My Niece’s Vacation
My Niece’s Vacation
Sex Story Author: | Dirty Jeezy |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She seemed happier and more full of energy this morning. We discussed our travel plans, as our flight was leaving |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, Incest, Male/Teen Female, Young |
Her face fell when I told her the news. A pregnant pause followed before she spoke. “That’s great!” She said, but her dark brown eyes told a different story.
“What’s wrong? I thought you liked it …” I stood there flabbergasted, holding the two plane tickets.
“Nothing! Nothing. It’s very thoughtful of you.” My niece got on her tippy toes and kissed me on the cheek.
“We can do something else. I just … I thought you loved Disney World.”
“I did … I do. I might be too old for it though …” She let that last statement hang in the air. My niece was 14. Is that too old for Disney? When we had gone before she had absolutely loved it.
I was processing all this information in my head as I prepared dinner for Jaime. She had just flown down from upstate New York. As I kept talking to her, asking her about potential boyfriends, school, my sister (her mother), I guess she did seem more mature than when I saw her at Christmas six months ago. She was started to climb out of that awkward teenage girl phase and into the beautiful woman phase. Aside from her glasses and braces, of course. Her hair was longer now, with thick brown curls framing her cute face. She had thin lips and small nose. She was wearing a Carolina Panthers jersey I had gotten for her, which hid her body a bit, but how much could she have grown in six months anyway, I thought.
As usual when Jaime visited, I went all out cooking a seafood feast for her. Lobster, crab cakes, clams and scallops. We topped it off with her favorite — Uncle Matt’s Famous Souffle. I was exhausted and stuffed by the time we cleared the plates.
Jaime headed up to the guest room after her long day of travelling. I stayed up to clean, wash the dishes and watch the news.
The next day I made a grand breakfast for the two of us. The weather wasn’t cooperating with our beach plans and I decided to take my niece shopping at the outlet malls nearby. There wasn’t a whole lot to do here in Wilmington, North Carolina, but we make do.
Jaime and I usually spend about two weeks together every summer. Gives my sister and her husband a break and allows Jaime and I to bond. After about a week at my place, I’ll usually take her on a trip somewhere. The year before we had gone to Los Angeles. Before that was Ireland. When she was 11 we went to Disney and Universal.
As Jaime dragged me from store to store racking up my credit card bill, I reflected on the face that my niece was not so young anymore. Her outfits reflected an older, more mature … more provocative style than I had noticed in years past. I suppose our little girl is getting more grown up. That’s why she didn’t want to go to Orlando.
We went out for dinner that night and gorged on seafood again. Clam chowder, mussels and fresh salt water fish. I brought up Florida again and asked if she would be interested in skipping Disney and just doing Universal.
“I’m so lucky to have such a sweet uncle.” She replied. “I’m happy to do whatever you want.”
No matter how many different ways I asked, she continued to evade the question.
I felt as if I had no choice but to exchange the tickets for somewhere more grown up now that Jaime had other interests.
The next morning was clear and beautiful. We ate a big breakfast and I packed the cooler full of sandwiches and snacks as we walked the 1/10th of a mile to the beach. When we got there Jaime helped set up and then took her top off to reveal her bikini.
I had grossly underestimated just how much she had grown up. Her breasts were at least DD’s and looked even bigger on her small frame. She’s 5 foot nothing, making her boobs look even larger. They were very nearly spilling out. I wondered why she didn’t wear either one of the two bathing suits I had brought for her the day before. The one she was wearing must have been from the previous summer as ample flesh was just … everywhere. She caught me looking at her and I quickly, instinctively looked away, but not before I saw a smile on her lips.
I stood up to take off my shirt, revealing my always present abs and well defined body. Definitely one of the perks of being retired at 32 was that I had a lot of available time to work out with my personal trainer. Living at the beach year round also afforded me opportunities to be physically active. I ran my fingers through my long brown hair and then I could have sworn I saw Jaime oogling me. I smiled to her the way she had just smiled to me a moment before.
The whole morning was like that. I was oogling my niece and she’d look at me and smile. I would go inot the cold ocean to try to get my erection down. The girl was just … absolutely stacked and had just a hint of baby fat on her, giving her a juicy body. I wondered how they could have grown so much in just a year, and how did I not notice what she was packing those under her clothes?
She asked me to put suntanning lotion on her back and I was more than happy to do so. It was different this time. I guess I had a bit of lust for my niece now and touching her felt electric. I’d love to tell you I slipped my hands under her bikini and felt everything, but the truth is that I am not that ballsy.
I wasn’t the only one gawking. Footballs and fresbies were raining on us all afternoon as boys and men sought to have a conversation with Jaime or gain her company. A group of people playing vollyball asked her if she’d like to join them. She looked over at me and said she would if there was room for her uncle as well. They quickly agreed and Jaime and I found ourselves on opposite sides of the net for the game.
It was a glorious opportunity to watch my nieces massive melons bounce up and down.
Every guy on the beach was mesmerized by Jaime’s boobs. We were all hoping that either the bikini would break against the strain or one of her jugs would just slip out. It was difficult at times to even keep my eyes on the volleyball. Jaime made a spectacular dive for the ball and missed and the game was on an unofficial hold as the guys and some of the girls watched Jaime brush the sand off her chest.
We played all afternoon, stopping occasionally for water and more tanning lotion. By dusk we were all beat, but some of the players were building a fire and drinking beer. I graciously accepted one when it was offered to me and he asked if Jaime could have one.
I thought for a moment that I had been treating her like a child and she was ready to make her own adult decisions away from home. Jaime accepted a beer and looked over to me to see if I objected. I smiled and nodded as I upheld my reputation as the cool uncle.
We sat there watching the sunset and the boats make their way back to the marina. Jaime loved the freedom of being able to drink, but I did stop her after two. We trudge back home and she was very animated and, I suspect, a bit buzzed. She talked a bit of smack about her volleyball skills and how she had stuffed me on one occasion.
We walked into the house and I headed straight for the shower and brushed my teeth. I put on some work out clothes and was walking by the guest room that Jaime was staying in. The door was wide open and I walked in to say good night.
“Good ni–” was as far as I got.
Jaime had her back to me and her bikini top undone. Her arm held it against her chest as she turned to me and then walked up to kiss me on the cheek good night. I thought for a moment that she lingered on my cheek just a moment too long. I also thought that the only thing separating us was that flimsy, too small bikini top.
Just as quickly as it happened, Jaime turned her back to me and walked into the guest bathroom, calling goodnight over her shoulder before the door shut.
I had trouble sleeping that night until I finally relented and rubbed one out thinking of Jaime’s massive breasts and burying my face in between them.
Jaime bounded down the stairs the next morning wearing tight shorts and a wife beater. I was thankful for the bra, which still left little to the imagination. She sat on my lap and kissed my cheek again as I sipped my coffee.
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