My Neighbors_(1)
My Neighbors_(1)
Sex Story Author: | Von Armand |
Sex Story Excerpt: | There’s a certain way to deal with those who like to watch things covertly, and that’s give them something to |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Reluctance, Teen Male / Female, Teen Male/Teen Female, Virginity, Voyeurism |
“Hi Robbie!” Victoria Fletcher called, as I rounded the fence that separated our front yards.
“Hello Vikki,” I replied sleepily. I’d only been up for a few hours because it was summer time, and I could do that. Vikki was only slightly shorter than me at about 5’5” to my 5’9” We have lived next to each other since birth, played together, went to school together, everything. She was cute, with a compact dancer’s body that came from years of, guess what, dancing and gymnastics. Her inky black hair and slight Asian features were inherited from her late father, who apparently had incredibly strong genes compared to Vikki’s mother. She was seventeen and still growing, puberty striking her much later than most of her friends, which was a constant source of material for teasing her. Vikki could be alarmingly perky, almost never in a bad mood and always looking for fun. She’d also had a thing for me for about as long as she was interested in boys.
“When are you gonna ask me out, Robbie?” she whined, as I held the door open for her, offering to help with the groceries.
“When you grow up, Vik,” I teased, making a point to eye her lewdly. I was only a year older than her as it was, but this was a running joke between us. She put the brown paper bags on the kitchen counter and turned on me, grabbing her chest and pushing the little mounds of flesh together.
“Look, they’re getting bigger! And not having boobs is hardly an excuse, I’m cute and I’m smart and I have a personality. That’s more than can be said for some of the hussies you’ve dated. Why do you think you dump them so fast? Because you can’t stand them.”
“Hey!” I protested, raising my voice a little like I was going to get angry. “Maria was kinda smart.” I had timed it just right too, waiting for her to drink something after being out in the hot sun. OJ shot out her nose as she started laughing, doubling up and slapping the counter top.
“Is Robbie trying to convince you his girlfriends were smart again?” the sexiest voice man has ever heard asked from the hallway. Ms., formerly Mrs. Amanda Fletcher, strode her mold breaking body into the kitchen. She wore a thin bathrobe, and when I say wore, I mean barely wore. The fabric hung from her slim shoulders like it was about to fall off and showed enough of her unbelievably long legs to drive any hot blooded male crazy. She looked like she was twenty even though she was going to be forty in a few months. Her D-cup breasts swelled out the bathrobe in a way only a mature woman’s could, and never failed to draw my eye. Her light brown hair and blue eyes were just as captivating as her youthful features.
I refer to her as Mrs. Fletcher only because I was so used to it and I couldn’t stop. So, Mrs. Fletcher had a troubled life almost from the start. Her parents weren’t around much and when she turned twenty-one, she and her friends went on a cross country trip to Cali, where she met her future husband and father of her only child. Michael Fletcher was a second generation Japanese-American and international business owner. A drunken tryst turned into a full blown relationship and then a marriage after only three months. Mr. Fletcher was an incredibly successful man, owning nearly a dozen small businesses and franchises worldwide. He had ten years on her but that hardly mattered to either of them. They had been fantastic parents to Vikki.
Mr. Fletcher died in a car accident six years ago in Hong Kong while on business. His death had devastated the family, and it had taken years for both of them to get over it. Mrs. Fletcher had tried to find another man, almost desperately tried, but it had never worked. The longest one had stayed was about a month and a half before Mrs. Fletcher kicked him to the curb. Nobody she met connected with her like Mr. Fletcher had, they were either in it for sex or for the ridiculous amount of money she had been left with. None had really wanted to stay, especially with a kid in the equation, despite her model looks and easy going attitude. I knew all of this because my mother had an incurable case of the got-to-knows.
Mrs. Fletcher had come up behind me, and I was in the process of turning around to face her when she hugged me. I stiffened uncomfortably as her arms wrapped around me and her large, perfectly shaped breasts squashed against my upper arm. She was a good four or five inches taller than I was and it was all leg. I stiffened, not because I was truly uncomfortable, but because I liked it way too much.
“Come on Robbie, what’s the matter? After all these years and now you start getting all edgy around me.”
“I uhh…” I stammered. If she knew that I nearly creamed my pants anytime she so much as brushed my skin with a finger, she wouldn’t have been so nonchalant about it.
