could pick up her car later in the day. I was a few minutes late, but I already knew than Nan had explained to Mary Ann.
Nan and I were back home preparing dinner when she asked me about my parents. I was hesitant, but I did answer, not wanting any secrets between us. “We’re not close–not at all–we never talk. Truthfully, I haven’t figured out how to tell them about Sheila. For one thing they’re very religious. That’s not a bad thing, but they’re the kind that thinks everyone should believe as they do. They’re vehemently opposed to divorce and about a million other things. They’re in northern California where they live in a big commune where everyone believes what’s in the bible is literal even though many biblical scholars believe otherwise.”
“Like what?”
“Well, for one thing hardly any of the scholars believe that ‘building everything in six days’ is real. For one thing astronomers believe that our days were about 200,000 years in length a long time ago and to listen to my parents the earth is less than 6,000 years old even though scientific evidence says it’s like 4.5 billion. They’re incredible. Worse, every time we speak they try their hardest to preach to me. That’s why I mostly ignore them. Having said all that, I’ll phone them tonight so I can keep it short. We do have to go to work tomorrow, don’t we?”
Nan reached up to kiss me. “Yes, work tomorrow, but first play tonight.” I laughed, but held her tightly as I returned her sweet kiss. We ate quickly and had cleaned up the kitchen by eight. I waited an hour with Nan on my lap hugging and kissing and rubbing her firm breasts. Reluctantly, I reached for the phone, punching in the number from my speed dial although why I had their number in memory was something I couldn’t explain. I had last phoned them two years ago and they never phoned me. I heard the phone ring three times before my mother answered.
“Hello, Mom it’s Tom calling.”
(“Oh,”) I could hear the disappointment in her voice.
“I want you to know that I’m divorcing Sheila and, before you read me some passage from the Bible let me just tell you that she lied and cheated on me and those were the good things. I’d explain about the bad things, but I promised my new fiancé that I’d never discuss them again.”
(“I don’t see what could have been worse than that, Thomas. The Good Book says….”) I held my hand over the phone.
I continued once she was done, “Mom, I’m not really interested in your interpretation of the Bible. I needed to tell you and I have. I plan to marry again as soon as my divorce is done and—no—you won’t be invited. I still remember how you were at my first wedding. Okay…so long, Mom.” I turned to Nan and shook my head. “She just can’t speak to me without preaching. It’s good they live in a commune otherwise they’d never find anyone who was willing to talk to them more than once. C’mon, didn’t you say something about playing?”
“Uh…I was thinking about chess.” She could barely suppress a giggle.
“I think your problem is that you can’t spell. I’m looking forward to playing with your chest.” I reached under her top and massaged her breast. I manipulated her soft pliable mammary, shifting back and forth between her areola and nipple and her fleshy tissue. My kisses to her neck caused her to groan and she almost lost it when I nibbled on her earlobe. She jumped up suddenly and pulled me behind her. My hands on her butt cheeks caused her to laugh and trot down the hallway, but not so fast that I’d lose contact.
In seconds we were in the bedroom—our bedroom, completely renovated as we wanted it. There wasn’t even a single painting or photo that we’d kept even though several of the originals were worth thousands. I’d sold them to a gallery and replaced them with contemporary prints that were worth almost as much, but were much more colorful and dynamic. Sheila had decorated our old bedroom, but Nan insisted that we do the new one together. I loved the new look almost as much as I loved Nan.
I stripped Nan and then myself thinking to lead her to the shower. “Uh, uh…I like you a little sweaty. I love the way you taste. Maybe someday I’ll get lucky and the air conditioning at work will go out.” She pushed me gently back onto our new queen-sized bed, kneeling between my legs.
“You know how much I love this, don’t you? But what I love even more is when you let me do you, too.”
“Not tonight, Tom—I know how hard it was to deal with your parents and I also know that you did it for me. I love you for that and now I’m going to show you.” She leaned forward to plant a kiss on my mouth with her soft plump lips. Once the kiss was broken she slithered down my body, her hard nipples rubbing lightly over my skin much as they had run down my tortured back our first night together. Her tongue ran through my pubic hair and up my shaft. It throbbed wildly in response, bouncing up and down until it disappeared into Nan’s hot mouth.
We’d had oral sex a few times, especially early on when I could barely move, and Nan had swallowed every time, something Sheila had absolutely refused to do. Sheila would suck me as foreplay and then either fuck me or jerk me off onto my abdomen. Nan told me several times how much she enjoyed my taste. “It brings me closer to you,” was what she said. It was silly, but sincere. I loved her all the more for it.
Nan slid off my cock, but moved quickly down to my balls. First she licked each one, driving me crazy with desire, then–opening wide–each one eased into her mouth. I could see my balls protrude from her cheeks. It would have been comical if it hadn’t been so damned sexy. Slowly I felt each one pop from her mouth as she moved up to the sensitive underside of my cock. When she wrapped her tongue around my helmet I could take no more. Six times I came strongly into the back of her mouth. I never thought she could swallow all of it and I was right. Streams of slick white semen dripped from the corners of her mouth onto her breasts. Nan cleaned my cock first then shifted her attentions to her breasts. In seconds she was clean and climbed over me into the bed. “That was fun. Let’s do that more often.” I just grabbed her from behind, pulled her ass into me and rested my hand in its customary place just below her breast.
Nan and I talked about our wedding more and more as time passed. I didn’t care what or how just as long as we were officially married. However, I knew how important a woman’s wedding could be so I was surprised when Nan told me she just wanted a small ceremony at city hall. Neither she nor her parents were religious so being in a church wasn’t all that important. She did want them present so I made arrangements for them to fly into New York the Wednesday before. I thought and thought about who should be my best man, but truthfully I didn’t have any really close friends. My life had been tied up with Sheila, our marriage, and my work. That’s when I knew who to ask—Mary Ann. Nan approved completely of my choice and even Mary Ann understood. She agreed without hesitation or laughter.
Nan and I went to court a momentous Thursday morning. We were in and out in what I thought must have been a record. The case was called, Stephen stepped forward to represent me and there was no one for Sheila. The petition was granted, the house was mine, and the distribution of assets was exactly as requested. I walked out into the bright sunny day a free man. I couldn’t wait to surrender that freedom again, this time to a woman I knew loved me without reservation. We turned back after thanking Stephen, walking with purpose to the license bureau. We completed the forms, I paid the fee, and that was it—we could be married at any time.
Mary Ann closed the company on Friday the following week—everything, the factory included, was shut down. I was sure that Nan and I were heroes in the eyes of everyone. They got a day off with pay to celebrate our wedding. We took Nan’s parents out for breakfast, meeting Mary Ann at the restaurant. They ate heartily; Nan and I were too excited. Coffee and a few doughnuts were all we could handle. We left at 9:45, arriving at the courthouse just before 10:00. Our appointment with the judge was set for 10:30 thanks to a helping hand from Stephen who just happened to be the judge’s nephew. He welcomed us warmly and got right down to business. Five minutes later we were man and wife for better or worse until death do us part. I kissed Nan passionately to the unabashed applause from her parents, Mary Ann, and the judge’s staff. We walked together out to our future.
A small reception was planned at home for the wedding party and a few of our coworkers.
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