“Maybe it’s because you’re always half-naked around him mother,” Vikki said, barely controlled annoyance creeping into her voice.
Mrs. Fletcher let me go and stuck her tongue out at her daughter, sauntering past and digging around in the groceries. She was in fact half-naked most of the time, which is one of the reasons she drove me so crazy. Even now her robe was practically falling off of her slender frame. It wasn’t hard to imagine her naked in that thing. She pulled out a bag of grapes and hopped up on the kitchen counter, tearing it open and popping one in her mouth. I tried not to look at her; doing so could cause…problems.
I figured now was the time to get myself out of this disaster of a morning. It wasn’t usually like this, and I don’t know what had changed to make them act this way.
“So um, Mrs. Fletcher, what today?” I didn’t have a summer job per say, but I did all the manual labor around their house. I loved them both to death, but they were completely averse to physical labor. And besides, Mrs. Fletcher was exceedingly generous, especially so this year because I was heading off to college.
“Hmm, I think the pool could use a cleaning,” she replied with a smile, her voice soft. “I’ll get out the net thing if you want to go get your bathing suit.” Her suggestion did not go unnoticed by Vikki.
“Why does he need his bathing suit?”
“You don’t think I’d let him work his butt off out in the sun right next to the pool without it, do you? That would just be torture.” For some unexplainable reason, the thought of Mrs. Fletcher torturing me forced its way into my brain, and not the bloody torture either, the good kind, if that makes any sense. It didn’t help that she gave me a cute little look as she said it. What was going on with her today?
“Um, alright. You know where it is right?”
“Well of course I do…” she trailed off, a little extra color coming to her cheeks. She had no idea.
“On top of the shed,” I smiled, “What would you two do without me?” I was chuckling as I turned to head back outside.
“We’d probably die,” Mrs. Fletcher called as Vikki followed me out.
Once safely outside, I asked her, “What’s with your mom today?”
“I wish I knew. She’s been really weird lately.” She looked concerned for a second before shrugging it off, “Whatever, it’s probably nothing. I have to go to work. See you around Robbie.”
“Mhm, I rented Waiting yesterday, wanna watch it when you get back?” She was a sucker for Ryan Reynolds.
“Hell yeah! I love that movie! I’ll be right over after work.” This was also a regular occurrence over the summer, inviting each other over to watch a movie.
“Cool, see ya then.”
She smiled back at me as she got into her car, a high performance civic that her mom had sprung for and that I would kill to have. I waved as she pulled away and drove off. Shaking my head, I turned and headed back into my house. My parents were at work and my brother had graduated college, and was living with his fianc?n Boston.
I went to my room and changed into my suit, heading to the bathroom before I left. I was washing my hands when I caught my reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t that I tried hard to get girlfriends, they generally came to me. It was a curse and a blessing really, I liked the ‘attention’ and the ego boost it brought, but the girls who liked me were just attracted to me by my looks. I admit it; I was a handsome son of a bitch. Tanned, even features, broad shoulders accompanied a well toned and muscled body that I worked very hard on. My sandy blond hair and tanned skin belied my Irish heritage. But those were only the minor things that drew the girls. It was my eyes that captivated them so, even caused one to drool, swear to god. Bright emerald green, and apparently depthless. One girl, Amy I think her name was, told me that it felt like…well I can’t really repeat what she said, but needless to say it was flattering. I loved them too, they were my favorite feature.
But anyways, I sprayed on some sunscreen and snagged my sunglasses before heading back out. When I made it back to the Fletcher’s pool I found Mrs. Fletcher in front of the shed, reaching up for the pool strainer. For a split second I wondered why she was doing this only now, but that’s also when I noticed she too had changed into a bathing suit, if it could be called that. The tiniest string bikini set I had ever seen was now on the sexiest woman I knew. The black bottoms were, at the moment, defining her ass better than any marble sculpture could. If that wasn’t enough, when she stood back after dragging the strainer off the shed roof, she pulled the fabric away from her butt where it had rode up on her a little, exposing a good deal of fleshy cheek.
“Are you going to get the scrubber thing for me too?” I asked in a mock stunned voice from a ways behind her.
She jumped with a startled squeak and whirled around, nearly decapitating me with the pole.
“Jesus Robbie, don’t scare me like that! You nearly gave me a heart-attack,” she gasped, holding a hand over her heart.
I chuckled, taking the pole from her, “Don’t you have to be old to have a heart-attack?”
She smiled, “Aww, thank you, I think.” I blushed against my will at the implication I had screwed up the compliment. She aww-ed again at my embarrassment and turned, reaching up for the squeegee type device. She handed that to me as well and stepped a little closer, her amused blue eyes trying to pierce the reflective material of my sunglasses.
She bent over slightly like she was about to talk to a child, her large breasts just about spilling out of her tiny black top, “You don’t mind if I keep you company do you? I’m so bored today.”
“No, that’s fine; just don’t throw me in the pool again.” There had been an incident a few years ago when I was smaller, where she had been teasing me about one thing or another and I had tossed a particularly clever remark right back, the next thing I knew, I was in the pool.
She sniffed, turning her nose up, “You started it.” I pulled my sunglasses down my nose and gave her an ‘oh-please’ look.
I stared her down until she cracked, smiling, “With all your girlfriends, you’d think you would have learned that the woman is always right.” As she spoke, she walked up to me and took my chin in her hand, shaking my head like she was scolding me. She stared into my sunglasses for an eternity before smiling again and sauntering past me.
“I’ll be out in a second.”
“Okay,” I mumbled, rooted to the ground by her touch. It was several seconds before I snapped out of it and calmed myself down. Shaking my head, I got to work, plucking the few leaves and other bits of debris from the azure water. It really wasn’t that dirty, which made me wonder why she had me doing this instead of something more useful. I switched to the brush after I cleared the water, and began scrubbing the sides.
“Aren’t you hot?” Mrs. Fletcher asked from right behind me. I jumped, dropping the scrubber into the pool.
I turned and found her lounging in a reclined lawn chair behind me. “Come on!”
She giggled girlishly, covering her mouth with a delicate hand, “Oh god, you’re so much fun.” She had her own dark sunglasses on and all I could read was her silly smile.
“Ok, we’re even then. And what do you mean? It’s like a million degrees out.”
“You still have your shirt on,” she stated in a weird voice. Normally I wouldn’t hesitate to take my shirt off, but the way she was acting today, I just wasn’t sure.
“Oh,” I said distractedly, pulling my shirt off and turning my back. The scrubber had floated off to the middle of the pool, out of reach from any side. “Come on,” I groaned, shooting a nervous glance over my shoulder at Mrs. Fletcher. At first her face was expressionless, but she must have noticed me looking at her because a grin slowly formed on her full lips. I turned back and shivered, unable to understand what was going on with her today.
I eased into the pool to go after the scrubber, the water feeling amazing in this heat. I still had my sunglasses on so I didn’t go under, grabbing the pole and working my way back to the side. I tossed it over the side and firmly planted my hands on the tile, lifting myself from the water.
She was staring at me again! I’d be the first to admit it was hard to take my eyes off of her when she didn’t know I was watching, but when the tables were turned I couldn’t take it.
“Jeez Robbie, how often do you work out?” she asked, sounding awed of all things.
Returning to my work I replied with my back turned, “Umm, it depends, maybe three or four times a week and then light stuff when I don’t. So I guess everyday,” I chuckled guiltily.
“It shows.”
“Thank you,” again, I replied with my back turned.
I had worked my way to the opposite side of the pool and I checked to see what she was doing. She appeared to be asleep but I couldn’t be sure, because her shades were pointed in my direction, but she wasn’t moving and her mouth was slightly open.
But damn it all to hell, her teeth started to show, she was smiling at me again! Now I had vision problems, distance wasn’t my forte and I couldn’t see details at range, but I could see her pearly whites from here no problem.
By the time I had worked my way around to her other side, she was still staring straight ahead but now that I was closer I could see her watching me out of the corner of her eye. It was then that it dawned on me. This had happened before, but not with Mrs. Fletcher, with Chelsea, one of my old flings. That creepy chick had stared at me for a solid week before I asked her out and crushed her just to get her to stop. Yeah, yeah, it’s horrible I know, but I bet you haven’t had someone stare at you for six hours a day, everyday.
Anyways, if this was how Mrs. Fletcher wanted to tease me again, she was in for it.
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